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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7478804 No.7478804 [Reply] [Original]

I want to know a good diet to help my teeth, I started oil pulling today

>> No.7478832

Really doesn't matter when it comes to cavities, it's the temperature of the food that causes the pain.

>> No.7478841

Is that a bat?

Only real dietary advice would be to cut down on sugary/acidic foods because it's not good for the enamel.

And brush your teeth for gods sake. I'd tell you to floss too but let's be real, nobody really does. They just lie to their dentist

>> No.7478912

Garlic. Extremely good for the gums.

>> No.7479005

Its a cuy, peruvian dish and a delicious meat.

>> No.7479019

Eat less grains and sugar and more animal fat and dark green vegetables

>> No.7479022

When you see how much stuff comes out when you start flossing, you feel pretty motivated to do it more regularly.

>> No.7480055

Switch to baking soda, cut out toothpaste. Switch t salt water rinse (peppermint extract optional), cut out mouthwash.

The old way (before they got smart with a special paste and wash (that actually doesn't help teeth) for more money) was baking soda and salt water rinse. I've been doing this for a year and a half and no new cavities; before that, I've had 2 root canals, several fillings and cavities blossoming. The baking soda and salt alkalizes and neutralizes the bacteria in your mouth, essentially killing them since it balaces out the pH away from acidic. Salt is also very healing if you ever bite yourself. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and whitener and is the least abrasive tooth cleaner that's out there.

Toothpaste just does a shitty job at covering shit eating morning breath. When my mate brushes their teeth, it smells worse because the 'mint' (smells more like black licorice) and shit smell mixed. When I brush my teeth, I blow in their face and they say it smells like nothing with a hint of peppermint. All in all, it's terrific.

I also use it in place of shampoo because I have adult cradle cap, and it keeps it at bay, while shampoo aggravated it horribly.

S, while I can't be of any help with a current cavity problem, you can start this routine and expect better results/

>> No.7480085

do not listen to this guy at all, OP

>> No.7480093


>its a cuy

In first world countries it's called guinea pig, and people keep them as pets.

>> No.7480094

Toothpaste shill in full force already? He can do his own research and read testimonies. I've already given mine.

>> No.7480112

Alright, here's my testimony. I've used nothing but toothpaste for all my life and I don't have a single cavity.

>> No.7480377

why for have you cooked up little wooter?

>> No.7480389

Well even in first world countries you cook meat it will Prolly be delicious and eaten even if it's kept as a pet somewhere. People even eat people and in first world countries we call them people and we keep them as family friends and lovers. They still will taste good if you throw your family on hot coals and cook them.

>> No.7480517

Well then teeth are different. If he's getting cavities while using modern means, then he should try something else. Just like how there's millions of different diets out there, because every body is different.

I honestly don't believe you, though. Actually having never had a cavity, when everyone else has had at least one? If toothpaste did it's job, don't you think practicing dentists would be very poor, or needing no one in that field?

>> No.7480534
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.7480542
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>> No.7480546

Still the best

>> No.7481611

i've flossed every day of my life since i was 19 (no one told me to do it before then) and i have literally perfect teeth and gums.

>> No.7481650


Brush with fluoride toothpaste every fucking 10 minutes (I know, braincells ... fuck brain cells, they are helping the pain).

>> No.7481680

>good diet to help my teeth

Go to a dentist and get the cavity fixed then start practicing proper oral hygiene you mong.

>> No.7481878

Is tooth pulling good for my teeth ?

>> No.7481889

Oil pulling*

>> No.7483742

>oil pulling

Why are there so many alternative medicine retards on /ck/ anyway?

>> No.7485220

Yes it works great and if you do a salt water rinse afterwards you can actually heal your cavities.

>> No.7485231

Start using smokeless tobacco. All companies selling that product use medical materials to treat your teeth so they can remain healthy.

>> No.7485303


Pretty much switch to a keto diet until you fix it. All that sugar and carbs are gonna rot your tooth further. Stay away from cold drinks and really hard foods -- might chip your tooth.

>> No.7485343

Dentists rely on the tactic of scaring people into yearly checkups. The real reason most people have cavities is that they don't brush their teeth properly. They just haphazardly zig zag all over the place. They also skip brushing every now and again.

I am 31, and have no cavities. I have always used toothpaste, systematically brushing in circular motions from left to right, front, top, and back, twice a day every day. Once before going to bed, once in the morning after breakfast. These are the most important times to brush your teeth, as your saliva production is greatly reduced during sleep and the bacteria in your mouth is allowed to multiply unchallenged. So you need to depopulate the bacteria before going to sleep, and destroy the progress they make when you wake up.

Baking soda is more abrasive than toothpaste, unless you're using a whitening toothpaste. It's not a good idea to use baking soda instead of toothpaste unless you're really poor.

>> No.7485349
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>switch to a keto diet


dont think so

>> No.7485350

just suck cocks, i'm sure that will make you feel better.

>> No.7485364

>it's weird and i'm normal
Restoring enamel is one of the 100% legitimate non-speculative reasons for cutting sugar and carbs. The other one is epilepsy.

>> No.7485376

33 here no cavities and I brush maybe once a year. I just scrape my teeth with my finger nails and pop sugarless gum.
Never had a cavity. Maybe its just genetic.

>> No.7485383

>oil pulling
Don't be a twat.

>> No.7485410

>I'd tell you to floss too but let's be real, nobody really does. They just lie to their dentist
I floss every night and my teeth and gums are healthy. I have shit diet too but I also drink plenty of water.

>> No.7485426

oil of oregano is good for an abscess

>> No.7485969

>Floss if you want to live longer.
GogLe it.

>> No.7486036

Charred skeever

>> No.7487936

oil pulling and charred rat. you have worse problems.

>> No.7487951

>The old way (before they got smart with a special paste and wash (that actually doesn't help teeth) for more money) was baking soda and salt water rinse. I've been doing this for a year and a half and no new cavities; before that, I've had 2 root canals, several fillings and cavities blossoming. The baking soda and salt alkalizes and neutralizes the bacteria in your mouth, essentially killing them since it balaces out the pH away from acidic. Salt is also very healing if you ever bite yourself. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and whitener and is the least abrasive tooth cleaner that's out there.
>Toothpaste just does a shitty job at covering shit eating morning breath. When my mate brushes their teeth, it smells worse because the 'mint' (smells more like black licorice) and shit smell mixed. When I brush my teeth, I blow in their face and they say it smells like nothing with a hint of peppermint. All in all, it's terrific.
Yea, no. Total garbage.

Grandmother born in 1920. She used Crest and Listerine her whole life, and flossed. She drank flouridated tap water. She had zero cavities her whole life, and even ate microwave popcorn and a whole bowl of ice cream every night before bedtime brushing. She ate candy all day, bowls of it all over her house, from butterscotch hard candies to hershey's kisses.

You want great teeth, use normal toothpaste. Crest was her secret weapon. I'm sure the flouride rehardened up whatever acid she consumed. She used to harass my grandfather for sucking on lemons and claimed he'd have to believe her after he lost his enamel. She was no fool! Oil pulling and abrasives are what fools do. Your dentist isn't recommending that. By all means gargle with salt water when you think you are sick. It does hurt bacteria, but so does thoroughly cleaning your mouth.

>> No.7487954

>It's not a good idea to use baking soda instead of toothpaste unless you're really poor.
Everyone has access to a dollar store.

>> No.7487972


you've also been completely brainwashed via fluoride. wake up, you're a senseless fool that trusts everything he reads on a product box.

>> No.7487989

>oil pulling

Enjoy your lipoid pneumonia.

>> No.7488016

anon you can't do shit about tooth decay apart from reducing the sugar and acid in your diet

also brushing regularly, but not agressively

>> No.7488023
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>> No.7488031

>Enjoy your lipoid pneumonia.
Oh, and that leads to pulmonary alveolar proteinosis. Awesome, lung transplant if whole lung lavage doesn't work!

>> No.7488035

People need to spend their money on twice yearly dental checkups and a good cleaning. Skipping that for say 3 years, and it's downhill for your gums.

>> No.7488202 [DELETED] 

Third worlders everyone
Bunch of fucking savages who deserve to be burned at the stake.

>> No.7488206

Why would you want to do that?
Have you ever seen From Beyond?

>> No.7488221

I can see it in my imagination, now that I have one thanks to my decalcified pineal gland.

>> No.7488678
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Any low sugar/low carb diet will help your teeth

I was never overweight but I used to destroy my teeth every day with refined sugar in some form or another. I switched to a keto light diet (I still eat wholegrains) a few months ago and my teeth have never looked or felt better.

>> No.7490418
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I grind my teeth in stress so I understand your pain
I read a lot that green tea has natural fluoride or something so it strengthens your teeth. Have calcium supplements and of course brush teeth daily.

I'm looking to see how I can balance my mouth pH after meals too.

>> No.7492353

baking soda/salt water rinse fixes that.