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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7475816 No.7475816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Just gonna grab a fry real quick, bro

>> No.7475821
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>> No.7475826

Take them all. Why do I even have these? I don't eat anything fried, and regular consumption of white potatoes is associated with 50% increased risk of renal cancer (but 400% for meat).

>> No.7475827

Fuck anybody that does this.

>> No.7475833

Sure man, go ahead. Just know that I drizzled some vinegar on them.

>> No.7475835
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>> No.7475843
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>> No.7475857

Please, help yourself friend. Food is always better shared, and besides french fries wreck havoc on my thighs. :^)

>> No.7475860

You know something else that is going to wreck havoc on your thighs?

>> No.7475861

sure thing buddy, you want some ketchup or mayo with those? they always give me way too many to get through

>> No.7475898
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>> No.7475900

I have never finished fries in my life

>> No.7475908


>> No.7475909


>> No.7475930
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>> No.7475933
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>> No.7475939
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>> No.7475943
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>> No.7475952

In Spanish class one of our flashcards had a disgusting photo of a greasy guy shoving in a handful with half of them missing the mouth and bending away.

>> No.7475965

Oh sure, no problem dude. Matter of fact why don't you just fuck my wife while you're at it? I sure wouldn't mind

>> No.7476114
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ayy lemme grab a tendie off you anon, they look good

>> No.7476124

A friend did this to me but it was a cheeseburger instead.

>> No.7476127

>just gonna grab one of your cheeseburgers Bro
>one of your cheeseburgers
>multiple burgers

>> No.7476131

See if you don't have a desk job and are actually active outside of pressing the buttons on whatever remote you're using, you can stuff and work it off.

>> No.7476134
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>friends trying to be "cute" stealing your food without asking

>> No.7476140

I think that means they want you to fuck them. Have you tried doing that?

>> No.7476142
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>he's a vegan

>> No.7476143

ok that would legitimately leave me mad, they don't usually give you a lot of tendies so I would not take it well.

>> No.7476144
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>at friends barbeque
>make sausages and bread
>leave briefly and come back to room
>girl has taken my sausage and left me with a piece of bread with sauce
>don't even know this dumb bitch

>> No.7476146
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Meat causing a 400% increase of renal cancer? Uh huh

Being a lazy shit who never, ever works out and does nothing but sit all day?

You can really eat quite a lot of had food and still make gains if you work out hard enough. Nothing that can't be solved that by doing it more

>> No.7476155

We had been out all night and I got the standard 5 cheese burgers and the guy is giggling like he's high then Bert staring takes from the bag

>> No.7476253

Am I selfish for not wanting to share food with other people?

When my friends and I go out to eat, a few of them always ask me to try their food. I always decline because 1) if I wanted what they're having, I would've ordered it. 2) If I took their food, I feel obliged to offer them some of mine, which I don't want to.

I don't know if they genuinely want to to share their food with me, or they do it just so I would offer them my food.

Anyway what do you guys think?

>> No.7476260


was she a fatty?

>> No.7476321

Yeah I had a friend who did meat once and died of terminal renal cancer, don't do the meats its super dangerous

trust me I'm a vegan

>> No.7476335


fat niggers


feminine hipped twig nigger

>> No.7476344


I think you are either a fat autist, or a hungry hungry skellington whose autistic about food.

>> No.7476358

>Anyway what do you guys think?
I think that you sound autistic.

>> No.7476386


>> No.7476404

It increases risk from some small fraction of a percent to a larger small fraction of a percent. Since my enjoyment of potatoes compared to other foods is close to zero, I don't eat them. It's free risk avoidance.

>> No.7476422
File: 49 KB, 358x267, Inb4 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nephew asks to have a drink of my [whatever i'm drinking]
>hesitantly agree
>hands it back to me
>theres shit floating in it

>> No.7476524

>food is always better when you give some of it away to a lousy cunt who didn't buy his own.

>> No.7476535

Y-you too..

>> No.7476536

Whenever we have any sort of different food it's taken for granted me and my brother are going to try each other's food.

>> No.7476603

My ex used to do this. one time we were all out with our friends, and i offerred to buy her whatever she wanted ot eat, she said she didn't want anything, I asked her twice if she was sure because she wasnt getting anything off my plates. she said no. EVeryones food came, and I caught her with her hand on my plate sneaking up on a fry, and I swatted her hand and went "bad girl". My friends did that containt laugh grunt and her friends jaw's jsut dropped and this is what happened.

>"W-whatd you do that for!?"
>"You were stealing my food, thats a nono"
>"it's just a few fries!"
>"if you want some fries i'll order you some, its not a big deal, you don't need to resort to theft, you're better than that"
>her face goes full red
>my friends are trying not to lose their shit
>her friends are still dumbstruck
>"if you want some food, either order some or say please, i'm in love with a women, not a child"
>thoroughly embarrass her in public
>at her favorite restaurant
>at home later that night
>shes throwing a fit because of my treating her like a kid
>"stop throwing a tantrum, youre not a kid, morgan"
>"go put on your jammies and go to bed"

We had really good sex that night, I don't know why, maybe it was hatesex.

>> No.7476614

Backwashers need to be exterminated

>> No.7476620
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You wanna be super spade or something?

>> No.7476642

Fuck of you cunt

>> No.7476659

You're a faggot. Girls steal their bfs food because they think it's cute and couply and you went full fucking autismo over a couple of fries. She probably didn't order anything because she wanted to stay slim for you on top of it all. You are notoriously bad at understanding subtext. I'd say no wonder she's your ex, but your story never happened so, you know.

>> No.7476665


I've noticed that a lot of girls will swipe food like that because they really do want the fries, but they don't want to actually order some because that makes them look fat.

>> but your story never happened
Now you're learning, anon.

>> No.7476667

Kill yourself cuckboy

>> No.7476674

>but your story never happened so, you know.
true but always remember he is still a faggot

>> No.7476676

My brother once did this to my roommate who was a legit heroin, meth and coke addict/dealer.
This dude was a fucking lunatic, like imagine the Joker on speed.
Needless to say there was an argument and he was kicked out for being disrespectful. Honestly I expected worse.
I know sober people who would have kicked his ass for that, lol. Glad that was a very temporary living situation.

>> No.7476680
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Are there seriously people who hog individual orders of fries?

Just dump them in the pile in the middle of the table with everyone else's, god damn.

>> No.7476695

Typical Bernie supporter

>> No.7476720

Shoulda' called out >>7476680 while you were at it. Fuckin' Commies.

>> No.7476727
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>> No.7476857

The only person I've seen being an autist about sharing food turned out to actually be an autist. That means you acted like a right faggot, brah.

She wanted a couple of fries, not an entire fucking order of them. Couples share shit like that. Unless she was a total fucking child and you were drawing a line, it was still a stupid line to draw and not the best time to do it.

I'll share a story about my girlfriend cruisin' for a domestic abusin'.

>Be me.
>Have girlfriend.
>Hung out at the beach all day with another couple.
>Go out to eat to a restaurant.
>Still wet and sandy from the beach, hate that feeling.
>We order, I strategically order the food I know will not take them too long to make.
>My food gets there first.
>I'm famished; I tell the others that I'm gonna eat, 'cause hungry and idgaf.
>Start slicing my food.
>Bitch reaches over grabs my cutlery and slams it on the table on her side.
>Now the other couple is just looking at each other like they made a mistake being there.
>Just have a staring contest with her until food gets there.
>She says "Eating before everybody else is rude."
>Keep death staring.
>Later on, I stretch because... Well, I needed to stretch.
>She screams at me in the middle of the restaurant, 'cause that's apparently also rude.

I didn't hit this bitch, but I sure as fuck tried making her life miserable afterwards.

Still throw it at her face to this day, we'll be together for three years this April.

>> No.7476863

Maybe because the person didn't want a small bag of fries? More like 3-10 fries...

Not only that but you were offering in the first place but now you dont want to offer?

>> No.7476870

Y'all niggas is mad autistic

>> No.7476873

Why didn't you wait? I know Americans are fat but dam

>> No.7476885

oh I'm sorry, are you gonna earn me more gbp too???

>> No.7476887

a friend was holding my cheesy breadstick while i drove and i asked for it and he broke off all the crispy cheese and ate it i was so pissed

>> No.7476895

i love sharing food and regularly bring people things i made and offer to let people taste at restaurants. i do get mad when people take without asking though

>> No.7476897

>order large fries
hey guys, help yourselves!
>order medium fries
yeah, you can have a few I guess
>order small fries

>> No.7476900

400% in relation to...?

>> No.7476906

Imagine getting to the beach around 9am, swim about 5 miles and have nothing to eat or drink but beer.

Now go to a restaurant around 6 pm. See how hungry you are.

>> No.7476907

>multicam sitcom
pls no

>> No.7476909

Probably something like 0.0001%

>> No.7476919

>Imagine getting to the beach around 9am

Do Americans really require constant consumption? It was only for a couple of hours but you were ready to bite fingers...

> See how hungry you are.

Difference between hunger and addiction

>> No.7476926

>It was only for a couple of hours but you were ready to bite fingers...

A couple hours? Try nine. You'd probably be hungry too if you did a bunch of physical activity in the morning and then skipped lunch.

>> No.7476936

Still an uttermost pleb for starting to eat without waiting for everyone's meals to arrive. This is basic etiquette

>> No.7476938

>physical activity

It was a short trip to the seaside with a bit of swimming? I think you are over exaggerating the situation as a need to bite fingers

>> No.7476951

What's your boner with calling me an American?

I'm from a shitty island from the states, not officially part of it, though.

Not sure if bait, but you've never gone swimming for 5 miles, have you?

>> No.7476955

You eat lunch? You eat a fucking lunch? How fucking fat are you? You fucking fatso piece of fat fucking shit american fatso fucking torpid piece of lazy fucking asshole fucking piece of lazy fat overeating obese excess adipose eating fucking peice of fucking shit?

We non-Americans have evolved to only require nutritive substance upon awakening and before retiring for the night. We do not consume any noontime or afternoon meal and the fact that you require your barbaric "lunch" disgusts me in an excessive but perfectly rational and understandable manner.

>> No.7476959

>What's your boner with calling me an American?

Going that hungry after a bit of fun at a seaside? And no self control over food

>gone swimming for 5 miles
Why do I get the feeling you are just bullshitting about this?

>> No.7476964

First of all, waiting for everybody else to get their food is fucking retarded.

My food would've been cold by the time theirs got there.

They weren't half as hungry as me, they ate the only food we had while I was out swimming.

They've also been my friend for years.

Basic bullshit etiquette like waiting for others to get your food is only followed when you haven't known the people you're eating with for years or you get to be middle aged and have the weird notion everybody has to respect your presence now.

I think it also helps that my girlfriend is a snobby cunt from a family who was formerly in the upper ranges of higher middle class who prioritizes arbitrary etiquette and artificial morality over actual human empathy.

But that's like, my opinion, man.

>> No.7476972

You know what? Congrats, man. You made me reply.

You've earned yourself a trip to /hm/ for a celebratory wank.

>> No.7476973

>waiting for everybody else to get their food is fucking retarded.

Its not hard you know? You did swim '5 miles

>we had while I was out swimming.

Sperging it out with those 5 miles

>Basic bullshit etiquette

You were in a rush to eat after those '5miles

>my girlfriend is a snobby cunt
>using the word cunt
>using the word states
>swimming for '5 miles
>sperging it out on waiting times

>> No.7477426

He's a cuck for wanting to share with his girlfriend? That's not how it works, brother.

>> No.7477431


>> No.7477438

but vegans already have ass cancer from taking it up the butt, so it's a moot point

>> No.7477442

you should have given her the sausage in your pants XDD

>> No.7477443


You would know

>> No.7477450


>> No.7477877

I fucking hate this.
You always see people say shit like
>"Anon, you shouldn't eat/do that! Don't you know it doubles the chance of you getting cancer?"
>chance goes from 0.0000001% to 0.0000002%
Yeah, I'm so fucking worried.

>> No.7477883

I always share with my brothers and close friends, but I expect to get some of their food.

>> No.7477890

She wanted your sausage
you were stupid as shit to not connect the two

>> No.7477893

Typical Amerifats, no need to look further.

>> No.7477898


>The only person in the thread who understands the metagame

Sharing is a myth
If someone steals your fries you one up them

>> No.7477926

Take them all i hate fries

>> No.7477936

100% of people who eat vegetables die

>> No.7477937

> lemme borrow a french fry tho

>> No.7477978

just give back by friday.

>> No.7478497
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>grilling up some food for a party at my parent's place
>bunch of people come, including one of dad's friend's fatass brother
>dude grabs like three hot dogs and burgers and decimates the fucking chips
>bought just enough steaks for everyone, start grilling them up
>he basically inhales his as soon as he gets it
>comes up to me and goes "haha let me grab another steak dude"
>tell him no because there's basically just one for everyone
>start grilling the last few and leave mine for last
>get to the table with it and aunt complains she never got one
>look around and can't find it, but I was sure I put it down
>look over to fatass
>his eyes just scream "haha"
>decide to give steak to aunt, makes me throw it back on the grill because she only eats it darker than the inside of the auschwitz crematorium

>> No.7478575

That's fucking hilarious.

Then she could have gotten a small order and given the rest to some pigeons or a homeless man. Or taken them home to be reheated via oven.

The man asked her several times what she wanted.

>> No.7478583

the #1 advantage of not having any friends

i get to eat fast food alone in my car

all the french fries to myself!

>> No.7478591

Why do you have such tame sexual fantasies?

>> No.7478593


>> No.7478650

>Not eating in so you can watch the other tables and smile smugly every time you see somebody get a fry stolen

>> No.7478660

>they think it's cute
It's not. Shit like that needs to be corrected immediately post-haste or they'll think you don't mind.

>> No.7478702


It's fucking fries or chicken or whatever. It's just fucking food. It's not like you ordered a fucking kobe steak and she took half of it and didn't pay the bill. How much of a goddamn hamplanet are you?

>> No.7478779

Fuck you, filthy commie. I ordered the amount of food that I wanted, not enough to cover the SO tax.

I'm not paying a fucking fry tax, and I'm SURE AS HELL not paying a tendy tax.

>> No.7478783

this is why you're alone

>> No.7479148
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>Go out to eat with friends
>Both of them insist that eating off each others' plates when they go out with other friends or family is completely normal, they do it all the time
>Apparently I'm the crazy one for ordering what I want and wanting to eat all of it and not sharing it

Am I the crazy one here?

>> No.7479158

your cultural background and norms can differ

you may or may not be autistic

>> No.7479172

This thread had me triggered from the first post

>> No.7479173

I have the same question

>> No.7479175

should have called him out

>> No.7479180


We all had a relatively similar upbringing, my family never had issues sharing food if somebody wanted to try something but generally I like just ordering what I want and then getting to eat all of it

But when I said that they looked totally confused and even sort of offended that I wouldn't let them just sort of eat off my plate

>> No.7479201

you kinda are,

Whenever i go out to eat with my friends, the 4 of us basically know we just each got 4 meals. we purposely order different foods in order to share. the only down side is, i can never get shrimp,. but who cares?

>> No.7479205

That sounds like something 5 year olds would do. Not adults.

>> No.7479208

No. With my friend group, everyone gets their own shit, but some of them will offer food they didn't finish. Not like half-eaten shit, but from a tray of appetizers they couldn't finish, it's a just system.

To those who share to try things they didn't get, just come back and order that next time you fucking poorfags lmao

>> No.7479213

you're just mad cause your autistic ass doesn't have true friends.

>> No.7479218

>believing true friends exist
Top kek

>> No.7479220

It sounds nice. If everyone is happy its a pleasant way to eat.

>> No.7479223

When will girls learn that you can't pretend to be skinny? Eating little won't make you look less fat, and eating a lot won't make a skinny person look fatter. It has nothing to do with behaviour. When will women learn?

>> No.7479228

My friends always order froes and as much as I love their taste, I never order them myself because can't justify that much useless fat and carbs.

So I just wait until they inevitably can't finish their fries and ask if I may have one, and then eat literally 1 to get my fix

>> No.7479232

Jesus Christ you are a dense faggot lol

>> No.7479233

To the people who love sharing food:
Do you have brothers and sisters and/or are used to sharing things with others from a young age?
I've always thought it's 1 of the reason why I hate sharing food. I'm an only child.

>> No.7479234

>not trading and bartering food

>> No.7479238

I'm an only child too. hell my mother hated sharing shit with me. I just realized she was always being an autistic cunt about it when i grew up. There's no reason to be such a bitch about food. It's only food and these are your friends.

Do your eating rituals mean more to you than other people?

>> No.7479243

when me and my friends order fries, i always take the bag the fries are in. That way, i can dump some extra fries into the bag itself and then hand out the fry containers to my friends.

the ultimate fat fuck move.

>> No.7479249

>Someone wants some of the food you cooked
>Mentions how good it looks/smells

>> No.7479268

Hmm I just realised it probably has a lot to do with who I'm eating with and how much I like/dislike them.

>> No.7479272


>> No.7479321

Don't touch my chips, you Amerifat fuck.

>> No.7479450

Is this % chance to get cancer ever, or every second, or what?

>> No.7479452


Generally it's "ever".

>> No.7479464
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>what are appetizers
And here you are calling others autistic you autistic fuck

>> No.7479480

I'm with you dude. fuck that.
eat when the food comes.

>> No.7479485 [DELETED] 

check out my site

>> No.7480382
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why the FUCK would it matter if you"quickly" STEAL,YES STEAL(because by the time your hat ham fist hot dog fingers got a hold of one of MY HARD EARNED FRIES,It would already be socially awkward to ask you to to put it back,essentially holding me in some social choke-hold)My fries in "quick way"
I wouln't give a flying shit about you taking half an hour to STEAL my fry.

wait,Just gonna rape your mom real quick....BRO

>> No.7480645

>comparing taking some fries to raping your mom


>> No.7480724


This is why I only order salads when I'm out. And nothing on them like croutons or chicken either cause then people go like "Oh anon let me get a crouton lol."

>> No.7480729


Friends and I always order a decent sized plate of appetizers and share those. Then we eat our own food.