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7489840 No.7489840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>order a glass of water on a restaurant.
>they give me a glass of ice with water
>they put lemon into it

>> No.7489854

>order a glass of water
>its absolutely horrible tasting tap water
>have to order some overpriced drink just to not be thirsty

>> No.7490522

>or order bottled water
>unless it's Aquafina, god have mercy on your soul

>> No.7490530
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>order a glass of water on a restaurant.
>it's not carbonated

>> No.7490704

>order a single entree for 4 people
>they only drink water
>never tip

Also Niggers
>plus a bowl of lemons
>sugar packets for GIMME DAT Lemonade

>> No.7491505

>Gibsmedat lemonade
People don't actually do this do they?

>> No.7491517

People do but as a waiterfag it's never nigs. Always really cheap older white ladies thinking they were especially clever. Nigs just order sweet tea or a coke. They don't actually tip the worst either. It's homosexuals and foreigners that tip the worst.

>> No.7491519
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>order pint of soda water at a bar

>> No.7491521
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>be European
>get charged for a small glass of warm tap water
>get charged extra for a refill
Such is life across the pond

>> No.7491530


>Table of 10 Indians comes in
>Me and the other waiter always look at each other
>Take about 5 seconds to think about political correctness
>Give them all water with no ice, no questions asked
>Works everytime

>> No.7491541

I work upscale retail.

>indians come in in couples of packs
>unfold and inspect each individual polo
>wear baggy jeans with ugly polos
>make the fitting rooms smell
>try to haggle
>shop clearance almost exclusively
>the men carry the wives id cards for them
>all ugly, short, and fat
>undeserved egos all around

I genuinely am racist towards one race and that's Indians. I hate them.

>> No.7491558

>order beer and a glass of water with my meal
>check receipt after
>beer: $2
>water: $2.89

>> No.7491559

Any restaurant worth going to will automatically plonk a bottle of water and some glasses on your table.

>> No.7491561

My white uncle does this. He's a Jew in all the ways that matter.

>> No.7491563

unfortunately due to the current drought restaurants in california are encouraged to only give water to those who ask

>> No.7491567

A bottle of water? You what.
Anyway, I was talking about the no ice thing.

>> No.7491577

God, I hate that I have to move to LA.

Honestly they should make property ownership mandatory for voting rights again. Then the citycucks would stop voting for retarded things.

>> No.7491585
File: 11 KB, 250x250, bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or a jug, but bottles seem to be way more common nowadays.

>> No.7491660

>tfw tap water where you live is about the same quality as most brands of bottled water

Floridians will never know this feel.

>> No.7491688

Aquafina tastes like soap
One of the lower tiered waters for sure

>> No.7491693

>Order a blue moon
>it has a slice of orange in it

>> No.7491702

>Order corona
>it has a slice of lime in it

I'm still pissed off, desu.

>> No.7491872

i'm a florida native and all the water that i ever got from the tap was horrific and dyed the sink/bathtub fucking orange

>> No.7491979

The brewers encourage that, actually. I don't see why you'd be against it. Worst case you just enjoy a little bit of orange then drink your beer

>> No.7492021

Interesting. I heard NYC has the best tap water. It's pumped from a fresh mountain reservoir.

>> No.7492042


native americans, or indians from india?

>> No.7492048

>ordering pop at the bar

>> No.7492049

But corona tastes like shit unless you add the lime to it

Either way, when I bartend I always ask if they want a lime and they say yes 99.99% of the time

>> No.7492270

Not him but I know he's talking about Indians.