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7521652 No.7521652 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7521683

I too get all my science news from websites that have all-caps words in every title
>healthy experts

>> No.7521690

Everything gives cancer

>> No.7521713

but vegetables more so. 40% increase in colorectal cancer actually

but why is that?
well because in order to compensate for the lack of fatty acids the body takes in, it needs to make use of what you are putting in to it. The result is an inflammation response to vegetable oils which as we know

cancer mothercucker

>> No.7521724

>mainsteam newspaper


>> No.7521730

You're causating something that wasnt even in the article

>> No.7521732

>Lack of fatty acids
Vegetarian does not equal lack of fatty acids. A low-fat diet would imply a lack of fatty acids, whereas vegetarian only means not eating meat. So if that's what the article states, it's stupid.

>> No.7521735

>but vegetables more so. 40% increase in colorectal cancer actually
>"Recent nutritional recommendations include reducing intake of red and processed meat to reduce cancer risk, in particular colorectal cancer"

>> No.7521736

rekt? what? at least vegetarians & vegans care for their diets & have to know a little about nutrition just to not die in weeks.

So keep it low, they're still ahead of you /ck/ fatsos.

>> No.7521758
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Holy shit, I just read an actual summary of the study and this is such a fucking bait article and thread that it's mind-blowing it could even exist. This study has NOTHING to do with vegetarianism. It looked at a population in India that has a specific genetic mutation relating to omega-6 FAs (which is hypothesized to have evolved in response to vegetarian diets). if you combine this specific mutation (which is much more common in Indians than Europeans) with an excess intake of certain omega-6s from high-PUFA vegetable oils, do you get more unfavorable results than in the control population. Vegetarianism has nothing to do with it at all.

>> No.7521761


Actual information about the research

>> No.7521767

It's believed to be influenced by a vegetarian diet from about a million years ago

But yes, it only affects those with the gene and those people need to beware of fat or oil rich foods, like most people should

>> No.7521770

You're a moron. A diet high in meat and low in fiber is a risk factor for colorectal cancer, veg is high in fiber.

Other risk factors include smoking, genetics, being a dude, and drinking a lot, but vegetables are protective

>> No.7521773

Science journalism is in a sorry state

>> No.7521787

Science Journalism? Lol. The article posted is from a fucking tabloid. It's right up there with "bat boy found living in cave" or "Elvis marries Obama"

>> No.7521791

It was more of a broad statement. I don't think I've read a science column besides The Economist that does a remotely respectable job at it

>> No.7521815

this isn't the only news outlet reporting on this, not my fault they wrote an incomplete article. I didn't even read this one
not really though, those findings everybody was going ape shit over a few months ago were demonstrating red meat really isn't much of a factor at all. It expressed that red meat consumption elevates the cancer risk by <1%

>> No.7521822



>> No.7521829

Speaking as someone who has seen literally thousands of colonoscopies, immigrants with high fiber diets have the prettiest pink colons even at age 65 when compared to fat western women who eat cheeseburgers and drink wine

Talk to a gastroenterologist first about it before you embarrass yourself like this again

>> No.7521847

I'd say a Type 1 Carcinogen is more than 1%, I could be wrong though

>> No.7521887

finally the veggies get the same bullshit treatment as normal people

fucking everything seems to cause cancer

we'll never live forever because at some point god damn cancer will take you

>> No.7521906

>Healthy experts
Oh you mean the people who constantly tell you how bad eating meat is now did a 180 turn and are telling everyone now how bad vegetables and fruit are?

>> No.7521921

read the thread dude, the paper makes no such claim

>> No.7521923

It wasnt even causated in the research. You're misinterpreting the data

>> No.7521930

Lifelong vegan and hardcore activist here.

Put me on SUICIDE WATCH! I just got BTFO!

>> No.7521942


end your life fuckface.

>> No.7521983

dont you have 12 lbs of kale to eat?

>> No.7522016

>not being a raw carnist