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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 1280x960, BXERG5NFMFNS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7483111 No.7483111 [Reply] [Original]

food you like that most people haven't heard of or might think is weird...

>> No.7483116
File: 26 KB, 487x239, jalebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get some love for Jalebi? It's like, tubular, crispy, orange maple syrup.

>> No.7483126

never heard of that... googling now. it seems sugary though and i avoid that now ;[

but id bet its a better alternative to candy.

>> No.7483132


i have had gulab jamans though. from your description it sounded like gelatinous.. but it says its made from fried wheat dough.

>> No.7483143

who in the literal fuck has not heard of hummus

>> No.7483149

A lot of people actually do find it weird that I like canned black olives.

I like other kinds of olives to, I just occasionally snack on the mild black kind, or use them in salads.

>> No.7483156


that's not hummus

that's supremely spicy hummus

>> No.7483157
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I love duros. Fried up with cinnamon and sugar. No one else I knew ate these until I made them at the house one evening. I know they are popular in the Hispanic community. But, many people don't eat them or know what they are.

>> No.7483184

i see these at the dollar store, and youre right, i had no idea what the fuck they are.

you fry them?

>> No.7483201

my hispanic friends insist coating them in cinnamon and sugar is sacrilege and that they are only to be fried and dipped in hot sauce

>> No.7483202
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Yep. You can make them sweet with sugar and cinnamon or savory with chili and lime. You just drop them in hot grease and they puff up almost immediately. Remove, drain, top with desired sugar or spice. You can also dip them into a sauce. All kinds of things. The ones with cinnamon and sugar taste like the cinnamon twists at Taco Bell to me. Super cheap and fast snack.

You can also briefly microwave them but they aren't as good.


>> No.7483207

Yeah, some do say that but I don't care. I like them both ways.

>> No.7483217

oh. those are like asian rice/shrimp crackers. you cook them the same way.

>> No.7483221

It's not better than candy at all. Worth trying if you're ever at an Indian lunch buffet.

>> No.7483223

i will have to try them then.
i assumed they were some kind of weird orange fruit snack.. glad i didnt buy them and try to eat them raw.

>> No.7483232

Def. try them. They really are good.

>> No.7483240

What are shrimp crackers. Never heard of em

>> No.7483256



There are a lot of brands and varieties and types but they all cook the same. I like the ones with dried shrimp pieces/flour in them most.

>> No.7483262


Just like the name suggests they're crackers made from ground up shrimp.

They puff up when you deep fry them just like the durros described earlier in the thread.

>> No.7483266

Cool, thanks. I'll try them out. Never had them before.

>> No.7483289

everyone likes hummus

>> No.7483357
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Just made some with cinnamon and sugar. Very good.

>> No.7483382

My ice cream lady sells bags of these in her little truck. Should I buy some, or are they only good fresh?

>> No.7483396

Mansaf. You'll never have it unless you go to Jordan.

>> No.7483397

Nothing beats fresh but they are probably fine. I've never bought them premade before. But, I have made them and put them up in a airtight container and they still tasted good the next day.

Just tell her you've never had them before and maybe ask her if she will let you taste one before you buy an entire bag.

>> No.7483513
File: 546 KB, 1200x630, GMOi_SabraCallInPreview_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u kidding me m8 that dip is the official sponsor of super bowl 50 most normie dip in existence


>> No.7483524

You shouldn't eat that shit. Not because it's made with GMO soybean oil, but because it's made with soybean oil. And synthetic citric acid instead of lemon juice. That's not hummus. It's hummus fan fiction.

>> No.7483571

I dont like it even though its at my house in abundance during ramadan

>> No.7483757


>synthetic citric acid

Citric acid is citric acid m8. Doesn't matter if it's from a lemon, lime, orange, or synthesized in a lab, it's got the exact same chemical structure.

>> No.7483802

It's not lemon juice.

>> No.7483824

>it's got the exact same chemical structure.

The acid itself does, sure. But lemon juice contains a lot more sources of flavor and aroma than citric acid alone. Synthetic citric acid lacks these flavors.

Same problem with MSG replacing traditional sources of glutamates like fermented sauces or aged cheeses. It duplicates the glutamate flavor just fine, but it lacks all the other flavors.

>> No.7483854

How do you make that paste in this hummus?

>> No.7483861

It also lacks ascorbic acid which improves nutrient absorption.

>> No.7483864


I googled the ingredients for that brand and the red stuff appears to be simply red chili peppers and red bell peppers.

So get those two and grind 'em up with a blender, food processor, mortar & pestle, etc.

>> No.7483896

Jalebi is alright, but I prefer sooji.

>> No.7483915

>white people buy store brand hummus instead of going to the international Persian/middle-eastern market and buying the shit where they literally blend it every morning
>white people just not making it in their own kitchen with a blender, oil, salt, etc

fucking hell

>> No.7483932

I make mine without oil. Miso instead of salt. Peanut butter because tahini is too expensive. And trying to make tahini at home stalls even my 3-horsepower blenders. Sometimes I add cock sauce from a jar.

>> No.7483954

Canned. Olives. No thank you, no.

>> No.7483958

Why not eat dates bro! Screw all this fancy candy stuff.

>> No.7483963

Gmo soybeans have been around for several decades. Stop thinking everything is going to kill you.

>> No.7483970

Try reading the post next time.

>> No.7483977
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>black olives
>or any other olives

>> No.7483981

I loved buying that stuff from street vendors when I was a kid but now it's too damn sweet for me to eat

>> No.7484082
File: 58 KB, 800x600, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamb rice wrapped in cabbage

>> No.7484088

ive made hummus at home a bunch of times, sabra is always 10x better.

>> No.7484147

>soybean oil and citric acid in place of olive oil and lemon juice

>> No.7484154

Literally everyone has heard of Sabra

>> No.7484184

I make Indian tacos. A lady at the Rez told me how to make the bread years ago.

Fry bread, topped with pintos and their juice ( meat if you want) cheese, lettuce, tomato, etc.

I make them all the time and everyone I've made them for has never heard of them. They are delicious cheap meal

>> No.7484186
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>> No.7484199

hummus, avocado, and havarti sandwiches are #1

>> No.7484222

my dad makes them. calls them navajo tacos. he grew up in northern arizona by the reservations.

>> No.7484227
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That's awesome. East Tx here.

They are really good, almost comfort food for me. Alabama Coushatta rez is where my recipe came from. Prolly the same recipe or real close, lol

>> No.7484236

I had sort of similar taco's in mexico called tostada's but they kinda look the same and have the same toppings. Dutchfag here which doesn't know much about north american cuisine.

>> No.7484257

They are very similar. With Indian tacos they are usually made from a mix of flour, water, salt, baking powder and allowed to rise a bit, then fried up.

Tostada is a big, thin, crispy, crunchy, corn tortilla chip. The fry bread is very dense and puffed with a chewy texture to it.

>> No.7484262

Mexicans call these sopes.

>> No.7484281

definitely the best hummus you can get at the store

>> No.7484302


oh noes GMOES. Fucking morons.

>> No.7484309

Fuck Op I'd smash that with some Turkish bread or Lebanese flat bread.

>> No.7484314
File: 13 KB, 194x259, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>pic is you

>> No.7484366

>sand niggers getting salty about their bean dip

fucking hell

>> No.7484379

Yeah man, those Persian bazaars are all over town.

>> No.7484384

That's the joke.

Not a very good one, granted.

>> No.7484448
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>> No.7484521
File: 62 KB, 533x800, 1415307149524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you really showed me with your le fedora meme. Totally changed my stance of posting to /ck/ about eating dips with certain types of bread, what bread do you use faggot?

>> No.7484533

for what purpose

>> No.7484553

fuck off sandnigger. go blow something up

>> No.7484583

sorry bruh but humus isn't obscure or exotic, it's fucking everywhere

>> No.7484585

For eating.

>> No.7485099

Fuck that shit, make it yourself. No Arab or Jew ever put enough tahini in anyway, they're too fucking cheap.

>> No.7485123


When did we let 12 year olds start posting on /ck/?

>> No.7485137

i only go to the persian/middle-eastern market for the pussy.

>> No.7485566

You where trolling with the gmo reply because if you understand your above statement, then you get why gmo is not bad

>> No.7485568 [DELETED] 

Salty sand nigger detected

>> No.7485570


Cooking Poser Detected

>> No.7485572

I like besan ladoo and kheer. but this stuff is too sweet.

>> No.7486527


I live in fucking Tallahassee Florida (i.e. traditionally christian, conservative, rural, and segregated) and we have at least 2 middle-eastern markets that I know of within a 20 minute drive. There were 4 or more where I went to high school. They are literally all over town.

>> No.7486754

the midwest

>> No.7486762


I think the israeli hummuses are like 50% tahini

>> No.7486769

We eat beef tongue, hog head cheese, and barbacoa ( cheek meat) and people think it's weird.

>> No.7486790


Those are all considered trendy in flyover USA right now.

>> No.7486812

israelis put mayonnaise in their hummus

>> No.7486842
File: 103 KB, 640x640, hummus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to shop at better stores then.

>> No.7486844

No they are not. Not even close.

>> No.7486847


Shit nigga we ate this stuff on the farm as kids.

>> No.7486862


The israelis have lied to me then

>> No.7487667

Squirrel and dumplings

>> No.7487677

>overpriced israeli "hummus"
at least buy fresh hummus.

>> No.7489194

Making these today.

>> No.7489245
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Rye, apparently. I've had two different cashiers comment on it and ask me what I'm making.

>> No.7489277


Yeah they'll do that

>> No.7489319
File: 25 KB, 236x258, 89c772a418fbe71ae45ed1779e0aac16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait, right?

>> No.7489369

No, I live in the midwest and I can confirm that the majority of people around here know what hummus is.

>> No.7490595

This is my favorite hummus.

>> No.7490632

yeah, coasties here have a fucking ridiculous view of what the midwest is like

>> No.7490634


How is that possible?

Have you actually purchased even lower quality hummus than Sabra?

>> No.7490672


These are fkin delicious.

>> No.7490817

No one would ever have hummus at a Super Bowl party. That would be like having ham on hanukah.

>> No.7490826

>international Persian/middle-eastern market
I don't feel like traveling 250 miles for poorly made jew-garbage when I can pick up almost-as-poorly made jew-garbage less then a mile away.

>> No.7490833

not really, super bowl parties usually have all sorts of random shit brought by different people. There is a good chance someone will bring hummus

>> No.7490836

And nobody was surprised.

>> No.7490845

The kind of person who would bring hummus to a Super Bowl party shouldn't be invited to a Super Bowl party.

>> No.7490851

Your superbowl parties aren't necessarily indicative of all superbowl parties.

>> No.7490854

you don't invite women to your super bowl parties?

>> No.7490875

I've always wondered what those were - I've seen them everywhere around here, but I never had any Mexifriends to tell me what they were.
Guess I know what I'm trying out tomorrow.

>> No.7492319

>live in southern california
>grew up with a mexican best friend
>took me to all of the really good places deep in hispanic areas
>my go to meats are lengua, buche and cabeza
>now lengua is getting more popular
>all of those dope places are bumping lengua prices up to compensate
FUCK. at least my buche is still cheap.

>> No.7492360

this is where doritos got their name from

>> No.7492378

What are you making with it?

>> No.7492496

>No, I live in the midwest and I can confirm that the majority of people around here know what hummus is.

The midwest definitely knows what hummus is considering it had the largest middle eastern population....people on this site are dumb

>> No.7493908


into the garbage it goes.

>> No.7493913

Each Arab country and Israel has a preference to how they like their hummus. Israelis and Palestinians like their hummus more creamy and zesty so ya they have higher content of tahini and lemon juice.