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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 107 KB, 1000x747, pepperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7535270 No.7535270 [Reply] [Original]

Pepperoni is a children's topping. If you're still using it, you need to graduate high school.

>> No.7535279

I, too, agree with maddox like some kind of mindless doofus.

>> No.7535291
File: 10 KB, 249x121, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok maddox

>> No.7535296

People don't like onions LMAO, for every animal you don't eat I'll eat three! Merlot HAHAHAHA EPIC!!! Vegans suck, Cameron Diaz is SOOOO annoying LOL

>> No.7535299
File: 33 KB, 575x323, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh what?

>> No.7535300


Not true. If you ONLY like pepperoni, then you are a faggot.

>> No.7535308

Underage ban

>> No.7535312
File: 197 KB, 754x651, 1455852987547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American pretend Salami with tons of red dye in it


>> No.7535367

Pizza is a children's food. If you're still using it, you need to graduate high school.

>> No.7535377

What's the difference between pepperoni and salami?

>> No.7535520

Pepperoni generally is shit, but I still like it. I really wish i could make it a bit healthier, I really like the over all taste and heat pepperoni offers, and I don't see soppraseta ever really comparing.

the nitrate stuff was hilariously wrong though because that shits in any cured meat like soprasseta.

>> No.7535718
File: 21 KB, 256x336, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underage ban

I cant imagine someone over the age of 16 posting this thread. I'm being serious.

>> No.7535730

I don't understand how he's still popular. I used to like him when I was in grade 8 (so around 2003-2004) but then he started shilling his book too hard and stopped writing articles. I recently took a peak at his site for nostalgia's sake and holy shit is it embarrassing; he should have stuck to just writing. His voice is awfully effeminate and he comes off as a pathetic nerd.

>> No.7535744

>His voice is awfully effeminate and he comes off as a pathetic nerd.
Many of the most successful comedians are pathetic nerds who developed humor as a coping mechanism for bullying, ostracism, and general insecurity. Those types of comedians have a brand of humor that doesn't appeal to me, but it obviously appeals to a lot of people, and not necessarily because they are overtly aware that they are listening to the psychiatric oozing pus of a traumatized nerd.

>> No.7535776

Paprika is what gives pepperoni its colour and flavour. It's a perfectly valid salami.

>> No.7535800

Is he just like a shitty Andy Rooney now?

>> No.7535813

you know though he brings up a good point if its valid about peperoni not being healthy.

>> No.7535832

If you're eating [pepperoni] pizza to be healthy, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.7535835

It's not valid. Sodium nitrite is just what you use to cure meat. If you eat a salami, any salami, it was cured with sodium nitrite.

>> No.7535846

Still better than no topping at all. If you willingly consume cheese pizza, you need to turn 10

>> No.7535871

but still if it possibly causes cancer that's good to know.

>> No.7535880


could you help a hermit out and link to this Maddox person?

>> No.7535885

Any meat increases your cancer risk.

>> No.7535894

all carbon intake increases your cancer risk.

>> No.7535895

His site is literally the first search result of Maddox.

>> No.7535942

pizza is a children's food anyway
so why not pepperoni?

>> No.7535961

Jokes on you I dropped out of highschool.

>> No.7535971

pretty much everything you ever do increases your cancer risk

>> No.7535985

Eating cabbage doesn't.

>> No.7535988

But getting a whiff of a cabbage fart does.

>> No.7536010


Yes it does. Unless you can consume food that is devoid of C14, then you take the risk of developing cancer.

>> No.7536011

Fun fact: stomach cancer is an epidemic concerning Japanese business men.

They often eat together at Japanese "steak bars" after work to iron out business decisions and to network amongst themselves.

The "grilled" food that they (more often than not) order has been identified as the cause. The char (or burn) specifically.

This is the same reason smoking leads to higher lung cancer risks: burning something and the inhalation of the smoke.

>> No.7536042

whats wrong with pepperonis?

>> No.7536058

I have never seen a better summary of Maddox's decade-long career of shitposting.

>> No.7536064

yea they nowhere near as bad as peniseronis

>> No.7536071

My mistake, I just realized that he has probably been shitposting for close to two decades now.

>> No.7536093

both also contain increased concentrations of C14.

ingestion on PO-210 will increase your chance of cancer to >99%

Anatoly Grishchenko, who sacrificed himself and deliberately flew his helicopter directly over the exposed reactor of Chernobyl to dump concrete, died of Leukemia (cancer).

Until man can stop radioactivity, there will be no cure for cancer.

>> No.7536119

your autism is showing

>> No.7536137

>I'm so immature, I need to draw lines in the sand over arbitrary shit like pizza toppings to make me feel like an adult compared to others

Pepperoni sucks out loud, but this mentality sucks even worse.

>> No.7536180

What do you think autism is?

>> No.7537001

What? Where?

>> No.7537017

You've obviously never had little ceasers pepperoni before. Until you do you'll never make a creamed out mess in your pants bro. Also put a few Peps on your crazy bread and suck it dry. Report back after you've cleaned up your massive explosion. Pics not required but go ahead if your feeling spicy son.

>> No.7537026

If I'm eating at an actual pizza restaurant or making some myself I'll use interesting toppings.
If it's just generic takeout I find simpler is better; most of the fancy flavours basically suck.

>> No.7537237

If I'm trying a new pizza place, I'll generally stick to the classics like pepperoni, because if they somehow manage to fuck that up then they have no chance at having great pizza.

>> No.7537247

>American chorizo cured with non NaCl salt.
>Italian word for pepper.
I don't understand this food.