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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 421 KB, 862x589, challenge2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7510408 No.7510408 [Reply] [Original]

We've come to a unanimous decision. Thomas will not be carrying on with the competition. Obviously this wasn't what anybody wanted but we felt it was the necessary repercussion to his actions.

Thomas's lies ruined this round. He tried to take advantage of the theme and everybody suffered for it. It was unnecessary and it's a shame. Everybody would have been happy if Thomas had posted an honest story, it didn't have to be anything special. But he just couldn't let it be that way.

So for the next round, Thomas won't be submitting an entry. He's welcome to try again next year, under the requirement of him not trying this again. I apologize for him, /ck/.

>> No.7510457

Makes sense. After it was confirmed it was only a matter of time before this decision was made.

>> No.7510461

can i get a synopsis of what happened? missed this but am very interested

>> No.7510466

Report thread please. Troll post.

>> No.7510468

>round 3 of /ck/ challenge thread
>theme is childhood favorite
>Thomas submits an entry of chicken and veg
>posts alongside it a long story of how his grandma used to make this for him, she'd make a whole chicken just for him so he has extra crispy skin
>his story is confirmed to be a lie, people call him out on it
>Thomas gets mad and starts abusing people
>Thomas is disqualified from the competition

>> No.7510470

The theme of the round was Childhood Dishes.

Lyin' Tom just took a picture of the meal he happened to be having that night. He made up some long winded sob story about how his dead grandmother used to make it all the time, and how she would be so proud of him if he won the competition.

>> No.7510471

Mods are at Easter, post fictional drama.

>> No.7510473


shame shame lyin Tom

thanks for the update!

>> No.7510477

Pretty much this.

If Thomas has accepted his lie being exposed like an adult it would never have come to this. But his lashing out, we feel it was unnecessary and rude, especially after lying about a subject that a lot of people really DO have fond memories of, their grandma.

>> No.7510482
File: 49 KB, 456x600, iliketomakeupwords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how the fuck was this verified? Did /ck/ call the dude's fucking grandma?

>> No.7510487

It wasn't. This is what's known as "trolling." Is it your first day on the internet?

>> No.7510489

It was more of a seance.

>> No.7510490

Yup! Nice to meet you by the way!

>> No.7510492

Thomas, why are you still being rude? Just accept it for what it is. You were caught. Your grandma never cooked you chicken like that.

>> No.7510493


>> No.7510497

This is what Lyin' Tom had to say on the matter.

>Who the fuck are you to tell me how I am feeling or what has or hasn't been proven as a lie? Get off it. Sorry if you only ate shit when you were a kid or had families that only made you order from children's menus and fed into what the food culture is now. I wasn't fed processed lab created food full of msg and preservatives and food colorings. If I didn't like what was for dinner, I didn't get frozen tenders or kraft dinner, I went to bed hungry... If your kids are hungry they will eat whatever you put in front of them, my family weren't giant pussies who let me dictate what happened in their homes...I learned to eat REAL food, that's all that was cooked for me.... your the reasons society is eating all this shit then make threads about all the kids you know eating crap.

As you can see, a poor attitude all around. He did this to himself. We regret that he did, we feel he had potential to do very well in the competition. But it is what it is folks.

>> No.7510500

poor attitude
great copypasta

>> No.7510819

How do we know this is the real Bubbleburst and not that troll who impersonated them in round 2 and who is making a concerted effort to derail the competition?

>> No.7510824

Because of the tripcode.

>> No.7510827

Haha, troll thread.
Good effort sir

>> No.7510841

Common sense. Does this really look like the real BubbleBurst to you? Does this really look like a real thread? They were too lazy to even post with the same structure of a new challenge thread.

>> No.7511873

Is there going to be a real new thread, or did all this trolling kill the competition?

>> No.7511874

BubbleBurst is getting wasted because of Easter/her birthday.

>> No.7511885

How was Thomas'a story proven to be false?

>> No.7511890


Bubble said she's off with family doing Easter stuff. Thread will be posted later on today / tonight.

>> No.7511906

It wasn't

>> No.7511999

It was confirmed

>> No.7512033

8/8 Easter keks

>> No.7512160

He's known as Lyin' Tom around these here parts.

>> No.7512327
File: 1.05 MB, 4128x2322, Dabsy with final plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother made the best breakfast, before I learned to cook. I was going to make one of my favorites. I narrowed it down to french toast or blueberry pancakes, but while shopping I saw a cherry cobbler and had an epiphany "Why not both?". So here is my submission Blueberry French Pancake Casserole.

>> No.7512335
File: 1.52 MB, 4128x2322, Overhead final plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7512341

Forgot instructions, sorry.

Make pancakes with diameter same as bottom of bread pan.
cut pancakes in half and put cut side down in bread pan (may try cut up for more uniform final dish next time or oversize pancakes cut into squares).
add blueberries make sure to get at least one in between each pancake for spacing.
make french toast custard pour over pancakes.
I let refrigerate overnight to ensure custard soaks into pancakes.
make brown sugar,flour, and butter "crumbles" put in fridge.
mix more blueberries with sugar and refrigerate overnight as well.
remove bread pan from fridge while oven preheats to 350 F and top with "crumbles".
Bake for ~50 min I used a digital thermometer with alarm.
Liquefy blueberry and sugar mix in food processor thicken with potato starch.
garnish plate with blueberry sauce and sweetened condensed milk.
plate blueberry french pancake casserole.
top with powdered sugar.

>> No.7512356


Dabsy, read the thread you donkey! This is a troll thread, and not the real Round 3 #2 thread.

>> No.7512364

OH! sorry pretty though right. make up a tearjerker for my plate then please. a homage to lying tom.

>> No.7512391

Let lyin' tom himself do it, there'll be proud grandmas and unicorns and blood and sweat and tears

>> No.7512392

This isn't the real thread mong.

>> No.7512395

Really nice stuff Dabs, i'll rate soon.

>> No.7512465

Dabsy a cutey
Nice work!

>> No.7512546

Thank you, I'm Working on my lie right now. When I am finished will you guys grade it like a plate?

>> No.7512624

the origin of this dish has been lost to time. The only known information has been passed down through my family for 6 generations. the recipe was almost lost during world war one known at the time as the "Great War". After losing his wife to a tragic my great great grandfather (Master Sergeant James Addams) was the only recipe holder in the family. While engaging in trench warfare the Royal Irish Rifle regiment was splintered and lost my grandfather's platoon (pic related). Separated, no coms, finite ammunition, and no back up on the way a platoon of 10 helt back 300 german troops for 14 days. until the ammo finally ran out and the platoon was taken as prisoners. he was held for three years and being the recipe holder he must have the recipe on him at all times. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide somethin'. His ass. three long years, he kept this recipe up his ass. After he returned he passed the recipe on to my great grandfather. The next threat to the recipe came in the form of a stroke, my grandmother as the previous holder had a stroke and shortly before passing away she gave me a charm bracelet that contained a small key with the markings filed off and her parting words "find my secret.". At the reading of her last will and testament, she left me her ceramic owl collection and legally gave me the bracelet and her home with the stipulation that i keep everything for as long as i live and pass it on to the next generation. I spent a long time trying to find the significance in her willing me those things and her final message. MTC.

>> No.7512633
File: 169 KB, 950x672, grandpas regiment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops for got pic

>> No.7512712

More convincing than Thomas's bullshit, i'll give it that.

>> No.7512737


After a few months searching I decided to take a break and go on vacation to colorado. The first breakthrough came as a result of poor planing in trying DABs for the first time, after getting WAY too high and passing out. I awoke having slept on the floor, and went to the bathroom to wash my face and noticed I had slept on my bracelet and had a red mark a few charms chain and the key with no lock. while checking my pores in the mirror i noticed what seemed to be a pattern in the marks. I then examined the key under a microscope and found that if examined by the naked eye or even a magnifying glass the grind marks obfuscate the markings which read "THE SLEEPER MUST AWAkEN.". It was then that i remembered that among the hundreds of owls left to me, there was only one owl that was asleep with its head under a wing. upon returning home i examined the sleeping owl and found that the eyes could be pried open and that releases its other wing concealing the recipe inscribed on the underside and now i end all of the secrecy by giving it to the /ck/ board do with it as you will.

>> No.7514547

You should probably post in the right thread.