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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7514563 No.7514563 [Reply] [Original]


Do people actually like coffee or is it just a meme? I swear every time I see someone with coffee they have to add ice, milk, sugar, whipped cream, chocolate chips, hazelnut drizzle, gold flakes, and Shikon jewel shards to it before they drink it.

>> No.7514573
File: 74 KB, 600x302, alcohol-600x302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people actually like alcohol or is it just a meme? I swear every time I see someone with alcohol they have to add hops, malt, barley, grapes, rice, honey and spices to it before they drink it.

>> No.7514588
File: 756 KB, 2864x1887, Butter[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people actually like butter or is it just a meme? I swear every time I see someone with butter they have to add bread, milk, eggs, water, chocolate, sugar and vanilla extract to it before they eat it.

>> No.7514596
File: 413 KB, 1063x827, spaghetti[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people actually like pasta or is it just a meme? I swear every time I see someone with pasta they have to add boiling water, tomato paste, oil, minced meat, salt, pepper, garlic, onions and white wine before they eat it.

>> No.7514600

I objectively enjoy coffee.

>> No.7514612
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>they have to add ice, milk, sugar, whipped cream, chocolate chips, hazelnut drizzle, gold flakes, and Shikon jewel shards to it before they drink it.

That's literally an American thing, going by the mindset "more of everything makes everything better". Compare it to the attached webm in which a popular American Youtube chef said his omelette (which was already filled with ham, tomato and cheese) looked "too bland" so he added a ton of ice cold salsa.

>> No.7514618

>Shikon jewel shards

I laughed. But seriously though, just because you add things to something doesn't mean you're pretending to like that thing. Do you eat burgers with cheese, pickles, tomatoes, or any condiments?

>> No.7514619

I enjoy coffee, black.

Drank it for nine years, every day, with dairy and sugar until I weened myself of it for 90 days. After that, I began to appreciate it, black.

>> No.7514624
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>> No.7514625
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>> No.7514628
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>> No.7514633
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>> No.7514637

Same, kinda.
>started drinking it with sugar and milk during highschool exams
>became a habbit
>coffees got stronger and stronger
>cut out sugar because of counting calories
>now can't stand sugar in coffee, actually taste wrong,
>started job at a cafe at uni
>they were all dicks about putting milk in staff coffees so we had to have them black
>after a while preferred it black
>now I'm back to a small amount of milk because I don't want that shit staining my teeth.
>My favorite drink though, tasty as fark.

>> No.7514644 [DELETED] 
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I'm sure you like lots of things black you fucking cuckold

>> No.7514652


im a normie and ive only ever had coffee black

>> No.7514654


I know you think you're being funny

but please don't shit up a board that's actually decent from time to time. For me.

Keep it on /tv/.

>> No.7514707

This, except that I haven't been forced to drink it black but rather started to drink good coffee and espresso, which don't need milk or sugar.

>> No.7514713

worked in a cafe for a few years
good coffee made it easy

>> No.7514735

When Pope Clement VIII tried coffee, and described it as "so delicious that it would be a pity to let the infidels have exclusive use of it.", was it black?

>> No.7514753

An Omelet with some salsa is good, but that is way too much. Might as well just eat the salsa by itself. It's like people who by an expensive cut of beef, just to over cook it and pile ketchup/bbq sauce on top.

>> No.7514757

You eat your Salisbury Steak on a bun with a bunch of condiments, veggies, and cheese? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.7514760
File: 2.67 MB, 640x360, we're_gonna_add_one_prolapsed_anus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot more of everything will make everything better

>> No.7514770

I'm at a loss for words. What exactly is he trying to make there?

I'm pretty sure I saw some cut up hot dogs in the surprise meat addition. Some carrots and celery. Jalapenos. Cream corn. Green stuff. Red stuff that looks like a prolapsed anus. More jalapenos. God knows what spices. Some Indian Pale Ale just because. A good portion of salsa. And a greasy hand juiced lime to top it off.

I can only guess it has something to do with creating one of those gelatin dishes that look disgusting.

>> No.7515079
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>> No.7515128

Do people actually like 4chan or is it just a meme? I swear every time I see someone with 4chan they have to add shitposting, memes, frogs, pastas, and cucks to it before they post it.

>> No.7515133

Do you people not know what a roasted red bell pepper looks like?

>> No.7515149
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>> No.7515165

I'm asking for the source of this monstrousity.

What the fuck is he even making?

>> No.7515169
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More like a roasted bellend.

>> No.7515171

I've only had good black coffee once by an Armenian handyman while working a overnight shift at a hotel made in a cheapo Mr.coffee drip machine.

Except for that cup I only drink coffee with cream and sugar.

>> No.7515255


>> No.7515274
File: 9 KB, 250x248, 1458610497323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really like steak? I swear to christ every time I see some bitch ass nigga cooking steak they, season it, marinate it, or add some other flavor fuckery

>> No.7515281

>work at BK a long time ago
>fill a small cup halfway with coffee
>other half with vanilla milkshake
>stir it around

>> No.7515283

I drink energy drinks instead, desu.

>> No.7515293

can be good, but very often overcooked, too greasy and/or peppery

>> No.7515300

>b-but i NEED to do massive amounts of stimulants to stay awake during the day!!!

Just get more sleep, asshole.

>> No.7515302

Back to >>>/a/ with you

>> No.7515305

Pepper goes on pork, not steak.

>> No.7515306

Ah. I see. You're more of the Clint Eastwood type.

>> No.7515309

Not him but get your ass back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.7515318


I have never ever fucking seen a bell pepper in a jar before in my life.

In fact I have never seen some "chef" throw 14 cans of varying shades of shit in a pot and start stirring either.

>> No.7515325

>only season things which are shit
Dumb pedophile.

>> No.7515329

I don't think I know anybody who drinks coffee other than black, at least at home.

I think people just feel gypped if they go to a place like Starbucks and don't get extra shit, like if they went to Subway and didn't get any extra toppings.

>> No.7515341

>I swear every time I see someone with coffee they have to add ice, milk, sugar, whipped cream, chocolate chips, hazelnut drizzle, gold flakes, and Shikon jewel shards to it before they drink it
That's because all your friends are faggots. Black coffee is the best and what most people drink, at least where I am from.

>> No.7515383
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>Do people actually like to shitpost or is it just a meme? I swear every time I see someone shitpost they have to type out some shit and not think about it before they click on post.

>> No.7515395


I honestly enjoy the taste of a strong coffee with a littlw bit of milk, too bad I can't concentrate and feel shitty after it, but the taste is something you learn to appreciate and enjoy, kind of like a strong beer or a good whiskey, sure it tastes terrible at first but you learn to enjoy it and you can't go back.

>> No.7515396

I don't like my coffee super hot so I cool it down with something. I don't buy really good coffee because I'm just going to suck down a pot before work, and cheap coffee isn't worth drinking black. So I add something to cut the bitter to the crap coffee I drink.

I'll drink black coffee if it's cold, or extremely good coffee.

>> No.7515421
File: 46 KB, 600x600, w-rpw00_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roasted bell peppers come in a jar all the time

where you been my guy

>> No.7515456

>this butthurt
Coffee is a meme. People are proud that they need a crutch to function throughout the day and get anally angsted when anyone dares insult the caffeinated Jew

>> No.7515471

I love how he forces himself to have no reaction while eating that. "Don't do it Jack, don't give it away. You need these youtube bucks."

>> No.7515497


Can all be consumed for nutritional value, if in moderation. Coffee has zero nutrition.

>> No.7515531

That it makes you this angry is more than enough nutritional value for me.

>> No.7515582
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>> No.7515586


> popular YouTube chef
> king Jack

gr8 b8

>> No.7515796
File: 129 KB, 466x382, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like my coffee black, just like my metal

>> No.7515815

It's good for your liver.
And it also seems to piss you off that other people like something you don't, so there's that too.

>> No.7515897
File: 26 KB, 367x500, Coffee...black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cream...
>no sugar...

>> No.7515908

I just add some sugar.

>> No.7515911

OP, I like coffee!

>> No.7515916

I enjoy coffee, but I can see where you're coming from. My spouse looks at coffee and tea and can't see it as anything but hot, dirty water. It's just a good drink that can wake you up in the morning.

>> No.7515918
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>MFW I'm 25 and coffee is a useless crutch for people with natural energy or drive
Oh man, better go spend $8 on ground up heated bean water, with a cup of sugar added every single morning hahaha

>> No.7515926
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>that's right sir, I prefer heavenly tea over "coughfee"!
>only normies drink coffee unlike me who obviously has superior taste

>> No.7515993

I like coffee, but it has to be good. I've had black coffee that was so bitter and acrid that it made me nauseous, and no amount of sugar or milk helped. But I've also had coffee that was good enough to drink plain.

I want coffee without the caffeine though, hopefully with GMO coffee it'll be possible. Decaffeinated coffee still has caffeine and doesn't taste good.

>> No.7516004

I don't drink coffee every day, but when I do I just pour a small amount of creamer in it to cut down the bitterness a bit. I like the taste that way