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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7474754 No.7474754 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with people who get stomach aches all the time? In a first world nation, with even mediocre income, what the fuck is wrong with everyone who gets sick all the time from food? I get the shits from food maybe twice a year. I just don't get it. And even worse are the people who know what gives them shits. Like, "Can't eat tuna salad gives me the shit."

>> No.7474782

I've been addicted to opiates and benzodiazepines for nine years. Don't know what their problem is.

>> No.7474816

I have a chronic anxiety disorder (diagnosed by a real doctor, not a feels "doctor").

My anxiety manifests itself as physical symptoms. It seems like severe indigestion what with the frequent trips to the bathroom and constant stomach noises and pains.

It sucks huge hairy anus.

>> No.7474824

Same here OP

It always baffles me whenever I tell someone what I'm eating and they'll reply "Enjoy your shits". I don't understand why people get diarrhea so often.

>> No.7474847


Some people are intolerant to certain foods. It's as simple as that.

>> No.7474860

Its those same people too, who always are taking advil and shit every day.

>> No.7474861
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Bad digestion, because of prosessed food that our body cant handle, some handle the prosess food better then others.

Food industries adding more and more synthetic ingredients to the food and the body does not want synthetic nutrients and minerals, it wants natrual. Too much prosessed food is bad for us, and its giving us a hard time digesting the food. You can fix this by getting on a real natural food diet.

Im not guru at food but this worked for me, i experienced a hard time picking up nutrients from the food and bloating. I got rid of this by quitting junkfood ( only now and then ), and started making healty natrual sourced food.

>> No.7474887

>Im not guru at food
>Makes assertions about health in regard to diet
Listen I'm not gonna go and say processed/preserved foods are healthy, but I don't know anyone who gets indigestion from chips, or cereal, it's always seafood or some shit.

>> No.7474889

I don't know a single person who gets stomach aches all the time.

>> No.7474913

I think I might have IBS or something. It started about 5 years ago. I probably should get it checked out. I can no longer eat pizza, for example, but I can go to Buskerfest and eat oily, fried street food for 6 hours straight and be perfectly fine.

>> No.7474952
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What other than food could possible affects to form our health? I had issued getting enough D vitamin in my early life and it led to many backsides, and getting to little nutritions and interactions with other missing nutriets leads to illness. The whole body relies on a huge chain of reactions from nutrients and minereals and you need to get those natrually in my opininon.

I don't understand doctors nowdays, when the cunt said i had to little D vitamin she said go and buy some pills. I mean why didnt she suggest that i should eat more healthy and get natrual D vitamin from salmon or eggs? Doctors are mixing healthcare with medicine sickening care and that is fucked up.

If people dont understand that food is what forms us i guess its a lost run for them, honestly im stubborn on the fact that the big food industries is here to kill us with synthetic food because of the need for mass production with the amount of people on earth. Dont you think its sad and odd that people blame disease on heritage and genetics and not the proven fact that our food, water and air is systematrically poisoned?

My english is querky, i got dyslexia.

>> No.7474959

Why didn't you just go outside more often, during the day.

>> No.7474963

I work in staffing and people call in sick for diarrhea all the time. It's the #1 reason for sick calls where I work.

I get diarrhea occasionally but never has it been painful or prevented me from going anywhere. These people are literal leaky walking sacks of liquid shit.

>> No.7474968
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I was 16 and a gamer, didnt follow in class and really dumb. My health back in that time was really out of hand, 2 meals a day, mostly really unhealthy.

>> No.7474970

They're lying to you, moron

>> No.7474978

Too little fiber and probiotics
>tfw vegetarian and literally enjoy my shits

>> No.7474986

That sound like lactose intolerance more than anything. If you had IBS, oily fried foods would butt-rape you on the way out 10 minutes later.

>> No.7475031

I think I just have a shitty body, I used to be able to eat whatever the hell I want and drink all the time. But whenever I eat shitty which used to be all the time I would get diareha, heartburn, and stomach aches. I would basically drink a bottle of pepto a day.

>> No.7475037

Lol that was my go to for playing hookey. But jokes on my old bosses I had diarrhea everyday anyway I

>> No.7475066

In the lab I worked in this dude would have pepto at his desk all the time.

>> No.7475070

I'm Chinese so I'm lactose intolerant but I still sometimes eat dairy stuff because it's usually worth feeling awful for hours.

>> No.7475074
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And yet I had chinese for lunch today and I felt fine.

>> No.7475100


Sounds like you had a shitty job

>> No.7475120

Last week I told my boss I had food poisoning and took 3 days off work, in reality I got drunk and went fishing for 3 days.

>> No.7475123


>> No.7475132

>have IBS
>sit down
>pressure in my stomach builds up
>it hurts

>> No.7475133

Things that cause me to get the shits:
>whole ghost pepper

That's pretty much it.

>> No.7475136

Psychosomatic illness, such as Crohn's. People with this psychosis can actually delude themselves into being "triggered" by certain foods, or even just the labels on it.

>> No.7475145

>even worse are the people who know what gives them shits

It's a bad thing to know what foods you should avoid? Did you mean people that know what foods rape their ass but eat them anyway?

>> No.7475147
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>> No.7475164

lol nice bait

>> No.7475186
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That's some 0/10 bush league b8 right there.

>> No.7475228

Hey guys, check out this total badass

>> No.7475252

>It always baffles me whenever I tell someone what I'm eating and they'll reply "Enjoy your shits"

They're just trying to be polite, anon.

>> No.7475313

If I eat hotcakes I feel sick as fuck all day long. Farty, burpy, crampy and shitty.
I do love me some hotcakes, though.

>> No.7475363

last time I saw that image I fell off my internet explorer

>> No.7475497

They recommend Vit D pills, because those with a deficiency need a large amount of it, and its much easier for your body to absorb.

>> No.7475525

I take a probiotic, rarely fart even though I eat beans like a madman. Think we eat too much processed shit nowadays and it's all sterile shit con pared to what prole ate back in the day. Notice if I frequently drink keffir for a while, stomach turns flat and I can pig out without a problem. Fermented foods and most likely a good yogurt eaten almost daily would help a lot of these tummy crybabby bitches. Think keffir, saurcraut, kimchi and that live MOTHER containin apple cider vinegar.

>> No.7475565

Because everyone is different and commercial food is all the same. There's really not very much selection out there.

>> No.7475591

They drink too much soda.

>> No.7475629

Because they avoid such food so their digestion can't cope with it.

It's the same thing with allergies. They're a first world phenomenon precisely because the rest of the world isn't as obsessed with hygiene.

>> No.7475637

My sister has IBS. I'm fairly prone to diarrhea myself, but not as bad as her. I guess it's a family thing? My mom never thought it was weird that we got the shits several times a week growing up. I just accept it as my life.

>> No.7475647

I don't get it, the worst I deal with is having to shit slightly more frequently when I'm drinking coffee. Mexican, Indian, Thai, whatever, never upset my stomach at all

>> No.7475654

>first world nation
It's about a day off or at least half a day off.
If not the day someone is complaining about, then it's the next day, because "it didn't get better".
At least that's the case in countries that have decent health care.

In Germany for instance you can get "sick" and have two days off just by claiming that. Only the third day you have to go see a doctor and "prove" you're actually sick.
All while being fully paid and not forfeiting a single vacation day.

>> No.7475782
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>vitamin D deficiency
Happy to help

>> No.7475790

I have long had stomach aches and diarrhea.
I remember in high school that I would routinely drink pepto bismol before I would leave my house to go see people.

>start having real bad heart burn, but just use tums/pepto/take omeprazole and ignore it
>couple years go by, one day wake up feeling really fucking weird.
>heart pounding out of my chest, shortness of breath, sensitivity to light, room slightly spinning
>taking baby steps because full strides literally made me tunnel vision and feel like I was going to faint

I have someone drive me to the ER, they called the episode a "panic attack" and said that my stomach acids were wildly out of control. Just a warning sign from my body saying something is pretty wrong.

Go through a bunch tests and am told I have high blood titers for lactose and gluten. So I have low level intolerance to both. Not bad enough to be put in the IBS or crohns category, but enough to give you the shits and pain.

The intolerances caused me over a long period of time to develop a throat disease called EOE which also causes GERD.

Its been a few years now and I know what sets me off and what doesnt.
It sucks being one of those pain in the asses when it comes to food, but its just not worth the pain and misery. Its why I /ck/ most of my food now.

From what my doc says, the particular blood tests I took were less than a decade old. Cheap and easy blood tests. Before you had to have expensive celiacs and full blown lactose intolerance from a specialist, which unless you showed heavy symptoms you would never get.
I just so happened to develop a benign but somewhat rare disease that would previously been called GERD and not looked much deeper into.

My guess is that there are many people who have all sorts of little intolerances that are undetected. Everyone knows that one person who is always feeling like shit after eating.

>> No.7476974

The only thing that makes my stomach ache is drinking too much coffee on an empty stomach. I don't get the shits with coffee, but I know a lot of people who do

>> No.7477138


Are you me?

>> No.7477169
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>> No.7477188

*clears throat*
*adjusts collar nervously*
Haha, hello, miss. I hope you don't mind if I reply to your post.

My names Nathan, I couldn't help but admire your fantastic figure. I was wondering if you would perhaps like to exchange emails with me? Don't worry, I'm a nice guy I'm not a douche. I take it you're interested in food since you're on /ck/.
I sure would like to talk to you more and get to know more about you. Here's my email, please reply.


>> No.7477218

I can eat 50g of fiber a day and take 100bil culture probiotics and still shit 5 times a day. I know this because I am currently doing it.

>> No.7477889
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>> No.7477905
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>those dubs
>that perfect bait


>> No.7477920

>obsessed with hygiene
Ever wonder how the first world became the first world, jackass?

>> No.7477923

haha twice a year....last time i got the shits from food was about 3 years ago
where teh fuck do you eat....

>> No.7479209
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It's much better getting natural dvitamin than synthetic and ive already said it, and you dont need large amout of it, you need normal amount and regulary. Taking to much dvitamin leads to even worse digestion, headache and sickening As if that wasent enough i didnt have aything to pick the minerals from the vitamin i needed iron in my body to pick up the dvitamin.

I already got a good sex drive, so im fine thank you.

>> No.7479212

tfw hoping there was a penis, but it's just her damn thumb

>> No.7479267

A certain brand of cheap ramen here makes me squirt brown jelly 15 times a day for 2 days after eating it.

But I'm so poor I can't just let the 30 pack I got go to waste.

>> No.7479271
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I usually get indigestion from drinking stuff with fake sugar in it, but I drink it anyway because it's better for me than drinking sugary drinks and rotting my teeth. I also don't like just only drinking water all the time, it makes me feel bloated.

Pic related is what I get it from

>> No.7479926

It sounds like you're losing calories by eating that. If you're fat though, I guess that might be okay unless you're going to starve soon.

>> No.7480182

Sounds like it's your fault to me

>> No.7480216
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Obviously was, i never blamed anyone else. Im just saying health doctors are dumb.

>> No.7480222

I work on a boat that has a cook and when we're underway, literally everyone complains about having to shit after ever meal. Granted, the cook is a fat shit and uses tons of butter and oil, but I almost never have issues. They always complain about having liquid shit after meals. I can't wrap my head around it, I shit pretty normally. I have a pretty damn healthy and well rounded diet. Must just be Americans.

>> No.7480244

Same. It's fucking awful.

>> No.7480303
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>tfw god tier immune system where I only get sick maby once a year
>tfw "flu season" where everyone around me is coughing and hacking and calling in sick and somehow always skips over me
If it wasn't for my crippling lactose intolerance that makes me blow ass for hours every time I eat the smallest amount of cheese, i'd feel almost superior

>> No.7481533

Did I catch temporary dysentery from these fucking cheap noodles?

>> No.7481537

Food doesn't really bother but I shit all the time because I drink way too much alcohol and apparently its a side effect in a small group of people

>> No.7482181
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>mfw norovirus twice in one year

If you want to experience hell, that will do.

>> No.7482271

Yeah, educated people are stupid and don't know anything! Keep fighting, man!

>> No.7482338

I used to be like you
Then I got shingles

Fucking awful, and it comes back every year when its gets cold

>> No.7482371

I just looked that up. Maybe that's what I got fucking twice in a row visiting relatives. I got suddenly and violently ill for about a day, then they next day just absolute water-shit.
It seriously is one of my worst memories. I seriously thought I was going to die the first time it happened. I couldnt even drink water without throwing it up so I had to keep pounding it to avoid having to go to the ER for an IV to stay hydrated.

Having that illness is a worse memory than breaking up with my fiancee.

>> No.7482397

All my pooping problems can be attributed to way too much beer like >>7481537 but in terms of stomach aches it is often a nervousness/anxiety thing.
I used to get really bad stomach aches most days throughout primary (and possibly early high) school, especially if I had breakfast, and it was living hell. Turns out it was just gas that I couldn't get out until I got home because I was such a shy nervous wreck all day. Nothing to do with what type of food I was eating.
I still can't do anything more than a morsel for breakfast even though I have a physical job now.
Basically getting the shits and stomach aches aren't necessarily the same thing. They're very different and opposite feelings from my experience.

>> No.7484171
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When it comes to health they are misinformed, they are educated to adapt to the processed food, honestly they dont know better untill they visit the food industries them self. Surgery and illness is there nothing wrong with.

Enjoy your cancerous health information.

>> No.7484189

the average person has no fiber in their diet and is chronically dehydrated

it's no wonder that the absence of two main methods of moving shit through your tubes can ruin your digestive system

i eat cajun and texmex like a mother but i get my water, apples, oatmeal, salads, etc. in to keep things moving correctly

>> No.7484200

>Chronic anxiety """"""""disorder"""""""

Why do you all suck so much? Take care of your fucking health.

>> No.7484225

The average person is not dehydrated at all. The only people at risk of dehydration are athletes and people without access to water. Water also has no effect on gut motility at all. Dietary fat has by far the greatest effect on gut motility.

>> No.7484228

Gas can be pretty painful if it doesn't get relieved fast enough, like what happens to lactose intolerance people.
Most of the time when somebody says they have a stomach ache, they really just have gas.

>> No.7484239

You're wrong, most people don't drink enough fluids and when they do it's usually not water. Then they wonder why they're so tired and get another cup of coffee (which is a diuretic).

>> No.7484446

You're a damn retard
>muh evil corporations poisoning us! why are doctors reccomending vitamin supplements to me!!!!

>> No.7484453

>fucking retarded chink
get the fuck out

>> No.7484484

"i should eat more healthy and get natrual D vitamin from salmon or eggs? Doctors are mixing healthcare with medicine sickening care and that is fucked up."
>I'm fucking retarded let me die
just go pupper, be free from the shackles of livingdom

If you want advice - 5 1000UIs of Vitamin D a day - if you rich get a vitamin K/D dropper combo. Wake up at 5-6 (ie sunrise) and get your hour of Red light with added benefit to you should you get some 5-15 mins peripheral sun exposure to your eyes.

No. What you're trying to say is your have a great microbiome. Probiotics are a salvage option when you're trying to alter your flora's bloom/bust cycle, or your anchorage fauna @T(x).

What you're saying is that by being a vegatarian you provide a much better set of prebiotics for which you reap health/shits-benefits from your healthy/diverse/??? microbiome.

For bad diet fucktards, early antibiotic proscribed ill-fags, and shit-diet parents' deliverances our microbiomes are only salvageable by repeated seeding of probiotics, and even then they are unlikely to be as good as blessed multigeneration good-shits gran-grandpoopoos. This has implications for the HPA/Gutt-brain axis, your vagus nerve stimulation, your impulsiveness, and your desire for unhealthy food. Note if your microbiome is very good there is no unhealthy food in moderation ( multiple iterations per week ) - a recent multi-year study found no correlation between diet and health in ascertained HEALTHY participants (is-real study can't be bothered to look it up).

>> No.7484502

>being autism top kek chink
o u t
this is wrong theoretically and by evidence of water intake fasting or post and pre-food intake

You literally alter the distribution of food in your small intestine; your create a greater flux for nutrients ( glut rate is dependent on osmostic pressure and [glucose]; similarly dietary fat absorption, cholesterol transporters, etc are dependent on water content ); you decrease viscosity within your gut-microbiome interphase; you decrease surface tension on the villi-anchorage fauna complex; etc.

Tons of water post meal is one of the only decent things you can do for inflammatory bowel diseases along with fibre intake... provided fibre doesn't cause too much methane and other gas production and increase inflammation. Fibre and water intake are the only known correlates to better health management in Chrons ( minus anti-inflammatory interventions, which often backfire as they presumably change your gut fauna )

>> No.7484664
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I'm not asking for advice, im telling my experience and perception. I live in norway and wintertime = way to little sun. I work shift so its not always easy to pick up D vitamin from the sunm Im fully aware of the sources of D vitamin. I need it from food aswell because i cant always get sunlight on my skin.

Get educated you little fuck, back in the 1960 food only had 5 ingredients now they have 80.

>> No.7484689

I can't digest beef unless it is very highly processed. It rots in my stomach and the next day I have severe nausea asking with projectile vomiting and diarrhea all day.

>> No.7484691

idk about other people but I basically use it as an excuse if I don't like something but am not in the mood to argue about why. nobody ever presses further, and if they're laughing internally or talking shit behind my back, I don't give a shit.

>> No.7484704

Lack of fiber in diet and dehydration is usually the big one for most people.

I used to have stomach problems pretty regularly but then I started making sure I got plenty of fiber and I never have problems anymore. I notice when I don't eat enough fiber too, though it's rarely as bad as it used to be.

>> No.7485058

That stuff (aspartame) is cultured on feces.

>> No.7485074

Because there's so much lactose in Chinese food?