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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7486742 No.7486742 [Reply] [Original]

>liking poor peasant mexican food
>paying inflated prices for shitty rice and beans
wtf...just why????

>> No.7486744

You can't fix stupid.

>> No.7486750

>inb4 "hurr it fills me up"
>not eating for pleasure instead of for energy so you can be back washing dishes as an illegal

>> No.7486761

>orange cheese
>spanish rice
>refried beans
That's tex mex fool

>> No.7486763

>that stuff that 122 million people enjoy every day? Must be bad.

>> No.7486765

looks good desu

>> No.7486766

We actually eat like that here in Mexico.

>> No.7486768

>implying its not the same poor people's "stockfeed"

>> No.7486772
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Tastes good to me senpai

>> No.7486776

yeah but why da heck every restaurant in my city charges such inflated prices for this peasant stockfeed?
why da fuck would i pay for rice and beans when i could go buy a juicy cheeseburger for same price?

people are retards.

>> No.7486791


>> No.7486803

you just answered your own question

>> No.7486805

I know we don't have really anything to show as a country except for our food. Then to deny our cheap meals. You're not a real Mexican.

>> No.7486834

op buying plate meals like an idiot

buy a burrito or whatever a la carte, no sides, much cheaper

>> No.7487637

Uneducated/poorfag detected.

>> No.7487645

I love mexican food

not so much the people
but their food is great
blacks are in a similar situation

>> No.7487655

The flour tortilla shows you're not talking about the kind of Mexican food I'd bother with...

>> No.7487665

my white guilt allows me to look passed the minor inconvenience of paying a few extra pesos for a tube of beans and grease.

>> No.7487668


>Styrofoam plates

Check please.

>> No.7487676

Refried beans and Spanish rice are the most superior cheap side tho. I love tex mex most of all foods, my affinity for beans, rice, chips and salsa might have a lot to do with that. Also every places recipe is a little different, rice and beans don't always equal rice and beans. Some places make it really good.

>> No.7487680
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So gud

>> No.7487702

the white corn kills me on the inside.

>> No.7487711

is this CGI?

>> No.7487831

Blacks don't have their own food. They just eat whatever whites eat

>> No.7487834

Cause I don't feel like making refried beans, but they're so tasty.

>> No.7487848

We don't, you live in a shitty part of the country, with a shitty family that can't cook worth shit.

>> No.7487855

>inflated prices
????? is this a response to something

>> No.7487865
File: 52 KB, 550x412, bean-cheese-burrito-and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tyb rosa's cafe

>> No.7487873

>>>7486742 (OP)
>>inflated prices
>????? is this a response to something
Makes no sense. It's like not people pay much for this almost free throwaway side. People who like gobble it up, but the rest don't even touch it much, it's just an included "value" in the dinner.

I usually take my salsa and chips, and dip into the beans a bit, esp if a great cheese layer on top of them. I love creamy beans, but I don't really fork them up or else get too full.

>> No.7487917

Oh stop, you have alot to show for your country
Bloodthirsty murderous drug cartels
Shitty stem inundated weed
Dysentary/TB infected tap water
Mariachi bands singing gangster rap narco corridos.

Whats not to love about Mexico?

>> No.7487955
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>white guilt



>> No.7488188

No we don't you do but most of Mexico doesn't

>> No.7488207

whos the qt girl with beautiful smile?

>> No.7488220

Every single time I have EVER been to Mexico(from bongland) I see people with little push carts filled with this disgusting maize, and beans with cheese out of a red disposable cup. You can't tell me mexicans don't eat that tripe. They in fact do.

>> No.7488230


guys calm down we are dealing with a real mexican

>> No.7488234
File: 85 KB, 600x942, 1458433147511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro, do you even /pol/??

She's the queen of /pol/!!

>> No.7488235
