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7508863 No.7508863 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst experience you ever had when eating out?

Worst experience I had was going to a small family restaurant owned by some asian couple, they had a "roast beef dinner" for like $8.

I ordered it, paid, and watched as the owner took out a frozen dinner (the kind sold in supermarkets) and put it into the microwave. Then they dumped it onto a plate and served it to me.

I almost stood up and demanded a refund.

>> No.7508864
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nice b8

>> No.7508892

> go to a restaurant
>Order mac and cheese
> its mushy
> literally has zero cheese in it
> tastes like pasta and hot milk
> have to pay $14 plus tip
I would have sent it back if i was alone but i have an image to maintain.

>> No.7509224


>> No.7509228

Why didn't you?

>> No.7509233

Thanks for the meme, reddit

>> No.7509240


>> No.7509273

Pretty bad experience at one of those generic chain sports bar restaurants the other day
>me and the gf get nachos for an appetizer
>waitress is slow as shit and there isn't really anyone else here
>barely any meat or cheese but still somehow a pool of grease, chips are half crumbs
>I get a "Cajun chicken sandwich" for my main course
>get it 25 minutes later
>chicken piece half the width of the bun, not spicy at all, barely any sauce so it's wicked dry, barely any lettuce/tomato/onion
>bill is 38 dollars
>I still give the stupid bitch a 5 dollar tip even though she took another 10 minutes to get the change for my 50

Never again

>> No.7509280

The long waits are probably her fault, but you realize she has nothing to do with the food quality right? If you don't tip your waiters because of the food quality you are literally retarded.

>> No.7510556

because the restaurant would probably have refused to give a refund

>> No.7510632

> tipping society

Why have you still not gone extinct?

>> No.7510643
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>be me
>go to restaurant
>get food
>the food tastes bad
Worst dining experience ever

>> No.7510965


>> No.7511087

Went to a local BBQ place that mostly old people eat there.
I ordered some ribs, and my buddy ordered grilled chicken.

His food came out frozen solid, and mine was greasy, rubbery, and burnt. Clearly mine had been reheated in a microwave.

After my first bite and realizing my friends food was fucked we got our money back and left. If was pretty bad.

I like small locally owned home in the wall places, but this place blew

>> No.7511091
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Yuru Yuri thread?

>> No.7511504

wrong board dude

>> No.7511533


yes pls

>> No.7512163


Was it fall off the bone tender though?

>> No.7512206

sounds like an episode of Kitchen Nightmares.

>> No.7512212

Americans have no concept of professional pride. They need the threat of withheld money dangling over their heads or they will never do a good job.

>> No.7512418

I'll contribute.

> go to popular dive in coastal maine
>I know it sucks, but gf brother wants to go because fried clams.. Ok
> we go, terrible service as always.
> we order onion rings, fried clams, and tendies to share.
> after about 45 mins our food finally gets there
> tried fried clams first. Fucking terrible. Little brother who LOVES fried clams only eats one because bad. Total of 3 have been eaten.
> try onion rings. Same thing
> try tendies. Same thing
> obviously the oil was rancid and hasn't been changed in a month.
> tell the waitress to take it all back.
> she brings the check with full price on everything.
> I ask wtf. And she said we can't give a refund because you ate some....
>one bite of everything yo determine its shit is considering eating it to them.
> waitress is huge cunt about it.
> I kinda laugh because I expected this from them, and is why I don't ever go.

>> No.7512433

Better than having a European fag mouth out to you for trying to get a refill on your expensive glass of warm tap water

>> No.7512481

nobody pays for tap water you humongous mongoloid

>> No.7512489


Because fancy bottled waters (clear & Sparkling) are all that is offered at Yuro restaurants.

>> No.7512494

> bottled water
Why is yurop so backwards. We have boxed water in NA

>> No.7512517

>asian restaurants can offer to give you free tea and refills at every table
>western restaurants charge you for water

Can someone please explain this to me.

>> No.7512537

>european restaurants charge you for water
ftfy you retarded weeb

>> No.7512545

no it isn't, you lying fuck

>> No.7512552

Wait, hol up, black people played yugioh as well?

>> No.7512558

They charge for water in canada.

>> No.7512562


dude the competitive yugioh community is a large percentage black.

>> No.7512576

Is this the official stance of eurozoners...?

>> No.7512581

only for bottled water you dumbass, filtered tap water is free.

>> No.7512606


If I don't like the food I just applaud the waiter instead of tipping.

>> No.7512862

I went to an Asian restaurant with a family member. We ordered a couple small dishes to share. Mostly everything was just "edible" not good but not bad enough to be rude and say something. The sweet and sour pork was rank though. It was overcooked and they were obviously using very old used up oil. It was so bad we didn't eat it and asked for a refund for that portion. The Asian wife and husband both seemed angry, but in the end refunded a portion. You better believe I left a terrible Yelp review.

Restaurants need to make atleast tasty edible food. Cheap fucks

>> No.7512899

No they don't bro, atleast not in bc, or Alberta (the only 2 places I can speak from experience.) The only thing charged for is if you want bottled.

>> No.7512904

Why do restaurants serve cooked in rancid oil thereby making it disgusting and inedible and then complain when you don't like it. How do they keep any customers?

>> No.7512908


>not being a part of heated yugioh matches in the ghetto alleys of Baltimore.

Shieeeet, whitey You gots a lot to learn. When Omar comin, it's cause he gonna whip out his yugioh deck on you.

>> No.7513039

>home in the wall

>> No.7514322

They don't. Their only customer base is tourists. They are a maine tourist trap.

>> No.7514330

>be me after overnight shift
>go to cheap breakfast place for $3.99 breakfast
>no coffee because sleep soon
>pay with $20, server gives $15 back
>bring a $5 to her and ask her for change so i can leave a tip that's not $0.45
>get reemed out
>she thought i wanted the $0.45 she stiffed me
>go home sad

fuck that place

>> No.7514603

i guess you must have never had a restaurant charge you for tap water before

>> No.7514611

>not asking for your money back

>> No.7514642

>I have never owned a passport, the post

>> No.7515461

>Go to self-seat restaurant.
>My friend and I sit at a table
>Waitress comes over and asks us to move
>"Are you expecting more people? We have several two-seaters"
>No, we just want the extra room
>"We only have two six-seaters, so we want to keep them open"
>We tell her that we'll move if two parties of six come
>She gets kinda huffy, but lets us stay
>a group of five comes in and sits at the six seat tables
>She doesn't yell at them

total bitch. She got a change as a tip.

>> No.7515486

I went to a burger food cart that specifically said "Burgers, made to order!" and asked for a medium rare burger. They failed to mention anywhere on the signs, or directly to me when I asked for a made to order burger, that they use preformed 4oz burgers. Obviously you can't cook a 4oz burger medium rare. Obviously a preformed burger is definitively not made to order. $7. It was good, but it was like a McDonald's burger.

>> No.7515487

I'm sure you do tons of work all the time for free. Jack ass

>> No.7515490

Are you seriously comparing five people sitting at a table for six to two people sitting there? You're a moron for sitting there in the first place. Do you need the extra room because you're a fucking fatass and need the extra table width to hide your ass?

>> No.7515537
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>Family and I go to local BBQ Joint.
>Pretty hype as heard it was a pretty good joint.
>We all order pulled pork sandwich meals, which came with chips and corn.
>While waiting for our food(which took very long considering it was quiet), a bunch of drunk knackers came in causing trouble
>Finally get our food after forever, chips were shitty frozen ones(like really cheap chips that you'd get in a dodgy kebab place), pulled pork was bland as fuck(ended up having to use bbq sauce to add flavour) and it was so soggy that water ran out everytime I ate.
>end up leaving most of our meals because the food is shit
>A few hours later, stomachache and diarrhea
>mfw it cost €28 for 2 adult meals and 1 kids meal

I don't know how it is still in business

>> No.7515574

>you better believe I left a terrible Yelp review

You go girl

>> No.7515588

Great bait

>> No.7515595

The idea is that six seat tables, being the largest, should be reserved for parties who won't fit on other tables. You would fit on other tables, they would not.

>> No.7515598

I'd say it was with your mom desu

>> No.7515600

Worst misuse of a meme it sounds so fucking corny. Take away the last two letters and you're saying the same thing. Equally as bad as those idiots who write out entire sentences within forward slashes.

>> No.7515602

Think of what a burger is then tell me how it wasn't made to order.

>> No.7515640

Oh, well fuck.

>> No.7515655

Do you not know what "made to order" means? He did not, and could not make the burger according to my order.

>> No.7515661

I ordered chicken in spain once and sent it back three times because it was not cooked properly - literally bloody the first ime. then they told me to leave.

>> No.7515965

Spanish poultry is OK to eat rare or even raw. Chickens there are properly treated.

>> No.7516719

>Me & Old man decide to eat at the local East Side Mario's because we used to go all the time when I was young and we were about to move to different country
>We go in
>Moderately busy but quiet enough to manage as usual
>Get seated
>Waitress gets our drinks and asks us what we would like
>We decide to split a standard pepperoni pizza for nostalgia
>Also order two coke's or pepsi or whatever the fuck they had
>Wait 30 minutes for just the drinks
>Ask where she has been
>Tells us she has been busy
>Obvious bs detected but remember for later
>Another 30 min later the pizza arrives
>Holy fuck really
>Black as the fucking night sky
>Decide to attempt eating it anyway
>Cant even bite it its so hard
>Demand manager
>Prissy paki cunt comes by
>Asks what the problem is
>Inform her of the disk of concrete I was served
>Tells me nothings wrong
>Proceed to pick up stone tablet like it was a fucking frisby
>Maintains shape
>Toss up in the air and watch it shatter on the table like glass
>Paki's forest eyebrows raise
>Demand refund
>Only get pizza refund
>Fuck that shitskin pizza joint

>> No.7519199


I don't get it.

>> No.7519994

Nobody in the world charges for fucking tap water. (Well maybe if you live in Ethiopia, but im sure you should be more worried about your wife's boyfriend raping and turning your children into soldiers.) You would have to be a moron thinking that you get charged for a glass of water. This whole "Yuoropoor and amerilard shit is fucking stupid. You should just fucking off yourself.

>> No.7520240

if you google you will find people being charged for tap water.

I've seen a restaurant owner argue that he could charge for it because it costed him time and money to take the order and provide a seat at the restaurant for the customer.

Apparently thousands of people on some food review site agreed with him.

>> No.7520251

Alright, but i don't think it common enough to warrant this amount of shitposting.

>> No.7521010
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Bad seafood

>> No.7521486
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>be about 9-10 years old
>on vacation at some cabin lodge next to a lake
>go to a 'critically acclaimed' fancy restaurant with my parents, younger sister and grandma when she was alive
>parents had a reservation
>had to wait about 70 minutes to be seated apparently someone forgot to reserve us
>i order some kind of spaghetti dish it was ok
>parents said their food was trash finding grizzle in the chicken etc
>dad fucking screams at the waiter like a typical boomer
>whole restaurant silent at how irate my dad was
>go home without leftovers because we left so fast
>cry in bed like a bitch