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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7473516 No.7473516 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is privy to the glorious delicance that is prosciutto?

I've only just discovered this glorious meat a few months ago. Saw it in a deli when it was on sale and thought "fuck it let me try something new."

man... that first taste. its like liquid pleasure that melts in your mouth. Now I buy it whenever its "affordable" ($10/lb sale price... usually goes for $16/lb at my deli).

what the hell can i do with this beyond eating it raw or with mozzarella, olives, and peppers? ive attempted cooking with it two or three times but i can never taste it, seems to disappear completely without the faintest trace of existence in my sauces. not anywhere near as pronounced as bacon.

>> No.7473525

Fry it up and put it in chicken marsala, carbonara or really any pasta dish.
It's even amazing fried and topped on a pizza, soup or salad too, anywhere you would normally use bacon.

>> No.7473527

fuck off dumb american stop trying to fry everything retard

>> No.7473528

Prosciutto is ambrosia. Restaurant I used to work in always had a ton on hand and I'd stuff my face every time I went into the walk-in.

I think we served it on a flatbread pizza with fig and arugula. Meme as fuck and wasn't that good tbqhwy.

>> No.7473529

Didn't read the end where you had already tried that. Honestly dice it in bigger chunks, fry, reserve and add at the end instead of having it dissolve in a sauce.

>> No.7473534
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Frying as in cooking in a skillet, not deep frying you moron

>> No.7473547

Prosciutto is meh, Serrano ham is where is at.

>> No.7473561

I love me some prozhoot

>> No.7473562

this and then go with the pata negra because it's the holy grail of cured meats.

>> No.7474375

Man, I can remember the days when Serrano was the cheap alternative to Prosciutto.

>> No.7474761


Prosciutto is just ham. Alone it says nothing, could be any type of Italian ham.

This is true, it is also true that Capicola/Coppa shits on both. All of which are inferior to porchetta Romana.

>> No.7474770

I'd never hire one but it should be legal

>> No.7474801

Porchetta isn't prosciutto.

Also, porchetta romana is too generic, but one of the best ones is the porchetta d'ariccia, usually served between two slices of fresh bread

>> No.7474804

Have some in the fridge left over.

What should I do with it guys?

>> No.7474810

Oh look. It's that guy.

>> No.7474823

I like you

>> No.7475298

The guy at my local deli called it "the best ham," so I tried it. It's fucking orgasmic. Wherever you are, thanks man.

>> No.7475719


>> No.7475738

Salami is best, unless you buy one of the shitty brands that make up like 60% of the market.

>> No.7475766
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yeaeh mate i only wish it wasnt so fucking expensive

>> No.7476152

It's the shit. Just eat it on its own. Naked. With the curtains drawn

>> No.7476153

>those disgusting fingernails

>> No.7476161


fuck off spaniards, bow before Parma prosciutto

>> No.7476162

this, italy ham best ham

>> No.7476174

>Italian ham
It doesn't have to be Italian.

As for you OP. You eat it raw with bread, cheese, olives. It is a delicacy which is best enjoyed raw and not cooked. In Europe it would be a travesty if you tried to cook it..
But if you insist you can wrap chicken breasts with it or fill them up. You can combine it with squids (wrapped or filled). Or like the first anon said put it in carbonara or on top of a pizza. It really depends on the prosciutto.

>> No.7476197


Juliennes of ham in soup, put in just before serving.

>> No.7476236

I always find it so weird when people "discover" prosciutto. Over here it's something everyone has all the time

Try it with melon

>> No.7476244

I served prosciutto with melon once and my trailer trash roommate freaked the fuck out

I hate white people

>> No.7476249

You shouldn't waste any more good stuff on him then

>> No.7476313

As an american. I have deep fried up some prosciutto. Wrapped it around some fresh mozz with a leaf of basil, pinch of salt. Then right into the beer batter and oil.

Tasted like cultural rape. It was a good flavor.

>> No.7476405

If you want to cook cured ham one simple and tasty way to do is using the butt of the ham, unsalt it by soaking it first, and cook it whole in soup.

Fava bean soup is a good one to go wih ham.

Also pata negra ham is awesome but very pricey and I prefer a good chorizo from the same pig over it.

San daniele is master race but I wouldn't cook it

Bayonne is great at cooking a still very nice cold too

>> No.7476693


>> No.7476779

Just tried prosciutto for the first time yesterday. Never going back

>> No.7477349

Put it on Pizza.

>> No.7477388
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Try it with melon, thank me later

>> No.7477398

I'm addicted to the Spanish shit now.

My bank account can't take many more impulse purchases of $30/lb heaven.

>> No.7477432
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oh come on,leave us at least one thing that we are the best

>> No.7477452


>> No.7477512

Fucking this. Wrap a piece of melon in a slice of prosciutto and feel the love making in your mouth

>> No.7477518


because of how tasty this combination is i literally put that shit on grapes or any fruit now

thank you italy

>> No.7477538

honestly, di Parma ham just tastes like Parmesan cheese

>> No.7477539

This, good combination.

>> No.7477557

>salty rubber

>> No.7477715

Stop buying shit tier di parma ham

>> No.7478297

this is what i do

>> No.7479181

wrap it around thin wedges rock melon

You're welcome

>> No.7479236
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>people talking about what cured meat is superior without having tried kazylyk

>> No.7479252

I'm italian and the spanish guy is right. the Jamón ibérico is superior in every way

>> No.7479261 [DELETED] 

u should check my favorite food is pretty awesome!

>> No.7479541

I'm spanish and the italian guy is right. The Prosciutto di Parma is superior in every way

>> No.7479718

Never tried it before, but this thread convinced me. I've been trying to pick up one new thing to cook with every time I grocery shop this year. I'll try it regular, but I'm thinking I could throw it on a flat bread pizza tonight

>> No.7480649

I am italian and i have to admit that serrano is fucking awesome

>> No.7480732

>usually goes for $16/lb at my deli).
Good good, it usually goes around for 8 dollars a kg, which means for 2,2 lb.
Oh wait, I am italian. But...like 50-60% of your salary would go to the government so it might be cheaper over there in a sense.

>> No.7480779
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>tfw your parents don't send you ham from spain

>> No.7481867

I wonder what it would be like to take a big bite into one of those unsliced hunks of cured meat.

>> No.7481885

Only di belota