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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7536959 No.7536959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>good coffee is SUPPOSED to taste bitter!

>> No.7537014

Said no one ever.

>> No.7537018

I do prefer good coffee that has bitter notes. Can't stand acidic flavours, on the other hand.

>> No.7537025

I like coffees that taste like dark chocolate.

>> No.7537030

Just grab a black batista if you find one chained nearby. Get him to mix it with his willy stick and boom! Dark chocolate coffee your morning ready to go. Tell your coworkers too!

>> No.7537036

Great post, anon. Real grade A stuff.

>> No.7537055

I care about my health, so I put half a stick of grass fed butter in my coffee.

>> No.7537076
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>> No.7537094

I know this is sarcasm, but that post was hella-gay nigger-garbage

>> No.7537195

>I must enjoy coffee because I am an adult
>I don't like the taste
>I must make it sweet and undermine people who like the taste
you know liking sweet things is fine as an adult, telling people what they should like is childish.
I have no problems with people taking their coffee with milk and sugar as long as they don't call me a meme for liking it black.

>> No.7537205
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>> No.7537209


>> No.7537211

I wish obese sugar monsters would stop appropriating coffee culture.

>> No.7537214

the post you replied to doesn't warrant a fedora tip
>coffee culture
this one does

>> No.7537230

>I drink coffee for the taste

>> No.7537235

>he drinks coffee for the cafeine but I don't like the taste
just get pills
>he drinks coffee for the social image
you are insecure

What other reasons would someone want to drink coffee while not liking the taste?

>> No.7537281

I haven't had a cup of coffee that hasn't tasted like dirt. am I drinking the wrong shit or do I just have bad taste?

>> No.7537289

How diverse is your experience with coffee?
If low keep trying coffee (hint: at other places).
If high, you might not like coffee. That s not necesserely having bad taste.

>> No.7537291

>bitter notes
Nice may

>> No.7537293

>the post you replied to doesn't warrant a fedora tip

That was the epitome of a fedora tipping post you bean.

>> No.7537300

Perfect coffee? Black coffee. I'm a black coffee kind of man. The kind of man who rides on horses and herds cows. The kind of man outlaws fear. The kind of man who knows how to handle his lasso and 6 shooter. Gary Cooper? Yeah maybe when I was 12. Tom Selleck? 'afraid not. Clint Eastwood? Close but not quite. Try the Duke. Yup. John Wayne. What I mean to say is drinking black coffee makes me a grown tough cowboy.
Sugar and creamer? Ah no thank you. You see I drink my coffee black. I'm sort of like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. The tough cowboy type. Would you care to ask me how frequently I use sugar or creamer? Well go ahead, I've got time. Ask me. ... Glad you asked. Short answer: None.

>> No.7537308

>It's fine to like thing.
>It's not fine to tell people they are a meme because they like other thing.
somehow this is the epitome of fedora tipping

wew lad, I guess I've finally outgrown 4chan

>> No.7537320

>wew lad, I guess I've finally outgrown 4chan
>wew lad
evidently not.

>> No.7537325

I love how drinking black coffee has become a fedora tipping may may.
I just drink coffee for the caffine and to get warmed up, the sugar or creme seems meaningless. and how is coffee not suppose to be bitter? I honestly cant tell if this is a joke. Are these monkey shit coffee beans that are suppose to be more smooth or something?

>> No.7537328

I love you autistic fucks

>> No.7537329

I drink coffee because it's readily available at work.
It's not good by any stretch of the imagination but it's free and plentiful.
There are other options (water which I drink most of the time, soda and juices that I don't drink because too sweet/would rather have a piece of fruit, tea that's either over sweetened or been sitting out unrefrigrated for multiple hours, milk I'll have on occasion) but coffee is easy to get my hands on.

>> No.7537335
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>It's not good by any stretch of the imagination
>I drink coffee because it's readily available

>> No.7537556

>I just drink coffee for the caffine
How does it feel being an addict?

>> No.7537582 [DELETED] 

>bitter taste is inherently bad
Reported for underage

>> No.7537618

Did the butter have friends? Did the cow attend good schools?

>> No.7537635

>announcing reports

>> No.7537653

I'm more of the Clint Eastwood type, so I like to drink my coffee black, which means it's going to taste bitter.

>> No.7537662

Burnt tasting coffee > Bitter coffee

>> No.7537682
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>coffee that is neither bitter nor acidic
>coffee that is nutty and earthy

>> No.7537876
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>I guess I've finally outgrown 4chan

>> No.7537901

>i know this is sarcasm
>replies anyway
HOOOooOoOoOooOOOOoo good shit

>> No.7537909

Coffee used to pick me up in the morning, but now it just makes me more tired. What am I doing wrong? Do I just need to drink more of it?

>> No.7537928

Being able to appreciate bitter flavors is part of growing into adulthood.

Not even an opinion, just biological fact. So, sorry you're a manchild.

>> No.7537931
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>> No.7537934

I'm sorry anon but I don't understand how your korean cartoon girl relates to science

>> No.7537945
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>> No.7537947

on a food and cooking board.

>> No.7537953
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First day on 4chan?

>> No.7537956

>arrive at college
>make new friends that don't all play pokemon and wear graphic tees
>we go out, they want to go to a coffee shop
>I'm the only one who orders hot chocolate
>they all order coffee
>I can tell they're judging me, feel like shit
>get home, go on 4chan, seek validation
>4chan tells me adults do, in fact, enjoy coffee
>defensively spam fedora pics
>sob bitter tears
>even my tears mock my childish taste buds

>> No.7537963
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>> No.7537968

>to good bitter! SUPPOSED taste coffee is

>> No.7537977

>good semen is SUPPOSED to taste bitter and bleachy

>> No.7538119
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>even my tears mock my childish taste buds

>> No.7538129

Hot chocolate is my default drink. You need better friends. The reason why i dont drink coffee is because it has no body. I want thick liquids going down my throat.

>> No.7538153
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>thick liquids

>> No.7539057

the meme has gone completely out of hand and lost all meaning. if someone quotes you and attaches a fedora picture it literally means nothing but "I disagree and your posts upsets me". doesn't even have anything to do with eurphoria anymore. you can thank reddit.

>> No.7539060

Try amphetamines, anon.

>> No.7539067
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>> No.7539095
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I drink coffee with cream only. It tastes fucking delicious.
I also like it black from time to time.

Fight me nerds.

>> No.7539119
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>Just drink coffee to help the stale bread/pastries to go down in the morning and to keep myself awake on the commute

>> No.7539126

Do you really need to actually be there? Why is this inefficiency still allowed?

>> No.7539136

I've noticed that if it's not bitter it's either sour or fruity, so I prefer bitter. I like a good amount of cream though. I also only don't drink drip.

>> No.7539163

What the hell else are we supposed to talk about

>> No.7539285

I'm the guy who lifts stuff, presses the buttons, and undoes jams when they occur. Machines just aren't good enough yet.

>> No.7539299

Good coffee tastes good. The more you know

>> No.7539302


>> No.7539438

Define "good."

>> No.7539475

>not appreciating a strong cup of black coffee alongside a diverse plate of salty dried meat, sweet preserves, and buttery toast

>> No.7540802

Am I the only one who just tolerates the taste of coffee and only drinks because it's a cheap caffeine fix? If I want a hot beverage to enjoy I'd rather just have hot chocolate or tea to be honest.

>> No.7540812


It's like you faggots want to get memed out by the *tips fedora* crew

>> No.7540815

caffine pills are probably cheaper, no?

>> No.7540874

Then you have no business drinking coffee. Good acidity and only mild bitterness is how you know you aren't drinking shit.

If you like bitterness so damn much drink strong tea.