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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7473560 No.7473560 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods and drinks you used to eat all the time but now you can no longer stand them.

For me it's hot dogs and Sunny D.
I ate so many hotdogs ( in fucking everything) as a kid that just thinking about them makes me kinda sick to my stomach. I also got way to drunk on Tequila and Sunny D about 5 years ago and I still cant stand either.

I used to be like this with pinto beans and avoided them for years because it was another food we ate a lot when I was a kid. I like them again though.

>> No.7473566

Damn that dog can see through my soul

>> No.7473567


>tequila and Sunny D

You are a garbage human. Ha, gonna go get a hot dog.

>> No.7473582

Tasted good at the time. I didn't really know anything about drinking when that happened. The intention was to get drunk. Worst hangover of my life. Gag just thinking about it.

>> No.7473586
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>hot dogs and Sunny D
Flyover trash general?

>> No.7473599

I'm with you OP. My mom put hotdogs in beans, macaroni, baked them with cheese inside, etc. when I was a kid I loved them but I find they repulse me now. I haven't had a hot dog in years. Idk what happened. I also can't stand pop tarts.

>I like Sunny D

>> No.7473644

Me in the back

>> No.7473646

Used to love cakes and chocolate and other pleb tier shit until my dad began working in a cake factory and bring home cake/excess ingredients on a regular basis. Somehow after eating several kilos of cake/chocolate/cake toppings each week I just got sick of it. Actually ended up going full on in the opposite direction and developed an eating disorder because I got super conscious about how I became a fat fuck.
Also sausage rolls. One time I had a bone in one and I just can't even think about them anymore without gagging and wanting to vomit. Kinda sad because whenever I go to buy cheese and onion pasties they tend to be next to each other and I get nauseous. Still worth it though, cheese and onion pasties are lovely.

>> No.7473666

Oh and fruit crumble. When I was a rather young kid I was eating a school dinner, one bite was a bit crunchier than the others. Didn't think anything about it until I went to take another bite and saw a few woodlice crawling around. Since I was like 7 or 8 apparently I cried for a bit and have been mentally scarred since. I've eaten grass, charcoal, tin foil, glass, paper, french food and more weird shit, and would sooner eat most of them again before I'd eat a bowl of crumble again. Fuck that shit.

>> No.7473752

Couldn't drink apple juice until recently. It was all they gave me to drink every day at my daycare when I was a kid, took me about 16 years to get over that one.

>> No.7473810

In high school I used to drink shitloads of it blacker than Argentina, now I wouldn't even consider drinking coffee without milk and sugar. Fully transitioned to tea.

>> No.7473838


>> No.7473849

Also, I loved corn on the cob until I helped a friend shuck some that they grew. We would occasionally find some kind of caterpillar worm or something inside them and I hated it. Since then corn just grosses me out. All I can think about is seeing those giant things and the brown mushy corn the bastards had eaten.

>> No.7473979

>drunk on Tequila and Sunny D
This is what rock bottom looks like.

>> No.7474021

Nah, drunk on Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill is what rock bottom looks like or its a very close second. Jesus Christ I remember drinking that at parties during high school. I will NEVER drink that again. Ever

>> No.7474039

I also don't like hot dogs because when I was a kid in elementary, two middle school kids raped me after school be putting hot dogs in my ass
ever since then I've had a fear of hot dogs
I even quit my job at burger king when they added hotdogs to the menu :-(

>> No.7474056
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>> No.7474101
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Did they make you eat them after the weinie rape?

>> No.7474111

orange juice
apple juice
tuna sandwiches made with mayo
sloppy joes
frozen/chain pizza
candy (other than chocolate)
fruit flavored sweetened yogurt
grilled cheese sandwiches
blue box mac and cheese
Alfredo sauce
ranch dressing

>> No.7474181

Jerky. Loved eating that salty meatbark. Then the grocery store jerky turned into dogtreats. You have to hit the gas station to get the good stuff nowadays. Also, cutting back on nitrates.

>> No.7474342

Sloppy Joes---ughh! I forgot all about those. I haven't eaten one of those since I was a kid. Every damn week we had that at least once. Both of my parents worked full time. I remember years ago when you could get a BK whopper for 1 buck. My God my parents would bring those things home for supper all the damn time.

>> No.7474357

I want to take that slag home and give her my battered sausage

>> No.7474403

So, what do you eat now? Meat, cheese, and salad? Can you manage to eat oranges even tho you dislike orange juice?

>> No.7474432
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chicken cesar wrap, it was the only thing open late at night on campus

>> No.7474937

I eat pretty much everything except sweet shit.

>> No.7475008
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Still love the taste but I get upset stomach orange shits afterwards if I eat more than four slices so I'm taking a break

>> No.7475016
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I've been unable to eat macaroni cheese since I pooped out a kid.

>> No.7475172

I didn't know you could even buy escolar. I thought it was bad for you. Idk

>> No.7475201

u poor girl

now when he's 6 you're going to have to feed him spongebob shaped mac'n'cheese 4 times a month

>> No.7475212

wait, hot dogs as in wieners or hot dogs?

>> No.7475217


After eating cereal and loving it for years every morning as a child I have no part of it in my adult life.

If I don't feel like frying some eggs for breakfast I enjoy a snack like pita bread and hummus or guacamole and crackers.

>> No.7475229
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Several dozen firey watery shits later I have learned my lesson

but it's like a crazy ex-girlfriend who was amazing in the sack

every once in a while I succumb to the urge and pay for it later

>> No.7476141

Strongbow. I accidentally got drunk as hellon a couple of liters and now I can't drink it as much as I'd like to.

>> No.7476154
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Ate them like once a day when I was a kid.

now I can't stand them. Fucking disgusting stench, bad taste, shitty texture. no thanks

>> No.7476156

nah, fuck that

>> No.7476209

Scrambled eggs.

Had to eat shit quality eggs for boot camp every day for 11 months

No thank you I'm good