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7514364 No.7514364 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else always nervous in grocery stores.

>> No.7514379
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No, I work in one. You should be nervous though. Especially if you're a young female. Or anybody. Do you know how boring this job is? All we do is talk about you.

>> No.7514381

Not really, but I always think, "what if a crazy white boy starts shooting up the cereal isle."

>> No.7514390

Wh-what do you say?

>> No.7514399

no, i'm only slightly autistic, not full blown

>> No.7514400

this is what most people do with customers. Think Clerks.

>> No.7514406

i used to be a degenerate and shop lift. I know this feel

>> No.7514407

I love grocery stores so much, it's so calming to walk around listening to piped-in muzak or oldies stations and look around the shelves. Big grocery stores are the best, I could compare sizes and prices and brands on cheese alone for hours. It's like an anxiolytic,

>> No.7514409

slightly but only because of my social anxiety. so not any more nervous than other places :-/

>> No.7514412

>go to the grocery around 2~4am
>super comfy

only problem is that the deli isn't open

>> No.7514416

not the person you replied to but I also work at a grocery store
Attractive females are labeled as "FuTSOOH", which stands for "fuck the shit out of her", obviously implying what we would do to the person of subject.
We also talk shit about many different types of customers, like fatties, old senile fucks, and anyone who is rude.
Trust me, if you have anything that stands out about you, it's likely that the employees ARE talking about you.

>> No.7514421

I don't think I could name a public place I'm not nervous in.
Considering I've been going to the same store for years, know where everything is and a lot of the cashiers know me it's not so bad anymore. Going to unfamiliar places is always the worst for the socially inept.
What in particular are you nervous about? I find it's quite different from person to person.

>> No.7514428

>Trust me, if you have anything that stands out about you, it's likely that the employees ARE talking about you.

implying I care about wage monkeys talking about me behind my back

>> No.7514432

Figures. How else are you peons supposed to pass the time? I get it

>> No.7514441

same here. then i panic thinking they will think i'm stealing so I roll up my sleeves at the check out and make sure they see it. but really if they didn't catch you when you stole the shit your fine.

>> No.7514520

No but it is one of the few places I get really pissed off easily. So many fuckwits that just stand around in the way, walk really fucking slow in the middle of the aisle or fly around corners as fast as they can with massive fuck off trolleys filled with boxes of soft drink and other heavy shit.
Not to mention how weirdly organised everything is. Everything is stacked so perfectly in rows of all the exact same shit. It doesn't feel right

>> No.7514544

I get really stressed around loud toddlers so I go to the other side of the store until they're gone. And the way some people move is just unnerving. Some lack the common sense to not blindly back up in crowded spaces.

I'm always judging the content's of you're are cart.

>> No.7514566
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I like to go shopping first thing in the morning on the weekend, when nobody is around. It's quiet and sort of relaxing, just walking around big empty aisles. You get your pick of all the new produce too, which is nice.

The only problem is most places around here don't have self-checkouts yet, and in the morning there's usually just one till open, so I'm kind of stuck if there's a cute girl running it.

>> No.7514584

This. I worked as a drive-thru teller at a bank for a summer. Know that when the speaker goes off you are the one being talked about behind the glass.

>> No.7514586

I get really paranoid too, strange huh?
Maybe because the lighting is bright and people behind me who make me feel like I'm in the way. Also why I hate driving.

>> No.7514587

This. I spend a good percentage of time on my 3 days off a fortnight either working out in my garage listening to podcasts about food and nutrition or walking through every supermarket and alternative culture food stores looking at every item. I always steal at least six quest bars, some veggie patties and cottage cheese every second day.
Oh and gum.. always steal gum.

>> No.7514591
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Yeah, okay Tyrone.

>> No.7514614

literally no different than going anywhere else in the world

>> No.7514622

how the fuck do you steal 6 chocolate bars without anyone knowing. do you go back to the same store?

>> No.7514623

not him but it's rediciously easy to steal from grocery stores

>> No.7514659

I am a young, tall handsome man who presents well. I wear casual clothing but these kind of cargo shorts that have big flappy second pockets at the bottom. Has a button in mechanism which seals it. I alter the way i walk to minimise swing and sound. I have like 22 diff flavours of quest bars in my fridge in a big box. Couple of bigger musashi protein bars too. I get off on stealing. Soluble vitamins like magnesium vitamin d b and c and even cans of sardinesml. Its out of control

>> No.7514688

only when everyone else's autism weighs me down.

>bring big bottle of beer to register in wegmans
>be a hairy giant
>be surrounded by small and scared rich white people
>"o-only this anon"?
>"it would appear to be so"
>"do you want a bag?"
>"I don't think I need a bag for just this, do you?"
>"a-are you sure? can I- shoul- do I let him leave?"


>> No.7514691

so you are a literal closet case lol.

why not just steal a nut or somethin in a pussy? some guys make a game of that. less harmful to society than stealing chocolate bro. germans slaved away for those coco beans

>> No.7514715
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It's all pathetic single men; only cash, no chit-chat.

>> No.7514718
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>handsome man who presents well
>cargo shorts

>> No.7514722

That sometimes doesn't work because they gravitate toward the register with a young woman who is inexperienced and very slow and they try to chat her up.

>> No.7514723


but you didn't explain the most important part dipshit. how do you get it from the shelf into your pocket?

>> No.7514741

I'm a pathetic single man and I avoid registers with young girls(out of shame), I try to find a register with an old person behind the counter because they don't judge my drinking habits.

>> No.7514742

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

>> No.7514743

you return to the same store ?

>> No.7514744

w-what sort of minds discuss cooking on a japanese anime board?

>> No.7514747

the person saying that quote was discussing people so he is a small minded loser

>> No.7514749


>> No.7514756

All you do is act casually and slip it into your pocket inconspicuously. An empty isle or facing so the pocket you use is away from prying eyes. I have long arms so its pretty good

>> No.7514766

Only one in the four supermarkets in my town stocks them so yeah i just rotate through the four.

>> No.7514772

Only when some fat lardbeast is blocking a whole aisle off

>> No.7514978
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No, but I do get mad. It's what I like to call aisle rage. I walk fast through the store so when someone gets in the way, parks their cart blocking an aisle, turns around abruptly in front of you, or cuts the corner coming out the end and almost shatters my ankles I get very angry

>> No.7514987

Lots of places have begun dropping self-checkout because it made shoplifting even easier. You may never get that option

>> No.7514988


>> No.7514990

I always get irrationality angry about constantly moving out of everyone's way, twitchy and pissed off about personal space and no one acting towards any type of order

>> No.7514992

No, I don't care what 16 year olds and retired people think about me.

>> No.7514996

You life sounds horrid.

>> No.7515000

Ugh are you me?

>> No.7515343
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>> No.7515378

You really need to go the heck back to KKK STORM FRONT YOU IGNORANT!!!1

>> No.7515384

>going to the shops

order your shit online.

>> No.7515389

or the young girl would be impressed by your drinking habits

>> No.7515393

no i actually quite enjoy it desu

>> No.7515404

Grocery stores don't make me nervous, but I dislike really big ones, because my shopping style is very much grab the things I need and whatever else looks good, pay and get the fuck out. If the store is so big that I have to wander all over the place to do this I won't enjoy the experience of shopping there.

>> No.7515407
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>"o-only this anon"?
>"it would appear to be so"

>> No.7515429
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>Grocery stores?
>You mean, the shops.

>> No.7516307

>big dumb nigger shopping at wegmens
I'm still waiting for a racial cleansing to sweep through upstate NY

>> No.7516312

I'm usually super good with people and grocery stores make rage

>> No.7516359 [DELETED] 

Kek. I work alongside a literal old man pedophile. He goes on about the things he wants to do to these 10 year old girls that walk through, pretty graphic too, talking about licking their assholes and shit. I should probably be upset but I just laugh at him and tell him to fuck off.

>> No.7516360

i used to live in a small town and that made me leave. now big stores solved that for me. that and no eye contact. anonimity is awesome

>> No.7516387

No, it's pretty pathetic when you go into a store with a ziplock bag full of change to buy a $3 bottle of wine so you can sleep at night.

The older employees in my local grocery store don't care at all, it's the teenagers that always give me some bullshit attitude like they're better than me.

>> No.7516411

At least you aren't down to cooking wine and bitters, yet.

>> No.7516473

I don't get nervous, but if it's busy I quickly became enraged at all the stupid fat fucks blocking 3/4ths of every aisle. Keep your fucking carts to the side and out of the way, people.

>> No.7516519

I only get mad at the fucking mongoloids that can't figure out the mystery of a self-serve checkout.

It's always a coin toss for me at my local store when I'm looking to pay for my shit. The store has 4 self-serve machines and a couple of cashiers, do I gamble that at least 1/4 of the people at the self serve know how to use it without needing to call over the CSR or do I just take the slower yet knowledgeable cashier?

>> No.7516539

I usually try to do my shopping around 8am on Sunday or 10pm on Saturday when they store is relatively empty. I get anxious when I have to make a large shopping trip during peak times because I hate having to maneuver the cart around all the people just fucking standing around. And then I hate being the guy just standing around with my cart if I can't find something.

>> No.7516628

>Go to supermarket
>Buy a large box of chewing gum
>Cashier smirks as she scans them
>See that I accidentally got condoms
>"Th-that's not what I meant to get"
>She smiles unconcernedly and gives the price
>"No seriously I can't even use them I'm a virgin"
>A snort of laughter escapes her
>Run blushing out of store
>Can never go there again
I'm running out of local stores, /ck/.

>> No.7516735


>> No.7517032

as a fellow grocery store employee i can say that unless you do something to make me remember you, either good or bad, i wont remember you exist if asked about you 2 minutes later. but be a dick or fall and spill milk all over yourself and we all will recognize you every time you come in.

>> No.7517039
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>It doesn't feel right

>> No.7517096

I worked as a check-in agent for an airline many years ago. While you the passengers were prattling on with their stupid bullshit, they could hear me frantically typing like I was fixing their shit.

I was really sending an instant message to the person standing next to me making fun of their retarded ass.

>> No.7517140
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>he doesnt love to go to the store and laugh at all the normies with his gf

>> No.7517388
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I work at Publix and it has eliminated my social anxiety, as I now realize that everyone else is just as broken (or moreso) than I am.

>> No.7517494

Yeah I figured it was that easy. I just wondered: couldn't they find out products were being stolen if they compared the specific products they buy with the products they sell at the register?

e.g., They could see one month they bought 500 quest bars, sold 100, but there are only 300 in stock.

I don't suppose grocery stores do this sort of thing.

>> No.7517509


The self-checkout machines malfunction sometimes too. Sometimes they won't read the barcode, or they won't let you scan a new item because the belt won't pick up the item before, etc. But they're still usually faster than cashiers I find, unless there's a really light line at the cashier.

>> No.7517631
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>cashier says thanks
>panic and say "de nada"

>> No.7517733
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loss is built into most sales models. like if someone drops a jar of pickles at the grocery, lettuce goes bad, theres a lot of negative they expect to make up for.

>> No.7517746

Just don't steal a hundred fucking candybars and they won't notice. If you give them a reason to look through the CCTV footage then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.7517747
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>be in15 items or less
>have older woman with 60+ items in her cart in line in front of you

>> No.7517762

I get nervous for different reasons. Cause I live in a small town whenever I go to the store a lot of times I see people from when I grew up. And then it gets awkward.

>> No.7518051

Nah. Feels good man.

Most people just buy crap and my cart usually looks like the healthiest in the store.

>> No.7518081

who is she?

>> No.7518090

you mean fewer, and I hope you told that old lady to fuck off.
And if you didn't the cashier should have told them to fuck off because that's they're job.

>> No.7518137

No, I just tend to get angry.

>> No.7518181

>so I'm kind of stuck if there's a cute girl running it.
stuck with an opportunity anon.

>> No.7518186

Cashier prolly told them to come over. If the checkout lines are backed up its a standard thing to do.

>> No.7519766


it's illegal to carry an adult beverage outside of a bag in new york.

>> No.7519780
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We talk about how we'd fuck you, if you have a hairy pussy or not, if you're into anal. Normal conversation.

>> No.7519976


>racial cleansing

The proper term is gentrification. I also liked how he called a 40 oz. of olde english a "big bottle of beer"

>> No.7520090

I hate going into unfamiliar stores or looking for something odd at mine because i end up wandering back and forth like a moron trying to find what i want. I also feel a little weird reading nutrition labels since most guys my age don't seem to care. At least it's mostly old people in the store on weekday mornings.

I always pick the lane with an old lady or landwhale. It's less awkward for me, plus I can indirectly shame the whale by buying veggies and stuff.

>> No.7520416

Just push her over.
Jesus, what is wrong with you americunts? GROW A PAIR

>> No.7520545

I am not nervous Janie is a great cashier at my local grocery but i must say she is not well educated on Asian vegetables. I have to tell her Daikon, Bok Choy, fresh ginger etc so she can look up the correct code for when when i am making my authentic Japanese dishes. I find her flirtations with Kevin the meathead bag boy highly annoying. Well till i get the courage to ask milady out it is dinner for one.

>> No.7521165


>> No.7521185

i get nervous and i work in a fuckin grocery store. i hate making small talk and i continue to work there in hopes that i'll get better at socializing.

>> No.7521230

y is there only men on that line?

>> No.7521256

>Some lack the common sense to not blindly back up in crowded spaces.
I'm so autistic I came up with a name for this, I call it WalMart Walking.

>> No.7521258

I'm pretty shameless when I go

I guess maybe I think of the people working in there are far lesser than myself, so I don't feel bad about looking like a slob. There's probably been times where they think they're serving a homeless man when I'm at the checkout, until I break open my wallet

>> No.7521264

>lesser than myself

What an awful mindset.

>> No.7521269

i love the grocery store

the people, the music, the FOOD

what's not to love?

>> No.7521271

damn i may get into this for the supplements. shits expensive

>> No.7521389


>> No.7521439

My haul today was 2x 350cal 45g protein musashi bars, 250g tub cottage cheese, soluble vitamin d, 200g feta cheese block, pack of fishermen's friends sugar free breath mintsx2, can of smoked oysters and a tin of salmon in olive oil. Feels bad man

>> No.7522452

I feel a little nervous going in at 11am for my first bottle of whisky, usually ok by number two around 3pm. If I have ran out of beers from the night before I feel a bit awkward again buying my next slab around 8pm. It's ok though, I am ridiculously wealthy from no effort of my own. Suck it up cashier plebs.

>> No.7522461

I find holding your breath and staring intently at your feet helps.
If you run out of breath simply exit and try again.

>> No.7522464

Mostly afraid of getting mugged in the parking lot. Poor lighting and heroin addicts lurk around asking for money with some fake sob story about how their car broke down or they need money to feed their kids.

>> No.7522474

I just sweat a lot and don't put out my smoke when asked the first time.

>> No.7522476

not nervous ... but a certain shame/paranoia that the cashiers at my local Lidl make jokes about me being a sad alcoholic loner cause I'm constantly in there stocking up on a specific brand of beer they have there. have even had a few say things like 'the usual eh!'
>cheeky fuckers

will often even drive all the way across town to the other Lidls to avoid the embarrassment

christ I'm a loser

>> No.7522486

>Especially if you're a young female.


i'm the one making fuckers nervous, fampai

>> No.7522488

What brand? They do some decent premium lager. I buy their bourbon a lot. Had the cheeky fuckers say 'you're going to turn in to a bottle of this'. I told the cow I at least have the choice. I gave up bothering changing shops though, fuck it.

>> No.7522494

I hyperventilate and my glasses steam up so I'm just stumbling around blind ;_;

>> No.7522501

Are you an animoo?

>> No.7522517
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No but I aspire to be one someday.

>> No.7522535

Next time you go to the shop you make sure and tell them anon thinks you are an animoo. Be proud, then hyperventilate. You might be able to do an accidental titty grab, just claim it was an animoo moment. Good luck, fledgling.

>> No.7522544

I'll make you proud senpai.

>> No.7522559

This exchange has warmed my giblets, whatever they are. Good luck anime anon.

>> No.7522610
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fink brau. doesn't help that its the cheapest and tackiest looking shit in there, or any shop in general. probably wouldn't be so bad if it was one of their classier/pricier ones, but I just love this shit too much. not even poor either, could easily afford their better stuff; I just don't want it

>> No.7522808

I love going to the grocery store. I'll take a break from doing homework on the weekend just to walk around and maybe buy something to snack on. I also chatted up a QT there recently, might ask for number. Her body seems somewhat disappointing, but personality seems cool.

>> No.7522825

So your plan is to use this young lady just for her bright personality?


>> No.7522835

I feel gross just thinking about it, but my last ex had a fat ass, small waist and decent tits, but shit person. I just honestly love cuddling against some fat booty at night, but I might be able to give that up.

>> No.7522854

Just stop, you pig.

>> No.7522865

I'm so bro, it's just so hard to let go of that need for sweet, sweet booty. I'll probably get QT grocery store chicks number next time though, I'm ready to move on

>> No.7522893

This raises an interesting question, how can transgender people expect to be accepted when they are all mentally ill physical abominations?

>> No.7522910

She wanted to take your v card, anon

>> No.7523066

>And if you didn't the cashier should have told them to fuck off because that's they're job.
No, it isn't. Cashiers are told to not say one fucking word if someone brings way too many items to the x items or less lanes.

>> No.7523204

I can relate to this except with every other store in the world aswell

>i had a problem and now im a mess

>> No.7523227

I used to do this, except with sushi and vitamin waters. maybe candy too, i only did it when i was feeling peckish

>> No.7523236

I'm not, I work in one.

>> No.7523304
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>tfw shift supervisor at a tiny store and have to confront shoplifters because we have no security
Goddamn klepto lesbians and skanky teenagers trying to steal pregnancy tests

>> No.7523324

got any tips for your local sticky fingers