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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7481351 No.7481351 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually eat fast food for daily sustenance?

I mean, I like the odd Big Mac as a treat once a week but multiple times a day? Goddamn...

>> No.7481355

You actually eat fast food every week?

That's pretty fucking nasty, OP.

I eat it at most maybe once a year if I'm driving somewhere and don't have time to stop for anything else, and then I feel like shit for the rest of the day.

>> No.7481360

>eating fast food

kill yourself

>> No.7481362

>5000000 McDonald's
>1 firehouse
This man has taste

>> No.7481365

I used to work night shift 60 hours per week fast food was literally my only food option because buying food, cooking, eating, and cleaning would take up the few remaining hours of my day

It's not so bad. I like mcdonalds

>> No.7481389


Its only because he stores it, thats why it looks like a lot. Im sure hes a very healthy individual.

I eat mcdonalds everyday, but throw it in the bin, I am very healthyy.

>> No.7481594


I eat out for almost every meal. Literally I make something maybe twice a month (not counting microwaving stuff in "making something," but even if I did, it'd be like, 6 times a month).

Due to that, it's fast food probably 3 times a week (I only really eat one meal a day). Still, I don't gorge on the shittiest items, and I watch my calories. I don't consider fast food a "treat." It's something cheap and quick to the point. A treat is a nice steak or lobster or something like that.

>> No.7481602
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1436230645602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this is actually what my room looks like, on a smaller scale

>> No.7481605

I work nightshift 6 nights a week and still find time to cook some veggies and protein and eat like a normal person.
I've only eaten fast food a couple of times in the last 5 years. I enjoy an unhealthy meal at the pub on Sunday, wash it down with 10 pints of beer.

>> No.7481632

60 hours a week and you cant cook?
It takes me 10 minutes to cook a fast meal.

>> No.7481663

>I used to work night shift 60 hours per week fast food was literally my only food option because buying food, cooking, eating, and cleaning would take up the few remaining hours of my day

>> No.7481737

making a sandwich isn't cooking you mongrel

>> No.7481749

How fucking hard is it to put all that shit in a giant trash bag and take it out once a week?

Jesus fuck

>> No.7481773
File: 678 KB, 680x803, af5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


idk pretty hard for me I guess

And my kitchen is covered in empty beer cans and my living room is full of clothes and cardboard boxes

>> No.7482242

Gross, dude. Sounds like roach central.

>> No.7482250

describe your bowel movements

>> No.7482327

i love to cook five times a week, even though I am an ameture. I still like to have a subway sandwich once every few weeks and I also like to have a Big Mac occasionally. sometimes I will get a craving for fast food and I will end up eating it for two day in a row. recently I had 2 Asiago Chicken Ranch sandwiches from Wendy's, along with a small serving of chili. I did not feel bad at all.

I would do it more if I could afford it.

>> No.7482415

Fast food is perfectly fine in moderation. Maybe once or twice every couple of weeks or so. Eating McDonalds every now and again is not some sort of automatic death sentence which some anons seem to think it is.

>> No.7483092


Nah actually no pests.

>> No.7483099

I find the trash hoarding in this pic just as disturbing as eating all that fast food.

>> No.7483108

If I eat mcdonalds I feel like the biggest piece of shit. I don't know why but I really associate the place with being trashy and unhealthy.

If I end up eating fast food I try really hard to make it something like chikfila

>> No.7483128

Unless your commute took another 4 hours per day, I don't believe you "didn't have time".