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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 278 KB, 1841x1227, Five-Guys-Uxbridge-LR-87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7525042 No.7525042 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Five Guys Burgers and Fries?

>> No.7525059

No thanks.

>> No.7525068


>> No.7525073
File: 574 KB, 689x569, 139528764249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to 5 guys with friend
>friend orders burger
>"I'll have a cheeseburger with bacon and ketchup."

Fucking why?

>> No.7525079

Taste great as long as you don't mind paying $10-15 for a combo. Which I don't every once in a while

>> No.7525088

Walked by Five Guys yesterday in order to get to Greek Town.

>> No.7525090


Insanely overpriced for what it is.

>> No.7525140

I'm a big fan of cheeseburgers but I'm trying to cut back on beef for health and environmental reasons.

>> No.7525192

What's the deal with the free peanuts? Seems like an unnecessary liability
Too many fries, can't eat them all
Burger tastes good, it's nice that the toppings are all free and there is some variety

Overall I'd say I'd rather go somewhere else

>> No.7525208

Same reason bars give out free salty snacks. It makes you thirsty so you are more likely to order beverages.

>> No.7525215

I wish they didn't crush the fucking burger.

>> No.7525262

whats wrong with that

>> No.7525283

you're about to eat a sodium packed burger and fries, is that really necessary?

>> No.7525307

Better than in n out

>> No.7525318

They have a very dedicated viral marketing team.

Hi guys!

>> No.7525327

They have the 200+ flavor coke fountains. there is no one fatass enough to go to five guys that doesn't order a drink.

>> No.7525349
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>mfw 5 Guys has milkshakes in my area now

>> No.7525360

Who the fuck viral markets to 4chan

>> No.7525367


>half of the threads on /ck/ are specifically fast food burgers

do you even have eyes

how do you type

>> No.7525371


what flavors?

>> No.7525373

The milkshakes are great but way too small for what you pay, and the burgers -while good- are certainly not worth waiting 15 minutes for.

Also, not sure why they give out free peanuts.

>> No.7525380

Only once a year. It's like they soak the beef in pork fat first.

>> No.7525385
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>> No.7525419

>Burgers always come compact and smashed
>Add mushrooms, onion, ketchup, mustard, bacon
>Becomes sloppy if not unwrapped within 2 minutes
Those cajun fries tho.

>> No.7525424

The habit grill is ten times better and sells combos for way less, 2/10 wouldnt eat there again

>> No.7525432
File: 50 KB, 320x240, bewitched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate there once

employees yelling orders out
how kewl!

$12.50 for a cheeseburger, french fries and Coke

a bit pricey

>> No.7525436

worked there was awful

Fuck their fries too soggy and greasy

>> No.7525450

Is it $27 lol

>> No.7525452

Trevor Moore showed up on /b/ a day before doing a reddit AMA, which was a day before he launched a new series. Someone screencapped his post (with timestamp of course) and uploaded it to /r/4chan where it blew up and created massive publicity for his AMA, and the whole point of doing an AMA was to promote his new show.

You fags just don't get it. Everybody likes to think they are so smart but marketing execs have been hiring people who understand the internet for a decade now and they know how to play you like a fiddle. Look at how popular Denny's twitter account is. It's basically dude weed lmao but people willingly subject themselves to this marketing tool without giving any hint of a shit that it is influencing them to give their money to a corporation

>> No.7525462
File: 451 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_8154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only opened in the UK in the past few years, and they're just as bad as in the US, except over here people treat it like it's gourmet or something.

I thought the burgers were bland unless you let them flood it with sauce, the meat itself is bland, and the fries are greasy and far far too salty!

Plus it's too pricy in the UK. It costs more in the UK than I remember it doing in the US!

>> No.7525467

Someone went to a burger place and wanted a bacon cheeseburger with ketchup? How bizarre and unusual and unexpected.

>> No.7525472

They make you speak in their stupid fucking lingo or you get fired, you have to take 3 days of online courses half of it is back story on the five guys shitty self inserts

>> No.7525518

10/10 god tier drunk food.

>> No.7525543
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Oh god youre one of those people arent you... kys kek

>> No.7525546

Triggers poorfags.

>> No.7525557

Better than Carls Jr, Worse than Innout, not as good as most smaller chains.

Really not that good and overpriced desu

>> No.7525622

Pretty sure I paid $12 for a burger, a drink, and Cajun fries. It was good, but not $12 good.

>> No.7525689

they're good the first few weeks after opening, then the food quality nosedives so hard you'd think they sold to MCL cafeteria. soggy fries? always. soggy, compressed burgers? always. runny milkshakes? standard. I wouldn't wipe my ass with their spongy, bland bread, and unless you're in a college town then the shift leader uses the empty pickle jars to make meth in.

>> No.7525896

is In-n-out any better?

>> No.7525914

I think they're great. My wife's son hates it, but to hell with that punk ass kid.

>> No.7525936
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I have no fucking idea. I'm English and we don't have that. I had a cheeseburger from burger king once and it was horrible. Like greasy cardboard.

And you cunts say British food is shit?

>> No.7526391

Alright burger but kind of soggy
Crappy mushy fries
Overpriced for what it is

>> No.7526414

Literally every time I eat there 30 minutes after I have to take a gigantic shit. Clogged my toilet on more than one occasion

>> No.7526430

Hang on. I'm pretty sure that unless you're seriously ill or there's something very wrong with your digestive system, food simply does not pass through that quickly. Which leads me to believe that the food from 5 Guys triggers some kind of reaction that told you body to empty your bowels. Well that's a good thing isnt it? Make room fast. Make way for the glorious 5 guys meal coming through. Nope, not the way you came in - we're heading straight through the abyss.

>> No.7526490

it's ridiculous I had a look at the one in Bristol, a burger, chips and a drink was pushing 15 quid. That's crazy.

>> No.7526505

I think they're all right. Basic, but not amazing. About what most people would make at home. Kinda pricey, but they come from one of the most expensive areas in the US ($15, or whatever is like pocket change for Washington D.C. metro area suburbanites). I've never experienced quality control issues, but I've only eaten at the original northern Virginia locations. I've never been bothered by wait times because I order online or using their app. Food was always made within one minute of my designated pick up time. It's a calorie bomb. Plan a meal from them to be all you eat that day. I think it got popular here because it's a straightforward fast-casual alternative for upper middle class workaholics to get a near homemade quality burger that isn't crummy fast food.

>> No.7526512

Overrated and overpriced.

>> No.7526515
File: 289 KB, 152x152, 3cd60aebd897d4144727149023ded85c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beef for health and environmental reasons

>> No.7526528

Nah, it's normal. Large meals trigger intestinal peristalsis to make room in the digestive tract. What would have just hung out in the intestines for a while gets jettisoned prematurely out the poop chute en masse.

>> No.7526560

compared to all other major cuisines, yes, it is shit. you're comparing your "cuisine" to american convenience food, I have gripes with some of their food but they guaranteed have much better dishes/restaurants there even if just by virtue of being larger and more populous

>> No.7526787

The inner machinations of my body are an enigma

>> No.7526794

I could get 2-3 times as much food at in n out and the quality is about equal.

>> No.7526839

Itt: shilling