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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 1200x627, Gut_Bacteria_Emotions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7538875 No.7538875 [Reply] [Original]

Guys the fact is that the amount of calories your body is able to absorb from your food varies WILDLY depending on the health of your gut bacteria.

I know this place is crawling with calories in / calories out fags and you need to educate yourselves before you continue shitposting in every single diet thread.

>> No.7538895

You're the same fag that defends vaccines, aren't you?

>> No.7538896


no. good job convincing people with your sources m8

>> No.7538901
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Get out hambeast

>> No.7538911

just because the nutritional information isn't universally correct does not negate calories in/calories out. you won't lose weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

>> No.7538917
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Yes but it does mean that first step in any diet is to get your gut in order.
THe best way to do this in my opinion is the 5;2 diet.

>> No.7538946

>Yes but it does mean that first step in any diet is to get your gut in order.
The first step is to put the fucking fork down

>> No.7538952


>> No.7538955
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I can put the fork down for three days straight.
Can you say the same?

>> No.7538984

Anonrexia increases

>> No.7538986

gut bacteria obviously have a huge effect on your health but the people who claim to have a clear plan for 'bringing them into balance' or whatever are huge charlatans.

>> No.7538998

Not really

>> No.7539011

>people who claim to have a clear plan for 'bringing them into balance' or whatever are huge charlatans.

How so? I mean, I'm sure there is a lot of fraud in that business. Anyone claiming that magic crystal alignment sessions will adjust your gut bacteria are clearly full of shit.

However, there are ways that gut bacteria can be adjusted: selective antibiotics. diet adjustments (different foods "feed" different bacteria), probiotics (either naturally occurring in food, or as supplements). So surely it is possible for an expert being able to affect your gut bacteria within certain parameters.

>> No.7539018

I think there is some merit to this.

There was a woman who got a fecal transplant and after that procedure she became obese.

>> No.7539025

Once you eat a balanced and healthy diet, your gut bacteria will even itself out.

There are a few exceptions of course, and those people already know about it. Like Crohns patients.

>> No.7539029


Did she make any other lifestyle changes at the same time?
Do we have any causal evidence?

>> No.7539039

>Did she make any other lifestyle changes at the same time?

I don't believe so.

>> No.7539044

literally 5 fucking seconds on google scholar



>> No.7539048

It's still calories in / calories out. Even with a gut bacteria. It's factored in to the equation.

>> No.7539052

Sounds like they just put in way too much.

>> No.7539063


it is possible but poorly understood, is what i meant. there is a complex ecology in your gut that can be quite specific to the individual and therefore may require individual treatment.

>> No.7539075

It's well established for quite some time now that gut microbes are causal agents of obesity, among other things. Gut microbes can influence eating behavior by manipulating satiety and hunger via gut nerves. Recent evidence from 2014 and 2015 suggests that most cases of chronic constipation are caused by methanogen overgrowth (methanobrevibacter smithii), and successfully treated by selectively killing them.

>> No.7539084
File: 29 KB, 450x450, There is no fucking way this is healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to give RoseBot a poop rransplant if you know what I mean...

>> No.7539156

I drink so much I think I killed all of my gut bacteria.

>> No.7539162

Eat healthy

Exercise regularly

Is it really that hard for people?

>> No.7539170

If your gut bacteria is all fucked up, your advice is worthless.

>> No.7539171

I eat at Chipotle and diarrhea out all the bad stuff. Does that count?

>> No.7539175


no it isn't

>> No.7539176

>le chipotle diarrhea meme

>> No.7539179

All this time I thought I was 300 pounds cause of fast food and low exercise but now it all makes sense. It is simply my gut bacteria that stops me from losing weight like everyone else. Thanks OP!

>> No.7539186

it is still calories in, calories out you dumb motherfucker. if you're one of the people with gut bacteria that can absorb nutrients better, it simply means you have to eat... wait for it.....

less calories

2/10 for getting a response

>> No.7539203

>f you're one of the people with gut bacteria that can absorb nutrients better, it simply means

What it means is you need a fucking poop transplant you dumb mutherfucker

>> No.7539232

I'm pretty healthy. I can give you a poop transplant to boost your metabolism.

>> No.7539235

>shit transplants make you thick

>> No.7539243

This fucking garbage. I watched a documentary on this shit the other day, it was hilarious, just went around in a circular logic with nothing being explained apart from
>muh gut bacteria
Just so happens that gut bacteria friendly foods are unprocessed and low calorie.

How is this any different to the normal weight loss reccomendation a doctor would give?
Nothing fucking ground breaking here but some fag lord is making money off it with books and shit

>> No.7539265

Having a poor diet = bad gut bacteria
Fatties are just looking at is as
>I am fat because of my genetically predetermined gut bacteria

>> No.7539270


>> No.7539271

just take a zoloft. You aren't gonna get any appreciable result from diet alone. If you're not okay to begin with, a better diet won't make you wildly better.

>> No.7539289

gonna go out on a limb here and assume OP is a fatty

>> No.7539298

Why exercise and eat better food when you can spend $30 a month on meme pills and activia

>> No.7539389

the purpose of your digestive system is to
ensure as high as possible conversion of food
into energy.
If your body does that, you are healthy. No
reason to change that. it's simple as that.

>> No.7539398

The health on your gut bactaria is WILDLY dependant on whether you eat trash or healthy food.

>> No.7539405

>being the fag that thinks vaccines give you autism
On the contrary, son.

>> No.7539410

so many more factors than that actually

>> No.7539460


> it's simple as that.


your body is not a power generator

it does multiple things

your digestive system does not have a 'purpose', it has a function

>> No.7539472

i would love some information on how that diet gets your internal flora in order

>> No.7539565

It doesn't vary that much brah, counting calories properly will always lead to results.

>> No.7539658

I'll be the straw man, but yes. Your advice is worthless. I once get food poisoning from school food and it costed me a good struggle about my irritable bowel and stomache upsets for a good year or two. "Oh hey just eat healthy" advice is just as worthy as "hey don't crash cars when driving".

>> No.7540134
File: 29 KB, 480x416, 1458895639749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason, when I eat certain foods it elicits an anxiety response where my heart just starts beating hard and I feel agitated like the worst parts of an adrenaline rush. Don't really know the cause, but my diary seems to point towards bad food (refined carbs, salty, greasy, meaty, spicy), but it is inconsistent.

Don't want to see a doc, because the layers you would have to go through to find someone who actually both cares and would know what the fuck they're talking about to solve it would be a long and potentially fruitless pursuit.

Thinking it may be gut flora, but I'm open to other ideas like blood sugar levels or (more likely) related to neurochemical imbalances due to substance abuse.

>> No.7540162

I would say the first step would be to get your paranoid schizophrenia treated, then go from there

>> No.7540176

You're worse than docs with actual degrees.

>> No.7540236

>Don't want to see a doc, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about
>give me advice 4chan
always funny

>> No.7540246

Except the wide majority will not do more than the bare minimum, won't care, and will not help you. Kind of like the old joke:
>Doc, it hurts when I do "X"
>Well, then just stop doing "X"

The fact that you have to see your GP for them to refer you to the specialist, who probably won't do shit, to toss you around like a hot potato until you possibly find the right specialists, soaking up commissions each time, just shows how much of a racket the thing is.

As far as I'm concerned, unless you want a specific prescription, medical test, preventative screening, or have a legitimately treatable disease, then good fucking luck.

>oh, you have anxiety? let me recite for you the bullet points of my medical textbook that you coudl just read yourself. By the way, enjoy your copay

Gee, thanks doc.

>> No.7540266

Gut flora have tons of health effects. And we also don't know enough about them to make effective recommendations on how to alter that ecology to optimize healthy. Probiotics are on the level of leeching as far as evidence based medicine is concerned.

On the other hand we quite clearly know that calories in/calories out works and produces predictable results, it just happens to be significantly harder for some people to manage than others.

>> No.7540269



I love the uneducated too m8

>> No.7540409

Mentions gut bacteria but doesn't mention organic foods bio availability and superior ease of digestion as a result...

>Get good, you so close.

Raw honey, bee pollen, one liter of fluoride free water per day, something raw and fresh, high calorie, high water content, with a little bit of exercise and sunshine for vitamin D and you're doing alright. /

This thread has been visited by the noble health nerd from /b/ who faps to traps and makes love to women. The end.

>> No.7540462

>what are PREbiotic

>> No.7540753

[Citation needed]

And dont give me a "study" or survey published by some magazine. If any of what you say is true then calories in calories out still works.

I doubt its a thing but if you can only "absorb" 1500 of 2000 you eat then only eat 1500 youll still lose weight so long as theres a deficit. And note losing weight isnt the same as losing fat.

>> No.7540757

>THe best way to do this in my opinion is the 5;2 diet.

oh hey flavor of the month fad diet.

>> No.7540766


>I doubt its a thing but if you can only "absorb" 1500 of 2000 you eat then only eat 1500 youll still lose weight so long as theres a deficit. And note losing weight isnt the same as losing fat.

you are a retard

>> No.7540889

the thinking error that comes with diets is, that
you have to eat this and that to lose weight.
the exact opposite is true.

You should LESS to lose weight!

how do you think calories are measured? it's the energy your body can digest. It's called the Atwater System.
If it doesn't do so, you are probably sick.

keep telling this to you.

>> No.7540943

>organic foods bio availability and superior ease of digestion as a result..

citation totally needed and not from mother jones

>> No.7540949

Calories in & out is the way to lose weight. Now if someone has to explaine you shouldn't eat your daily intake via Skittles and a big Mac You just want to be fat.

>> No.7540970

organic food idiots in a nutshell.

it's for the nature not for your digestive system.
and here's the dark side of the whole organic meme:
you will need more space to grow your food. therefore your ecological
footprint is higher. you are actually doing harm to the planet as we are
already would need like 5 earths to sustain our lifestyle for everybody on

it's typical left party children thinking.
>some chemical fertilizers have sideeffects if overdone
>ban fertilizers entirely
>they don't see the problem because their lifestyle isn't affected

>> No.7541034

Just get a poop transplant
FMT look it up the shit transfer literally cures chroma in a significant amount of people who actually have real crohns

>> No.7541049

They should just skip all the bs and go to a direct primary care /concierge medicine. Europe is such a shit hole

>> No.7541137

There's no way a grown man will not lose weight when he eats 1500kcal a day, regardless of varying factors and circumstances.

That means there is no excuse to be fat.

>> No.7541154

Meanwhile organic fruits and vegetables are twice as rich in micronutriments as regular ones.

Oh, sorry, my bad: calories in/calories out.

>> No.7541242

My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial.
Can you say the same?

>> No.7541346

you just made that up now. nevertheless most people don't eat organic food, yet there is no widespread nutrition problem in the first world. what does that tell you?
don't you think regular produce is sufficient?
you only want the best of the best. bet you still think you are the 99%

>> No.7542021

You might be allergic to something.

>> No.7542102

1. Immune disorder (true allergy, enteric mast cell disorder)
2. Organic disorder (IBD, celiac, BAM, etc.)
3. Functional disorder (IBS, SIBO, with reaction to FODMAPs)
4. Chemical hypersensitivity (salicylate, amines, histamines, glutamate)
5. Malabsorption disorder (fructose, lactose)

>> No.7542987

It's too bad nobody will take me seriously to test me for each of those, it would cost a fortune to relative to my discomfort, and would potentially disqualify me from certain positions.

>> No.7543001


you might have GERD bro

its probably not your heart its acid reflux.

dairy, acidic foods (pretty much every drink is super acidic), alcohol, chocolate, fatty foods/meat (pork), fried foods will all trigger acid reflux and you might just be getting anxiety because you think its a heart attack

source - guy who paid $1000 in medical bills thinking his heart was fucked to find out it could all be cured with exercise and eating chalk

>> No.7543028

I actually saw that as someone's solution to their son's problem, and would just give him tums after a meal. I tried tums, but it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Perhaps I should get serious and borrow some nexium from my stomach-ulcer-filled friend to remove any doubt.

>> No.7543042

I used to be 250 pounds of fat. Lost weight down to 180 by eating 1500 calories a day of junk food. Hit a plateau and couldn't lose any more weight.

Started weight training and eating a clean 2500 calories a day and the pounds flew off. Now I eat 3500 a day just to bulk, 3k to maintain. Anyone who thinks garbage food and healthy foods have the same effects on weight gain/loss are delusional. There are many minerals and vitamins found in healthy fruits/vegetables/spices/etc. that will increase your metabolism and make weight loss easier.

>> No.7543046


you can buy omeprazole without a prescription cheap as fuck

try to limit portion sizes, drink water instead of soda/coffee/tea and don't eat before bed (last meal like 3-4 hours before you go to sleep at least) and maybe try elevating the head of your bed

losing weight/working out will help too.

acid reflux can have some weird symptoms (back pain) and can seem like chest pain (heart burn).

might want to go to a doc anyways just to be sure your heart is fine but its more likely acid reflux (super common)

>> No.7543050

I find that touching my cooch before I eat is usually sufficient

>> No.7543051


>now i eat 3500 a day to bulk

picture of you gut with timestamp please bro

>> No.7543060

That raises questions, because it seems to coincide becoming an office worker instead of in the field (sitting in a chair all day, meaning back pain and no exercise). It seems to diminish when I have a consistent exercise schedule and drink less alcohol. But it also seems to be triggered most upon waking up, and after eating.

Perhaps it's a combination of acid reflux and general anxiety, but I'm not sure. That's the problem with modern medicine, if it gets complicated, most are inclined to just shrug their shoulders and throw prescriptions at you, toss you off to another specialist, or kind of give up, while making you pay each time.

>> No.7543061
File: 710 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG00845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my loose skin from an older pic. not going to bother time stamping

>> No.7543108


what if you had an overall shitty diet but ate fucktons of yogurt ans sauerkraut and supplemented with probiotics?

>> No.7543109


i would guess gerd bro a lot of this shit sounds similar (spicy foods, fatty foods being a trigger and a new job that is less active)

i was in the army for 4 years. got out went to college gained weight became less active. went from 5'9'' 160 to 185 was skiing one day and bent over and went into a straight panic attack and felt like i was dieing. end up in the hospital with elevated heart rate and what i think is a heart attack and they tell me i have GERD.

its definitely a battle if thats what you have and you don't take care of it. will take a while for your esophagus to heal.

if its gerd best shit you can do is drink water and go for a walk. standing up and walking will let that shit go back into your stomach where its supposed to be. sitting down all day/laying down and eating is awful for it.

back down to like 170 now and its a lot better. no anxiety any more because i know what it is and that my heart is fine but ill occasionally get reflux still.

lots of reading out there on GERD you can check out but basically just try to avoid chocolate, spicy, fatty, acidic shit (onions/tomatoes) and drink water instead of other shit

>> No.7543118


i can tell you lost a lot of weight thats cool man but i would stick to eating like 2000 and cutting another 15-20.

>> No.7543139

Thanks, I'll look into it. I drink water like a fish, don't eat sweets, and have one coffee a day. Then again, when I'm off the clock I go full /ck/ and eat a meal of oniony, tomatoy, spicy, fatty goodness with a bunch of booze on the side.

I'll look into GERD more specifically instead of just my symptoms. It sounds like there's no magic bullet though, meaning the food decadence and drinking when the clock hits 5:00 would have to go. Lifestyle changes are always easier to realize and say than to do.

>> No.7543150

I've actually been 20 pounds lighter than that pic and I look far worse. My loose skin is a lot more prominent. Even if it's filled with fat and muscle, it looks much better than being very skinny.

>> No.7543153


you could try a BRATY diet and omerprazole for 14 days

bananas rice applesauce toast yogurt and water

yeah... it fucking sucks but at the end of the 14 days you will damn sure know if its a stomach/reflux problem or not

>> No.7543178

True, true. Wish there was a better way, because I honestly could not see myself doing that unless I'm doing another fully sober time again. I'm sure the booze is compounding whatever the root factor is, if not being the source.

>> No.7543198

Chronic alcohol consumption kills your gut bacteria, from what I've heard

>> No.7543229

You changed your BF% by gaining muscle, increasing the amount of calories your body passively burns. Had you not started weight training, you could have continued to lose weight if you decreased your calories to 1000, but that's not very healthy for a 180 pound (I'm assuming) male. I don't think healthy food and junk food are the same, but I do think this is primarily what happened. You also wouldn't have been able to gain muscle and remain healthy and energetic without a healthier diet. High carb junk food messes with your blood sugars and make you feel alternately perky and lethargic.

>> No.7543529
File: 171 KB, 684x864, 1459620511002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>on the contrary

>> No.7543538

gut bacteria is different from the bacteria in your colon you retard. you don't absorb nutrients through your rectum

>> No.7543546

no that person is pretty much right. talk to a dietition if thats what you want, thats the kind of specialty you are looking for. You should still see a psych for your rampant paranoia.

>> No.7543550

The real problem is most Americans don't have enough desoxyn in their diet. It known to promote weight loss. If more Americans consumed this we'd have a much lighter population.

>> No.7543878

>yet there is no widespread nutrition problem in the first world
Yea, what are obesity and type II diabetes. Being part of the 99% isn't an excuse for ignorance.

>> No.7543899

Yeah, you do. Not so much, but your body continues claiming as much as it can until you finally plonk it out.

>> No.7543909

that's not from lacking nutrition.

>> No.7543914

Why is /ck/ becoming a haven for meme dieters?

>> No.7543970

Do you agree it's from lacking good nutrition and is therefore a nutrition problem?

>> No.7544480

/ck/ was never good

>> No.7544484

Because everyone goes through periods where they dont want to be fat anymore.

They came for the fast food threads, became comfortable here in the soda and "guilty pleasure" threads, now feel the need to post about diets going through a "lets get healthy" phase.

>> No.7544503
File: 17 KB, 500x333, 5-2-diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's just about wanting to live longer.

>> No.7544519



>> No.7544873

i dont think you know what this word means

>> No.7544918
