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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7477466 No.7477466 [Reply] [Original]

How do we 'Make /ck/ Great Again'™?

>> No.7477470

More metathreads, obviously

>> No.7477472

build a wall around flavortown

>> No.7477473

wordfilter the word "meme" to "thing" or ""

>> No.7477475

Ban preshredded cheese!

>> No.7477476

Ban everyone under 300 lb. srsly fit people can never appreciate food the way we do.

>> No.7477499

No we jam stuff down our gullet too, it's just not always a deep fried cheeseburger

>> No.7477503

...and make /b/ pay for it

>> No.7477507

Even more Ja/ck/ threads.

>> No.7477508

Bring back Sceak

>> No.7477517

Allow my wife's underage sons to post here

>> No.7477534

Make it NSFW

>> No.7477545

More Ja/ck/ threads
More fast food threads
More word filters

>> No.7477547

>How do we 'Make /ck/ Great Again'™?
I think /ck/ should ban alcohol threads/posters/spammers

There's this one guy who is spamming hard liquor threads on here and it is driving me mad. What kind of sick individual does this? It's demented. He must be part of a hard liquor trade group trying to get young people to drink their poison.

So many young people die from drinking hard liquor. It is absolutely deadly garbage.

>> No.7477550

>stop talking about things that upset me!

Liberals, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.7477551

Go whine to someone who/ck/ares.

>> No.7477568

we need a transparent siracha bottle to be on every page and every thread.

>> No.7477572


Well what if someone was posting threads about smoking every half hour, wouldn't that get annoying? It's like the poster is trying to normalize the drinking of hard liquor or hypnotize people into wanting hard liquor. He posts like it's perfectly normal for someone to buy a bottle a week, drink it in the evenings, try out new brands. It's crazy. It's seriously sick. Alcoholism isn't fun. It's a disease and not something anyone should get involved in.

>> No.7477575

I agree

Can we also ban things that I don't like too while we're at it?

>> No.7477576
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Bring back the Ja/ck/!

>> No.7477578

You must be trolling. I shall not feed your autism.

>> No.7477585
File: 318 KB, 1280x720, jack_feeding_pigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The people have spoken, the will of Cu/ck/ King cannot be suppressed.

>> No.7477591

permaban redditors
bring mc shills back

>> No.7477595



>> No.7477667

ok how about I make threads about chewing tobacco. That's food, sorta. right?

hmm chewing tobacco. what's your favorite brand?

>> No.7477677
File: 75 KB, 630x480, copenhagen_natural_extra_long_cut_215525_maj_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copenhagen Natural Extra Long cut. Anything else and you're a try hard manbabby.

>> No.7477708
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It's a free board, and people have the rights to say whatever they want. What I think would make /ck/ great is if we could have open dialog about Jack Scalfani and his sauces. A lot of posters here do not agree with me, they do not like that, they do not want us to be able to have free discourse about our food and cooking interests.

So if someone starts to badmouth Jack or The Best BBQ Sauce You'll Ever Taste I think proud cu/ck/s should reply to them with : Jack! Jack! Jack!

If we all do our part we can ensure a better, freer /ck/ for our siblings' children and help realize the genocide of Palestine.

>> No.7477713


>> No.7477717

From which episode is that? Is he capable of giving food that hasn't been made by him more than 1 star?

>> No.7478352
File: 160 KB, 643x480, 1456947495512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ban all mexican and halal food threads

>> No.7478398


that stuff tastes like a leather belt.

>> No.7478465

You could have just said delicious.

>> No.7478475


I have skoal citrus

I am very underwhelmed and feel like an edgy teenage girl from the south

>> No.7478477


>> No.7478557

Ban jack threads

>> No.7478570

Its too late. The things that made /ck/ great have long since died and can't be resurrected.

>> No.7478580
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Jack! Jack! Jack!

>> No.7478595

We abandon it

>> No.7478601
File: 768 KB, 722x758, 1456103511722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop deleting Ja/ck/ threads. Even if you don't like Ja/ck/ posting, it'll still be around, but instead of being confined to 1-3 threads, it'll be dispersed in many threads where it might not be as welcomed. It's also arbitrary to leave up Ramsay, Alton, and Oliver threads whilst deleting Ja/ck/ threads. Most of the time we don't post about a chef's skill; we mostly post about their meme value and personal quirks.

With Ramsay it's OLIVE OIL, IN, JUST... MOVE IT. FUCKING RAW, >undercooked scrambled eggs, etc. With Alton it's muh Good Eats, muh no uni-taskers ever, muh /k/. So with Jack it's SALMONELLA, NAPALM THE PALESTINIANS, etc. Same shit.

>> No.7478611
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>when mods delete Ja/ck/ threads

>> No.7478661

enable flags

>> No.7478802

Spam threads should always be deleted

>> No.7478862

>young people

I wonder how long you have been hiding in that basement. they will drink anyway - it is part of growing up. not everyone gets locked downstairs by piling bibles in front of the cellar door.

if alcohol related threads are banned due to health concerns I wan't fast food (opinion, what-should-I-get-to-kill-myself-slowly and is-xyz-meme-food) reduced to one thread alone.

we need more OC, even if it is wifey material. less shaming beggining cooks. push the alc threads to the archive by posting OC - why don't you start?

>> No.7478866

Bring back Milk Jar.

And Ramen threads.

>> No.7478867

Make it a red board. More sauce improves everything.

>> No.7478872

Bring back the Gordon Ramsay synctube

>> No.7479138


It's not a "free" board. There are explicit rules to what you can post and quality posts are important. A guy who isn't actually cooking food at a top level and is only loved for his antics is a shit discussion.

You know how I know this board has changed for the worse? When the board drove away "Food pics from Japan" for worse threads about celebrity chefs, food reviewers and fast food about half a year ago.

We aren't at a dire state yet, but we are starting to become like /g/ now, where discussions are marginally just tech related there, we are barely food related here with just massive piles of bad content threads with no substance and regurgitation without any deviation.

I didn't have to use filters for this board 4 years ago but I had to start using them 1 and a half years ago when the amount of bad content just overtook the board. The worse part is the fact that the fast part of the board with the horrible content moves the most and the people who post in them mostly would have never cooked anything in the kitchen before or rarely have done so and are either underage or just above the age limit.

I'm just upset that shit posters who can't learn to post quality content have to actively migrate to other places to destroy them because relevant material on what was a good board is apparently for some reason is like something they must destroy.

>> No.7479315

This would be a clever way to deal with 'why do Americans X' threads.

>> No.7479332

Flags should be enabled on all boards.

>> No.7479340

bring back /joey/ threads too. I think if we had one designated /joey/ threat and one designated ja/ck/ thread at all times, the people would be a lot happier.

>> No.7479346


We don't need any generals, we're not dedicated to anyone on this board, especially not internet celebrities. We just need more stringent moderation everywhere. And besides, I can already filter all the fringe topics on this board well enough.

>> No.7479348

You have to go back

>> No.7479356

I tried to go to cooking board on reddit. I almost died. I have been on /ck/ for fucking YEARS. been married 5 years. I was here when I was still banging random bitches. Ck was great back then. Now it's all frozen pizza, alcohol, and fast food. It's so disappointing. I think we need to make more ip bans on shit posters trying to stir up things with shit content.

>Tfw you wait around all year for cooking contest to get real quality ck shit like the old days


I don't have a whole year to waste away waiting for quality shit anymore. I got kids now.

>> No.7479361


To where? This was my home before idiots that can't cook and can only post and talk about a food culture that barely revolves around the food and only cares about human convenience and "cheap" prices came in to ruin the place. If anything, they should be cleaned out.

And I am well aware you are using a Trump expression, thank you very much.

>> No.7479367

Middle aged flyover woman detected