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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7542598 No.7542598 [Reply] [Original]

What are you supposed to call a waitress when you don't know her name?

Are you supposed to just say "Hey, waitress"?

>> No.7542606

>"Excuse me, miss, I didn't catch your name before"

>there are such uncultured swine on this board that they can't into social etiquette

>> No.7542613

>I'd like a coke zero with extra bubbles, sweetheart

>> No.7542620

Jane Doe

>> No.7542621

>>"Excuse me, miss, I didn't catch your name before"
Don't forget to tip your fedora while you're at it.

>> No.7542626

If in the American south...ma'am.
If anywhere else in America...miss.

>> No.7542629


>> No.7542633

just flag her down silenty
make eye contact, smile, maybe give a little wave
or if she's passing by just say "excuse me" loudly enough and then go on with whatever it you need

>> No.7542639

say excuse me anmd leave out the name?

>> No.7542643


>> No.7542645

>If in the American south...ma'am.
Do southerners really do this?

>> No.7542653

There's these things called honorifics. Use them.

>> No.7542663

When do you need to refer to a waitress by name?

>> No.7542664

The waitress is on the other side of the room.

>> No.7542667

I just bang autistically on the table until someone comes over to me. if its a waitress, then I order. if not I usually get thrown out for causing a scene. its usually the latter

>> No.7542669

I usually make my wife's son flag that bitch down because I'm trying to teach him not to be a pussy

>> No.7542676

Texan here, its about 50-50 here.
About 90-10 if you're in the country side.

On topic though, just don't say their name. I rarely refer to anyone by name, just catch their eye and wave them down if you need them.

>> No.7542682

Yes and it's considered polite

>> No.7542691

Who calls the waitress by their name? I always think it sounds weird when i hear someone do it. Usually it's uppity women and they use their name when they are complaining about something.

>> No.7542693
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>> No.7542694

I shout random girls names in the hope that one of them happens to be the right one

>> No.7542695

i say both ma'am and ya'll without even thinking about it.
im not even from a very stereotypical "southern" location, its just one of those things you pick up without even noticing

>> No.7542700

Ma'am is someone older than me, miss is someone youngster or an older woman I want to flatter. I'm starting to realise that most waitresses are miss to me, now days.

>> No.7542704

so senpai then?

>> No.7542752

I'm from the north, as yes, ma'am works fine, least in PA. What should I say? "Yo' bitch?"

>> No.7542838
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a hyuck hyuck

>> No.7542906


>Calling someone by name when you barely know them

Weird as fuck, only time it's acceptable is if they introduce themselves first, such as: "Hi, I'm Kate, what can I get for you etc"

>> No.7542915

>Asking for a name
>KEK Fedora
Make sure to show off your ripped biceps while giving her your order, you tool.

>> No.7542943


>Excuse me miss

Or if you're feeling brave give her the ol' tongue flick and say -
>let me cup those tittays honey dove

>> No.7542965

You're supposed to say "How u doin pretty mama lemme whisper in ya ear"

>> No.7542975

If she's black and sassy, assume her name is Shanequa.

>> No.7542976

What if she's married, you fools?! Talk about committing a massive faux pas.

>> No.7542980

Are you hoping it leads to the 'ol flickeroo?

>> No.7543002

How dare you all assume that a waitress is a miss, how do you know she doesn't identify as a casserole?! check your fucking privilege cis scum.

>> No.7543003

If its China you just yell 服务员!

The city I was in was known for its rudeness so it was completely socially acceptable to literally yell for the waitress.

>> No.7543111


You do have a point, sort of but now think about it - how many married women work as waitresses?

>> No.7543112

Quite a few have you ever worked in a restaurant

>> No.7543129


What kind of a hick town do you work at? Finding a married waitress in the city is like finding a unicorn, it's *insert current year* waitresses don't get married, they're just waiting for some richfag to show up at the restaurant one day to rescue them.

>> No.7543130

I just snap my fingers

>> No.7543131


>> No.7543147


>uppity women


my dad has always been that family member at the table to address waiters/waitresses by name

i always thought it was a little weird, but i get it. people like you more when you address them by their name... forms a kind of bond. good if you want to build repertoire at a restaurant. good tips will do that, too.

>> No.7543210

What if it's a male waiter?
"Hey guy"?
No way am I saying Mister

>> No.7543270

As someone in the service industry, you're wrong, I'm more than my position but you also don't know me well enough to use my name. Sir/miss works just fine. Using my name is creepy to me, this is professional, not personal.

>> No.7543279

Miss or Ma'am. If you want to go fedora, Madam or M'lady.

>> No.7543280

Addendum; If I go out of my way to introduce myself and ask your name, this means I'm taking the time to learn your name so it's cool if you know/use mine as well. I personally do this rarely but some people do it every interaction.

>> No.7543284

Sir or Waiter.

>> No.7543295
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"Excuse me, miss (Insert whatever request here)"

Are we really this socially retarded on this board?

>> No.7543306

Usually I try to make contact and/or raise one hand with a finger up (kind of signalling "1 minute"), then just address without any subject. "Excuse me," "Could I get," "[direct question]" doesn't need any subjective titles, because your'e talking with the person directly.

>> No.7543409

"Miss" is the PC-approved address for an adult woman, married or not, these days.

>> No.7543413

You ask your mother to get the waitress

>> No.7543418

Just say "yo, bitch, get your ass over here," you cuck.

>> No.7543463
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I've always done this.

But it's been bothering me for some time now that I don't know what to call younger males, especially boys.

You can do miss for younger women and even missy for younger girls. But all you've got to work with for the entire male sex is 'sir'.

The only thing I can come up with is son/sonny, since it fits the pattern of miss/missy. But to me, son and especially sonny can be pretty condescending.

Wut do?

>> No.7543466


>> No.7543485

mate, dude, man, homie, anata wa

>> No.7543487


>> No.7543492


But seriously, Ma'am or Sir.

>> No.7543501


And say it with a slight complimenting tone. The younger guys seem to like it since you're implying they're real men, instead of the suburban pothead momma's boys they really are.

>> No.7543518

Why is it rude to wave at a waitress for the bill?

>> No.7543535
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Would be crucified by the media and fired if I said this to a black or Mexican guy that's younger than me.

The issue is formality.

I'm from the South and punctuate my conversations with sir, ma'am and miss on both sides of the service industry (as a worker or patron).

The issue is that the suggested alternatives are informal and don't have the same effect as miss.

>> No.7543551

Miss, ma'am.

>> No.7543741

Sir is still the only correct address. It acknowledges that the addressee is a freeman like yourself, as opposed to a serf, slave, etc. Son is only acceptable towards a child, not an adult man (of any age) who is capable of working.

>> No.7543756


>> No.7543771
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I agree with you wholly as to why addressing men as sir is necessary; and son is acceptable for children.

But is there a word that fills the same role as miss, i.e. someone substantially younger than you (e.g. a 40 year old addressing a 18 year old), for young men?

Son does sound very condescending, but is it the only equivalent of miss?

>> No.7543802

Yes. Because miss is just as condescending. It's just that we as a society are used to being condescending towards women, so it seems not only normal but appropriate.

>> No.7543808

Young man might work well. Sounds a bit old fashioned though.

>> No.7543839

>we as a society
What is more ironic than a parochial xenophile?

Yes, you'll discover a feminist utopia under some rock in the Amazon jungle at some point or another.

Until then, keep talking as if this wasn't a human universal. It might come true. Maybe some creative archaeology can help, now that creative anthropology has failed!

You'll be able to get one over on your Republican neighbour down the road - world peace will thus be achieved.

>> No.7543853
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Miss isn't fucking condescending, it's the fucking term used to address both unmarried and formerly married women (Miss and Ms.), you fucking autist.

Since foodservice employees are generally discouraged to wear jewelry, such as wedding rings, it's generally fine to assume they're a Miss or Ms. If you want to be autistic about it, you can call a woman with a wedding band missus.

That's pretty good, actually, might consider using it IRL.

>> No.7545432

The only people who would bitch about this are old bitches who are like "EXCUSE ME IT'S MIZZZZZZ NOT MISS I'M MARRIED" - women love being called miss, especially when they're old

>> No.7545445


>> No.7545449


>> No.7545452
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wow calm your fucking tits, I dont recall that person implying other societies are better you ham planet. Obviously this fucking shit only applies to OUR society because thats the only context in which English applies in a wide scope as this.

Even then its fucking english and that kind of thing varies from place to place. you are probably both right and arguing over fucking nothing.

>> No.7545469

>from PA
>saying ma'am
T-dweller detected.

Fun fact: PA has the second highest percentage of NRA members/gun-ownership in the US, next to Texas.

>> No.7545477

I can't say "sir." It's literally against my religion.
I'd say "friend" but that sounds condescending to some people and "waiter" sounds rude to me. I just >>7542633 for all waitstaff.

>> No.7545499

I just snap my fingers and look in their direction. Usually gets their attention

>> No.7545517


>> No.7545541

ma'am is the proper mannerly term for reffering to a waitress or really any woman whose name you do not know, and for guys it's sir

>> No.7545546

how is sir against your religion? what kind of fruitcake religion do you follow that bans calling someone you don't know by a term of respect?

>> No.7545635

Whenever my drink is empty and a server walks past me without refilling it I push it slightly closer to the edge of the table.

>> No.7545662


More accurately, it's a personal belief as no one is expected to follow every suggestion.

>> No.7545671

It's fo-pa

>> No.7545677

>refuses to use terms of respect
>refuses to shake on a deal
all of my nope

>> No.7545697
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>being a quaker
top fef

>> No.7545701

is it you guys or the shakers that build stuff round so "the devil can't corner you"?

>> No.7545714

Meh. It's merely a suggested thing. No one's gonna look at you cockeyed or think less of you if you decide to swear an oath, shake hands on a deal, call someone "sir" or make promises.
I know I find it very uncomfortable to be called 'sir' because I'm no better than the person providing me the service (which fits more in with Testimony of Equality than Simplicity, I suppose), so I prefer to not use the term myself, either.
I used to go for 'friend,' but have found that that makes some people as uncomfortable as 'sir' makes me feel, so I avoid it all and just make friendly eye contact for attention. Works just fine.

>> No.7545719


>> No.7545721

think of it this way, for most of us, sir is a term of respect not an acknowledgement that someone is better than you, unless it's the sir that refers to those who have been knighted, in which case I think it only fair to acknowledge that the probably are in fact better than me. they don't hand out knighthoods for just any ol excuse

>> No.7545725

Just say mam, are people this autistic that they can't figure this out? Also why do you need to know her name in the first place?

>> No.7545731

I always call the waitresses at the local Mexican place 'Maria', I don't know any of their real names but they always respond so I guess I'm good.

>> No.7545735

"Yo minimum wage can I get some food in here"

Don't forget to never look at their depressive poorfag faces. They are depressive.

>> No.7545738




>> No.7545741


>> No.7545742

Back when I worked at a coffee shop I learned that calling middle aged or older women "miss" would generally result in better tips and possibly some awkward flirting.

>> No.7545747


For being such a small group, Quakers either currently run or have founded some of the largest multinational companies on Earth, like Cadbury's, Duane-Morris and Sony, as well as many of the more important charities, such as Amnesty International, Oxfam and Rowntree Charitable Trust, and some of the most respected educational institutions in the world, such as Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University and at least three of the Little Ivies, Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore.

There's a few of us still around!

>> No.7545753

It's the shape left of PA once you take out the liberal parts, IE Philadelphia and Pittsburgh IE the only parts that matter.

Only if I'm at Hooters.

>> No.7546010

I got drunk on a date once and I thought I'd impress her by clicking my fingers and the waiter until he came over

Surprisingly I got laid that night

>> No.7547356

"Yo bitch get over here" is pretty popular with the ladies these days.

>> No.7547359

I'd ask my mum to call the waiter for me

>> No.7547603

It's /ck/, where people come to autistically argue about fast food and tendies on the internet and have 200+ post threads about whether or not food X/person Y is s meme, so yes.

>> No.7547645

OP, if you are female I find that touching my cooch is usually sufficient to get a waitress' attention

>> No.7547674

Upvoted for "boss" was going to comment the same

>> No.7547678

Call em "little master"

>> No.7547698

Think thats common courtesy. Im guessing you are American where social graces do not apply.

>> No.7547717
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This isn't food or cooking. This is like starting a thread about what type of shoes you wear in the grocery shops.

>> No.7547719

Garcon! Hon hon hon

>> No.7547765
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i just do pic related to get their attention

>> No.7547776

>Implying that I'm not so autistic around women that I'd call one over

>> No.7547793

>tfw I can't snap my fingers

>> No.7547966

I just flag them down, pretend i'm deaf and use fake sign language till they're convinced - then just point at items on the menu. It got awkward once when my phone rang as the waitress brought me the food and I automatically answered using normal speech.

needless to say I didnt tip that night

>> No.7548355


yo man i went to one of your guys meetings and everyone just sat next to a rock in silence.

>> No.7548361

Do you not?

>> No.7548374

"My name is Anon, and I'll be your server this evening."

Just remember their name

>> No.7548378

iktf bro
My religion doesnt allow me to eat hotdog buns.
so I have to eat weiners by themselves like a huge fag.

>> No.7548384
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>remembering their name

i only eat at michelin starred restaurants and if they aren't at my table within 30 seconds i just start throwing my extra unecesaary silverware at them

>> No.7548440

as a waiter i will stare you in the face and ignore you if you snap at me

>> No.7548518

If you acknowledge someone by staring at them you are not ignoring them

>> No.7548533

You don't have to say a name at all. If you want their attention just say "pardon me" or "excuse me" with your hand raised to flag them down, then move on to what you want to say when they've arrived at your table. It's polite and I'm sure they get people forgetting their name a lot as it is.

I just remembered a time when I was 6 years old and I saw my waitress across the room at a diner and waved to her. She came over and I was mortified because I was just saying hi. I felt guilty about that for something like a year after - it was the silliest reason too, for some reason I got obsessed with the idea that her walking over to my table was a waste of her energy and that later on she would direly need that energy but, having wasted it, she'd somehow die as a direct result of me waving.

>> No.7548546

I don't think I've ever used a waiters name in my entire life.

>> No.7548632


My father calls them "babe" or "honey".
If it is a guy, "man". If it is a black guy, "bro".

No joke.

>> No.7548636

sounds like you got a pretty hip dad, anon

>> No.7548830

(Lil) Mama
Sweet Tits

>> No.7548867

is it acceptable to snap my fingers in a restaurant?

>> No.7548871

>Quakers either currently run or have founded some of the largest multinational companies on Earth, like Cadbury's, Duane-Morris and Sony, as well as many of the more important charities, such as Amnesty International, Oxfam and Rowntree Charitable Trust, and some of the most respected educational institutions in the world, such as Johns Hopkins University, Cornell University and at least three of the Little Ivies, Bryn Mawr, Haverford and Swarthmore.
>trusting oat-jews

>> No.7548897


>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who think people other than themselves matter


>> No.7548933

>What is "Young man"
>What is "Mister"
>What is "Boy"

>> No.7548960
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Only if you like jizz in your food.

>> No.7549047


Is there a jazz quartet really going at it?

>> No.7549060

I would'a just stuck with "Yo"

>> No.7549073

I had no idea that they still existed

>> No.7549125

My dad calls everyone baby, unless they're black he calls them 'boy'

>> No.7549196

There's a couple million, which is a drop in the bucket when compared to other religious groups.

A common misconception is that we wear what the oatmeal guy wears. Nah. Plain Friends do that, but they're really rather rare. I've never met any, in any case.
Most of us just tend to avoid wearing jewelry as well as clothes that advertise themselves, like something with a Nike swoosh or the name of the designer printed on it. We're generally T-shirt and jeans sorta people so it's entirely likely you've encountered a Quaker and never knew.

There are a few famous living Quakers. Kevin Bacon is probably the most famous of them followed by the whole Deschanel family, of which Zooey is most famous. Or Dave Matthews (of the eponymous band).

Go off and partake joyously of a Hot Dog this Friday, but partake you of no buns for that was the solace of Our Goddess as She was confronted by The Original Snub.

That's called 'waiting worship.' While mine generally does that, some Meetings do things differently.

>> No.7549726

If a waiter makes eye contact with me and they do nothing, I tend to not pay. I write the reason on the bill too.

>> No.7549731

I'm a buddhist