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File: 137 KB, 1024x1024, fwx-lays-do-yourself-a-favor-southern-biscuits-and-gravy_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7506906 No.7506906 [Reply] [Original]

I feel so fucking ripped off. These tastes NOTHING like biscuits and gravy. They tastes almost exactly like sour cream and onion. Such bullshit.

What are some chip flavors that really taste like they're advertised?

>> No.7506920

Korean BBQ

That shit was good.

>> No.7506925

Probably because it's made our of potato and oil you cockwaxing, fuck-smelling shitgulper

>> No.7506935

I thought it tasted exactly like biscuits and gravy.

>> No.7506963

>Korean BBQ
>That shit was good.
Spit it out.

I really enjoyed the Wasabi ginger flavor. Craveable horseradish bite. Gyro flavor, was a nice cucumber and mint hint, but everyone I offered one to? Hated it.

So far, these crazy flavors just don't work.

>> No.7506964

Tastes like biscuits and gravy to me, dude

>> No.7506984

What is it supposed to taste like? Fucking béchamel sauce on white bread? I mean talk about FLAVOUR.

>> No.7507025

The Reuben chips should have won over this B&G shit.

>> No.7507028

Maybe he had a defective bag.

Like, the bag read Biscuits & Gravy, but the contents actually were Sour Cream & Onion.

On that note, has anyone ever had something like that happen before? You opening something and finding the wrong flavor?

>> No.7507041

The thing that more people liked won. It's not a big deal.

>> No.7507044

Ha. I bet you think that people have a choice about who leads their country too.

>> No.7507046

That is clearly SAUSAGE gravy on the bag.

>> No.7507047

>muh illuminati meme
Somebody get this clown out of here.

>> No.7507049


I got some cool ranch dorritos they didn't season at all. Just a plain chip.

>> No.7507051
File: 114 KB, 250x331, cinalays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it sounds weird but I REALLY miss this shit when they had it on sale

tasted like funnel cake

>> No.7507053

they taste like stovetop stuffing desu. they were pretty good.

>> No.7507054

Well to be fair, funnel cake is essentially deep-fried starch material with cinnamon and sugar on top.

>> No.7507059

>He's surprised when a "new limited edition flavor" is just a slight modification to the chemical formula of a different flavor.

Yes, instead of Sour Cream and Onion.... this chip pretty much tastes like Sour Cream and Black Pepper.

But that's pretty much all gravy is. It's roux with milk and pepper.

>> No.7507078

Dude fucking tasted Honey BBQ still have the bag tasted exactly the same as normal BBQ to me

>> No.7507152

Salt and vinegar is the most accurate flavor, sad but true.
Chicken tastes nothing like chicken.
BBQ tastes nothing like BBQ.
Cheese and onion is getting closer to accurate.

>> No.7507166


Honey BBQ taste fucking 10/10

Hope that one gets picked.

>> No.7507175

Someone post the Jack video of him taste testing all 4 chips and his obese fucking son starts eating the whole fucking bag of Truffle chips which pisses off Jack.

>> No.7507178

That's probably the real reason Jack choked him out.

>> No.7507180

These just taste of sage with a little bit of cream. The sage is the dominant flavor, which is why some people say they taste just like biscuits and gravy and other people say they taste like sour cream and onion.

>> No.7507191


>Mom said she wanted to eat some of these


Says the man who fails at every conceivable notion on how to actually cook.

>> No.7507215

Someone please post this

>> No.7507233

That is cool ranch doritos bro.

>> No.7507528

Bullshit, 6 chips in and it tastes like corn flakes.

>> No.7507530

I bought Mint Kitkats once, and it ended up being orange flavored. Super disappointed, got a replacement coupon though.

I liked these ones, they were interesting. I'm not a big chip eater, but I'd eat them again.

>> No.7507551

I bought the fire roasted habanero chips the other day and they were really nice and spicy but they had this weird fruity flavor, which i can see why but i dont want potato chips to taste fruity.

>> No.7507552

Yeah, that's your job ;)

>> No.7507557
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Of course they didn't taste exactly like the real thing, but I remember them coming shockingly close.

>> No.7507643


>> No.7507647

they taste a lot like biscuits and gravy imo

those lays contest winners taste as described, I just really don't like the gyro because all I taste is cucumber and seasoning

>> No.7507662


like a tiz-ah-key

>> No.7507663
File: 33 KB, 194x273, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically not chips but this is the most delicious snack ever. Tastes exactly like a popper

>> No.7507664

>Korean BBQ chips
>Not thin slices of raw potato that you have to cook for yourself

>> No.7507697

>eating boring crisps that have to rely on gimmicks
Lays are dead, there's nothing special about them. All lays crisps are a ripoff because you it's easier to make your own than any other crisp.

>> No.7507704


those are good but only big lots carries those where i live.

and its hit and miss on when they get them in

>> No.7507706

Chile Limon
An Actual Frog

>> No.7507713

It's fucking Lay's. LAY'S. You think that apostrophe's just there for show, shithead? It's a little thing called grammar, maybe you've heard of it? That's why you put the apostrophe there. Because of grammatical reasons. If you can't get that right, you must be a fucking idiot. Learn to fucking spell, you sorry son of a bitch. Reddit is THAT a way, loser.

>> No.7507714


I'm a bong and seriously how the hell is that white looking sauce gravy?

>> No.7507742
File: 38 KB, 500x500, finger 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lays lays lays lays lays. Are you really complaining about an apostrophe on a bag of chips? Go fuck yourself, you autistic sack of shit.

>> No.7507747

Walkers salt and vinegar.

Damn I miss Cheetos and Fritos and all the great American chips.
>going to cry into my walkers bag

>> No.7507748

You kidding? I threw away my bag 10 chips in.

>> No.7507775

gotta eat a stack of them at a time to get that floury gravy flavor

breakfast sausage + sausage grease rendered out + roux (flour milk base)

>> No.7507794

>lays lays lays lays lays
Seriously? After what I just told you you're still making the same mistake? Jesus christ. Maybe you ought to get your head checked, pal, because you're a disgrace.

>> No.7507803


2 cups milk
2 cups creams
full stick of butter
stir, stir, stir
Parmesan cheese
stir stir stir
Another stick of butter to finish her off
Baking soda to add tartness
Serve over pizza

>> No.7507810

It's flour, milk, and rendered animal fat.

>> No.7507814

Hey guys my friend told me that in the UK you open your bag of chips and then put pickles or pickled onion on them or something? Wtf?

>> No.7507822

we open them and shoot our cummy inside
shake it up and eat it

>> No.7507826

the gyro was kinda dissapointing, but maybe it's because I rarely eat gyros but love the shit out of them so my expectations were too high. It just didn't taste savory enough.

>> No.7507830

the gyro smelled and tasted like stale armpit

and yes I have tasted stale armpit

>> No.7507865


Why not just eat bacon flavor chips, cheese flavor, sour cream and onion, dill? You know stuff you actually want on your potaterz

>> No.7508031

I loved the mango salsa ones. I wish they came in single serving bags since I can't have big ones in my house or I binge.

>> No.7508040

Dude fuck lays they suck
Humpty Dumpty chips are where it's at
All dressed actually tastes like all the flavor a
Whenever I get a bag and give some to my friends they always give different answers as to what their chips tasted like

>> No.7508112

I really like Utz chips.

>> No.7508369

so cunts whos weirder? Europeans for actually eating "biscuits"and "gravy" or americans for trying to imitate it in chip form?

>> No.7508376

All dressed has finally appeared in the USA. I am also fond of ketchup flavored chips but have only had them outside of US.

>> No.7508381
File: 23 KB, 246x320, salt&vinegar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tastes almost exactly like salt and vinegar.

>> No.7508390


Are you implying Americans only have biscuits and gravy in chip form?

Is Europe actually this stupid?

>> No.7508406
File: 1.36 MB, 1756x2995, lays-kettle-cooked-lattic-cut-aged-cheddar-black-pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like agony.

>> No.7508419

i don't do that but when i was a kid i used to mix up a bag of salted peanuts with mccoys crisps

good shit

>> No.7509298


The reuben chips were subpar, IMO. They just tasted like powered Russian dressing. I think it was right that B&G won, though the truffle fries flavor was really good too. They were all significantly better than the gyro flavor, though.

>> No.7509516

Stop reverse-shilling.

>> No.7509539

Wasabi and ginger

Tasted exactly like wasabi + ginger do


>> No.7510048

Chicken and waffles were the best flavor ever. They should have stayed.

>> No.7510055

>This is what passes for American shitposting these days

>> No.7512077
File: 237 KB, 553x371, fuck offity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I'm not the guy you were originally bitching at.

Also: LAYS. Suck it you autistic mongoloid fuck.

>> No.7514139


^ MFW a person doesn't spell Lay's right xD

>> No.7514146

Get the dill pickle flavored ones. Those actually taste like what they're called. Salt and vinegar, as mentioned in the thread, are fucking delicious as well, and my go-to for when I feel like being a pig.

>> No.7514153 [DELETED] 

origial lays are best lays especially baked ones

>> No.7514214
File: 418 KB, 2000x2000, k2-_ba45d710-6dba-4d83-83e7-ba89bfae276c.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we are on the subject of disappointing chips, anyone else try these? They basically taste of nothing but butter

>> No.7514252


that one tasted like shit

wasabi ginger master race...

I really miss those southwest chipotle ones ruffles had...I WANT THEM BACK FUCKING GOD DAMNIT!!!!!!!

>> No.7514360

>No more BLT chips
Fuck, man

>> No.7514394

Yeah because butter sure is nasty

>> No.7514560

Have you tasted fresh armpit?

>> No.7514572


It was okay. It tastes like they literally just dumped ramen seasoning on top of the chips. I was into it but Honey BBQ was way better.

>> No.7515818
File: 48 KB, 308x423, lays-ojtp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was mine favorite in Bongland.

>> No.7515831

Why don't they just have a shin ramyeon flavour? That'd be fuckin tight

>> No.7515838

>implying we have '''''''''Lay's''''''''' in GREAT Britain

>> No.7515841
File: 50 KB, 450x390, sRsUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could find these again

>> No.7516079
File: 93 KB, 960x960, wowthesearegross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda miss these

>> No.7516096


Come to Canada, pal. Every store sells em

>> No.7516108

saw them when I was in Bongland.

>> No.7516112

Bought chocolate chip mint ice cream and the chips were missing, just mint paste. Back when Welsh Farms was still around

>> No.7516121

The haggis and watermelon could be decent.

>> No.7516173
File: 92 KB, 459x612, -1138685697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hackinz Loomootood Edition

>> No.7516346

Tried Voodoo chips for the first time today, pretty good, would recommend.

>> No.7517936

>Europe is one country
Are Americans really this stupid?

>> No.7520139

Got Indian lentil stew, and there were no lentils. It was just sauce.

>> No.7520966

replying 4 days later but i got a bag of potato skin ruffles and they were completely plain. not a speck of seasoning anywhere.

>> No.7520991

how about the jews fucking up our chips? i live in canada lay's used to be in a 200g bag but like in the last year they've reduced that shit down to 170g per regular bag. also with zesty cheese doritos i remember being a kid and they were so fucking covered in seasoning it was like falling off the chip now they have enough seasoning to barely be coloured orange and it's depressing.