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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 170 KB, 728x508, aid23195-728px-Make-a-grilled-cheese-sandwich-in-a-George-foreman-grill-Step-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7509084 No.7509084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We think of the whitest food combinations possible. I'll say a kraft single sandwich with white crustless wonderbread and mayo, and a side of cottage cheese.

>> No.7509086


>> No.7509098

white people don't leech off food stamps/EBT, so they have to prepare budget meals.

>> No.7509100

Not a combination. Not even a food. Such a good post, anon. Your brain cylinders must have worked overtime for that one.

>> No.7509107
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>White people are guilty of "cultural appropriation" if they eat food from other cultures.

>White people must only eat white people food.

Are SJWs the worst

>> No.7509110

Pasta and plain Alfredo sauce with a slice of French bread.

>> No.7509113

Strangely enough, that sounds like something black people would love.

>> No.7509114

>not grilled cheese

>> No.7509116

French people are white right? So all of French cuisine.

>> No.7509119

A hearty lunch to eat while they're on their break from work.

>> No.7509122

They stole that cuisine from African kings.

>> No.7509129

smacks lip


>> No.7509130

Italian cuisine too.

>> No.7509131


>> No.7509133

actually they stole it from italian cooks, who taught them all the basics.

>> No.7509134
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AFAIK honkeys love their mayonaise.

>> No.7509138

meant to link to this post.

>> No.7509144

Meat loaf
Boiled potatoes
Green beans boiled to near mush

The flyover dinner of choice. overdone pot roast can be subbed for the meat loaf.

>> No.7509147

But your American cheese is yellow, not white.

Crustless bread with brie and bechamel sauce on top.

>> No.7509151

Not even true. I'm white and I'm on foodstamps. Mind you, I only get 16 dollars a month, but it's something. I usually use it to buy small snacks when I'm out running errands. It's nice to have.

>> No.7509154

I know /ck/ likes to hate on mayo, but home-made mayonnaise is really good. That being said, I think we can all agree that that picture is not how it's supposed to be.

>> No.7509157

>white bread
>kraft single

This is the whitest food imaginable.

>> No.7509162
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I'd say miracle whip is even whiter

>> No.7509163

>16 dollars a month

>> No.7509167

casserole anything

>> No.7509170
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I imagine the kind of cracker who'd make this shit would also use a triangle as a dinner bell.

>> No.7509171

How about all the black people in prison that eat like that? Are you saying lower class black people don't love bologna sandwiches with weber's bread?

What world are you living in?

>> No.7509181

Wow so I'm out here not having enough money for rent this month and you're getting a cut of my money every month to buy food. And you say you're not a nigger.

>> No.7509184

White the color not the race, you literal retard.

>> No.7509188

But more whites are on social programs than all other minorities combined

>> No.7509198

White rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm.

>> No.7509203

For all you know he lives in his car.

>> No.7509205

I make a tiny bit less than cutoff. I mostly just keep renewing for the free cell phone/free healthcare.

You could apply too. I actually just bought a condo. Protip: I paid much more in taxes that I've received from the govt. 1800 dollars last year. You probably didn't pay nearly that much, so I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7509207

By pure bulk? Because by percentage that is not true. No shit they're on the most by pure number, whites are like 80% of the population.

>> No.7509208

>You could apply too.

This is the problem. Let's all just take free money from the government, that will solve everything. You are a nigger

>> No.7509211
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Pilsbury doughboy and mayonnaise

>> No.7509215

A Super slim slice of salami rolled with a slice of provolone and a dill pickle in the middle or on the side.

>> No.7509222

It's not really free money considering I had to pay in 1800 to get less than 200 dollars of benefits.

>> No.7509231

That shit goes to roads, schools, police, etc. I'm sure you use all of those things so you have to pay your cut.

You're just leeching off of other people and taking free things because you can. If you don't need those free things to get by and could afford them anyway that is disgusting. This is very irresponsible for the future and the huge population of people in America that do this are the reason our economy just crashed and why we are in so much debt. We all just take and take and buy things we can't afford. Fuck.

>> No.7509259

I don't drive and I have no children. I did call the police the other day to report a domestic my neighbors were having.

I couldn't afford the healthcare on my own, for sure, but I could afford the cell phone service, I suppose. All of these benefits are grouped together, however, so I can't just pick and choose based on need. If I want the health care, I get the 16 bux and a basic cell phone with 250 minutes a month. A little silly, but it's easier for them to automate it like this.

Also: i really don't think my free 16 dollars is wrecking the economy.

>> No.7509260

Are you trying to be funny or what?

>> No.7509267

>Also: i really don't think my free 16 dollars is wrecking the economy.

Everyone in America's 16 dollars sure as fuck does.

I don't expect you to change, I just want you to know you are human garbage.

>> No.7509278

You seem to know a lot about the economy. Do you have some proof that all this suppposed safety net abuse is really the problem?

>> No.7509287

The economy literally just collapsed because people were taking out loans for houses they couldn't afford. Everyone feels like they're entitled to upper middle class life without working for it so they just take and take even if they don't deserve it or contribute more than they take.

Some people shouldn't get to live an affluent life, but everyone in America is a special snowflake that feels entitled to every little luxury.

>> No.7509293

I don't think everyone in America is getting 16 dollars for free every month.

I will say, without food stamps, I would have never been able to pull myself out of poverty to become a homeowner. The free cell phone that I could easily afford now is what got me my job in the first place, and even a basic phone was a huge expense a few years ago when I signed up for this program. I didn't even have a landline before that.

Having security in food, health, and basic needs like cell phone service has allowed me to do things like buy clothing for interviews and pay for taxi service when I need it to get somewhere buses don't go. I got surgeries I needed and was able to afford healthy ingredients to cook with. As you can tell by the small amount I get, I'm about at the point where I'm transitioning off the program altogether. I'm a success story of social programs. I don't know how anyone can get bent up over that.

>> No.7509302

My mortgage costs significantly less per month than the lowest cost apartment in the area. Being a homeowner is better for the economy and for the individual. Banks not being careful about how people were financing their mortgages was the problem, not home ownership itself.

>> No.7509307

Room temp Can of ranch style beans.

>> No.7509316

Think about all those things you just listed. Cell phone service, food, healthcare, surgeries, etc. All of that shit costs money, and a good amount of money at that. You have dug a money hole for the country, just like everyone else. You are just now transitioning out of it, but it is likely what you contribute for the rest of your working life will not pay off the money hole you have created. And then when you're 65 you will be on retirement and once again taking more money.

And you are on the high end of social program users. Most people just take all these things and don't even aspire to get jobs or pay for shit themselves one day.

Can you not see how mass thought like this will create problems? Most people in America use up a lot more money than they give back. We cannot sustain this pace forever.

>> No.7509321
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>> No.7509329
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>> No.7509331
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>> No.7509338
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>> No.7509341

You aren't entitled to any of that shit. Figure it out on your own or die.

>> No.7509342
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>> No.7509347
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>> No.7509351
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>> No.7509354

We make white boy tacos which are similar to the Tacos sold at Jack in the Box fast food chain.

Crunchy yellow corn she'll, ground beef very mildly seasoned and browned (taco spice packet) American cheese, iceberg lettuce, diced tomato, diced onion, mild salsa.

They are delicious!

White boy stir fry is chicken breasts, snow peas, onion, broccoli, carrots, peas, corn, garlic, ginger, green onions, sesame seeds. Served over white rice with an off the shelf "stir fry sauce"

Basically Americanized versions of ethnic food using American versions of forgiven flavor profiles.

>> No.7509356
File: 50 KB, 400x400, Swedish Pyttipanna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7509359
File: 464 KB, 1377x1531, Russian Quark zapekanka with pears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7509360


>le contemptful nignog post

5 star post OP

>> No.7509362

I'm only 27, I'll earn more than enough during that time to pay back any debt owed to society. I don't particularly care what you or >>7509341 think of me, but I'm just saying that nothing I did would have been possible without the amount of aid I received. A nice benefit to living in a first world country is that we don't just let people die if they're not immediately successful or come from a bad background.

>> No.7509363


>> No.7509364
File: 1.20 MB, 3601x2033, hotdish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7509375

>white the color
>kraft single
>"White the color"

lol shut the fuck up, you may be racist and stupid but don't expect the rest of us to be as dumb as you