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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7479099 No.7479099 [Reply] [Original]

Share slav eating habbits you hate. Here's mine:
>solo spaghetti for lunch
>don't eat bread
>the family scowls me for it

>> No.7479104

These guys have chairs two fucking feet from them and they still can't resist the urge to squat for the picture.

Fucking slavs I swear.

>> No.7479151

They are not true slavs, their heels are not flat on the ground

>> No.7479155

Not slavs. I know my slavs.

>> No.7479160
File: 97 KB, 559x746, ck_ru_horror_fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mayo is a staple of Russian cuisine.

>> No.7479217

Got a long list from the month I stayed with my gf's family in Russia.

- Absolutely no vegetables. The only "vegetables" they eat are potatoes and gherkins.
- Mayo on everything. They put it on meat as "seasoning". One of their dishes is a mixture of mayonnaise, grated cheese and garlic. Not even cooked, they mix it all together and eat it raw.
- They absolutely love plain spaghetti. Plain spaghetti with small pieces of meat it in was a common meal. So was spaghetti with ketchup
- Every meal was missing something. There was always meat and carbohydates, but that's all. Meat and mashed potato, or pasta with meat, or rice with meat. There's never any sauce or vegetables, nothing to add any flavour. Just meat and carbohydrates.
- When dishing out pelmeni (russian dumplings) they didn't even drain the water out, they served the pelmeni floating in a pool of broth. Apparently the mother likes them that way.
- I was there for Christmas which Russians don't celebrate, so they decided they'd celebrate it with me by ordering sushi.
- They call everything water. Coke? "Water". Tarhun? "Water". Kvas? "Water"
- Their soup was horrible. It was water with vegetable chunks in it. It literally had the consistency of water. They didn't blend it or add enough stuff to make the broth thicker.
- Wanted to go to a restaurant with my girlfriend, she didn't want to go because "normal people don't go to restaurants".
- No fresh herbs or seasonings. The only spice they had was pepper, but they used pre-ground pepper. They had salt too. You literally can't even buy fresh herbs where they live other than parsley, you have to grow them yourself. To them, the idea of eating herbs like sage is crazy because they only use them as medicine.

Might think of more later.

>> No.7479224

>One of their dishes is a mixture of mayonnaise, grated cheese and garlic. Not even cooked, they mix it all together and eat it raw.
That's a superb spread for putting on tomato slices.

>> No.7479229

>Absolutely no vegetables.
That's suspicious.

>Wanted to go to a restaurant with my girlfriend, she didn't want to go because "normal people don't go to restaurants".


>> No.7479258

>- No fresh herbs or seasonings. The only spice they had was pepper, but they used pre-ground pepper.

My mother got us one of those pepper grinders when I was a kid, the smaller one that is used while eating.
My father threw a fit about how we are living in modern times where people shouldn't be grinding their own pepper and how you can buy pre-ground pepper nowadays and went on ranting to eventually throw the grinder in thrash.
And if he tasted a new aroma in a meal he wont shine away from dumping it in the thrash and making mom feel bad about it.
This was not an exception, most slav fathers are like this. Glad I don't see him anymore.

>> No.7479372

>- Wanted to go to a restaurant with my girlfriend, she didn't want to go because "normal people don't go to restaurants".
But this is completely true, normal people don't go to restaurants.

>> No.7479398

yeah, I don't know but the same for me. These guys don't feel like real Slavs

>> No.7479399

>mixture of mayonnaise, grated cheese and garlic
How do you cook mayonnaise you dipshit?

>> No.7479412

They're croatians.

>> No.7479415

>They absolutely love plain spaghetti. Plain spaghetti with small pieces of meat it in was a common meal.

That's pretty normal. Spaguetti with olive oil and garlic is delicious. You don't have to coat everything with sauce

>When dishing out pelmeni (russian dumplings) they didn't even drain the water out, they served the pelmeni floating in a pool of broth

Sounds like their version of pasta with broth. Very standard worldwide.

>Their soup was horrible. It was water with vegetable chunks in it. It literally had the consistency of water.

Most of the soups recipes will give you this result. Sounds like a consome with vegetables. Nothing wrong with that

>Wanted to go to a restaurant with my girlfriend, she didn't want to go because "normal people don't go to restaurants".

I know a lot of people who will only go to a restaurant if: they have to because of schedule reasons, or the restaurant offers something very particular that they can't cook at home.

>No fresh herbs or seasonings.
Most of the time salt and pepper are the only things you need.

What a cunt

>> No.7479416

apply heat

>> No.7479420

Yeah, you don't need to coat everything in sauce, but they don't even use the olive oil or the garlic. Noodles. Meat. That's it.

>>Most of the soups recipes will give you this result
The hell? Soup ought to be made with stock which provides texture. Watery soups are awful no matter where they come from.

>> No.7479422

They didn't spread it on anything, they made a big plate of it and ate it on its own

They decided they don't like vegetables because the mother tried boiling carrots once and ended up with something slimy as a result. They were in shock when I said I like boiled vegetables because they don't know how to do it properly

>How do you cook mayonnaise you dipshit?
I already mentioned that in my original post, dipshit. They put it on meat as a seasoning then fry it. The mayonnaise turns into some white crusty thing. That concoction would be a hell of a lot better if the garlic or cheese had been cooked.

>> No.7479426

>Squating over his laptop typing this

>> No.7479428
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>> No.7479440
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>>7479217 here
Got some pictures of the food I ate there. Starting with their borsch, one of the soups I described.

>> No.7479449
File: 397 KB, 1620x2160, omvicfqBfo4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one. They call them "cutlets". I don't know what's in them because when I asked, they just said meat. Presumably some mix of pork and beef. They buy them and put them in the freezer. Typically served with mashed potato.

>> No.7479454

>Soup ought to be made with stock which provides texture.
Disgusting Amerifat

>> No.7479455

What else would you make soup with? Fucking bullion cubes?

And no, I'm not American, I'm French.

>> No.7479456

>people really just dump food in water and call it soup

>> No.7479469
File: 431 KB, 556x644, 1455390520428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soup without stock
you're either yanking our chains or really are the most tremendous pleb on /ck/

>> No.7479471
File: 741 KB, 1620x2160, 4ldIKiv6Occ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last photo. This one isn't particularly interesting, just pre-made pelmeni that they keep in the freezer. Always boiled with a dried bay leaf.

It's worth nothing that in Russia, spices are much stronger. One dried bay leaf was enough to impart a very strong aroma and taste to the dumplings. Their peppercorns were stronger too.

>> No.7479474

broth maybe?

>> No.7479478

Vegetables, meat, herbs, salt and water.
>being so retarded that you can't even make soup without artificial supplements
Inb4 it's all natural
Deathly serious.

>> No.7479483

>>being so retarded that you can't even make soup without artificial supplements
The fuck are you talking about

>> No.7479487

>Vegetables, meat, herbs, salt and water.

Enjoy your crappy watery texture then anon. You're clearly an outlier, every nation on earth makes soup based on stock.

>> No.7479489

I admit, I was baiting with that one.
But I really don't understand why would you need a taste amplifier if you can make a thick enough soop without it.
I mean, making concerned soup, then watering it down and adding vegetables and seasonings. Why? I understand if you are too poor for meat, bit it's not the way how spup should be made.

>> No.7479491

You don't know how decent soup is made if you think it's just water + ingredients

>> No.7479493

I never in my life ate a soup thicker than water.

Usually one of those little soup cubes is added to water and maybe some noodles, you'll get this even if you order soup in restaurants.

>> No.7479496

In slav culture soups should be watery. Stews are supposed to be thick.

>> No.7479498

>slav culture
Good joke!

>> No.7479505

>what is cheese and broccoli soup
Holy fuck get your ass to a Chili's or TGI Fridays and learn a thing or two you uncultured piece of shit

>> No.7479518

I will never take slav dick

I had a boyfriend from Ukraine and we used to shower/nap together in highschool but never intercourse. His mom was always home the lady in me never wanted to defile his home while mama was home..... but his momma still woke us up with a tray full of amazing good. In his bed we would basically be naked. "My son need fewd. Eat. You need money for dress for prom??"

>Tfw you married brazilian and he's a controlling Latino asshole and miss Aleczander

>> No.7479519

Amazing food***

>> No.7479522

You miss the food and his mother.

>> No.7479524


Nobody is suggesting that you ought to make a soup with a texture as thick as a stew. But damn, wouldn't you want at least a little viscosity to the liquid in your soup? Not to mention the extra flavor from stock?

>> No.7479528

Not going to lie. Yes.

I have a kid now and love it..m but fuck... no break ever because elation husband and women shouldn't ever need breaks. If that slav mama was here. I'd get a good dicken and dinner at least once a week. While my kid got quality grandparent time.

>Tfw you remember grandparent time and cherish it.
I married an illegal my in laws will never be able to come here and give my kids that experience. Anyway. Have a love letter from slav to prove it.

>> No.7479529

They're what you westerners would likely call a salisbury steak. Mincemeat mixed with onions and breadcrumbs formed into a patty and pan-fired,
There's a difference between stock and broth? Besides, soup made with just water sounds revoltingly tasteless.
That looks too bright red. It should be darker, maroon-coloured.

>> No.7479536

Idk. It gets viscose enough for me when the soup is made with a fatter chicken or with at least 800 grams of beef.
Although, that is the soup that is cooked in a 5 liter pot. Then we take as much of it as we think we'll eat, add "soup pasta" to it and cook it until the pasta is ready.

>> No.7479544

>>There's a difference between stock and broth?

This is contentious and there's various different definitions of either.

According to some people stock is made with bones whereas broth is made with meat.

According to "The Professional Chef", which is the textbook for the Culinary Institute of a America, "Broth" is a stock which has been seasoned and is ready to serve on its own whereas "Stock" is simply the liquid you get from simmering bones and/or vegetables for a long time. In other words, take stock, season it to taste, and then you have broth.

I have seen the words used interchangeably in various other books.

>> No.7479550

>Culinary Institute of a America

topity kekorino

>> No.7479560

Because Latino husband****

>> No.7479575

Where are you from?
Full disclosure, I'm asking because your English is as chopped and broken as a Yiddish boy's foreskin.

>> No.7479577

Have you learn any latino recipes? What country is he from?

>> No.7479589

Heels are off ground, these guys aren't true Slavs they are FAKING

>> No.7479611

you just got one of the kind russian family that can't cook
>- I was there for Christmas which Russians don't celebrate
you dumdum

>> No.7479620

No kidding, you can tell something is off because they didn't talk about dill weed being in EVERYTHING.
No beef stroganoff?
no okroshka
Cucumber salad?
no pancakes?

I don't buy it, Russian food is delicious.

And the Russians don't celebrate Christmas?

You got the retarded communist Russians, not the superior Orthodox Russians.

>> No.7479637

If you're a milf, then I wish I could swap bodies with you, an attractive subservient housewife that receives a good dicking every night.

>> No.7479675

>And the Russians don't celebrate Christmas?
I have bad new for you. Russians celebrate New Year but Christmas is a meh-tier holiday.

>> No.7479692

Orthodox holidays don't fall on our calendar sure, but they celebrate the shit out of Christmas, around December 31st to January 10th.

Unless they're Catholic then it's the 24th.

But Russians very much celebrate Christmas.

>> No.7479696

Who told you that?

>> No.7479705
File: 472 KB, 702x1024, Christmas in Moscow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having Russian friends, living near Russians...knowing how the Orthodox calendar works.

They do Christmas trees, gift giving, regular shit.

Do you think Russians don't celebrate Easter because it doesn't fall on the same days as the western calendar?

How stupid are you?

>> No.7479709

Again, Russians celebrate New Year, not Christmas. Sure, there are a few events on Christmas but main events that take place from 1st of January have nothing to do with Christmas or Orthodox Christianity.

>> No.7479711

How don't you realize that he was there on catholic Christmas so the Russians didn't celebrate.

I've been talking shit about Slav food all day but I'm a Slav, and I live in a Slav country and I just went out and got myself a shoulder of lamb right of the spit (usually every small town will have at least one of those houses where they spit roast a lamb and a pig a day).
I made some spaghetti with it like I like it, not the way my parents used to make it, some aceto balsamico lettuce and boy I had such a great meal.

>> No.7479714

They celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January

It's a national holiday

it's celebrated

>> No.7479722

Ah, fuck, I sorta misread. I thought that anon impied that there are some holiday meals made on Christmas.

>> No.7479725

There's weirdness on when to celebrate Christmas because of communism.

Some celebrate both
Some celebrate on the 7th
some on New year
some on the 24th

But Russians celebrate Christmas.

But since the Bolsheviks banned everything for 100 years, dates are really fucked up

>> No.7479728

Every other meal she makes, my mom insists I have a side of bread...

This might be endemic to my part of Slavdom, but having soup as the appetizer every time: it fills you up and I have to wait a bit before the main meal

>> No.7479732

>having soup as the appetizer every time: it fills you up and I have to wait a bit
Same here buddy, I miss it when I skip it.

>> No.7479736

There's traditional Christmas foods, I've been invited to Russian Christmas parties. But much like here, not everyone does "traditional"dinners.

If they're really Orthodox, it's a pretty somber vegetarian affair as they're fasting. Get a lot of desserts though

>> No.7479742

My Oma made really traditional German and Prussian food. She was formally trained to cook in Berlin too.

Whenever I go to a Russian or Hungarian restaurant it makes me really nostalgic and sad.

>> No.7479771

You've never had creamed soups or chowders? What about broccoli and cheese w/ chicken? Potato and leek? Corn chowder?

>> No.7479794
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> So was spaghetti with ketchup

Both my parents were post-WWII Polish immigrants and while my mom cooked the absolutely best Polish food, “American” food had her stumped, as she didn’t arrive in the U.S. until she was in her 30s; her meatloaf for example, was just that - ground beef and pork baked in a Pyrex pie dish (though I liked it, topped with BBQ sauce) and one time in my 20s I came home from work and mom said she had made me spaghetti.

I sat down and she put the plate of spaghetti and sauce in front of me and upon taking a bite;

ME: “Blaarg! This is ketchup!
MOM: “…No is not…”
ME: “Yes it is, I know what ketchup tastes like!”
MOM: “You no like nothing, you just wanna fight!”

Apparently she didn’t realize that there was no spaghetti sauce after already making the spaghetti and figured I won’t notice the difference, as she never ate pasta with any kinda sauce, only butter.

Dinner almost always resulted in an argument between mom and dad, (think; George Costanza’s parents, with heavy Polish accents) as he had been a bachelor into his 40s and ate at restaurants all the time and expected the same at home and was usually a bit drunk by dinner time;

DAD: “Kurwa boiled Belgian cooking!”
MOM: “If you no like, you no eat!”
DAD: “I work, sonofabitch!”
MOM: “This no restaurant!”

>> No.7479800

I hate a tomato soup once but it tomato paste was used not actual tomatoes.

>> No.7479818

That argument sounds hilarious, even though I'm sure it wasn't really.

But still.

My grandma tried fooling me with the ketchup pasta too.

>> No.7479857
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My buddies (who would jump at the chance to eat my mom’s Polish cooking) thought it was funny as fuck but for me, it was just annoying, but I don’t want to suggest my parents hated each other, it’s just that both were naturally argumentative people and neither would EVER surrender in an argument and by that point, it had simply become their lifestyle.

>> No.7479873

Mmm, they look like argies to me.

>> No.7479894

>see pic
>oh these guys must be Croatian
>see checkers
>check thread, they are Croatian
Koji si ti OP ?

>> No.7479941
File: 52 KB, 616x411, supa-616x411[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Their soup was horrible. It was water with vegetable chunks in it. It literally had the consistency of water. They didn't blend it or add enough stuff to make the broth thicker.

That's because you were eating a soup. What you were expecting is called chorba, and it's something different.

>> No.7479975

'Kurwa' brings back memories of a Hungarian head chef I used to work with

>> No.7479990


I expect *any* soup to have at least a little viscosity from either stock or starch.

>> No.7480011

They are slavs, id know im a slav. You dipshits think because you saw a fee pictures online you know the whole culture which is made up of multiple nationalities?

>> No.7480018

Sounds like they just couldn't cook/have shitty tastes senpai. They exist everywhere

Been living in Moscow with my slavic qt for around 8 months now. Had both good and bad Russian food in my time so far. My number one complaint is the lack of spices. That really comes down to the fact I am used to more spices than anything inherently wrong with Russian cuisine.

>> No.7480023

Nice try Mohammed

>> No.7480029

you're a fucking poser. you don't even type in slav

>> No.7480140

Pusti ih na miru.

>> No.7480147

Truly. Anything that removes kebab removers is nothing other than a kebab.

>> No.7480208

A čiji si ti?

>> No.7480211

Nigger I know borsch when I see one, and that isn't bosch. That's a regular beetroot soup some jokers try to pass as borsch.

>> No.7480342

Don't insult my gf's family or I'll fuck you up, mate.

>> No.7480489

are track suits and squatting seriously Slav things, or is this a meme and I've never managed to see actual Slavs before?

>> No.7480556

Yeah, it's missing some sour cream and it should be a bit darker.

>> No.7480565

Squatting not really but on you're more likely to see people wearing tracksuits than not, brand name tracksuits are often used when going out.
Notting bad about it, tracksuits are a part of our culture.
Croatian in Sarajevo.

>> No.7480576

Probably more likely because of political and economical reasons. There was never enough food there.

>> No.7480627

polish people and russians really fucking love brand shit like addidas and whatever the fuck.

also, potatoes with kotlety is like the bomb
>polish grandmother that cooks all the time
>fuck yeah

>> No.7480719

literally chairs right behind them

>> No.7482821

It's obvious you never grew up poor.

>> No.7482852


How so? Surely if you were poor you would eat more vegetables and less meat since veg is cheaper than meat.

>> No.7482855

not even a real slav squat

>> No.7482856

ova dretva je u vlasništvu Republike Hrvatske

>> No.7482887

>- I was there for Christmas which Russians don't celebrate,
Do you have brain damage?

>> No.7482891

hi bg anon

>> No.7482914

You just said they ate it on its own and didn't put it on a toast. Haven't you ever heard of a yogurt or mayonnaise based salads you dip stuff in?

>> No.7483515

why don't they put their heels on the ground?

>> No.7483525

The slav evolved differently than your run of the mill chink or gook, and cannot squat in the same way because of it

>> No.7483531
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