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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 876x493, frog_sushi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7531829 No.7531829 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most unethical or cruel food generally available? Balut? Ortolan? Live frogs/fish sashimi? Boring-ass veal?

What would go into the most transgressive meal, involving the most suffering possible?

>> No.7531842

Eating a cannibalism would pretty much be a lot of suffering

>especially raw

>> No.7531855
File: 38 KB, 550x447, antibiotic-resistance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk into your average American grocery store, look at the meat section from Smithfield/Perdue/etc. Worse than any shark fin soup, sashimi, ortolan, etc.

Mass-scale factory farming is unethical on multiple levels. Cruel to the animals, destructive to the environment, which in turn causes economic damage to industries that require cleanliness (see: algae blooms destroying fisheries). Renders common antibiotics useless, so that humans can no longer benefit from their use (in exchange for artificially cheap, low quality meat that tastes like ass). Creates antibiotic resistant superbugs that raise hospital mortality rates in surgical wards, etc. Not hypothetically, but demonstrably so. Also sometimes creates other horrors like zoonotic flu outbreaks, prions, etc.

Cue ten thousand angry retards raging and calling me a vegan because I have standards for what kinds of meat I'll buy and willingly eat. There is a huge side industry that shills for these factory farming operations and attacks the character of anyone who dares question them.

>> No.7531875


>> No.7531883

How is Ortolan unethical? Being drowned in alcohol isn't that bad of a way to go.

>> No.7531891

Any meat or animal produce

Stop pretending you're ethical for buying non-GMO free range grass feed beef

You aren't

>> No.7531923

Most Americans believe there is no conceptual middle ground between an endless tsunami of cheap meat 3+ times a day with a side of cheap meat byproducts, and going off the deep end with full on raw Jain veganism.

It's like the idea of a bit of good quality meat a few times a week is too complicated for their MacDonald's-addled limbic brains, they will usually reply with 'm-muh complete protein' and saying that they don't like lettuce

>> No.7531930

It's a protected migratory bird, even with the prohibitions in place the demand is still enough to threaten it with extinction

>> No.7531933


I've noticed the trend you describe on various internet forums but never in real life.

>> No.7532395

Even worse than the meat in the supermarket would be the eggs. The life of an egg laying hen in an industrialized system is so horrible that legally they're not even considered animals, because if they were it would be animal cruelty.

>> No.7532412

The Chinese act of eating a monkey's brain live

>> No.7532432

But I am. And this makes me a better person than you. How does it make you feel?

>> No.7532453

Probably something involving inhumanely killed mammals that can actually process what's happening to them.

Dolphin comes to mind, but it's less about all the documentaries showing how they feel pain and understand on some lever how their entire family is being murdered than it is about the fact that even the people who eat them say it doesn't taste good and is just tradition.

Killing an animal that you don't need to survive and doesn't even taste good is pointless and inhumane. I'll eat foie gras every day and feel no qualms about the ethicality of the process.

>> No.7532506

Some good answers here. Oddly constructive thread.

>> No.7532512

all college kids are rapists as well.

>> No.7532670

Grass-fed-lamb-fed veal.

>> No.7533169

Seconding dolphin. The combination of intelligence and the slow, gruesome way they're herded and slaughtered in Japan is beyond the pale for me, and I'm a hunter. That they're neither nutritionally necessary nor a delicacy is just the cherry on top.

>> No.7533189

Humans are meant to eat meat, we are omnivores. Quit being a retard and have a steak.

>> No.7533193

It was good for our species way back when, but it really does nothing positive for a well fed individual here and now.

>> No.7533194

Geese used in foie gras are treated better than most commercial meat sources, or so I've heard.

>> No.7533198

Thirding, for about the same reason. I kill what I eat as quickly and painlessly as possible and the way dolphins get handled is the exact opposite of how you should treat an animal whether you're going to eat it or not.

>> No.7533209

I just think that it's healthier for a person to have a balanced diet than to restrict themselves. Also, muh amino acids.

>> No.7534359
File: 19 KB, 250x170, ortolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>tfw people eat the weird blue aardvark things from Star Wars

>> No.7534364

That frog shit ain't cruel. It dies the second the knife goes through its fucking head.

>> No.7534365

I thought he was called Max Reebo

>> No.7534369


That's his name, his species is ortolan. A lot of them chill (heh) on Hoth in SWTOR.

>> No.7534372

where do you buy your meat/what kind of meat do you buy? i tried vegetarianism and it wasn't for me. i'm more interested in sustainability and eating non suspicious meats and would love to be pointed in the right direction if possible, thanks

>> No.7534375

This. The unnecessary slaughter of animals for food we don't need is totally unethical, end of story. Dairy is even worse.

>hurr but dey dun even die
No, they just get repeatedly raped and impregnated then their babies ripped away, while living in shitty co editions, so that you can suck down some health destroying pus juice. Their lives are short and horrible. But hey at least we don't make steaks out of them!

>> No.7534377

No animal is "meant to" eat anything, unless you actually believe in intelligent design

Nobody needs 1000g of meat every day. Fix your diet.

>> No.7534381

which films was this cutie in? i don't remember him at all

>> No.7534407


I don't agree with the practise It might be protected like all wild birds but it's not endangered or anything.


>> No.7534414
File: 18 KB, 400x388, Feels-Bad-Man-Frog-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man

>> No.7534419
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, frog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534422

Why does this bother carnists so much? Just where exactly do they think meat comes from? Aren't they always going on about how they want the steak still mooing?

>> No.7534431


it's dead. that's just a chemical reaction from the lemon juice making it move.

>> No.7534451

If humans are meant to eat meat, why do we have absolutely no predatory instincts?

I mean when a kid starts killing animals, its a sign of psychopathy.

Im not a vegan or anything, but this question weighs on me. You can give the theistic argument that god created us to be the superior species and animals were put here speciically for us to eat. However, if you believe in evolution, surely we would retain some kind of urge to maul a fucking deer and eat that shit raw.

>> No.7534539

Meat is generally far higher in terms of nutritional content by weight than other foods, especially when cooked.

The addition of meat to the diets of early humans is what allowed them to gradually evolve larger brains (and also weaker jaws). There are people who postulate that said larger brain is in part responsible for the development of civilization.

Whether you want to believe that or not is up to you but factually speaking the "humans" that exist today likely wouldn't exist had our genetic ancestors not began eating meat

>> No.7534554

Of course we have predatory instincts. We just suppress them. If we couldn't get meat or vegetables at the store I guarantee you we would be out killing animals for food.

>> No.7534555

mental conditioning based on the fact that we've always hunted with tools and for hundreds of years many of us haven't had to individually hunt animals ourselves.

>> No.7534569
File: 24 KB, 704x480, (G_P) Vampire Hunter D(x264)(0E102EA9).mkv_snapshot_00.21.32_[2013.07.10_18.04.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No animal is "meant to" eat anything

This retard here.

>> No.7534579

>why do we have absolutely no predatory instincts?

Do you think hunter gatherer tribes do not exist? Why do you think hunting as a sport has been so common across cultures throughout history? Does humans not killing other humans for resources etc not count as 'predatory'?

>I mean when a kid starts killing animals, its a sign of psychopathy.

Again, that depends on social circumstances and context. In a modern day non-ghetto american town maybe - in some sub-saharan tribe it might be a rite of passage.

>> No.7534604
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I actually totally agree with this, but I still eat meat almost every day. The alternative would be more tiring, time consuming, and not even necessarily cheaper. Still, I am a hypocrite and I know it.

>> No.7534637


>> No.7534723
File: 117 KB, 500x334, pinikpikan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not beating your live chicken


>> No.7534745
File: 55 KB, 482x331, asians are subhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably that vietnamese dish where they cut a monkey's skull open and you eat its brain while it is still alive. They have special tables with a hole cut in it entirely for this purpose

>> No.7534779

That's a real nice opinion there Mr. Dietician

>> No.7534784

Is this image real? Ive heard rumors of this but didnt know it was real.

Also eating brains, especially a primates is quite possibly the most retarded thing you could do due to that disease you get from them

>> No.7534789

You can get all your amino acids from a plate of rice and beans

>> No.7534792

It's a rural thing mostly, not surprised they haven't heard of prions before

>> No.7534793

I love how every time that story is told it's always a different country that supposedly does this.

Doesn't look real to me; it looks like a model or other sort of fake. The open skull appears to be raw, yet the monkey doesn't look realistic at all. Looks to me like some shit that someone photoshopped for the lulz.

It's some silly shit that gets repeated thanks to the movies Faces of Death and Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom.

>> No.7534801

>evolution has emotions
American ''''education'''' hard at work

>> No.7534807


>> No.7534838
File: 245 KB, 570x262, frog_banner_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7534921


Other than that stupid shit I totally agree

>> No.7534940

Oh god her little happy smile. Fuckin evil bastards. Beasts of the east.

>> No.7534954

I think Kosher slaughter in general is pretty fucked up. In theory it's supposed to instantly cut blood pressure to the brain and kill the animal, but I've seen so many videos of cows having their throat cut and then just scramble around squeeling for a few minutes while blood gushes from it's neck

>> No.7534973
File: 1.99 MB, 273x253, tumblr_nlqtcuWI8b1tlb56zo1_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dairy cattle
>while living in shitty co editions

come to Wisconsin bro, most of the cows here, especially dairy cows, are treated amazingly. It's not just a meme when they say "happy cows produce more milk"

>> No.7534977

>why do we have absolutely no predatory instincts?

speak for yourself you low test cuck

>> No.7535062


Explain to me how the harvesting of vegetables/grains/fruits are not unethical. Unless you get all of your food from your own garden, plenty of animals die during the harvest of most anything.

>> No.7535072


Build your own hen house and get your own hen. There is nothing wrong with getting eggs this way and I've yet to be convinced otherwise. This is where veganism falls flat to me, at least when it comes to animal cruelty.

>> No.7535076


So lets release them back into the wild and see how they do. I'm sure they'll be fine out in the woods.

>> No.7535228

I thought it was only in Indiana Jones

>> No.7535258

>Dolphins understand that their family members are being killed

They only feel bad because they know that they aren't the ones raping and murdering them.

Dolphins are assholes

>> No.7535263

Have you ever considered social norms and societal conditioning?

>> No.7535276

No, if a kid starts killing small weak animals that aren't fit for eating, it's a sign of psychopathy.

Killing a large delicious animal in the woods isn't.

>> No.7535283

He was the leader of the band playing for Jabba the Hutt in ep 6. If you get the "remastered" newer version, Lucas replaced him with some CGI monstrosities playing an awful new song, though.

>> No.7535294


>dolphins are assholes

I grew up swimming with dolphins, and even worked a couple summers on a sail boat where they would swim along side.

They're basically like somewhat domesticated dogs, and when they're around you can assure other people that they don't have to worry about sharks when they go snorkeling.

>> No.7535431

You do know predatory mammals are all taught to hunt by their parents/flock right? Instinct wouldn't carry them anywhere without education which most of us humans don't get with modern conveniences like stores. You could argue that the instinct to hunt is basically just 'the need to feed' applied.

>> No.7535443

I think part of the problem, at least what I experience in Canada, is that the vegetables available at grocers are disgusting flavorless shit - including all the shit we import from the US.

I only eat a lot of vegetables basically from July-September when the local farmers markets are running around here and actually sell decent stuff.

>> No.7535754

I don't think you understand how chickens work.

They're nasty, vicious creatures that evolved in a jungle. They have to be kept separated or they'll kick and peck each other to death.
They don't like bright lights, open spaces, or strong air currents. 'Free range' hens spend half their life terrified out of their tiny little brains.
The slightest disturbance puts hens off laying for days, and if their average output falls below a certain level, it is costing you more to feed them than they are producing in eggs. So into the stew pot they go, because laying hens don't taste very good.

>> No.7535766

We had backyard chickens when I was sent to live with some relatives in the old country as a kid, and none of that is true. I mean I guess I have no way of knowing those animals' state of mind, and it would be a mistake to try to assume, but then, isn't that what you're doing here?

I see a normal looking healthy bird wandering around the yard pecking at whatever looks like food (and usually is), and I see pictures of bloated shit-covered birds stuffed in cages smaller than their actual bodies, and I like any reasonable person tend to assume the first is living a better life than the second.

But then, I am not a shill for Tyson Farms or whatever you work for. So there's that.