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7545362 No.7545362 [Reply] [Original]

God tier sandwiches with 3 ingredients or less. (Not including bread). Pic related.

>> No.7545372

That's not a sandwich

>> No.7545382
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>> No.7545387

Grilled asparagus, smoked ham, and Gouda cheese

>> No.7545390
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>> No.7545397

What do you call it? A chicken burger? Technically speaking a burger is still considered a sandwich by definition. Thank you and have a wonderful day, friend.

>> No.7545403
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>> No.7545404

You should try Ginger Jam with Peanut Butter
Unfucks your mouth

>> No.7545405

By that logic then a soup would be considered a sandwich

>> No.7545416

It's a chicken sandwich on a burger bun. You still say sandwich when you order it...

friend. ;0

I don't care what you say, it's fucking delicious!

>> No.7545423
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ham and cheese toasties

>> No.7545427
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pimiento cheese sandwich

>> No.7545429

>By no logic what-so-ever soup is a sandwich now

Just admit you're wrong and move on with your life famalamadingdong

>> No.7545444
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>> No.7545453
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>By that logic then a soup would be considered a sandwich
Am I being b8'd

>> No.7545458

Fresh picked garden tomatoes, provolone cheese, basil. You gotta toast it though. It eat them almost everyday in the summer when my garden tomatoes Are ripe and super delicious.

>> No.7545495

Grilled ham and Swiss

>> No.7545501

salami, cheese and mayo

>> No.7545618
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>> No.7545998

turkey avocado mayo

sometimes the simpliest combo of flavors works best

>> No.7546047



>> No.7546062
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looks good

I usually put some of that chick fil a sauce on it too but only a little it's already kinda greasy

>> No.7546064

there's no way people this retarded can also type

>> No.7546065
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>That fake yellow "cheese" sauce
Looks gross senpai

>> No.7546072

low bite (Creamy) horse radish sauce / light tartar sauce

preferably on italian bread

>> No.7546077

Nope. Fuck that tasteless wallpaper glue. The true god-tier chicken sandwich has:

>Spicy-battered chicken

That's it.

>> No.7546089

Sure is pretentious in here.
Go back to tumblr, please.

>> No.7546093
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>> No.7546097


>> No.7546099

>hating mayo

non whites not welcome

>> No.7546100

beef poured with molten cheese

>> No.7546145

olive oil
jabugo ham

>> No.7546157

I am white you racist piece of shit.

>> No.7546163

Fuck of nigger.

>> No.7546165
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>> No.7546180


>> No.7546184

Tuna, mayonaise, bread

>> No.7546186

Oh fuck yes son
Replace the Cheddar for Gruyère and it's amazing

>> No.7546187
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barbecue sandwich = best sandwich

>> No.7546189
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Is that pulled pork?

>> No.7546190


>amerifat memewich

nah I'll pass.

>> No.7546196
File: 326 KB, 1600x1230, Pulled_pork_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7546197

Salami, imported swiss and mustard.

>> No.7546198

Candy and nuts

>> No.7546200

Opened this thread to post this bait, only to see that you've already done it.

>> No.7546203

Heeeeelllllll yeeeesssssss. I prefer mine North Carolina style with vinegar sauce and slaw on the side. Hush puppies and steak fries with that make it a GOAT meal.

>> No.7546205

>slaw on the side

>> No.7546216

I mean I can eat it on the sandwich itself but I'm not always feeling that you know?

>> No.7546217

Why the fuck not?

>> No.7546219
File: 164 KB, 1280x800, 30681_egg_salad_3000x2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like egg salad, you're no friend of mine.

>> No.7546233
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>> No.7546238

>4 ingredients
at least you tried

>> No.7546273


>> No.7546277
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Just two ingredients. Pizza and Big Max.

>> No.7546281
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Didn't want to be friends with pleb that has shit taste anyways

>> No.7546283

Is cheese whiz a meme? I've never had a cheesesteak with any cheese other than American or provolone.

>> No.7546285

generally i have heard that cheesesteaks with whiz are for tourists

>> No.7546288

Try one with swiss and mushrooms it's breddy gud

>> No.7546292

>calling sauce an "ingredient"

>> No.7546294

I could see that, but man it really does no justice to the sandwich when people see that orange crap slathered on it.

Not a big fan of mushrooms, but that sounds decent. Make that yourself or have a special place?

>> No.7546307

Looks gross af senpaitachi

>> No.7546309

Egg salad is one of the greatest inventions known to man

>> No.7546321
File: 665 KB, 4608x3456, smoked-salmon-bagel-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on bagels, smoked salmon, cream cheese and fried egg

>> No.7546334

Wew buddy. I had one of those at the Mickey D's near West End. so fucking good. Maine is for me.

>> No.7546340

No, it's diced salmon.

>> No.7546349

i dont see how you could justify it isnt

>> No.7546355

>fried egg

>> No.7546363

U S nt care wetb they sau toss are sooooo good!!

>> No.7546365

Sometimes I wanna taste the meat and all it's spiciness without anything taking the edge off it.

>> No.7546730
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you bastard

super interested to know exactly what else you think that could be

>> No.7546777

If it's in the sandwich, it's an ingredient, you moron.

>> No.7546791

Yes and yes gotta have DAT mustard on there tho

>> No.7546793

Peppers, onions, steak, cheese more than 3 fampai

>> No.7546872

It could conceivably be brisket.

>> No.7547033


Sabina? Wtf?

>> No.7547047
File: 2.27 MB, 1517x1019, sammich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just Mayo Chipotle

does a touch of salt on the avocado count as a 4th?

Like I said in another thread, I eat one of these everyday.

>> No.7547072

>just mayo
>it's not even mayo

Why is this allowed. Why don't you just eat regular mayo.

>> No.7547097


Gods are posting among men

>> No.7547110

And then there's you...

>> No.7547127
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I like the flavor of Just Mayo, also, no eggs.

I tried it for variety, I've been eating regular mayo for over 25 years. Just Mayo is really tasty.

try it, but don't get the memesauce flavor, it is dissapointing.

>> No.7547152

my grandma was the master of making poorfag 3 ingredient or less sandwiches.

Bologna and mayo on white
American cheese and yellow mustard on white
egg salad and tomato on rye
cold leftover meatloaf and mayo on white or wheat (probably doesn't count butt fuck it)
deli sliced London broil, Swiss, and creamy horseradish on rye

>> No.7547315
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>That's not a sandwich
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.7547325
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Brisket sandwich. It only needs the brisket which leaves you 2 slots for sauces or other ingredients.

>> No.7547367

Disliking God tier sauce.

>> No.7547387

Chicken schnitzel, avocado & melted cheese

>> No.7547394


>> No.7547514

A cheeseburger thats only meat cheese and grilled onion.

>> No.7547548

Ham & Swiss

>> No.7547599

no good sandwich only has 3 ingredients you fuck

>> No.7547611
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>> No.7547696

Because then a seasoning mix would be an ingredient. There's not substance to it, only flavor. That's how I can justify it isn't.

>> No.7548345

if they are the right components paired together, it can be glorious

less is more sometimes

>> No.7548359


more than 3 ingredients in the breading of that "chicken" alone...

>> No.7548376

I think OP meant "components". If you have to get that anal about his wording then damn. You couldn't figure out he meants chicken lettuce mayo as his example. Wow. You must be great at parties.

>> No.7548379


>> No.7548392

>grass on bread
There's a freaking bug on the crust, EW.

>> No.7548424
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>> No.7548471
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Do we count the sauce or not? I'd say a Reuben..corned beef, Swiss cheese, mustard and sauerkraut. But technically that is 4 unless the mustard doesn't count. If the mustard does count, then a chicken parm sub. Fried chicken, cheese, sauce.

>> No.7548488

montreal bagel, smoked meat, mustard

>> No.7548491

How stupid are you?

>> No.7548506

I live in a trailer park. We don't have that fancy 1000 island shit

>> No.7548526

no offense dude but if you can spring for the corned beef, swiss and sauerkrauet.. what's 2-3 more bucks for 1000 island?

>> No.7548532

It's made with Russian dressing, plebs.

>> No.7548537

No fridge and that stuff is all used up on the sandwiches right away where as mustard can stay out forever on the counter and be used for hot dogs and stuff where as I won't put 1000 island on a hot dog and can't refrigerate it

>> No.7548551
File: 13 KB, 214x236, pastrami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really only need 1 component for this sammich

>> No.7548639
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the sunflower seed?

>> No.7548719


cheeze wiz

>> No.7548862

literally a blend of ketchup mayo mustard and relish, there's nothing fancy about it

>> No.7548879


smoked salmon, smetana, dill, chives, roe

>> No.7548976
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>> No.7549003


>1 component.

>> No.7549296
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2)another bun o bread
3)bacon,lettuce,beef,pickles,sriracha and/or sriracha,tabasco(chipotle),tomato

>> No.7549316
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Reading comprehension was never really your strong suit was it?

>> No.7549325


>> No.7549332
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I could eat a million of these bastards

>> No.7549335

meatball, marinara sauce, parm cheese
>got em coach

>> No.7549341

it's not a cheese wit it's a cheese w/out

>> No.7549406

I've never had a bagel and lox, am I wrong /ck/?

>> No.7549409

You forgot the Worchestchire

>> No.7549413





>> No.7549418

Seasonings aren't ingredients. Otherwise OP loses at his own contest.

>> No.7549426


on a long roll. probably not considered a sandwich but if you've ever eaten an Italian sub you know the end piece where all the condiments soaked into the roll is the best part.

>> No.7549427


>> No.7549602
File: 50 KB, 200x200, 0916 - axpuKUb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love sandwiches, here are some of my best creations

Dessicated Coconut, Pineapple and Greek Yoghurt
Chocolate Melted, Cheese Doritoes and Cream Cheese
Green Thai Curry Paste, Dessicated Coconut and Nutella
Olive Oil, Moistened Flour and Double Cream
Cookie Crumbs, Breadcrumbs, and Pumpkin Seeds
Tomato Puree, Pumpkin Puree, and Pureed Garlic
Pink Sea Salt, Nutella and Dessicated Coconut
Cheddar Cheese, Whipped Cream and Blueberries
Salmon, Dessicated Coconut and Croutons
Dessicated Coconut, Almonds and Ham
Ham, Cheese and Dessicated Coconut
Tuna, Turkey and BBQ Sauce
Ketchup, Mayo and Fries
Tomato Puree, Dessicated Coconut and Nutella
Brown Sugar, Pink Salt and Dessicated Coconut
Green Tea Leaves, Confectioners Sugar and Ham
Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Puree
Coke Ice Cubes, Ketchup and Mayo

Try them, they are all tested and delich

>> No.7549718

Bacon Cheeseburgers

>> No.7549728

components... meant to say components.. i admit i said it wrong

are you happy? now gimme a sandwich no no more than 3 "components" in it

>> No.7549792


If this is not pasta, I am impressed at the amount of typing for one shitpost. I almost read it all.

>> No.7549951

the fries sandwich sounds like it might be good