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File: 1.54 MB, 1161x663, mexican-food-sam-yehia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7544857 No.7544857 [Reply] [Original]

I want to explore mexican food.
Can you guys give me any tips and recipes?

>> No.7544903


They're big on snacks and street food. While they have deep home cooking and high end cooking traditions many popular dishes are borderline junk food (but still very tasty).

Cuisine varies regionally in a big country with a variety of influences. Norteno cooking is different from Oaxaca or Puebla cooking. The variety of influences in the food of Mexico City ranges from Spanish, Indigenous and Austrian to Indian and Lebanese. Don't approach Mexican food as one cuisine - it is many. What type you're likely to find will depend on where the Mexican immigrants near you came from.

Don't be prejudiced against high end Mexican fusion as "inauthentic". This is exactly what some of the best Mexican chefs are known for at the moment, and done well it's fucking delicious. Because Mexican cuisine, like SEA cuisine is very much a fusion cuisine to begin with.

>> No.7545009


>put piles of chiles in everything
>use really cheap low quality meat
>if anyone complains about the heat just tell them they don't understand your culture

>> No.7545273


oh ok thanks, i'll keep that in mind. we only got a few mexican restaurants in my city, so i'm gonna be cooking it myself predominantly.

>> No.7545298

Elote is ridiculously good and I'm mad at myself for ever having tasted it because I now only truly enjoy corn on the cob when its prepared that way. Thankfully its incredibly easy

>> No.7545724

Wear a kevlar while you are there.

>> No.7546286


Wasn't familiar with the name till now.
I love a well-caramelized corn cob fresh off the grill.
Now that I think on it, I wonder if I could save the husk, grill the cob straight, then cut the kernels off, mix in with other ingredients, then wrap back up in the husk and grill it a second time---twice-grilled corn, as it were.

>> No.7546293

Dig hole, fill with hot coal, throw in whole goat, fill hole with dirt, wait 3 days, dig up goat, eat like a true Mexican. Serve with beans.

>> No.7546302

make enchilada casserole, if you don't know how to cook an entire chicken, look it up, it's easy, do that, doesn't have to be spiced or anything, you can add that later. look up some spices to mix with the chicken, throw it in a tortilla (you can add beans or maybe rice, but unneeded and mexicans don't do it) then make a sauce, to put on top. there are a few good choices, red and green sauces are with red and green (tomatillo) tomatoes respectively, and some spices, premade ones are acceptable if you're really lazy. also mole, but proper mole is quite hard to make, you gotta get a lot of dried peppers and roast them in the oven then crush them up and mix with spices and a bit of cocoa powder. then just put the sauce on top and top with shredded cotija, or mozzarella.

>> No.7546596

Found the "cosmopolitan" shitskin
Found the wetback
Found the average shitskin who has no clue what is talking about
>Lying this bad on the intewebz

>> No.7546609

Go be rude elsewhere.


>> No.7546629

these threads always end badly

half the people thinking western versions of mexican is even close to legit

real mexicans getting buthurt and not actually contributing

>> No.7546652


Count your blessings: It could always end in huitlacoche. :P

>> No.7546662

Say that 100 times and tell me you actually like good food.

>> No.7546826
File: 193 KB, 1500x843, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple recipe for corn.

Either grill or boil an sweet corn (mexicans use white field corn but it takes knowledge and experience to pick an ear worthy of grilling)

Rub lime on corn

Take corn brush butter on it.

Slather with mayonnaise

Roll in queso cotija (if you cant source this type of cheese use parmesan or feta)

Add cayenne pepper powder to your preferance.

>> No.7546869

Elote is a lot more than just grilling the corn, its what its covered in after that makes it great. Otherwise its the same corn you get at any halfway decent BBQ in the US

>> No.7546879
File: 11 KB, 250x236, 1450921329784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squirt lime juice on everything.




>> No.7547488


thanks, i'll definately try the corn and enchilada casserole.

I made some grilled chicken with ranchero sauce yesterday, not sure if that's mexican tho.
Made with red onion, yellow onion, bell peppers, white wine, chicken stock, flour, salt, black pepper, chili powder, tarragon and some chili peppers (couldn't find habanero in the closest supermarket). very easy to make and really tasty

>> No.7547510

take the following ingredients


And just do whatever the fuck you want with them. Seriously, the sky is the limit, put any combination in any form and cook them any way you want, and wa-la you have mexican food.

>> No.7547934


oh i also used fresh tomato

>> No.7548087
File: 425 KB, 1580x904, flag-of-the-second-mexican-empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless the Empire
And for you, Mole should be more popular internationally. There are many varieties and ways of serving.

>> No.7548106
File: 119 KB, 900x600, frijoles-refritos-thermomix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And about beans, some Mexicans rarely ear them whole. I personally really enjoy "frijoles refritos" (pic related is made out of black beans),

>> No.7548119

A restaurant here in Tijuana (FaceBook link)
It satisfies all my elote desires and they make a great atole de guayaba

>> No.7548399

To understand the mexican food you have to understand the "fritanga".


>> No.7548957
File: 116 KB, 1500x1125, rick bayless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick bayless tbqh familia.
