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7519179 No.7519179 [Reply] [Original]

Parboiled rice and beans

What else?

I've got an instapot btw

>> No.7519220

canned tuna/sardines
on-sale meat


why is this thread here every day

>> No.7519230

forgot peanuts (or peanut butter, whichever happens to be cheaper at the time)

>> No.7519480

Why is it that no one ever names the real budget foods? Rice, beans, and oats are okay, but you need more than that. do what your ancestors have done for centuries anon.

Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions and most importantly GARLIC.

The Egyptians literally lived off of garlic. The stuff is delicious and nutritious as hell.

Also dont fall for the rice meme. Buy flour, learn to use flour. What do you really want to eat tonight? Rice, or a roasted garlic baguette?

>> No.7519500


if we're talking calories per dollar, none of these are broke people foods.

i might give you carrots just because hey're hella good for you and contain mostly soluble fiber (the kind that keeps you full), but otherwise nah. brokeness doesn't allow for the luxury of flavor.

>> No.7519518

You realize that vegetables supply very little energy, yes? Vegetables and fruits are luxury items that don't do what food is supposed to do first and foremost - prevent starvation. Aside from that, I agree with wheat flour, given that it tends to be cheaper than any other staple in many places. But realistically, continuously making all bread and pasta from scratch is not realistic outside of the specific OP situation of being NEET.

>> No.7519528

Carrots are primarily insoluble fiber, like most vegetables, but carrots have even less soluble fiber than the average vegetable

>> No.7519529

A 20 pound bag of flour is like a dollar

>> No.7519535


Pick one.

Anyway flavor is absolutely important. Eating rice and beans wont help if you throw it up because your body refuses to eat the same foods over and over. VARIETY is key. A single clove of garlic costs pennies and elevates food to another level. And if you don't think your body wont eventually shut down and get sick at the sight of the same food over and over you have never actually been constrained on a budget for a long time before

Plus as I have already said, garlic is incredibly nutritious.the Egyptians literally lived off of it.

Don't fall for the calorie meme anon. Rice and wheat are all the calories you need. Nutrients and variety are what are important.

>> No.7519541


bro what? i could have sworn that carrots were primarily soluble.

shit, i thought the same about sweet potatoes, but apparently i was wrong there too.

>> No.7519553


>rice and wheat
>nutrients are important

ok so where's his protein?
(complete proteins plz)

also i've been eating the same exact foods for months and i'm perfectly fine.

but please tell me where you can find a single clove of garlic for pennies? last time i bought one from wal-mart it was like 50 cents, at least.
complete proteins only plz

>> No.7519560

Again with this talk of energy. You get your calories from staple grains. This is how it works anons. Fruit I agree with, but vegetables have been the food of the poor for a long time for a reason.

Buy a head of cabbage for a dollar, buy a bag of carrots for a dollar, a raddish for a dollar a thing of green onions for 33 cents, a bulb of garlic for 25 cents, and invest $2 into a bag of Gochugaru.

~$6 for a months worth of kimchi that supplies many vital nutrients and will make any bland dish very tasty. Not to mention you will have plenty of left over pepper flakes to use in other recipes.

>> No.7519566

Buckwheat has a fantastic protein profile, you just need to live in Eastern Europe to get it cheap as hell. If you don't, enjoy your shitty gluten I guess

>> No.7519573

>Meat and Beans

Maybe I'm missing something and you retards thought I meant to live off of bread and cabbage alone? I meant in supplement to the typical "rice and beans" answer.

>50 cents

Now I know you guys have no idea what the hell you are talking about. A BULB is the whole papery bundle of garlic. A CLOVE is an individual piece that you chop up. A bulb contains ~10 cloves at least, so if 50 cents is the cheapest you can find, it makes each clove 5 cents each. A pittance for what it brings to the table.

>> No.7519583

Oats are good

Whole grain with lots of soluble and insoluble fibers. Less processed than bread of pastas.

In canada, canned salmon is about the same price as canned tuna. Salmon has better taste, more calories, more calcium, omega 3s...etc

On your oats, I suggest molasses. It's cheaper than honey and way more nutritious than plain sugar.

Eggs are very healthy

Beef liver once every few weeks. It's got tons of vitamins and minerals.