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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7508576 No.7508576 [Reply] [Original]

Like this meal?

>> No.7508582

Black pepper too coarse

>> No.7508583


Too much pepper, steak looks mediocre at best.

5/10. You got a +1 since it wasn't a paper plate.

>> No.7508597
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>> No.7508649
File: 984 KB, 2560x1536, 20160326_143656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coarse a best

Steak was ok

>> No.7508650

cats are better than dogs. no one can debate me on this ok

>> No.7508666

the pepper looks flaky. howd you get it like that?

>> No.7508672

fuck off barneyfag

>> No.7508745

Its le coarse pepper

>> No.7509004
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How so

>> No.7509011

Looks like something a poorfag might get excited about, but not something I'd eat. I don't really feel the need for a blast of protein, fat and white carbs first thing in the morning.

>> No.7509165

Do you even lift?

>> No.7509192

I sure as fuck do lift, but for health, strength and flexibility, not gainz. As long as I can stay trim and strong I have zero fucks to give about the size of my biceps or the definition of my pecs.

>> No.7509195
File: 190 KB, 1000x1000, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't try. Every meme is better with cats.