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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 350x351, neonicotinoid-pesticides-imidacloprid-clothianidin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7536960 No.7536960 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/ I've got here before me a 12 lb. jar of some (raw) honey. Now I eat REAL raw honey every single day without fail and have been doing so for years. I noticed something though...This fucking honey I got last week is disgusting, won't crystallize, is extremely thick, and when I go to lick the honey off the spoon my tongue slides right over the honey like glass.

So as you can imagine I'm pissed and want to out this honey producer publicly but before I do so I want to get /ck/'s honey pro opinion.

What would you do, have you ever bought fake honey before(on accident), fake honey stories, bee pollen, bee products, and raw honey stories and foods that pair well with honey thread.

> I get about 500 to 1000 calories from pure raw honey everyday by drinking it. I don't often find a food I won't put honey in. At least a table spoon in 90% of what I eat.

>> No.7536979

I'm a beekeeper.

Honey comes in an outrageous variety of tastes and consistencies. Specifically why do you think this honey is 'fake'?

>> No.7536990

Not OP. This urban farming thing is really taking off in my community and the city relaxed regulations on beekeeping. What makes it worthwhile for you? Do you keep bees as a hobby or as a part of your profession?

>> No.7536991

This hurts to read.
Honey has always been a part of my diet and the powers at be have to fuck with even that.

>> No.7536994

What do you think it is? Honey base blended with HFCS?

>> No.7537000
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>> No.7537004

7%, wow.
That's like the OJ that is 5% real fruit juice.

>> No.7537007

That's why they have to call it honey sauce.

>> No.7537009

The disgusting taste, consistency issue( it does not want to well at all, I haven't ever eaten honey I've had a hard time licking off of a spoon, made my cheeks red when I ate it, and makes me light headed.

All those above are non issues even when I eat a pound or more of another honey I've ever gotten per day. On top of those reasons I tries to look up a website for the beekeeper and couldn't find a website. I did find a phone number that I will be calling but I'm just not happy with this stuff at all.

>> No.7537012

What's the point of eating so much honey? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7537015

Ya I have a feeling it's some sort of blend and it's almost blatantly obvious to me at this point. It's fucking depressing. I love honey.

I can understand that maybe this honey was heated a little too high so consuming it after it has been cooked will raise blood sugar levels RAPIDLY and to an unhealthy level unlike raw honey but I will get to the bottom of this.

>> No.7537023

>Shame on you KFC. I will never eat at KFC again... I've only ever eater organic food in the last five years anyway but I thought I should add that.

>> No.7537031

Does it have ingredients listed on it? I got actual fake honey as a gift once (mistake by relative) and it had an ingredient list on it. Typical fake honey does as it's required by law.

A burning sensation from honey is common depending on the plants they are gathering from, the other aspects aren't far fetched either.

>> No.7537037

I'm an Ausfag and haven't encountered fake honey... Yet.
Luckily I get my honey by the 1/2 gallon from a local supplier and since the quantity is so large, I don't visit too often.

>> No.7537047

I guess one of the perks of living in an area with a lot of orange groves is I don't have to worry about fake honey.

>> No.7537049
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I did it professionally as a research project in college (and I remember when the incident in OPs image happened, I was at OSU.) And I ended up just loving bees. They're adorable and really interesting for a lot of reasons. I just melted the wax off of last year's comb today.

>> No.7537054

Truly raw honey that is from bees raised 30+ miles from farms as to avoid pesticide exposure(kills bees) is a very delicious and nutritious food. It's seriously my favorite way to eat and supplies an easily digestible calorie source.

Monsanto is having a shit fit about raw honey and literally serving as the proxy for the black nobility who have sworn to destroy(destabilize) the United states at nearly any cost. It's pretty mad but faggots will be faggots.

>If the bees in the United states die Americans(as sick as the majority are already from consuming pharmaceuticals, and, fluoride(Monsanto) herbicide residues on conventional food) will die. from starvation. It's well documented and often referred to as agenda twenty one.

>Truly raw honey is a pure food source. One you can trust if you have your own hive and live far from chemical(hell) farms that pollute the earth to the point of death and disease....

Na mean.

>> No.7537066
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I hope those groves are organic. As soon as the bees ingest herbicides, insecticides, or ever some of the fertilizers they get very very sick and the colony often flees the hives in search of wild foods free from toxic sprays commonly found on oranges.

>> No.7537074

Americans wouldn't starve, they would just switch to wind pollinated foods. Corn wheat, barley, oats, are all wind pollinated. Additionally if we stopped feeding corn to cows there would be plenty of food as is without any farmland currently being used by bee-pollinated foods being converted.

It would suck worse than anything, and the average health would suffer, but basically anything and everything can be and already is made of corn.

>> No.7537081
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I hope they ban fluoride. It's extremely toxic and builds up in soil and fruits/vegetables.

Fluoride= extremely toxic(banned in 98% of western Europe too)

>> No.7537085
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>> No.7537087
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this thread needs more tinfoil

>> No.7537088


>> No.7537090

Ever hear of diversity?

>diversity is the key to reproduction.

How could you possibly support genocide over wealth and resource redistribution?
$700,000.00 Is the amount of currency alone that would be in the hands of each individual on earth. That isn't even ruling out the ability for localities to freaking donate to projects they see fit. You are just blind as all hell to believe anything short of nature the way God granted it to save us.

>The black nobility(families)are literally destroying the worlds and causing wars because they don't want to admit failure and share the wealth that God gave us to share.

>You have what is called Stockholm syndrome. Check your pulse.

>> No.7537099

Make more sense with fewer words next time.

>> No.7537104
File: 79 KB, 800x758, fluoride2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ground water poisoning from fluoride is becoming a serious issue and if you're not aware of the affect it has on plants re-read what my posting said. Even better go search for some side effects that you may be having as a result of your body consuming such a toxic chemical.

>> No.7537106


Biodiversity is necessary for long term survival.

>> No.7537107


>> No.7537109

Holy crap.

If you are american, go to bed. It's too fucking late and you are having a waking dream, brain seizure, or some shit like that.

On second thought, go to an EMERGENCY ROOM, let them know you may be having a stroke. Let someone else drive or call an ambulance.

>> No.7537112

Fair point, I was just saying a mass starvation won't be the immediate effect of bee die offs

>> No.7537114

My guess is a psychotic break

>> No.7537119

You will never stop us from putting fluoride and pesticides in everything. You sheeple will do our bidding. The genocide of the working class will be completed.

>> No.7537134

The tinfoil isn't making bees sick.
Fact: the bees ARE sick

>> No.7537135
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My main point here(i'm OP) is the issue with CCD, fake honey, lack of diversity/ interest in farming, toxic herbicides, and dire lack of education on such topics are a direct result of satan and his minions fucking up my homelands independence for reasons of perversion that the majority have not anticipated.

Bees are the future. When the ground water in polluted to the point that is entirely undrinkable like in IDAHO and areas where conventional farming has poisoned the ground water, we're fucked. Not all of us because I know how to pull water from the air with a dehumidifier and filter it but, Organic and independent farmers/ bee keepers are being decimated and the next step in their agenda is slavery 2.0.

>save the bees. Grow your own food and fight hard for wealth redistribution guys. It's our only hope to see any type of future and these fuckers are worse than I can even explain.

>> No.7537140

You fucking turd. I'm just tired. It's 1:07AM where I am and you sound like a pansy ass idiot.

>> No.7537145

No, no it won't.

>> No.7537148

Fluoride has got some drawbacks, but they're way offset by their positive effect on dental health.

>> No.7537149

My guess is you're affiliated with a military contracting gig guarding something or you're turning a blind eye to what's going on because you're well off and think you're somehow unaffected.

>> No.7537152
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Ever hear of bee pollen. Check the benefits.

Calcium fluoride is naturally occurring and is of benefit to human dental development. The synthetic chemical wastes being slipped into the United States of America's drinking water(majority) is not the same chemical composition.

>Hitler didn't give a fuck about your teeth.

>> No.7537155

Speaking of tin foil, did you ever add anything of benefit to this discussion?

Care to prove that you care about humanity? Hmmmm? Ya I think you seem lame. Like a lethargic devil.

>> No.7537156

Is there a decent water filter that removes fluoride?
I'm happy to just use a fluoride toothpaste as I spit that shit out. I remember in elementary school in the 90's, the dental nurse hammering into us we MUST use a fluoride toothpaste.

>> No.7537159

I've posted 10 times in this thread
At least one is useful

>> No.7537162

>Is there a decent water filter that removes fluoride?

Yeah, your digestive system.

>> No.7537163

That doesn't remove it, fluoride is a heavy metal

>> No.7537168

>fluoride is a heavy metal

Anti-fluoridation nutters, everyone.

>> No.7537171

It's not a heavy metal.

>> No.7537177


"Heavy metals are lead, mercury, cadmium, fluoride and chromium. These heavy metals exist in our environment, air, water and food supply and long-term accumulation of these heavy metals in the body can cause many health problems."

Check mate, athiaet.

>> No.7537179

Seattle Organic is wrong. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

>> No.7537181

You didn't even read it or give it a chance.

>> No.7537184
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This thread is coming to you live from high atop Mount Stupid.

>> No.7537221

Holy shit. You are a super special kind of retarded. You are the kind of person that builds dream catchers, refuses to step on cracks, holds their breath when they drive past cemeteries and HONESTLY believes that break a mirror brings 7 years bad luck. You should a) go to school or b) microwave your balls until they can never produce sperm ever again.

Source: I own bees and have a double degree in chemistry and not being a fucking lunatic.

>> No.7537226

This >>7536979
Honey is all different. That said, in world where counterfeit eggs, rice, grapes, etc actually exist, it's not surprising to find counterfeit honey. FFS you can hardly find real butter in the butter isle.


A lot of superstitions exist for good reason. Name calling isn't nice, anon :)

>> No.7537228
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Don't lie on the internet to make friends or win bets, anon.

>> No.7537348

>Autism(no really, check the list)
>Fucking "makes you dumb"
Right, and weed grows brain cells and good arguments will always be discredited by potato-level retarded infographics.

>> No.7537365

there's no difference between honey and high fructose corn syrup.

>> No.7537366

Bees make honey, HFCS is extracted from corn.

>> No.7537374

You might be right, but since I broke a mirror 6 years ago I have really bad luck to this day.

>> No.7537443


Does this even exist?

>> No.7537525

>they said $5 meal with 8 items was a good value

>> No.7537545

I see it in the honey isle

It's like fake maple syrup except it makes less sense because I don't think honey is that expensive desu

>> No.7537549

>high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup
Why are those two separated?

>> No.7537577


Of course insecticides harm bees, they're insects. You can always just throw more bees at it though (we're pretty good at breeding them). As long as it doesn't harm humans it's not necessarily an insurmountable problem that it hurts bees.

>> No.7537611


Reverse osmosis removes most of it, units are getting relatively cheap.

>> No.7537714

If anyone's curious, bees are doing OK in Oregon now. We've had an increase on home apiaries and wild hives are being marked to protect them from spraying.

>> No.7537741

Of course, damn hippies

>> No.7537742


So does a plain 'ol carbon filter, like a Brita pitcher.

>> No.7537771


AFAIK that's bullshit, in fact it doesn't remove much of anything.

>> No.7537774

Well, you don't know very far than, dummy.

>> No.7537792

Not putting on my tin hat but have you ever tasted the corn they make cow feed from? Or all the other products for that matter, it's inedible, it tastes like, feels like and probably shares more qualities with MDF than corn

>> No.7537795


You've got to be kidding. Activated carbon is an extremely effective filter medium. However, I will admit that the small amount of carbon found in those "brita pitchers" means that you have to replace them fairly often to keep them effective. The larger canister type make a lot more sense because they last so much longer before the filter needs replacing, and because the filter cartridges are so much cheaper since they are a generic commodity rather than a specific name brand.

>> No.7537818


From the Brita FAQ :

> The BRITA cartridge is not designed to remove fluoride. Some fluoride is naturally present in tap water, whilst some water companies add fluoride to the water. If you are concerned about the presence of fluoride in your tap water, you should check with your water supplier.

Also there are a few studies from competitors which show piss poor removal of heavy metals. The column is simply too short to remove much of anything, even much larger columns like the Berkey water filter need ion exchange filters to handle fluoride.

Ion exchange, distillation and RO ... those are the options.

>> No.7537902

Flouride is a Hallogen, strictly not a metal. It also has an atomic weight of 19, making it one of the lightest elements.

I'm not going to read a source that gets something so basic wrong.

>> No.7537917

High fructose corn syrup is 55% fructose 45% glucose, corn syrup is a 50-50 split. It makes a difference to people with liver problems and diabetes.

>> No.7537922

I wasn't saying I would be happy with it, but they could still make food.

>> No.7537959

But America must have MOAR CORN

>> No.7538132

You need a ≥1 Micron filter to remove fluoride AFAIK, which in turn necessitates one or two other filters in front of that to keep it from clogging

>> No.7538156

That's way too much sugar to eat on a daily basis dude.

>> No.7538196


The flouride ion is far too small to remove with a mechanical filter.

It can be removed via absorption (carbon filter) or by ion exchange.

>> No.7538232

>drinking 1000 calories worth of raw honey every day

>> No.7538238


Except carbon filters of reasonable size do bugger all to fluoride. Brita doesn't work by it's own admission and even the size queen of domestic carbon filters Berkey needs an extra ion exchange filter to handle fluoride.

RO on the other hand simply works :


>> No.7538242


I'm not disagreeing with that, anon. I was pointing out that it's ridiculous to attempt to remove a soluble chemical using a mechanical filter.

>> No.7538244

Define 'raw honey'. Do you bite the comb as it comes out the hive, wax and all?
Because if it's processed at all, it's not 'raw'.

Otherwise, the only honey I eat is from my grandmother's bees. That's basically spun off the comb, separated from the wax, and poured through a filter into jars.

Shit's delicious.

>> No.7538251

>Define 'raw honey'

Raw = not cooked. Thus it clearly means unpasteurized.

>> No.7538255


A reverse osmosis membrane is a mechanical filter. One of the papers in that google search has a bit about the fluoride ion being strongly hydrated and having a large hydrated radius to explain the efficiency.

>> No.7538263
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>A reverse osmosis membrane is a mechanical filter

Technically, yes. But it's a very different thing than what is usually implied by "mechanical filter". Those are typically string-wound or pleated media like pic related.