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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7489502 No.7489502 [Reply] [Original]

>small ass wrinkly green bell peppers on sale
>$1.29 each
>red bell pepper

Fuck this, how is this better than just eating taco bell? It isn't, is it.

>> No.7489520

Bell peppers are rather expensive since they take a while to mature and bear a fully grown pepper. There are other cheaper mild peppers you can take advantage of or if you have some land grow your own. 5 bell pepper plants would probably do it for one person for a near steady supply (depending on how often you use them)

>> No.7489530

>over a dollar for a single bell pepper
damn, where do you live

>> No.7489539

I was wondering why it's so expensive. Two peppers costs as much as dinner at taco bell and they won't even make me full plus I'd have to buy other stuff to cook them with

>> No.7489555

man I can't wait until summer when my garden is overflowing with tomatoes and peppers

>> No.7489561
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>slice open a bell pepper
>another baby pepper is growing inside it

>> No.7489593

>not being pro pepper choice

>> No.7489598

Because it's winter you dumb fuck

>> No.7489609

but today is spring tho senpai

>> No.7489613

It's still going to be a while until summer produce is cheap and plentiful. I'm looking forward to watermelon and grapes at low prices. Also picking blackberries nearby.

>> No.7489635

bell peppers suck anyway

>> No.7489645
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no u

>> No.7489659

Part of home cooking is shopping, and if you're on a budget it makes sense to buy what's in season. Produce that has to be trucked in from far away will always cost more than what's in season nearby. If bell peppers are expensive where you live right now make something that doesn't require them. Buy some fucking cabbage instead.

>> No.7489711

Fuck off frog poster

>> No.7489722


>not making based black bean salad, sausage & pepper sandwiches, or fried confetti corn

I genuinely feel sorry for you

>> No.7489756

Then get taco bell you stupid fat American

>> No.7489763

>buying bell peppers for mexican food
also lrn2shop

>> No.7490178

Growing up is hard, isn't it?

>> No.7490185

They are not shit, but sweet or mild chili peppers are superior for everything except maybe tomato sauce.

>> No.7490626

Not op but Califailnia, it's ridiculous. Nobody buys them because there are so expensive, so they just sit on the shelf until they go bad enough to throw out.

>> No.7490629

>Because it's winter you dumb fuck
They have been expensive for awhile here on the west cost.

>> No.7490659

>peppers well over a dollar a piece when not on special
>since they cost so much nobody buys them and we throw most of them away
>manager keeps slightly raising price because we have to throw so much away we're losing money
>the reason we throw them away in the first place is because they cost too much

my manager is an idiot cuck. I try to explain that by lowering the price of staple things to a reasonable amount people would buy it and we wouldn't have so much waste, therefore making more money. his response is always "durrrr no I gotta go up on the price because we took such a loss on the last (overpriced) case

>> No.7490663

They are so expensive because Cali had a drought this year

>> No.7490671
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mfw in slavlands it's ~4.50 USD for a bag of 5kg in the summer and ~12 USD in the winter

I've always wondered why are vegetables so expensive in the US.
It's not like you guys suffer from lack of soil to grow it?
Hell you got probably the best fucking climate and conditions to grow food on this planet.

>> No.7490682

Probably because our produce gets shipped a long distance. Half the stuff comes from Mexico, the other half from California or Florida. I know where I live the only thing that grows is rice and pecans. There isn't any local produce to speak of, I'm sure it's like that for much of the rest of the country. Right now we have plums and peaches coming from the opposite hemisphere in South America.

>> No.7490686

govt subsidies for corn, so thats what we grow

>> No.7490708

that sucks.

here the EU subsidies literally fucking everything, even fucking snails which we export en-masse to those surrender monkeys because noone eats them here.

>the other half from California or Florida.
you do forget how large US is. Still, I sometimes imported stuff (wine from portuhuehue as an example) and the price difference between this and stuff made somewhere closer, like the balkans isn't that terrible

>> No.7490725

this too. Corn is subsidized so over here it finds a way to sneak into nearly everything. Things sweetened with actual sugar have actually become somewhat uncommon

>> No.7491066

>Just this year.

>> No.7491168

dude needs to be fired, any manager would drop the price to move that shit out the door because even if you sell it at a loss, at least you're recovering some of your investment.