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File: 418 KB, 3000x2000, 10988_veggie_burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7502450 No.7502450 [Reply] [Original]

Veggie burger

>> No.7502451

Looks like a turd.

>> No.7502457


That's a salad on a bun

>> No.7502458

corpse eaters detected

>> No.7502471

>putting vegetables on vegetables

>> No.7502475

>don't eat meat
>eat shit that looks and kinda tastes like meat

vegetarians are fucking pathetic. My roomies old gf was a """vegan""" and would eat nothing but morning star chicken nuggets.

>> No.7502476

Shitty troll b8er detected

>> No.7502483

why is that pathetic though? becoming a vegetarian wouldn't make meat or meat-like things stop tasting good

>> No.7502486

If you like the taste and/or texture of meat: eat meat.

>> No.7502491

Tastes pretty damn good, don'cha'know?

>> No.7502494

Did she ever let you eat out her nasty dried out cunt?

>> No.7502497


Look unnecessarily complicated, anon. Why not just grill a portabello mushroom cap and use that in place of the beef patty?

>> No.7502500

The meme is that vegans taste pretty good. Never wanted to be near enough a vegan to find out, though.

>> No.7502505

Most vegan/vegetarians are frail and sickly because of their poor diet

>> No.7502507


you're in denial and eating proccessed fake food. Learn to cook vegetables instead.

>> No.7502521

People are capable of being mature to understand that both vegetables *and* meat can both be delicious, and there is no need to eat solely one or the other.

>> No.7502533

I'm not a vegetarian, I just don't understand how eating disgusting soy nuggets makes you pathetic. If I had to be a vegetarian I would try and eat the closest thing I could get to meat

>> No.7502538

As opposed to morbidly obese and sickly like you?

>> No.7502541


It's like if you sucked and fucked dildos and swore you weren't gay cause it's not a real dick

>> No.7502546

So I'm not a vegetarian or vegan, but the majority do not eat meat because they have an ethical and moral problem with the environmental impact of animal husbandry.

Then they go on to eat things like soy, and palm oil.

Irony has no limits.

>> No.7502550
File: 211 KB, 600x323, 53276-quinoa-cowboy-veggie-burgers-di.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these. Making patties with black beans is good too.

>eat shit that looks and kinda tastes like meat
I'm not eating it because I want a meat substitute. I'm eating it because I find it tasty.

>Most vegan/vegetarians are frail and sickly because of their poor diet
That applies a lot more to vegans than to vegetarians.

>> No.7502554
File: 51 KB, 400x266, lunch-tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinly veiled burger thread

why were the greatest the grade school burgers? perfectly edged patties that were crisp to the bite and soft meaty on the inside, no burger was more perfect

went great with just ketchup no need for fancer fixing

>> No.7502560

>That applies a lot more to vegans than to vegetarians.

B12 is a bitch.

>> No.7502562

but he has the same bmi as the world heavyweight champion!

>> No.7502593

>B12 is a bitch
Huh, I didn't really know too much about that so I looked it up. I'm vegetarian but I eat yogurt and have a vitamin most days, so I shouldn't be at risk for B12 deficiency, I don't think.

>> No.7502618

You should never change your diet without understanding the impact. Which is sadly advice that very few people follow.

>> No.7502624

No, you. I do not eat meat because the meat industry is barbaric, enviromentally destructive and inefficient. That does not change millenial instincts.

If you crave meat so badly that you have to put words in my mouth, why don't you go suck off some horses. You'll get your proteine too.

>> No.7502627

so it's made out of vegans, right?

cause i could get down with that.

>> No.7502631

Sure, the factory farming industry is horrible.

But there are other sources of meat. What's wrong with hunting or buying meat from a small farm that treats its animals well?

>> No.7502634



>not supplementing with b12 even if you eat meat


even most energy drinks have that shit

>> No.7502637

>I do not eat meat because the meat industry is...enviromentally destructive and inefficient.

When was the last time you ate something with soy in it?

>> No.7502648

Fucking a dildo doesn't make you gay (prostate massage) , and sucking one could just be a nipple/clitoris substitute

>> No.7504717

what's the texture of the patty like? Does it feel like im biting into and chewing meat?

>> No.7504720


You're exactly the self denial faggot he was referring too.


>> No.7504758

Some impact is better than none you twat.

>> No.7504761

>Idiot logic

B-but I have to claim moral superiority.

>> No.7504780
File: 491 KB, 3000x2021, Falafel_Pocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best veggie burger

>> No.7504942

This anon gets it

Would you want to? I'd think that burger would be really tough and sinewy as vegans don't have a lot of fat.

>> No.7504950


Why would something made of GROUND meat be tough or sinewy?

>> No.7504972

That's just filafel...

>> No.7505247
File: 43 KB, 283x315, 1451642345363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 giant tomato slices


>> No.7505681

Don't you ever spell it like that again you literal cunt