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7520566 No.7520566 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite charcoal? Does charcoal type and brand even make a difference?

>> No.7520569
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>> No.7520575


Brand not so much. I'll use lump oak or any hardwood really. No compressed sawdust brickets please. Dont use lighter fluid. The petrochemical taste doesnt truly burn off. Use a chimney starter, faster than lighter fluid too!

>> No.7520604


By any chance have you had experience with coconut husk charcoal? There's some on sale at trader joes and I'm thinking about giving it a go.

>> No.7520703

>not using clean burning, efficient propane

Enjoy your cancer.

>> No.7520705

Taste the meat, not the heat, faggot

>> No.7520716

>implying the heat isn't delicious

>> No.7520750
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If I didn't want to taste the charcoal I'd just cook on the stove

>> No.7520803

royal oak lump and briquettes are bretty good, also kingsford competition. My local grocer sells 50lb bags of mesquite lump called sonoran, really good for high heat grilling.

>> No.7520862

Wood I chopped and then let season. Only faggots and women buy charcoal or use propane.

>> No.7520887
File: 8 KB, 190x265, Hank_hill_charcoal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell did you just say

>> No.7521702

If you are in california they sometimes put a sale on sonora charcoal $5 for like 15 lbs or something like that. Also, when i get a chance to go to northern california I take a truck and load up on red oak.

If you want the kingsford blue bag wait until it goes on sale usually $15 for 40lbs

>> No.7521728

>What's your favorite charcoal?
Binchotan, but I rarely use it because it's so expensive. My go-to is B&B hardwood. Failing that, Kingsford or Royal Oak.

>>Does charcoal type and brand even make a difference?

Absolutely. Hardwood charcoal burns hotter and lasts longer than briquettes. It also leaves less ash behind to clean up later. As for briquettes, they vary a lot in quality. Some brands contain more filler than others, and there are variations as to how quickly they burn.

>> No.7521740
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>tfw I can't find this anywhere after Labor Day.

>> No.7521757
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I make my own charcoal pic related.


>> No.7521771
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hardwood lump is best
briquettes have fillers and binders

>> No.7521775

costco sells it all spring and summer long, $13 for 2 18lb bags I believe

>> No.7521891

That's where I get them from but it has been so warm the Winter I ran out at the end of February from using the grill so much. I usually don't even go through one bag between November and March.

I had to buy a regular bag of Kingsford to cook steak last weekend and I swear it didn't turn out as nice as usual.

>> No.7521900


I love my meat tasting like paint thinner

>> No.7521907

Stop buying cheap charcoal you fucking tight bastard.

>> No.7521932
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>still using lighter fluid

>> No.7521938

Burn the coal...pay the toll...

>> No.7521957

Exactly what was Hank's beef with charcoal? If anything propane would have the gas taste imbued into the food.

>> No.7521960

People who use charcoal don't buy propane or propane accessories

>> No.7521974

>gas taste


>> No.7521985

Taste the meat not the heat you inbred retard

>> No.7521988

What does that even mean?

>> No.7521995

It means that Anon is unaware of the significant positive flavor additions that come from grilling, roasting or smoking with a high quality wood product.

>> No.7522005

My brother grew up with my dad using nothing but charcoal for grilling and slow BBQing but the woman he married grew up in a family that only used gas.

They decided to compromise when they got their first grill and bought a propane one.

>> No.7522038

That was the joke.
He knew charcoal was better but was too proud to use it.

>> No.7522055

Briquettes are consistent. They are the same size, shape and density so the burn is pretty uniform.
If you smoke with briquettes you can set your watch by the burn time. But they produce a fuck ton of ash.

Lump wood burns hotter and faster. Gives a better flavour and produces little ash. I think good lump wood is the best, however bad lump wood (and there's a lot of it) is not as good as the average briquette.

So if you can only get shitty lump wood that's all tiny bits and 50% dust, go for the briquettes.

>> No.7522086

>so blissfully ignorant
>so stubborn that his wife and son learned about the wonders of charcoal, but had to hide it from him.

>> No.7522110

happy wife, happy life :]

>> No.7522123
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Also, there was an episode when he eat bbq cooked with wood splits by bill, so he had no problem with wood fire only charcoal. He also hated butane (bastard gas).

>> No.7522144
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My mother has worked for Kingsford Manufacturing for 16 years. I do think there is a quality difference compared to other charcoal brands; Kingsford offers a variety of other products besides just plain charcoal, too. They have mesquite, hickory and applewood charcoal, lump briquets and even Hickory wood chips.

That being said, I've noticed that compared to other brands' briquets, Kingsford offers a better flavor when grilling, it ignites very easily (don't ever get Matchlight, it's memecoal), consistently stays lit longer than other brands, and in my opinion is the best for your money.

I dislike propane grills. Also, my mother gets unlimited bags of charcoal from her job for free so we always have plenty to grill out, even for me with my friends.

pic related wood chips are what I use for smoking, sometimes I add a lump or two of charcoal.

>> No.7522161

So your mother is a coal burning whore?

>> No.7522292

What charcoal would you recommend for red meat? Which charcoal is recommendable for chicken or other poultry?

Which burns hotter, which less hot?

>> No.7522370

For red meat i like hardwood mesquite charcoal. Real hot, adds nice flavor, smells good. For chicken you want something that burns longer, not as hot, and has a mild smoke.

>> No.7522422

Thank you, you are awesome.

I wonder if pine-like stuff could give nice aromas, too

>> No.7522427

>pine-like stuff

Lol, no. Pine isn't used for cooking; it generates a horrible sticky tar-like substance. Actually, it's not tar-like. It literally is tar.


>> No.7522430

I literally use KingsFord original for everything
Start it with paper, never with lighter fluid

Heat is determined by how you lay your bricks and how many there are

>> No.7522442

i like oak and sugar maple

mesquite is decent too but i find it strong so i mix it in with the first too

>> No.7522453

Ouch, I didn't know that. Thanks for preventing me from ruining my food for nothing, kek.

Very nice to know that there are actually people caring.

>> No.7522470

I buy lump mesquite from the Yaquis in big sacks, no idea what they weigh but they are recycled 44 kilo flour sacks. A sack cost about 5 bucks U.S.
Sonora Mexico

>> No.7522484
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burns hotter and cleaner

>> No.7522546

No. Resinous wood is never used. Only hardwood\fruitwood.

>> No.7522856

Alright, thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.7522913

How do you prep your charcoal /ck/?

I have a shitty charcoal chimney that I grabbed from k-mart, but it works great. I crumple up about 3 sheets of newspaper, stuff the ass end of the chimney while leaving room for air, and then light a 4th sheet and use that as a torch to light the chimney full of charcoal. The fire reaches to the top within 10 minutes and then I can immediately do any high-heat cooking once I dump them into the grill. For lower heat, I throw the lid on and put the vents at 1/2 for a few minutes so the coals slow down a bit. I find I get a lot more heat out of a chimney than from using lighter fluid. Also, no worries about aftertaste or cancer.

>> No.7522915

I put printer paper, or news paper in between the briquettes and light it that way.
Works perfectly fine

>> No.7522945

I have done this with lump charcoal before and it works well. But if I mess up and use too little paper, I end up fanning the pile to life for half an hour before I can do anything. This is a good technique to use in a pinch though

>> No.7523010

I get imported BBQ charcoal from Argentina at my local butchers. I light in a chimney using an electric charcoal lighter, its basically a hairdryer on steroids. Has the charcoal burning like a hot furnace in 5 minutes. This is for my spit.
Amazing flavours using South American charcoal, definitely use it if you can find a supplier.

>> No.7523044

>buying charcoal

How fucking lazy can you get?


>> No.7523258

>dump amount of charcoal you want in grill
>hold torch in one spot on coals for about 10sec
>walk away for 15min

>> No.7523283

This is the only correct response.

>> No.7523360

I use oil soaked paper towels with a chiminey. Newspaper has way to much ash flying around.

>> No.7523463

Lump charcoal the only charcoal. I think those briquettes are sawdust

>> No.7523484

I agree, lump hardwood all the way. I have used briquettes but definitely prefer the oldschool stuff.

>> No.7523978

basically, except we live in an area without any niggers. white country