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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 650x380, Canadian-Goose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7536924 No.7536924 [Reply] [Original]

How good is the meat from these birds? They are very plentiful now and fearless of humans. One tried to attack me while I was in my car today. I could just walk up to these dumb geese with a machete and chop their heads off.

Got any recipes?

>> No.7536929

You should probably seek help

>> No.7536930

Goose is very fatty and can be quite tough.

Honestly you should just kill them and leave their corpses where they lay.

>> No.7536933

Goose is pretty tasty, but it might depend on what they've been eating.
>I could just walk up to these dumb geese with a machete and chop their heads off.
That's the best way to do it. It's how my grandfather used to kill his turkeys. You don't stress the bird out like you do when you hold their neck down to chop off the head.

>> No.7536934

Goose is a prized meat is it not?

Canada geese keep making pit stops in my pond to leave their turds everywhere.

If they taste good, the I'd like to eat them.

>> No.7536935

Don't mess with my dinosaur friends >:(

>> No.7536937

Roast goose is one of the best birds I've ever eaten. As the anon said above, a lot will depend on their diet.

>> No.7536953
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>> No.7536978

I'm about to let the red neck I was raised with peek out from the white collar of my daily life.

My dad used to shoot one on the pond every once in a while, one of our dogs was a trained retriever. If you always give the retriever the head and neck, when they are getting the bird they bring it back by the neck and you don't end up with teeth marks in the good flesh.

The dogs would get the scraps when we cleaned it and the bird would go in the hot smoker all day.

It was damn good, I guess the long smoking took care of the fat but kept the meat juicy, and all the smoke kinda hides the game flavor of wild poultry. We usually smoked wild turkey also, rather than roasting in the oven.

>> No.7536986

Although I should point out, since no one else has, geese are a migratory bird and therefor protected in most areas.

Check hunting regulations so you don't get a big ass fine for killing one, that would make the meal a rather expensive one.

>> No.7537051

protip: game birds needs some age time. I hang all the geese, duck and dove I shoot by their necks in a spare fridge until you can tug slightly and their heads come off with ease, takes about 5-6 days.

greatly improves taste and texture

>> No.7537122
File: 17 KB, 210x240, 1455954565949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow Redneck reporting in. Smoked Turkey is confirmed for best mode.

This. Fine where I am located is out of control for even accidentally killing one of those fuckers. In the thousands. Maybe even tens of thousands. (And that is not an exaggeration, we legitimately have fines for littering that are >$5,000)

>> No.7537130

Fuck. But the little bastards are total pests.

>> No.7537154

So are woodpeckers, but I would very likely go to jail for turning the fuckers destroying my deck into puffs of bloody feathers.

>> No.7537174

Texture and tase is probably shit because wild ones are probably a couple of years old.

If it's anything like eating chickens you want to eat them less than a year old otherwise the meat will be too tough.

>> No.7537178
File: 41 KB, 450x600, 1458156207726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goose fat is great for roast potatoes. Can you get smoked goose?

>> No.7537180


>> No.7537190

City geese taste like shit.

I have to drive hours north up near Fort McMurray to get tasty geese.

And, contrary to what you might think, a machete is not the best way to melee kill a goose. It is better to use a baseball bat to stun it (whack it in the head), then grapple it and break its neck. Cutting it's head off with a machete will spill blood everywhere and the goose will not die right away; it will run. You won't cut its head clean off anyway.

>> No.7537193

Smoked duck breast is fantastic, i think goose would be just as good

>> No.7537200
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Most machetes can't hold a sharp enough edge for that kind of job, and most aren't shaped well for it. Goose necks are real tough, you'd want a well-sharpened two-handed sword to provide the weight and power necessary.

>> No.7537208

I can confirm that. I used to work in a abattoir with geese and we used zweihanders to kill the fucks. We also got double the pay of the other workers.

>> No.7537210

Scott Rea makes excellent videos. He's the most underrated cooking show on youtube IMO.


>> No.7537215

that's a sexy hand and a half sword

almost as sexy as your dubs

>> No.7537409

Dont know, but I've often been tempted to run up and snatch one of those Goose puppies like in your pic

you could easily kidnap one and keep it for a pet

>> No.7537411

so you are saying geese are the blacks of the air?

>> No.7537421


I shoot them every year because they just shit on my cars and hang out on my driveway and shit on that too. Plus they are aggressive

I've tried to eat a few a shot but they always tasted like shit. Greasy and tough no matter how you cook them

>> No.7537429

>kidnapping geese

They will literally ruin your life and home. I've never felt remorse killing a goose, if anything I was pissed I wasted a 7cent bullet

>> No.7538785

Breasted out, without the fat layer, which peels like a coat, it is nearly 99% lean red meat. Like elk. It has to be cooked slow and low, and wet. Added fat helps too, like wrapped in bacon.

I shot 11 this season. In North America they are federally protected by international treaty. The legal hunting season runs through the fall and winter, usually about five months.

Whole birds, cleaned like a store turkey, have uneven inconsistent results. The fat stores the smell of whatever they've been eating, and if they've been into anything animalia, like worms or aquatic insects, or fry minnows, your oven will open upon the stench of corpses rotting in brimstone hades.

So be careful, and don't be afraid to just take the breasts. There's plenty of them out there.


google canada goose crock pot for best results.

>> No.7538792

Most states offer (may-issue basis) a nuisance license for much less than a hunting license that permits whacking a bunch of geese.

You just have to show that they are causing material harm, like to a crop, a managed soil area, managed water source, septic system, or real property improvement. Or that they are posing a hazard to human safety. Like shitting up your kid's sandbox, yard, or something like that.

>> No.7538794

All of this is correct.

>> No.7538812

>Vendetta against a wild animal for shitting
>Complain about their agression when you shoot them

You niggers need to step back and gain a grip of your lives

>> No.7538828
File: 52 KB, 460x276, yuccompensator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted from my iPhone 6S

>> No.7538839

Slow cook it. It is mandatory for it to taste good.

>> No.7538855
File: 51 KB, 500x680, damnniggerwheredyougetthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my years of browsing /cock/, This is the most to the point thread I have ever seen in my life.

>> No.7538858

What shit is this? Your life is so barren that your biggest enemies are geese and hipsters. Settle right down my man.

>> No.7538870

All wild geese in the world are belong to the queen of England.

Not even joking look it up.

>> No.7538877

Why have these motherfuckers gotten so ballsy in their harassments lately?

I caught a pair of the fuckers chasing one of the neighbourhood dogs around

>> No.7538885

They're on our money so canadians are shit outta luck

>> No.7538904

I'm foreign to the US and in my home country, my family ate either goose or suckling pig on St Martin's Day, which is in November. To try to combine that tradition with living in the US, my dad would buy a goose for Thanksgiving from time to time. I've eaten a lot of "normal" goose, but Canada goose less than a half dozen times. I didn't particularly care for it any time, though it wasn't too bad when it was fatty.

According to a hunter friend of mine: depending on the time of year, Canada goose can vary from dry and paradoxically greasy to fatty and greasy.
I think that no matter the season, they taste of slightly fishy turkey meets slightly fishy duck. I'd suggest that if you really wanna eat it, wait until nearer the end of summer to nab one and try to get the one with the most Kardashian-tier butt.

As for methods, I slow cook most tough/stringy meats and Canada goose is no different. Try braising or slow-cooking its thigh and breast meat.

Make a stock of its spine, wings, ribs and thigh bones (also cartilage), then make a gravy or curry from the stock. Finally, sear deboned thigh and breast, cut them up, and slow-cook in the gravy/curry for several hours.

Surprisingly, the wings have nearly no meat, so they're well-suited to stock.

Different type of goose. Anser oca, IINM, is the Latin name of the one people actually eat. I like that one. Because its diet is well controlled, it doesn't have a fishy taste and tastes mostly like beefy duck^2.
IRC, Canada goose is some other species altogether.

>> No.7538936

I've never had it but I would love to try it. I hunt quail and dove when in season

>> No.7538948

Roasted geese is absolutely delicious, expensive and popular in Asia. Canadian geese are protected by law, I honestly doubt you are allowed to kill them, at least without license.

>> No.7539043

Goose is a fairly common meat in England. Had some easter. The fat is the best cooking fat and makes vegetables taste amazing.

>> No.7539055

Canada geese are about the worst meat out there, city or wild.

I used to shoot some just because they were plentiful, but nasty tasting.

The only way to use them is a meal that overpowers the meat. I ground some up to use in chili for example.

You could eat some with rice or potatoes by drowning it in butter and cheese sauce.

A slow cooker with bbq sauce and onions might be another way to go.

>> No.7539079

You will find that quail and dove are god-tier meats compared to Canada Geese.

I have also hunted pheasant, ruffed grouse, and various ducks and teal. All are better to eat than geese.

>> No.7539096

In the USA, you need a small game license, then both a state and federal migratory bird stamp. It' about $50 worth of bullshit that you need to kill off a nuisance that most people hate.

This guy may have a point though, in some areas.
>Most states offer (may-issue basis) a nuisance license for much less than a hunting license that permits whacking a bunch of geese.

>> No.7540788

ya like worms? you'll get worms if you eat wild goose.