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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7499579 No.7499579 [Reply] [Original]

Hello guys. I want to add vegetables (just a reminder that they are called vegetables, not veggies) in my diet. But I am too lazy to cook them. Which ones of them can be eaten raw?

>> No.7499588

i eat handfuls of baby spinach

>> No.7499597

anything can be eaten raw, especially your mum

>> No.7499601

LOL "your mom" jokes XDD

>> No.7499607

Just wanted to say that calling them veggies is acceptable nomenclature these days, so fuck off asshat

Try eating raw broccoli and raw cauliflower

>> No.7499615

I eat two sticks of celery with cottage cheese on them every day as a snack.

Two stick of celery is a portion and cottage cheese provides low calorie protein. I usually have that with a sliced tomato and some Charcuterie or chunks of cheese.

>> No.7499617

No, it's vegetables. You are not a child to call them

>> No.7499619

Most veggies can be eaten raw. Potatoes can't be.

>> No.7499621

I actually pretty like raw broccoli, it's crunchy which is nice. Haven't had a raw cauliflower yet, will try it the first second I get my hands on it during a season.

>> No.7499623


It's vegetables.

>> No.7499630

If you are talking about the word itself rather than what the word refers to, you're meant to use inverted commas.

So, you should have written 'It's "vegetables.'"

Anyway, the easiest veggies to eat raw are the leafy ones. English spinach would be a good option.

>> No.7499861

OP there are plenty of veggies which can be eaten raw. Capsicum, carrot, celery, cabbage, cucumber, onion, and loads more veggies.

>> No.7500711
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Keep a bag of baby carrots on hand, convenient as it gets.

You may want to consider getting something like pic related. Steamed vegetables in the microwave in literally 3 minutes. I use it all the time to steam frozen broccoli and such, usually make enough to have leftovers for later.

>> No.7500813

eww veggies

>> No.7500822

You can't possibly be too lazy to toss them in olive oil for a second, throw on a cookie sheet, and put it in the oven for 30 minutes.

Roasted vegetables could not be easier. Any root vegetable, broccoli, asaparagus, green beans, the list goes on. Even kale.

>> No.7501195

> vegetables

It's "veggies".

>> No.7501230

Potatoes can be eaten raw as well. Pretty much the only things you can't eat raw due to safety are meat and legumes (plus fish, dairy and eggs to some extent)

>> No.7501247

Really ? Always heard that's a dangerous thing to do. Tastes awful too

>> No.7501491

You can also steam vegetables in the microwave with a bowl with cling film over it.

I prefer to steam vegetables in a pot though. Just a dash of water at the bottom (but it depends on the quantity of vegetables you're steaming), put the lid on, and put them on high heat. For greens like broccoli or beans, they'll be done in about two minutes.

>> No.7501836


>Look mum, I am trolling! xDDD

It's vegetables.

>> No.7501843


It is true that the green layer under the potato skin contains a toxin that is normally deactivated by the heat of cooking. However the concentration is very low. You'd have to eat a fuckload of raw potato before it would make you sick.

>> No.7501852
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Don't listen to this asshole.
If you eat raw potatoes (any green part of it) you can fucking die. Very toxic.

>> No.7501858

Buy an electric steamer. Cost bugger all. Chuck veg in for 20 odd mins, voila easy cooked veg, they run off timers so you dont need to keep an eye on it

>> No.7501863

Which veggies do you like OP? Just go with those.

>> No.7501934

>inverted commas

>> No.7501971

People like you are the reason salads are so popular - they feel like they have to have some vegetable material, but are too lazy to bother with actual cooked vegetable dishes. Do some research on salads - there are many different kinds of them out there.

But don't totally reject the idea of learning to cook vegetables and eating cooked veggie dishes. Many of the best vegetables dishes are cooked, even if it's just sauteed in a little olive oil, salt and garlic.

>> No.7501976

I prefer raw carrots to cooked ones. Crunchy and sweet.

>> No.7501990


I prefer nearly all my vegetables raw, except potato.

I just make a salad.

>> No.7502032

The Rock calls them veggies and he could crush your skull with one hand.

>> No.7502038

My mom adds a bit of mapple syrup to her boiled baby carrots. Makes them amazing.

>> No.7502309

They're called 'getables, get with the times grandpa.