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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7503375 No.7503375 [Reply] [Original]

My uncle's grandson doesn't eat vegetables in any capacity and will only eat breaded chicken

How can I sneak them into his meal?

Pic related - his face when he sees anything that isn't a chicken nugget or cheeseless chicken parm

>> No.7503379

don't serve anything else.. he'll get hungry enough

>> No.7503388

isnt your uncles grandson your cousins kid

>> No.7503391

Punch him in the face and tell him to eat it or he's getting another one. Adults are too pussy to raise their kids right anymore, he'll probably be a gay ballerina hooker in 10 years

>> No.7503396
File: 158 KB, 1600x1067, stupid kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I sneak them into his meal?

Just beat his ass, he'll eat his vegetables then.

Don't know why so many parents allow their kids to treat the dinner table like a restaurant, where they can "order" what they want and the parents fall all over themselves to make it.

When I was growing up, I ate what my mom cooked or nothing at all.

>> No.7503397

Force him to eat them or he can't leave the table/serve his leftovers as his only next meal.

Failing that, mush up vegetables and form them into chicken nugger shapes before breading and frying/baking.

>> No.7503399

If you set children on fire every time they refuse to eat something they quickly learn to do what you tell them.

>> No.7503405

Wtf, is this a thing in America?
do the kids chose when to sleep and whether they want to go to school?
do they chose where to poop?
Reminds me of an article I saw where a kid only ate hot Chettos and had to get an appendectomy at 10.
If you are too pussy to tell him what to do just shame him into eating it.
If it doesn't work don't feed him.
Natural selection.

>> No.7503474



>> No.7503485
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Same here. ANd I've encountered so many grown adult men who have the tastes and pickiness of a 3 year old spoiled brat. I knew one guy who only eat chicken and noodles and potatoes. Nothing else. I mean, jesus christ. Pathetic

>> No.7503509

Not if it's his cousins wifes son because his cousin is a cuck.

>> No.7503513

Assuming you can't hit him, tell him you'll ignore him until he eats the vegetables.
Ignore everything he says and pretend you can't hear him. Change the channel and such, pretend he's not even there. If he starts trouble, stop him but don't speak to him.

Children crave attention and he'll cave before the day is done.

>> No.7503514

It's probably because his parents are shit cooks. My mom used to make boiled "vegetable" dishes with expired, mushy vegetables (no, we were not poor) and would add zero seasoning, butter or salt. I learned to prepare meals for myself at a very young age out of sheer necessity. She used to make "orange curry chicken" which was a whole chicken- overbaked at 400 for 6 hours with orange juice in the bottom of the pan. There was not actually any curry added to the dish.

There is no point in forcefeeding children, it creates an unhealthy attitude towards food and can foster eating disorders- both binge eating and anorexia/bulimia.

You should try making yummy food with concealed veggies. The aversion to vegetables is established, it's done- it's not going to be reversible for several years until hes older and can comprehend that they might taste ok prepared different ways. His parents need to invest in a food processor. It's very easy to blend tomato sauce with roasted zucchini/yellow squash to add nutrients to spaghetti. You can also blend peppers onions and celery, then saute them in butter, remove from heat and whisk into eggs before cooking an omelette, or mix it into a hollendaise like sauce.

>> No.7503521

If beating the fuck out of the picky bastard doesn't work (which it usually does) then try cooking the vegetables in a different way. Add seasonings? Grill them? Bake them? Put them in a stew/soup, maybe?

>> No.7503525

nope, the way to go is either he eats whatever you fix for a meal, or he doesn't eat, simple as that. sooner or later hunger will drive him to try new foods

>> No.7503534

>uncle's grandson
Show this thread to his parents. Also why are you cooking for him?

>> No.7503540


>> No.7503551


>> No.7503560

Seems a bit much...

>> No.7503564

I'm only one of those, asshat. you're probably one of those picky eaters, that or a fucking liberal hippy parent

>> No.7503569
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>modern parenting

>> No.7503573

No, you're just in a minority of pussy parents who are raising the next generation of cucks. Be strong! Beat a defenseless child! You'll feel like a douche but It's the only way they'll learn!

>> No.7503585


Beat his ass.

Also why the fuck are you in contact with your uncle's grandson?

>> No.7503599

Literally every parent does this

Do you ever cook for them? If you can inspire them with your superb culinary skills, maybe you'll embarrass them into learning something themselves; the only reason a kid would form the initial attachment to microwaved tendies is by his parents feeding him that and nothing else, they're either massive massive cucks or poor/lazy cooks themselves.

OP, ignore these delusional faggots with mommy issues, force-feeding (and force-anything) your children won't give them the base impetus to want to seek out new foods. Since you only have a tertiary relationship with him there really is nothing you can do on your own, talk to his parents and tell them what a prissy faggot they're leading their son to be.

>> No.7503602
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>There is no point in forcefeeding children, it creates an unhealthy attitude towards food and can foster eating disorders- both binge eating and anorexia/bulimia.

Oprah Winfrey, please.

We didn't have any problems with anorexia, bulimia and whatever other bullshit memes until we started coddling our kids and letting them treat the dinner table like a fucking restaurant.

My Polish mother made borscht and boiled potatoes ever week without fail, despite the fact that I hated beets (still do) and on those days, all I ate for dinner was potatoes. She didn't hover over me and ask me what special snowflake meal I wanted to eat and she sure as shit wasn't going to make it if I had asked.

If you DON'T force your kid to eat what's for dinner, you are guaranteeing that they'll acquire an "eating disorder".

>> No.7503606

Cuck bitch, see: >>7503602

>> No.7503625

You can make a kid have an eating disorder by feeding them only chicken nuggets as well. In that case, you've got to take it up with his parents and tell them to feed him properly

>> No.7503630

>We didn't have any problems with anorexia, bulimia and whatever other bullshit memes until we started...

lmao is /ck/ really this awful? Maybe this is just confirmation bias, but the first three threads I opened were hilariously bad, full of completely uninformed cucks like yourself. "We didn't have any problems with autism/ocd/___(mental problem)/etc/etc until about 10 years ago" type thinking is literally Opera-viewer tier, not sure why you'd choose to invoke her yourself. These problems have always existed alongside sufficient luxury, they just weren't codified to the extent they are now. OP's uncle/whatever presumably grew up before these memes you're mentioning and they still managed to be retarded enough to both have no cooking ability whatsoever and to pass that inability to their children in spades; his family is hardly atypical, picky idiots have ALWAYS existed: daddy beats his kids, they eat what he forces on them/do whatever he says, but none of that sticks with the kid in any meaningful way - they grow up indifferent at best to their childhood, probably hating it infact, and so rebel against their abusive parents by eating frozen mac n'cheese twice daily

>> No.7503646
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Crisp memes my fellow liberal!

>> No.7503648
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> You can make a kid have an eating disorder by feeding them only chicken nuggets as well.

Sure, but the kid is only eating chicken nuggers because he’s a dumb little kid with a dumb little kid’s palate and pitches a fit if the parents suggest anything else, whereupon they immediately surrender to his demands and dash around the kitchen cooking a separate meal just for him.

Fuck that; you eat what’s on the table or nothing at all. This is an easy lesson to learn and if you can’t teach your kids that, you shouldn’t be allowed to raise a puppy let alone a human child.

>> No.7503652

This. Don't deny the kid his tendie wendies you heartless insensitive monster!

>> No.7503655

not to mention that it's just plain fucking unhealthy

>> No.7503664

I'd beat the parents, and force them to learn how to cook and properly feed their child.

>> No.7503667
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>daddy beats his kids, they eat what he forces on them/do whatever he says, but none of that sticks with the kid in any meaningful way - they grow up indifferent at best to their childhood, probably hating it infact, and so rebel against their abusive parents by eating frozen mac n'cheese twice daily

Straight out of the play book...

>> No.7503679

Not at people are incompetent. Maybe you are, and these solve-the-problem-quick solutions appeal to you. But you should remind yourself that there are people less incompetent than you, and these people are capable of talking/directing people in a non-autistic way that may actually have an affect on the person they're talking to.

Some passionate musicians have children who hate their instrument (say piano), slog through practice and never touch a piano again, and some musicians have children who grow up to love piano, remember fondly their genesis as musician and the skills they can permanently make use of; the difference here isn't simply genetic predisposition, the many ambiguous experiences and lessons they had with their parents lead them in different paths.

If you ever question your own failings as a human and think it was due to simple lack of discipline - a problem you'll remedy on your children - remember that you're an incompetent faggot and your children will be the same

>> No.7503682

and HIV+

>> No.7503687

>She used to make "orange curry chicken" which was a whole chicken- overbaked at 400 for 6 hours with orange juice in the bottom of the pan. There was not actually any curry added to the dish.

oh, top kek, my friend!

>> No.7503938
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It's a long story and not relevant to a /ck/ thread

>> No.7503954

Tie him to a chair and force him to eat rotten vegetables and glass.

>> No.7503963
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>I'm a teenage girl: the post

>> No.7504018
File: 132 KB, 500x759, cabbage-and-berry-purple-smoothie2+srgb..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok beating children aside here's the quickest fix.

>make some kind of fruit and veggie smoothie that comes out any color but green
>make a fair enough amount
>give it to a less picky kid first
>get some yourself
>picky child see you and another kid enjoying something tasty
>offer a taste to the lil picky child
>he'll prob like it if it's sweet enough
>make him one, lie and tell him there's ice cream in it too


If that doesn't work fuck it. Ain't your kid. Leave some veggies/fruit platter out there for snacks for him but don't offer fuck else if you don't wanna be that pussy uncle that gives in.

>> No.7504100

why are you taking care of him, I have a family of well over 300 and yet I don't even know my uncle's cousin's kid's whatever the fuck you call it

>> No.7504450

>not pretending to be poor during early childhood to instill morals into him
Do you even parenting?

>> No.7504460

It is now! Green text it.

>> No.7504477

>yfw "uncle's grandson" is code for wife's son

>> No.7504481

Take him to a farmers market. He might gain interest.

>> No.7504482

Show him a picture of a fucking manlet getting turned down by a ten

>> No.7505112
File: 31 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you fine

>uncle is a notorious fuck machine
>the guy is really nice, except when he hasn't had a lay in a while, and naturally he's been divorced like four times
>one of the byproducts of my uncle's fuckery manged to marry some trashy cunt who got him hooked into drugs
>they lose their kid and my uncle gets custody
>I live with my uncle so this is naturally bullshit, as my uncle's grandson is a total spoiled fucker for some reason
>how drug addicts managed to make a spoiled brat is beyond me, kid showed up with holes in his shoes but literally every piece of Minecraft swag one could buy
>a week after this asshole moves in he wants to play Minecraft on my vidya console - tell him that I need to save first (I don't want to groom this kid but I mean he did lose his parents)
>runs off with tears in his eyes, somehow finds the kitchen garbage can and THROWS A FULL GARBAGE CAN DOWN THE STAIRS
>uncle is at work, I start cleaning it up and he asks me if he can play Minecraft now

tl;dr - he's a spoiled fuck, my uncle is usually out fucking and now I have to cook for my retarded uncle's grandson. I can't fucking hit this kid you retards, he's not my kid and I'll get in trouble for it and join his stupid parents in jail

>> No.7505124

Cook him nothing. Let the little shit starve.

>> No.7505125



Anyway first post was actually best.

Just say "That's what's for dinner bitch". Hunger will make him eat.

Also, use incentives. " OK Timmy, eat a little and you can have a tendie".

God I'm glad my kid isn't a picky eater. Probably because I actually raise her and don't neglect her.

I still don't take shit tho. If she says she's hungry, but only wants candy or junk I say "you're not really hungry then".

>> No.7505131

Jesus. Move out as soon as fucking possible

>> No.7505140

ITT: people who never had children giving advice on how to raise children

>> No.7505144


This works well in Africa.

>> No.7505153

Not sure I was supposed to, but your story made me laugh.

Anyway, just threaten to cut off his treats/ Minecraft until he eats at least some of his vegetables. And if he starts to destroy property in retaliation, destroy his shit. Tit for tat works with small children.

>> No.7505158

t. Gengis Khan

>> No.7505187
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My son has autism and is the definition of picky. Eliminate snacks - my son is a clever asshole, so I can't keep anything in the house. He eats what I eat and picks out things he doesn't like. If he thinks he can get his way, he will always push it.

Basically, if the kid controls his parents, you can mince mushrooms and mix it in. I love watching picky fucks eat things they aren't allergic to - fuck you, eat (delicious) shit.

>> No.7505191

should have aborted it

>> No.7505199


But anon, he's autistic.

Future 4chan user.

>> No.7505223

being useless to society has degrees. it is a spectrum. down at 10 we have the beautiful, strong, mensas, with great genetic predisposition. Over at 0 you have the mentally retarded and blind quadriplegics. Your kids about a 2. he's costing us resources.

>> No.7505229


I'm not the parent of the autistic kid. I'm just an Ahole that made a joke.

I don't know, even if he only becomes a janitor or something that's better than a nignog on welfare.

>> No.7505242

You should have pretty much confronted him then and there and said that you were going to clean it up, but because you are the one cleaning it up, Minecraft was going to be banned forever. Lock up everything you really care about so he can't destroy it and take away shit until all he has left are books and such.

All you've done is enable his shitty behavior.

>> No.7505248

>implying I can punish him in any capacity
He's not my kid - he's my uncle's grandson

>> No.7505257

Then it's time to have a fucking talk with your Uncle and when the little shit does something like throws a garbage can full of food down some stairs, you leave it for your Uncle with the "I fucking told you."

If you're paying bills, you need to man the fuck up.

>> No.7505264

I forgot to add, how is taking YOUR shit YOU own away anything out of your control?

>> No.7505274

you assume that people like that don't soak up my fucking tax dollars with special government programs/assistance their entire lives.

shitfucks on welfare/safety net programs cost the US taxpayers over 1 trillion a year already.

>> No.7505275


That's your problem.

If you're the one expected to watch a child, you can punish them.

That doesn't mean beating or smacking them. It means setting rules and enforcing them.

>> No.7505280


OK, so you blame the people that give them your tax dollars.

The answer isn't "kill it so I don't have to pay for it".

I've never been to /pol/, but you sound like you might be /pol/.

>> No.7505290

If you can't punish him, you have no obligation to provide for, take care of, clean up after, or watch over him.

>> No.7505296

Hit the kid. Honestly, you have every right. Make sure not to leave marks though. Even choking him until he passes out is acceptable. He'll stop fucking around once he knows you mean business.

>> No.7505305

You stupid little shits, force-feeding is the main reason people don't learn how to eat properly later in life. I was force-fed fruit everyday when I was a boy and I still can't eat most of them. Kids developing shitty eating habits comes straight out of bad parenting (be it softy liberals or stronk abusive shitheads) and lack of creativity in the kitchen.

Veggie nuggets are good, blend things he doesn't like and put them in a chicken stew, if he likes it try curry, it has such a strong flavour it overshadows everything else.

>> No.7505318

You should do what they do for cigarettes: sit there and shove tendies into his mouth until he pukes, then keep shoving. Make tendies an awful, painful experience. Make him cry and weep, his snot pouring on top of the tendie mush pouring out of his mouth as you scoop it up with a spoon and shove it back into his mouth.

Guarantee he won't want one again after that.

>> No.7505322


This hits home. My ex was like that. Burgers, fries, mac n cheez from a box, well-done steak with ketchup, chikun nuggers, and poptarts. Nothing else. No veg, no fruit. Notice the word "ex." Nothing made my cunt dry up like the mohave like having an overgrown toddler for a boyfriend.

I eat absolutely anything. Go in whatever restaurant, order whatever, I can eat it. Menu not in english? Not a problem, just ask waiter to bring me something good.

I have a nephew like in op. He eats doritos, hot dogs, white bread, and plain macaroni. Nothing at all else. Not a single vegetable. I want to beat the shit out of him. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

>> No.7505331

> ”OK Timmy, eat a little and you can have a tendie".
> literally negotiating with a child

This ain’t the fucking UN, the kid can eat what’s for dinner or nothing at all.

>> No.7505335

>I eat absolutely anything.
Maybe you should have ate his dick a little better and you wouldn't be such an insufferable cunt

>> No.7505336

never been there either. not such much kill them as it is let the gene pool work itself out. don't subsidize or encourage failure and mediocrity. it's institutionalized enabling.

I blame the people that accept the handouts or support more of them. idiocracy will be a documentary instead of a comedy in 100 years until the whole thing collapses during the next "correction".

>> No.7505338


>> No.7505344



When you finally drop your inferior genetics into Ms. Piggy you'll realize you're wrong.

I tell my kid they can have a treat and it makes them finish their meal, the healthier nutritious part. Then they get a small treat for listening and behaving. It's a little thing called parenting.

But have fun yelling "Eat your green beans you little shit!" At your future kid.

>> No.7505347

>white people

>> No.7505349


Why? Does sucking dick fix picky eating?

>> No.7505350


Fucking this. What nokids don't realize either is that your kid not eating drives you up the wall. Many kids eat like birds at that age anyway, and when they won't eat at all it triggers something in your brain to react in increasingly desperate ways, even though rationally you know your kid will survive. Last night I told my wife how much easier it would be if we could throw up in my son's mouth like birds do. He's sick atm.

>> No.7505358


For the record, I suck an excellent dick.


>complaining about a female on a cooking board

>> No.7505364

Father here. He isn't in any programs. Just in the spectrum. I had to spend to get your ignorant ass while you use public infrastructure. You think because you push paper that you advance society? Even autists advance medical science. Know your place, corporate monkey.

>> No.7505369
File: 136 KB, 646x431, pot-roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You stupid little shits, force-feeding is the main reason people don't learn how to eat properly later in life.

Nobody is suggesting the kid be forced to eat weird and/or strongly flavored stuff like pickled pigs feet or limburger cheese, we’re talking the disturbingly common behavior of kids refusing to eat run-of-the-mill meals like pot roast with carrots and potatoes and throwing tantrums unless their parents make them chicken tendies.

>> No.7505389


The most important indicator of success in this society is docility and subservience.

If you made it through college and work it's because you never had any problems sitting down quietly and doing whatever you were being told what to do.

Having someone with authority telling you what to do has never been a problem for you because by nature you are a beta. You easily conform to any structure or hierarchy because it's in your nature.

You're just a dependable taxpayers in an uproar at your wasted taxpayer dollars. On the weekends, you get up early to shovel the snow out of your driveway or in autumn your make sure that your lawn is perfectly manicured and no dead leaves remain. Your wife quietly acquiesce to your sexual demands and spreads her legs open with resignation to fulfill her marital obligations. She never felt physically turned on by you.

You're nothing.
The sole reason you can survive to spread your mediocre genes is because the government protects it's sheeples from the more vigorous, cunning and fit members of society.

Without government handouts, those people would go into your suburbs and take what they want by force. The handouts keep them quiet and in their own neighborhoods.

It's the least costly way of running society.

>> No.7505397

And that happens because parents are too lazy to make a proper meal, so they either give the kids microwaved tendies forever or force-feed them shit food no one can actually enjoy, both of which will badly condition them to not eat properly.

>> No.7505408


>> No.7505430

> nokids

True, but I’ve got three nieces via my brother (15, 13 and 10).

The oldest niece quickly learned as a toddler that she could easily manipulate her parents with tantrums and being the 1st born, they waited on her hand & foot and today, she only eats (white) bread, french fries, mashed potatoes and chicken tenders.

With the other two girls, my brother and sister-in-law were more strict and they’re at least willing to try something different but still picked-up bad habits from their older sister and prefer fries and nuggers.

>> No.7505437

So according to your logic the mentally retarded and blind quadriplegic mentioned earlier is your idea of a "more vigorous, cunning and fit member of society". Same thing with IQ 65 Jamal, or the criminally insane/drug addicts. OK. moron.

>> No.7505442

Who said I had a problem with any one of those things?

>> No.7505450
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>tfw younger brother only likes Kraft or Velveeta mac and cheese, baloney and american cheese sandwiches, nuggets, ham and cheese hot pockets, and candy/chips

He doesn't even like frozen pizza, or hamburgerswhat the fuck? Can't even get him to try anything, he just takes the tinniest fucking nibble, not even enough to get any flavor out of something, and then says he hates it.
Fucking fat-ass is 14 years old, I keep telling my mom to stop babying him and make him eat what you keep for dinner instead of making something special for him, but noooooo.

>> No.7505453

> And that happens because parents are too lazy to make a proper meal

It is in some cases, but it’s mostly because modern society frowns on parents disciplining their kids (God forbid if you spank them, you could be dragged into court!) and promotes negotiation and compromise, which is absolutely retarded.

>> No.7505480


Nearly all domesticated species have atrophied cranial volume, smaller jaws, smaller brains and in the absence of natural selection start to exhibit adherent behavior.

Look at the vast majority of modern white men that live today. Small receding chins, small jaws, doe-eyed juvenile looks, high-pitched voice, low-quality sperm.

Most of these men are unfit to breed and are clearly physically unappealing to females and they own their own survival to their ability to submit to a higher authority and their docility. Their "betaness" in other words.

Agriculture and the modern state has allowed these "men" to thrive and overtake the more fit and virile members of society.

Black people are wolves: Strong, cunning, perceptive, instinctive, vigorous, virile and fit but due to their strong nature they cannot be tamed and be made to sit down and be made subject to authority. Their vigorous nature makes it harder for them to become domesticated.

Whites men are like domesticated dogs:
They work well in groups and thrive while being under some form of authority.(because 10 000 years of domesticity has bred out the more vigorous and headstrong members of that race.).
Because they are not as vigorous, whites have absolutely no problem sitting down in a chair from 8 to 5 and listening intently to someone telling them what to do. They don't feel the slightest urge to move or look outside the window.

White people have a dull lifeless glazed look in their eyes. Their diminished vigor and spontaneity is the true reason behind their success. They can sit down in front of books or a college professor for hours without ever feeling constrained or wanting to move, They were bred for obedience and thrive in hierarchies.

>> No.7505489

Damn I wish I could try borscht.

>> No.7505502

Just make some. It's not hard.

>> No.7505506

It might make you more tolerable to be around. You already sound like a cunt

>> No.7505524

Parents gotta stop being pussies and start hitting your kids. If I didn't eat my veggies, I had to sit at the table until I finished them. No other food was offered until they were gone. If I made a fuss about it, I was sent to time out in a dark corner. If I made a BIG fuss about it, I either got a slap in the face from my mom or a kick in my ass from my dad. Just show your kids that they can't win against you. If you set rules but don't enforce them, you're just showing your kids that they don't need to respect you.

>> No.7505534

>sweeping stereotypes completely unrelated to the context

>> No.7505671

>My son has autism a

>my son

fuck off normie

>> No.7505742
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>implying it was full of food
My uncle for some retarded reason has a cat, I just cleaned the dumbass litter and wanted to play a little vidya before I took the trash out/smoked. My uncle doesn't buy flushable litter either, so it was in the trash, then down the stairs, then on the floor.

>if you're paying bills
I'm not, I'm a stupid NEET, which is why my uncle hasn't hired a nanny - I'm always home. I don't know how he got custody of his stupid grandson, I didn't ask him, he just showed up.

I'm working on it.

Do you think giving him some of these in addition to his breaded chicken would help? He can read well enough to play Minecraft but maybe I could fool him.

>> No.7505773

The trick is to make it non-objectionable. Some foods taste bad and have to be disguised, or have shitty texture and have to be processed.

Also, steamed vegetables are objectively bad. I've broken a tooth on those before.

>> No.7505846

We had one of these in my 2nd year college dorm. His nickname was "kids menu" only ate chicken fingers, burgers, fries, pizza, etc. Guy was a total manchild too, should not have been in university, just so goddamn immature.

>> No.7505880

>I'm a NEET
Oh, no wonder you're functionally and socially retarded. For your sake, I hope you're like 18

>> No.7506048
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>functionally and socially retarded
Yeah, duh, why do you think I live with my uncle and my uncle's grandson and not my own parents? I thought that much was obvious. I can cook though.

Had a roommate like that, I was a dick to him, but if I had thought of it I would have called him Kid's Menu every single fucking day. I'm not proud of that

>> No.7506144
File: 865 KB, 400x400, 1458174959792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beating the shit out of that kid just makes you the fucking screw up. all you have to do is welcome the kid to eat as much bullshit as they want, they just have to A: cook everything for themselves:, and B: they get the same ammount of money i would ordinarily give them in food value.

Then they will either A: learn that they cant always eat bullshit or B: learn to balance money and cook so that they can eat bullshit.

I literally don't lose here no matter the outcome, while you are on the fast track to getting child protective servies on you, and introducing a rapist criminal who doesn't eat no veggies on the world.

Fucking straight girls.

>> No.7506159
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>fucking straight girls

What the fuck are you talking about

Go back to tumblr

>> No.7506165
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>When you finally drop your inferior genetics into Ms. Piggy


>> No.7506172

>do they chose where to poop?
If there's more than one toilet in the house, generally yes.

>> No.7506177

Make "healty" smoothies for him. Blend nice sweet and nice fruits with yoghurt and maybe som chia and/or hemp seeds.

>> No.7506184
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>When you finally drop your inferior genetics into Ms. Piggy you'll realize you're wrong.


>> No.7506196
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consider the following.

>> No.7506200

kids just follow what they see.
tell the kid's parents and your uncle and everyone to eat more vegetables. or you yourself should start to eat more. make veggies seem cool, the guy will start to crave them.

>> No.7506221
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>> No.7506276

Keep asking the kid why he doesn't like them. Eventually he'll realize that he has no reason not to eat them if they're cooked properly.

>> No.7506310


>> No.7506314

Don't. Give up on him. He is already spoiled beyond help and will be a heroin addict in twenty years. Also why didn't you say your cousin's son?

>> No.7506363


> do the kids chose when to sleep and whether they want to go to school?
is the average American household, yes. They sleep on the couch, on in the parents room and just use their room for play. and throw a fit in the morning until a parent give up and tells the school that they're sick, when theyre older they skip a step and fake sick, unless they have the parents properly trained by then and can just tell them they don't want to go today

>do they chose where to poop?
A good portion of kids shit their pants rather than use the toilet when their parents tell them.

Same goes with eating, throw a fit until you get what you want.

>> No.7506756

That would make him his first cousin once removed

That would make him his cousin's wife's son.

Or you could just say "cousin" because it doesn't mean anything to strangers on the internet.

>> No.7507220

This is a chan so I can't tell if you're baiting or completely fucking retarded.

Niggers aren't civilized and evolved enough to tolerate living in society with rules and authorities. They aren't wolves.
The white you described is in fact the average beta's description, valid for any race.

>> No.7507244

He's been truamatized by shitty cooking. I bet you anything. Get to know what he's willing to eat.

This is gonna sound pervy but you could have him do a blind taste test for stuff.

Maybe also make tempura vegetables since he likes fried food so much. That'll be a good gateway into getting him to try things.

My boyfriend's cooking get me into more veggies than I used to be into. Bad cooks ruined me for a while.

>> No.7507246
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Because black people literally eat anything.

>> No.7507250

>This is gonna sound pervy but
Wtf anon, not to a sane mind it doesn't.

>> No.7507251

beat the everliving shit out of him and let him starve. worked for me.

>> No.7507262

>Child not eating their veggies? Beat the shit out of them
>Child failing biology? Beat the shit out of them
>Child came out as gay? Beat the shit out of them
>Child asked you where babies came from? Beat the shit out of them

It's like telling people to turn their phone on and off.

>> No.7507268



>> No.7507301
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I'll whoop your ass

>> No.7507362


Sounds like your average /ck/ onion-hater

>the mental gymnastics these man-babbies try to pull on actual adults in this board to justify their stunted mental development

Fun times, can't resist baiting a few man-babbies every picky-eater thread.

>> No.7507372
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This poster knows what's up. Picky eaters -> future manchilds of the world.

>> No.7507476


I'll eat most thing, but not ONIONS, I fucking HATE Onions.

I'm not the biggest fan of red/green/yellow bell pepper, and I can't eat uncooked black/green olives.

Each person is entitled to their tastes, and if they don't like something that's ok.

but to ONLY eat one thing or one type of thing is ridiculous

>> No.7507507

Listen, buddy, I'm 34 years old. I'm a kissless dateless holdhandsless virgin. I collect comics and am incapable of holding a conversation beyond a brief observation about the weather. I do not pay attention to the news and am uncertain how to dress myself such that I look presentable to others.

I have never been a picky eater in my life. Don't lump us manchildren in with those absolute wastes of biological matter.

>> No.7507618

Show me a magic trick

>> No.7507619

yes, either he eats the fucking food or he doesn´t
but you should destroy all snacks and such

>> No.7507622

>Be strong! Beat a defenseless child!
new facebook motto!

>> No.7507626

came here to say this

>> No.7507628


Hello, future-me.

>> No.7507837

Make it tasty and they'll eat it.