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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 360x240, cucumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7545483 No.7545483 [Reply] [Original]

Foods you don't get.
I will never fathom how the existence of the cucumber will ever be justified. For me it's a blend of unimaginable blandness and the texture is just awful.

>> No.7545488

It's crisp and refreshing, fuck you

>> No.7545498

>tfw you're in a rush and bought cucumber instead of zucchini

Life isn't fair.

>> No.7545511

What? Shit ain't bland. Fuck off.

>> No.7545515

Fuck cucumbers. They're watery and bitter. Good for you for not buying into the global cucumber conspiracy.

>> No.7545523
File: 173 KB, 1000x875, Liquorice_wheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7545532

Cucumber is crunchy filler. It's light and refreshing especially in the summer. Cucumber and tomato with salt and pepper on buttered bread is a great summer snack.

>> No.7545536

I am Dutch and I love black licorice.

>> No.7545540

It's more justified than yours.

>> No.7545545

You're buying the wrong cucumbers, or you're buying cucumbers that were raised in a bad way.

Go get a good English cucumber.

>> No.7545549

Cucumbers from single mothers are the worst. They're always bitter.

>> No.7545551

do you guys have the salty kind?

>> No.7545555

nice meme

>> No.7545562

Yes we do, it's amazing.

To contribute: I don't get why people bother to cook red cabbage. It tastes so much better to me when raw, than all dishes I've had it in when cooked.

>> No.7545563

I don't think you understand what that word means kiddo

>> No.7545570

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

>> No.7545571

See now that's a meme

>> No.7545620

I don't get Pho or oysters.

>> No.7545839

>not cutting off a few slices of cucumber to put in a glass of ice water
>not enjoying cucumber salad
>not enjoying a nice refreshing salad with cucumber and tomato

I'm sorry that your life lacks crispness and freshness.

>> No.7545858

You might only have a shit variety available near you. Some of them taste like nothing and have a texture like dried out melon, some of them smell and taste great and are crisp like a juicy apple.

>> No.7545959

Pho is just a soup. Not really sure what there is or is not to get.

>> No.7545966

I've never had a good quality cucumber in 30 years. They've really gone downhill and I don't know why. They used to be so crisp and flavorsome, now they have some tough leathery skin that makes an uncomfortable *pop* noise as your teeth burst through it.
You used to be able to eat them like a normal fruit, just by its self. Such a shame.

>> No.7545990


It's expensive compared to other vegetables, it's bland and uninteresting, and makes your pee smell weird.

>> No.7545995

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.7545999

I used to buy cucumbers to masturbate every day with after school. I still do that before putting it in my food now :|

>> No.7546023
File: 439 KB, 600x414, 5905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But they're delicious.

>> No.7546026

This, I usually piss in the sink. So whenever I eat asparagus I get a huge smell of my piss.
It makes me want to puke.

>> No.7546040

good fruits and veggies probably do seem bland in comparison with your high-fat, high-sugar American diets.

>> No.7546049


But I love veggies. I'm not even American.

This may come as a shocker to you people, but occasionaly you will find individuals with opinions different than yours.

>> No.7546051

Fruit and vegetables.
I just don't get it. They taste of hard, crunchy, soggy water. Or other weird, bitter tasting shit. Or they have some horrible texture.

Even if I'm having a burger, I'll pick the lettuce out.

>> No.7546053

i just dont get it
just a boring blend of shitty flavours and textures
i would rather eat shit to be frank

>> No.7546055


All the hard work has already been done for you

>> No.7546060

People with a different opinion than me have shit taste.

>> No.7546078

I wouldn't refuse these things if they were served to me, but I just don't care for them very much.

>> No.7546080

Is not haram.

>> No.7546098

You mean it's not halal?

>> No.7546103

get fucked m,ate

>> No.7546118

You say halal, I say haram. Let's call the whole thing urf.

>> No.7546252

I dip cucumbers in white vinegar and sprinkles with salt and eat. Try it

>> No.7546253

This. It has the same use as iceberg lettuce.

>> No.7546263
File: 46 KB, 1000x533, spring-onion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of this even?

>> No.7546272

I mix it in with my mashed potato, gives it a nice kick.

>> No.7546276

Why do you do that. Where do you piss when you aren't pissing in the sink

>> No.7546317

they taste good?

>> No.7546326

But then you've never had a sandwich with fresh tomato, cucumber, black peppers, and mayo.