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7504370 No.7504370 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys just got a job as a pizza delivery driver. So I need tips on being the best I can be. I already have the "that'll be $19.99 plus tip sir" down.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.7504389

Saying "Plus tip" is a good way to get your tip reduced or outright eliminated

>> No.7504410
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Fucking pay attention to any delivery instructions

I don't tip the assholes who ignore my request of not coming to my door and having my dog go ballistic at midnight. It's right there, have the courtesy to read it.

>> No.7504412

also don't say "plus tip" I'd fucking laugh at you if you were my delivery driver and said that

>> No.7504445

I would too. If OP Adds a Please, I would give an extra buck for the great laugh.

>> No.7504446

Remember to stick your dick inside the box and make a bad pun around the theme of extra sausage.

>> No.7504448

Remember to keep a notebook of all the customers who stiff you, so know who isn't worth rushing for.

>> No.7504474

Protip from someone who spent 4 years behind the wheel. Don't say "plus tip." Ask them to sign and total it instead. Also buy a mini clipboard to put the tickets on for the customer to sign. You won't get there any faster flooring it between red lights in the city, but an extra 15 mph on county back roads never hurt anybody, probably.

>> No.7504478

>Fucking pay attention to any delivery instructions

and never ask for a tip

>> No.7504480

offer to take a slice instead as a tip because money doesn't really matter that much to you, this works 95% of the time

>> No.7504493
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Pssht, delivery driver 'asking' for tips.
Son of a bitch.

>> No.7504507

Woof plus tip

>> No.7504976

Buy a tub of individually wrapped dog treats. I used to give them to customer's dogs and got really tips for it because people appreciate that sorta shit.

>> No.7505026

I dunno about pizza delivery, but here's some advice for your shitposting career.

Don't make your threads such obvious bait.

>> No.7505030


>plus tip

Posting in a bait thread.

But seriously, I tip pretty generous. If someone said that tho, a good likelihood you just got your tip reduced.

>> No.7505037

>plus tip
I thought most people nowadays pay beforehand and get the tip sorted out before the driver even arrives.
Unless you're paying with cash.

>> No.7505041

have u tried training ur dog u fucking scumbag

>> No.7505046


Even if you pay by credit you still write the tip amount when it arrives.


How underage are you?

>> No.7505943
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>I don't tip the assholes who ignore my request of not coming to my door and having my dog go ballistic at midnight.

How are they supposed to deliver your pizza otherwise?

>> No.7505958

you really want to emphasize the tip begging part. saying only "plus tip" doesn't cut it these days. you have to really get in there and personal, tell em how you can't afford cable because gas costs so much and the price of fleshlights has gone through the fucking roof and that platinum dragon dildo really cut into your retirement fund

>> No.7505974

Post memes on reddit whinging about someone not putting on trousers for you.

>> No.7505979

I'm 12 and what is cable?

>> No.7505982

i like when my dog barks at the door

>> No.7505989

>plus tip

say it or you wont get any from me pal

>> No.7505990

My pizza joint has a spot where you can add in the tip online. It even has a tip calculator so I just put in 15% and all I have to do is sign when the guy arrives.

>> No.7506643

i dont have pizza delivered for one reason only and thats so i dont tip. can you guys really not just call in a pizza and go pick it up?

>> No.7506663

I never tip in advance. I tip based on how quickly the pizza gets to me compared to the estimated wait time. If they say 30 minutes and it gets to my door in 30 minutes they get about a 10-15% tip. If it gets to me in 15 minutes, I'll bump it up to 20-25%, if it takes 45 minutes, they'll get probably 10% at most.

Also depends on whether the order is correct and complete. I've had them forget to bring part of the order or deliver the wrong pizza to me before and I've stiffed them on the tip because of it.

>> No.7506683

Let's see...

A $5 tip or a $6500+ cost of a DUI? I wonder which is cheaper and easier?

>> No.7506689

Wait so they get you the wrong order, or even miss something out completely, and all you do is not pay the stupid late driver? Why would you even tip a driver anyway?

>> No.7506702

>I need tips
I'm onto your game.

>> No.7506709

I would be pretty fucking annoyed if you just handed out dog treats to my dog, personally.

>> No.7506710


>> No.7506712

>Any other suggestions?
No amount of money is worth ruining your driving record for life, or paying higher insurance for it. Do not break any laws. Ever.

>> No.7506715

As long as they fix it, which they always do, I'll still pay for the food I ordered.

I tip the driver because they get paid a shit wage for a thankless job and I like to show my appreciation for them delivering my food when I'm feeling too lazy to get off my ass and pick it up or make it myself.

>> No.7506720

If you ask for a tip like that then you're getting fuck all from me.

>> No.7506721
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>knock on my door
>dog starts barking and going crazy
>random stranger rewards him with a treat
you must not have a dog if you think just randomly handing out treats is a good idea, and if you do they're not very well trained

>> No.7506730

Shouldn't they appreciate having a job? We all (well most of us) get paid fuck all but most of us don't expect tips for it. If you tip him that much he could double his wage every day, earning more than some teachers. Show your gratitude that way if you want but I'll show mine by being friendly.

>> No.7506741

We don't all work in jobs where tipping is customary.

I show my gratitude by being friendly as well. I've worked many customer facing and customer service/support jobs throughout my life so I always treat anyone in that sort of position decently since I've been there myself.

If you want to continue stiffing waitstaff and delivery drivers on tips, more power to you. All you're accomplishing is showing how much of a cheap asshole you are.

>> No.7506745

I never mentioned waiters. Fuck off with your strawman.

>> No.7506746

So edgy, Mr Pink

Hopefully you get your food spit in on a regular basis

>> No.7506764

What isn't edgy about wanting a high wage for being a delivery driver to the degree that you'd spit in the food of somebody who gets less than you?

>> No.7507258
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>Asking for tips

>> No.7507278

Most delivery drivers don't make nearly enough in tips for you to be worried about them making more than a someone with a degree and a white collar job. You're being paranoid honestly. For most drivers, their pay just gets bumped up by a few bucks an hour, and keep in mine many or most are only working part time.

>> No.7507326

>plus tip
One time some snot nosed teenager said this to me, and I gave him a full $20, and then I called the store asking for my change back, they had him drive back just to give me $2.11 in change.

Hopefully he learned his lesson. Don't be a little shit.

>> No.7507339 [DELETED] 

I obviously asked them first if the wanted to give the dog a treat, i'm not a retard devoid of manners.

>> No.7507348

If your dog starts barking every time someone knocks on the door it's not very well trained in the first place you mongoloid.

>> No.7507394


Not him

>what is a guard dog

Enjoy being raped by a burglar. Mine barks and is intended to bark. In fact she barks if a car pulls in my driveway.

She's basically saying "have your gun ready Massa, there's niggers on the property".

When I go look out my window and it's family or friends, I tell her to be quiet and she does. Well trained indeed.

I bet you fucking put sweaters on your dog, don't you?

>> No.7507402

My dog only barks when the door is opened from the outside or when glass breaks.

>> No.7507406

I never tip. So if you met me don't be surprised if I don't give you all of your paycheck your shekel pinching boss is too cheap to shell out.

>> No.7507426

Kevlar vest.
Get some form of subtle gorget or kevlar nevior or neck protection or something too. Make sure the belt around your kidneys and liver are well protected, as they're a good killspot, and you probably want to get a metal cup to cover your dick.
Please listen to me. It's for the best. Pizza delivery is a dance with death, dude. You never know just when some Jamartin or d'shendrik might open the door with a bigass animey knife and demand your gbp.

>> No.7507434
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if you see an orange tabby, just walk away.

spare yourself from that abuse.

>> No.7507437


>> No.7507460

and if it has extra cheese keep it extra straight

>> No.7507505

Yeah, don't mention the tip. Customers are aware. Remember that main roads, even counting street lights, are generally faster than back roads. If you don't feel safe with a delivery, don't make it -- robberies are really common. Remember to consolidate your deliveries to a particular area, so that street A and B are on the same run, rather than A and Z. Get gas before shift. Don't accept absurd amount of coinage unless your company requires you to (mine did, but others in the area didn't). Don't eat your product everyday, obviously. Books on tape make it a way more bearable gig. Be active in supporting the in-store staff between runs. Being courteous can increase your tips, as must people won't actually decide what to tip until you're there. Never step into a person's home -- you'll be invited to a lot, but it's unsafe and unprofessional. Make sure to keep most of your bank hidden somewhere off your person at all times -- carrying around large sums means getting robbed sucks more, and you'll rarely need more than 40 dollars or so in change anyway (the place that I worked at had cubbies for this).

Hope that helps.

>> No.7507519

When an intruder gets that far, it's too late to do much about it. You'll be lucky if you have time to lube up your asshole after your dog alerts you.

>> No.7507533


You sound like a decent pizza dude. But this is a bait thread.

>> No.7507549

I don't know, anyone who'd break into a house in my extremely white neighborhood would probably start crying if they saw a Saint Bernard run at them. Besides, anyone that's coming into your home with ill intent definitely won't be knocking. Anyone also breaking in during the dead of night will be deterred by dog barking, since that kind of thing wakes not only you up, but your neighbors as well.

>> No.7507560

What's your address?

>> No.7507568 [DELETED] 

5006 Eastcreek Drive, Arlington, TX 76018


>> No.7507569

in Canada the winter gets cold and even a 5 minute walk with my pizza from the place to home would freeze the thing so no

>> No.7507571

Thanks. I can't wait to find out who's right.

>> No.7507581

what exactly happens next?

>> No.7507584

Why would anyone give out their address on the internet?
At least pick somewhere with good food.

>> No.7507586

The trick is to lie about the total by 2 or 3 bucks and pocket the difference

>> No.7507592

Arlington offers rapid access to both Fort Worth and Dallas. They are some of the best cities on the planet serving steak and Mexican food.

If you look left and right on the Collins 157 overpass of I-30, you can see the skylines of both cities. It's pretty fucking cool.

>> No.7507611

Sounds nice. Is Texas even known for anything besides the brisket and Mexican food? Every time people bring up Texas in a discussion those are the only two things that are brought up. I'm no different though, since I live in North Carolina. I even Googled "good NC food" to see what NC would be known for by other people and came across some bad clickbait website about the top 15 websites you should try in NC.

It was terrible.

>> No.7507612

how about i ask you to make me english breakfast in a kitchen full of pissed-off rattlesnakes?
oh and don't hurt or move those rattlesnakes, they are my pets and they just like to lounge in the kitchen

>> No.7507617


>> No.7507634

What pizza place you working at? I used to do pizza hut, and fuck them so much. The up the delivery charge to fuck over both the workers and customers, and you basically take the hit for Pizza Hut. The delivery reimbursement lowers when gas prices do, but don't go up when gas prices go back up.

Also, be prepared to become racist. It's known by everyone that black people are generally not good people, especially the women. I'm actually more surprised when a delivery driver isn't racist. Expect to be stiffed at least 85% of the time when deliverying to black folk.

Listen to this guy. Also, I used to spit/ wipe my ballsweat/asshole funk on pizza's of shitty customers(hand to pizza transfer).

>> No.7507650

Go to the left side basement window, leave pizza on ground and give three rapid taps on the glass, count the four series of knocks given in return, use those numbers to unlock the combination safe next to the mailbox, retrieve the payment from the safe, keep the change.

It's all written out very clearly in the delivery instructions.

>> No.7507672

>need tips
you sure do pal

>> No.7507760

You're taking food off of the table of these workers. It's only fair.

>> No.7507777


yeah larceny is always a smart thing to do

>> No.7507779
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>> No.7507785

You say stay, cause you see its pizza guy cause you called amd are expecting him.

If your dog is so behaved then how would he ne rushing the door to even get the treat?

Just sound like a real sob

>> No.7507818

no I'm not, I'm just not willing to provide them with a second serving, they make plenty of money without tips, and if they don't then they should reconsider their career choices

>> No.7507824

Kys senpai

>> No.7507849

>I need tips
Don't expect any.

>> No.7508151

If the house is bumping rap music and you see a bunch of niggers eyeballing you out the window, call your mom and tell her you love her because you're probably going to die

Or if you're lucky the monkies will just try to take the pizza without paying and not have the African bloodlust, which is when you can call your place and have them phone the police

>> No.7508169

This is literally why i would never deliver pizzas

>> No.7508189

If they don't top you keep a record of their address and go back after your shift ask for the pizza back. If they laugh at you explain your on drugs and dont remember where you are

Can't get fired for that if your not working

>> No.7508205

I don't understand this new age phenomenon of people scrambling at the door to figure out a tip. When you're done ordering the pizza, you count out the cash you'll need, then put the tip with it so the whole thing is ready to go when the delivery guy shows up. What the fuck is so hard about that? You people must have incomprehensibly hard times functioning in life or multitasking to any degree.

>> No.7508208


I wondered the same thing myself. But fact is that people are morons. You see the same crap boarding an airplane: people are scrambling putting stuff in and taking stuff out of their luggage....surely you could have figured that you BEFORE you boarded the damn plane.

>> No.7508214

I guess I was just raised to be prepared, and not procrastinate. The airplane example is even worse. A hundred people trying to board an airplane and get through that jerkoff they call TSA security and you're gonna stand there and make sure your socks are in the suitcase? Jesus Christ, have some fucking class/respect for other people's time. I just don't get it.

>> No.7508218

Some people lack forethought and the ability to plan and prepare for the future.

>> No.7508346

Hell, you can see this at Subway lines

>5 minute wait before service because the place is full
>The chucklefuck in front of you stares at the ceiling whilst mouthbreathing
>After 5 minutes or so, it's chucklefuck's turn
>He snaps from his trance, stopping his unholy communion with the Elemental Plane of Semi-Sentient Potatoes
>Still hasn't the faintest idea of what kind of bread he wants, let alone the filling
>Takes longer to place his order than any 3 other people before him

>> No.7508569

Not just subway mate.
People also fail at using the ATM, or having payment ready in the store.
Old people in front of you at the self check out...cut my life into pieces

>> No.7508580

You need to make connections with your customers. When you get to know them you start bringing them other things with their order like beer. Then they pay you for the pizza, the beer, and a big tip.

>> No.7508647

I worked as a driver and pie board at a higher quality mom and pop pizzeria (better than big national chains) in high school. Blue collar single (tradesmen) white guys usually tip pretty good as does lower middle class that work for a living. Rich people tip 10% but nothing extravagant though I did have a guy who owned a restaurant give me a crisp $100 bill tip on a $200 order for their company Xmas party.

Poor, teenagers, Blacks, East Indians are bad tippers. Many times giving exact change and not a penny more. It's been 15 years since I delivered my last pie but I can't imagine much has changed

>> No.7508885

Anyone not a white/asian 20+ year old is a shit tipper


>> No.7508903

Ehh most of the time the black people just won't tip. normally If you're going to get robbed it's going to by by someone who wants to meet somewhere, by someone waving you down, or at a very sketchy looking place with out decent lighting. other then that don't forget to carry some sort of self defense thing.

>> No.7508930

I quit my job in pizza last year. Shit hasn't changed.

>> No.7508964

Troll. No delivery driver would be autistic enough to say "plus tip", and if you actually tried that no one would tip you. Good bait thread though.

>> No.7508968

Third option don't get pulled over and pay nothing.

>> No.7508989


>> No.7509002

This being a troll thread aside:

> If you don't feel safe with a delivery, don't make it -- robberies are really common.

1. If you're just not going on deliveries all the time because you have a bad feeling about them, good luck keeping your job.

2. Robberies are not "common". I worked at a pizza place for 2 years and no one ever got robbed, and I have never heard of anyone working there ever getting robbed. Don't deliver in Kenya.

>as must people won't actually decide what to tip until you're there

Absolute bullshit. Most people decide what to tip when they get their total and are getting their money together. Everyone knows whether they're going to tip or not before you get there barring you really fucking up. Sounds like another Kenya problem

>Never step into a person's home -- you'll be invited to a lot, but it's unsafe and unprofessional

Meh, most people are just trying to be nice, especially if its raining or something. Don't step into black peoples' homes but other than that I'm not afraid of some white granny in a nice neighborhood.

You're a shit delivery driver

>> No.7509017

How many times will that work before someone catches you and you get fired. Your boss will maybe take the first instance as an honest mistake but 2 or 3 calls and you're out. I say you get away with this like 10-20 times, making you a grand total of 40-60 dollars and then you're unemployed. Genius.

>> No.7509022

its a meme you dip

>> No.7509033

>asking for a tip

I know you're trolling, anon, but if anyone here is actually looking for advice:

I used to drive. Here's what you need to do.

-be fast.
-be efficient. this is more important than being fast. plan your routes. do not rely on GPS: actually learn the streets and plan out your route in your head.
-don't fuck over your coworkers.
-if your coworkers are fucking over you or other drivers, don't just complain about it when they're not there. call them out on their bullshit. put them on blast. the food service industry is often visceral, heated, cutthroat. get used to it or get out.
-don't smoke weed during rush. sure way to lower tips and possibly complaints. if you're there all night, wait for rush to end, then blaze. it's a lot easier to wash dishes high than deliver a triple.
-don't ask for tips.
-don't get shitty when someone doesn't tip you. make a note of the address and try to avoid delivering to that address as a single, or let someone else take it as a double for the delivery fee.
-brush your fucking teeth.
-wash your uniform. get two or three shirts.
-shave daily, even if it's just with a beard trimmer. all these hygiene pointers lead to better tips.
-seriously, clean clothes from head to toe every day.
-two pairs of shoes minimum. if you wear the same pair every day they will start to reek, and you might not notice it. disgusting.
-if your manager is cool, and someone asks you to bring them cigarettes, beer, condoms, etc from a store, do it. they'll tip you heavily. build up good rapport with your regulars and they'll treat you right.

can't really think of anything else. I delivered for five years, and when I get delivery now I tip 20% minimum. If we get delivery at a friend's house I always throw an extra five on the tip. But if you say "plus tip" you can fuck yourself and get stiffed.

>> No.7509038

delivery drivers are truly the biggest welfare queens

>> No.7509048

Why do delivery guys get robbed? The ones here only carry a small amount of change and the pizza isn't delicious enough to justify robbery.

>> No.7509053


only the stupid ones get robbed. Some guys just carry their whole take in their pockets all night instead of making cash drops or locking it in their glovebox. you pull change off a thousand dollar cash roll in a bad part of town and you're begging to get robbed.

but robberies really aren't that common considering how many delivery drivers there are. I'd imagine the people robbing pizza guys aren't the brightest either

>> No.7509055

incompetent worker story incoming

>order wings online
>go to pick it up
>have to grab the cashiers attention
>finish paying
>she turns back and chats with a coworker
>my order is right there
>wait 30 seconds to see if she'll start working, doesnt
>excuse me, can i get my order? its right there
>'and how would you know?'
>because im not fucking retarded
>she mumbles 'wow rude' and hands me my food

i fucking hate people who dont do their jobs

>> No.7509105

One time some idiot tried to rob a driver with a knife, and the driver just pulled out his gun. The guy took off after that. At least half of the drivers I worked with at that place were carrying.

>> No.7509172

Why does anyone get robbed? Poor niggers looking for some quick cash for drugs/food. They don't care if you only have $20-50, that's a gold mine to them and they have no thoughts or morals. Pizza guys always have some amount of cash on them so its a sure profit and they stand out in a crowd.

>> No.7509851

Used to work as a delivery driver for pizza hut, once or twice a month I'd be given an order for a large pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust, same chubby blonde teenager everytime. the kid always gave me a ten dollar tip

>> No.7509881

You guys remember recurring customers? Shit.

Do you make fun of us for getting the same thing?

>> No.7509903


this never happened


there are three types of people, drivers remember two of them. average tippers nobody remembers. if you do not tip/tip 2 dollars or less they remember you for being poor and worthless, and they also remember large tippers.

large tippers get their food taken first. nontippers get cold food with spit on it.

>> No.7509905



>> No.7509917

Idk where you live but a place here was actively spitting and tainting food for shit tippers or people they didn't like for whatever reason

The place got shut down and the owner along with two employees and a driver got arrested about 4 months after they opened

>> No.7509937

sometimes, if it's a really meme-y order

>> No.7509944

Be fast, and don't be an asshole. Don't ask for tips you absolute faggot. Just smile and be happy you have a job at all.

>> No.7509951

I obviously asked to people first if they wanted to give the dog a treat or even save for later first, i'm not some invalid devoid of manners.

>> No.7510014


no, that never happened

>> No.7510925

We had like a dozen robberies in a year here anon

>> No.7510934
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>living in a tipcuck country


>few months ago order izza
>delivery arrives, it's just under $45
>hand over a $50
>guy puts it away and goes to leave, I'm still standing there
>looks at me
>"Oh did you want your change back?"

Even in a country with tipping that would've enraged me.

>> No.7511107 [DELETED] 


> being poor

>> No.7511111


> i'm poor

>> No.7511117


Dick move on both parts. When a cheap asshole collides with an opportunistic asshole.

>> No.7511122

In clapistan you're considered a douche if you don't tip unless you're dirt poor

>> No.7511126


Its worse then that. Plenty of poor people tip decently because they themselves work or have worked shitty service jobs. Miserly fucks.

>> No.7511129

No tip from me cunt, the reason I pay with a mutha fucking debit card.

>> No.7511131

Maybe put your fucking dog in another room while you get the goddamn pizza.

>> No.7511134


Juden detected

>> No.7511139


I just have the delivery driver text me when he gets to my fence gate and I meet him there. Unless the pizza takes a long time say over 45 mins I usually tip 15% to 20%

>> No.7511140


> nigger tries to quickly sign the slip
> leaves no tip and does not total the amount
> tell him i know tipping is hard but you have to put a total
> he drops pen as i hand it back to him
> i laugh
> he slams door when i walk away

i make all non-tippers go get their card to show me. if the name on the ticket does not match the receipt i ask them why. i then put their full name into the computer.

>> No.7511144


Once the pizza is in my hand I release the hounds!

>> No.7511145


i do not hand over the pizza until I have a completed credit slip or the cash.

>> No.7511147 [DELETED] 

Why is /ck/ so uncultured?

Ignoring such nice numbers.

>> No.7511148
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>complaining about giving someone who just drove to your place and handed you food a few bucks for the convenience

Why even get anything delivered if you're that fucking cheap? Just pick it up yourself. That way if anything is wrong with the order you can fix it right there.

>> No.7511171

>not tipping the cashier who just served you all the fresh produce and meat you could want in the convenience of one store
>not leaving a tip for the man who travels miles delivering mail so you don't have to travel by horse and cart to meet your family and talk in person
>not going to the factory downtown to tip the guy who canned the tomatoes you bought in bulk so now you don't have to repeatedly buy them fresh and in season
>not tipping your wife's boyfriend who just saved you the hassle of pleasuring her

>> No.7511178


> exaggerate like a woman in an attempt to make an argument
> fail poorly and just make yourself look like a retarded woman

sup, poor person

>> No.7511186

You still haven't explained why we should tip delivery drivers and not those others. It fails on you because you approve of tipping delivery drivers. If you considered the parallels, they all work menial jobs with shitty pay for your convenience. They aren't different just because you say they are.

>> No.7511192

>implying I'm american

I don't tip, wages in australia are not based around tipping. tipping is fucking stupid anyway

>here's you pizza I get paid to drive here and give you now pay me extra money for the privilege of letting me do my job

americans will defend this logic

>> No.7511194

Almost identical situation I had one time. After like 4 minutes of waiting after paying and she just kept talking with her coworker and I'm like excuse me can you just hand me my order please, it's right there and has been sitting there for almost five minutes. She scoffed at me because I interrupted their conversation and angrily grabbed my food and shoved it to me. Absolute BS

>> No.7511195


because they drive food to you in their car incurring costs only taken because of tips. it is ONLY done because of tipping.

>> No.7511206

or instead of disguising the true cost of the service by shafting into an arbitrary tip the business could charge a flat rate and pay their workers a normal wage. Tips always help the business by allowing them to lower their sticker price and pay less wages and hurt employees who are the ones who lose on a shitty tip.

>> No.7511212


you could not afford that, poor person. you benefit the most from tipping existing in that your bill is lower. you just have to hope your food is not spit in, given that you are forcing your poor onto the delivery driver.

>> No.7511220

I live in a country where this already happens you coward, things cost the right price and yet somehow a select few jobs still feel entitled to a tip, as if driving literally 5 minute to hand me food is somehow service above and beyond their duty and deserves extra money. It's actually pathetic.

>> No.7511226


nobody cares which shithole country you live and remain poor in. and we know it is a terrible country because people can be locked up for speech there.

>> No.7511231

Don't be like the last time I ordered delivery
>Order Domino's cause I am desperate and my local shop is closed for Good Friday
>They are about 10miles away
>Delivery driver leaves at 6:15
>Doesn't get to my house till 7:10
>Doesn't follow the delivery instructions (Call before arriving) so I don't have time to put my dog in the back room (He gets super excited to meet strangers and its awkward, have him well trained in everything else but I cannot fix this habit)
>Pounds on my glass screendoor so hard I can hear it shaking
>Hear him sneeze, open the door and see little droplets all over my screendoor
>He forgot his pen
>Goes to the car and cannot find one
>Literally forgot a pen
>Put my 20oz soda IN THE FUCKING HEATING BAG so its legitimately hot

For fucks sake.

>> No.7511232

>calling me poorfag
>getting upset when wealthy homeowners don't throw them some scraps of change

there are literally homeless people less indignant about that amount of money.

>> No.7511238

It's times like that where I wish life had a pause button and pause it and be like dude, you're fucking up so badly and explain it all to him/her and hit reset. Not in a mean way but in a life helping type of way.

>> No.7511245

>americans will defend this logic
nah, american deliverers work literally 4 FREE

>> No.7511264


Most American states allow delivery drivers to be paid as wait staff at a sit down restaurant. So what's that like $3 an hour?

>> No.7511292
File: 704 KB, 160x160, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five ones confirm, and if that wasn't enough..
>implying I'm american
Then he confirms it himself.

>> No.7511297


you are not wealthy. we know this because you are too poor to tip.

>> No.7511301

Americans are poor as fuck. So poor in fact that they rely on charity to survive.

>> No.7511304
File: 1.98 MB, 381x434, 1393030322025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close but no cigar, poorfag.

>> No.7511305

In this case sure its a performance based "charity" of sorts, because we dont pay 90% of our wages to taxes for social programs like all the yurps do

>> No.7511309

Wealthy people are often frugal with their money.

>> No.7511310

lol you pay as much as those "socialist" countries in europe you dumb fuck

stay ignorant

>> No.7511312


being frugal would involves cooking your own food, not forcing your poor on a delivery driver.

>> No.7511314

[citation needed]

>> No.7511316

[citation needed]

>> No.7511326

>[citation needed]
I guess we've seen the last of you itt, huh?

>> No.7511334

Are you implying the one buying takeaway pizza is more poor than the one relying on handouts? If that is the case, why should he owe him any money? You have no argument either way.

>> No.7511353

In the US having someone delivering your food is a convenience. Every adult in the US knows that the delivery driver isn't payed very much (often less than minimum wage) and that if you request the convenience of a home delivery, delivery drivers usually get a tip for providing you with a convenient service.

If you're a piece of nigger shit, you don't tip even though you know that the driver provided you with a convenient service even though he doesn't get paid very much for doing so.

Emphasis on the "nigger". That or you don't have the tiny bit of extra money to pay a tip for the convenience you opted for instead of picking the food up yourself, your choice.

>> No.7511359

For what company are you driving around?

>> No.7511363

For some reason I tend to tip Asians and attractive white men the most. I don't know why but I way over tip the both of them.

One Asian guy let me sign the receipt on his back. I gave him like a 20 dollar tip for that one.,

>> No.7511459


a handout is something unexpected

a delivery driver does that job ONLY because of tips. the tips are expected because the tips are the only reason the job exists.

>> No.7511475

>tips are the only reason the job exists
How much shit can you pull out of your ass? The job exists because the company gets extra custom due to the convenience of delivery. They pay drivers a wage to deliver the food to increase custom and efficiency. Tipping comes later on in the process. That's why the vast majority of the world doesn't do it, because it's a localised trend.

>> No.7511477

>all this rationalization for being a cheap N____R
there is a reason watermelon delivery jobs don't exist, tyrone

>> No.7511478

>the only reason the job exists

you idiot, tips are just a way for employers to hire people and not have to pay them. they can just be like lol bad luck if people don't tip, tipping being totally optional. anyone defending this system is literally cucking themselves on purpose it is absolutely bizarre.

>> No.7511500

Skylar was a fucking cunt anyways

>> No.7511505

Why do americans tip every servant? I don't understand.

>> No.7511516


its a literal fact. when they advertise the job they always talk about tips. this is because it is required for the job to exist. this is not up for debate.


you would stop ordering the second they raised the prices to cover the lost tips. this is because you are very poor.

>> No.7511523

>anyone defending this system is literally cucking themselves on purpose it is absolutely bizarre.
No one's defending the system, nigger. It sucks, especially for the guy doing the delivering, so...

..if you take advantage of the service then you should tip. It's provided for your convenience, if you don't want to tip then don't take advantage of the service and go pick up your food yourself. If you're a fucking nigger or you're too poor to give a few extra bucks to a delivery driver then having food delivered to your home shouldn't be something you do.

>> No.7511577

>you would stop ordering the second they raised the prices to cover the lost tips. this is because you are very poor.
So you're saying they have a tips system instead of a wage system to bring in extra customers i.e. non-tippers. If they can't do business without non-tippers then we're keeping them in work. Regardless, there are plenty of places which pay proper wages, don't take tips and still manage to do good business.

Why make it completely optional if it really isn't? Why not have a flat rate?

>> No.7511580

not that guy, but I think you're confusing cause and effect just a little big guy

>> No.7511593

>it really isn't
"It really isn't" if you're a fucking nigger. Decent people do the right thing when given the chance. Yes, we have people in the US who choose to do the absolute least in every given situation: they're called niggers. If a few dollars for someone delivering your food is too much, you might be one and/or you're poor, take your pick.

>> No.7511594


yes there is no difference in lower prices and tipping or just higher prices, the customer pays the wage no matter what.

which american pizza delivery place does not utilize tipping that do good business?

>> No.7511621

>Why make it completely optional if it really isn't? Why not have a flat rate?
customers want to feel like they have the option to punish the lowest level employee if the business as a whole doesn't operate up to their expectations
it's hilariously regressive when you think about it for a second

>> No.7511624

>leaving the house

>> No.7511636

>We don't all work in jobs where tipping is customary.
>If you want to continue stiffing waitstaff and delivery drivers on tips, more power to you. All you're accomplishing is showing how much of a cheap asshole you are.

I cannot wait for waiters and waitresses to be phased out of all but the highest dining establishments.

They're bar none the most bitchy group of working folk, always wanting their minimum wage job to be boosted to 50k per annum by people spending their hard-earned money on a meal.

That alone isn't even bad; we could all use a bit more cash, but they have the nerve to feel as if you are obliged to do it. That you're somehow a worse person for not tipping.

Fuck you, m80. Go get a skill if you want to get paid. I don't have to give you jack shit for a job a 16 year old can do just as well.

>> No.7511641


you are obliged to tip waiters as the job exists purely because of those tips. its one of those things you poor people can't understand -- logic.

>> No.7511642

Driver here

If you tip bad or not at all I will pour parmesan packets in the gas tank of your car in the driveway

>> No.7511646

>I'm too poor to tip!
>I'm a nigger!
Well, which is it?

>> No.7511649

So you're poking fun at poor people in the defense of poor people.

>> No.7511650

>I cannot wait for waiters and waitresses to be phased out of all but the highest dining establishments.
You realize there's a broad range of dining establishments above just "McDonalds", right?

If you don't want a restaurant experience, then why not just go to the grocery store or sign up for one of those food delivery services where there's no expectation of tipping, like Blue Apron?

>> No.7511653

> (often less than minimum wage)

This has literally never been true since minimum wage was enacted.

>> No.7511661

There we go again, that same retarded fucking sentence. What you're directly implying is that the job wouldn't exist without tips, which is complete fucking nonsense. You didn't refute what that guy said in any way.

>> No.7511664

Working poor, and the entitled shits who want to take advantage of the convenience/service they offer but don't want to pay a gratuity.
Oh look, an ignorant nigger! Shocked over here.

>> No.7511667

I'm not obliged to tip anything. If a job can't exist without donations, maybe that job shouldn't exist.

Wait, there are restaurants that already don't accept tips for waiters. It's a minimum wage job; I'm not required to make it anything else.

That's not going to get you any tips, Anon.

I don't go to restaurants with waitstaff often; usually only on a birthday or if out-of-state family visits and we spend the day out doing things around town. I still just dislike how cancerous waiter culture is with the "You're a bad person if you don't subsidize my minimum wage job" schtick. Lots of people get shit pay doing more work than waiting tables, and I've been a waiter before. Nobody's required to give you extra money; that's your employer's job. Acting like you're owed it just encourages people not to tip.

Tipping is a charity. You're not supposed to be an ungrateful prick about it.

>> No.7511668


sorry bud, but you are retarded as fuck. they actually advertise delivery jobs on craiglist as 4 dollars an hour as the wage

>> No.7511673


the job would not exist without the tips (except where the prices are much higher, or you live in a country where you can be locked up for saying nigger).


> tipping is charity

no, tipping is required (if you want the business to be there with those prices). if you think a 20 percent increase in prices is better, start paying that price when you go.

>> No.7511683

Two of my friends deliver pizzas in college and I used to be waiter.

I'll explain how this works, since actual tip + wage people will lie through their teeth on the issue.

Tip jobs are required to meet the federal minimum wage requirement, same as literally any other legal job in the United States.

HOWEVER, with tip jobs, there's a certain twist to it. The employer must ensure you receive compensation equal to minimum wage, but that is including your tips.

In my state (I don't know if the modified base pay varies by state) the employer is only required to pay $2.35 an hour I believe, if you have received bonus compensation form customers that leaves your hourly income at a rate of $7.25 or higher.

So around $5 worth of tips an hour is pretty much a null zone for seeing any extra money. If you make $2 in tips that hour for whatever reason, the employer MUST, as in is legally required, compensate you for the additional $5.25 to keep you working at the proper hours.

Now, they don't do this on the hour; they take your reported tips at the end of your scheduling period and make sure to work all the math out before your payday.

But most waiters easily top this. My friend at Dominos makes around $20 an hour, and restaurant wait staff can pocket $300 on a Friday night easily. Which is fine; more power to them if they can get paid.

But that's to clear up the "Waiters get paid less than minimum wage" myth. They don't.

Places that advertise the base pay as $2 an hour or whatever are giving you the pay they are required to give assuming your tips surpass minimum wage.

>> No.7511685

>if you don't subsidize my minimum wage job
You mean less than minimum wage, and it's true, you are a bad person.

Anyway Danny Meyer (you've never heard of him because you are poor) is working on changing the culture at least at nice places. It probably won't trickle down to the kind of cheesecake factory tier places you occasionally go to, because as I mentioned earlier in the thread, people like you prefer to have the option of punishing the lowest-paid employee in the company if the performance of the company as a whole doesn't meet your expectations.

>> No.7511690

Irregular reminder that the only reason all these waiter shill for tips is because waiters make bank by carrying plates of food around, waiters often make around 60k a year, and they simultaneously try to make you feel bad for them and say how little they earn. They don't want a normal minimum wage salar.

>> No.7511692


you did not refute a single word i said. if poor people, like yourself, represented all delivery customers there would be no delivery, or prices would go up 20 percent, or more.

>> No.7511693

See the post above you:

And the post below you:

There you go.

>> No.7511698

I saw it. What do you expect me to say now? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7511702

Businesses already charge delivery fees in this area. Nothing would change.

As for prices going up, that's fine. Some people wouldn't mind, others would just dine elsewhere or go out less often. You're not describing an industry collapse, just a changing trend.

>> No.7511709


delivery fees have nothing to do with drivers. the fee goes to the business.

the change would be a massive increase in prices. this would result in the poor, like yourself, not ordering food from there

>> No.7511710

worked delivery for many years

always stay outside if possible, if you go inside they get comfortable and the whole process slows down 100%, plus people misplace things and always want to blame the last person who was in the house.

>> No.7511720

I know, I mean that delivery fees would just take a hike.

You seem particularly intent on insulting me for calling out the long-running scam of tipping culture.

>> No.7511724


not tipping when it is the very reason why the job exists is the scam, schlomo jewbergstein.

>> No.7511732

You're not going to convince me to do the employer's job.

>> No.7511746


customers pay the wages already, retard. how fucking kike stupid are you?

>> No.7511765

>Customers don't tip! They need to pay our wages!
>Customers already pay our wages!

Pick one and don't get tipped either way lol.

>> No.7511771


poor people dont tip. try and keep up, nigger.

>> No.7511835

Poor people should learn that it's not delivery, it's digornio.
Or in the case of some digornio, broken glass.

>> No.7511852


I don't think your wrong about tipping being bs esp when there is a delivery charge but your just raging against the machine as usual only the little man gets fucked.

Im in my 30s have a decent job. I am also not such a greedy Jew I can't throw a high school kid $3 for bringing me a hot pie.

In short the "I don't tip" stance isn't unjustified but it does show a proud willful ignorance for social customs and normal social behavior. You can probally get away with this on your own but please don't start this shit in front of other people esp coworkers and bosses.

>> No.7512137

How does the little man lose out if the employer subsidises the difference up to minimum wage?

>> No.7512220


Because even at minimum wage the big chains barely cover gas and tires much less maintence cost I the mileage pay. Drivers in USA use their own personal vechicles. A motorcycle or scooter in a big city would probally be best.

>> No.7512812

>no tip justify vandalism and food tainting

Man, delivery guys are such entitled douchebags.

Tipping is a bonus. A reward from the customer if you made him happy.

Automatically tipping if for sheeple.

>> No.7512832
File: 11 KB, 220x218, Pizzahaven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard of Pizza Heaven

>> No.7512836

It's supposed to Haven. Just a fucking typo I made.

>> No.7512842

Is 2 bucks enough if the place is like 3 minutes from my house?

>> No.7512902


Yeah I think 10%-20% is fine if your pleased with the service. I am assuming they get it there fast?

I speak as a former delivery driver, never pre tip always use cash as that incentive. I only have any gripe with people that don't tip one cent.

>> No.7512917

I had a pizza delivery girl deliver us a pizza once and after I gave her the money she asked "How much change do you want back?"... I said "All of it" took my change, and slammed the door in her face.

>> No.7512957

learn how to format your posts this isnt reddit

>> No.7512984

What's the standard tip if the delivery guy sucks you off? How much did you usually get, and did you get more if you swallowed?

>> No.7512992

I use the dominos app and pay with a credit card so I don't have to tip

>> No.7513145


Take your fetish shit elsewhere anon.

>> No.7513266

ha! this is going on the reddit page

>> No.7513283

I always tip these guys 1 quarter. That way they can get a gumball for all their hard work.

>> No.7513318

Dude if I intend to burglar you Id stab your dog in the neck and while you're scrambling to get your gun i would hide around the corner get low and RAID your FRIDGE


>> No.7513600

>/ck/ - International

>> No.7514610
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Plus tip threads still going strong 5 years later, kek. I usually make my order close to a multiple of 5 and round up, the difference is what I tip. I order 18 dollars of stuff and tell the driver to keep the change. My mind is already made up on what I'm going to tip before you arrive at the door.