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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 275x184, 2016-03-15-05-06-43--187261340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7472915 No.7472915 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you eating a delicious donair?

>> No.7472917

They smell and taste terrible. Which is fine by me since they also cause me to throw up.

>> No.7472920

Because they're expensive where I live. Fucking 13 dollars for a regular sized one.

>> No.7473936

Cause usually places that call them doner don't use pork, and they taste like shiiiiit when no pork is added

>> No.7473947

Lamb or bust, faggot

>> No.7473950
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>> No.7473959

I'd have to go across the city to get some and I don't want to do that desu friends

>> No.7473962


>> No.7473963

I don't think there are any places in my city to get one.

>> No.7473967

The cooked meat on the outside is in contact with the raw meat underneath

>> No.7473968


Donair? Wtf, Extra chromosones represent. Its called Döner

>> No.7473972

>corrects spelling

>> No.7473974

Muslims haven't completely raped my culture yet.

>> No.7473975

are you danish or why the pork?

>> No.7473976


fuck you

>> No.7473981
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>> No.7473995


How come ur meat looks like sliced minces meat?

>> No.7473996

educate me anons, how does donner differ from a gyro?

>> No.7473997
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>> No.7474001
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>> No.7474003

Low quality doner meat is finely ground and compacted into one solid mass. It's pretty rough desu.

>> No.7474010


not much desu, maby some spices and specially toppings. Döner is mostly salad, hot sauce and garlic sauce and meats.

Gyro is salad and tzatziki right?

>> No.7474014

I have two stores across the street to choose from

>> No.7474027


beats u, I got like 20+ in surrounding area. Europe ftw.

>> No.7474029

Because I'm vegan. Animal products are really bad for you and the environment.

>> No.7474033
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>> No.7474038

that's a gyros, anon

you can literally smell the tzatziki from here.

>> No.7474044
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>> No.7474045


U actually true cos doners dont get served in such a fat flatbread. Its either a bun or a wrap/tortilla style thingy

>> No.7474046

Oh shit I'm incredibly similar to the guy on the left. But I've been taught I am white and that guy is clearly arab. what gives? who lies?

>> No.7474048

They're awful for you, would much rather eat a roast beef sarnie

>> No.7474054

a gyros pita is like 2.50 or 3.50 euro here and a large döner is like 5 euros

>> No.7474068


There is only one size doner.

>> No.7474079

yeah I was really surprised when I found out too. But it really is pretty bad. You'll feel a lot better in many areas when you switch to a sustainable, plant-based diet.

>> No.7474080

not true. there is a smaller size and cheaper prize to lure the pupils, and the standard sized döner.

>> No.7474084
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>> No.7474091

it's okay to eat meat if you don't do it too often, and if you make sure to consume the whole animal aka eat sausage, not only the expensive cuts.

>> No.7474300
File: 55 KB, 800x1033, wakemeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you realize that the way the meat is made inroduces a fuckton of toxins that will make you shit your fucking organs out? while the outer layer is hot and crispy the inner area is comfortably warm enough to make a fucking 24 hours non stop e.coli party. yes the e.coli will mostly die when they get to the outer layer for long enough but the toxins remain. enjoy stomach ache and the worst shit of your life you sandnigger waste eating faggots

>> No.7474323


1) E coli doesn't create heat-resistant persistent toxins. There are some bacteria which do, but E coli isn't one of them.

2) I've eaten this stuff countless times in three different countries while staggering back from the bars hammered. I've never once had a stomachache or diarrhea from it.

>> No.7474329

I want a girl like that on the left in my own life and forever. She's perfect

>> No.7474337

He's clearly greek.

>> No.7474338

Those are some fucked up vision the both have because holy shit, you can actually see the refraction in the lenses showing how powerful they are...

>> No.7474381

it's just a prank pic. they are two perfectly normal people who just are having some fun with a camera.

>> No.7474425

But 19 of them usually suck.

>> No.7474450

I try to not eat pure fat and carbs daily, but if I find a good place I'll absolutely chow down, haven't had any in canada as good as in halifax yet though. and they rarely have the sweet sauce.

>> No.7474482
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1) when i say e.coli i actual mean all fecal bacteria found in meat because it sounds less disgusting and people recognize the name. still e.coli alone is a problem in this kind of meat preparation, check the wikipedia article on doner for sources, because it is often undercooked and not grilled twice before consuming the meat. if prepared mostly correctly, which i have personally never witnessed in all of austria, the the e.coli specifically might be less of a problem (depending on the strain i guess) but the quality of the meat alone, which is usually abysmal or even rotten and all the other substances in there is often enough to make you puke if you are more on the sensitive side.
2) good for you.

>> No.7474483

Food is ridiculously expensive in Canada.
Also, Donair>Doner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gyro

>> No.7474491

Loveislegallyblind.jpg would also be a cute filename. Regarding the people in the pic. The dude's not bad looking at all and I'd thoroughly impregnate the woman.

>> No.7474524

Original Greek souvlaki pita > everything else, to be honest familia. Döner is not even a real or common food dish in Turkey.

>> No.7474549

Donairs are fucking bomb, to bad all the shops around me are expensive as fuck, i'll be paying like 10$ for one

>> No.7474554
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Hey Chicagofags, do they sell any donairs here? And not from that devil truck.

My brother has been raving about them ever since he came back from Germany. The closest we had to it was from some place near the Loyola stop. We tried the food from that devil truck during the Christkindlmart and my brother hated it. Claimed it wasn't the same...

>> No.7474563

No, he's a kebab.

>> No.7474605


They sell gyros everywhere in Chicago...

>> No.7474610
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>> No.7475397

If you're ever in Victoria check out The Donair Shop. They have a nice sweet sauce there.

>> No.7475402

>Raised in Halifax.
>Have King of Donair, where it all started.
>Forced to try competing donairs.
>KoD isnt the best, Alexandras wins.
>Leave Nova Scotia.
>Try 'donairs in Ontario. water sauce and shit meat.
>Same thing out west.
>Even worse in America.
>EU has Donor Kebabs and nobody uses sweet sauce.

Its not hard to fuck up and drunk people like it more, just follow our recipe and you'll make money you fucking jawas.

>> No.7475405

Drunk people in britain fking love kebabs m8 get ur shit sweet sauce away from my food

>> No.7475437

Imagine a candy kebab.
Literally a donair.

>> No.7475468



Nice try though. (Not really.)

>> No.7475736
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>> No.7476055

what the fuck is a donair?

it's called döner you fucking plebs

>> No.7476057


>inb4 the french calling it "dieunerè"

>> No.7476064

because my local shitskins are superior mexicans who cook superior food

>> No.7476085

i would say more like "un Deunair"....

>> No.7476095
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>> No.7476099

Never been to KOD then?

>> No.7476103

Donair is a Canadian version of gyros made with lamb and a sweet sauce.
It's too sweet for my taste, but still pretty good.

>> No.7476132

well I'm italian so that puts me closer. thanks anon

>> No.7476135
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>pick god recipe
>ruining it with sweet sauce

Fucking americans, just stop.

>> No.7476137

That's a Nick Cage movie

>> No.7476280

Is that a gyro?

>> No.7476305

U meme a gyro??

>> No.7477284

I prefer shawarmas

>> No.7477295

I prefer pork shawarmas

>> No.7477657
File: 372 KB, 1024x768, 4627964645_d4f5855617_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because shwarma laffa wraps are superior.

>> No.7477666

That taco looks real weird OP.
-Taco Ted

>> No.7477671

I don't meat or animal products

1. Because I'm vegan
2. Because I'm vegan and I'm not a fucking scumbag

>> No.7477679

nobody asked you

>> No.7477723
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>> No.7477791

>Nova Scotia
>Mah niqqa

>> No.7477815

That's funny because I could've sworn the OP said "Why you aren't you eating a delicious donair?"

>> No.7477840

That's a good question. There's a donair place like a block away from my place. I could so get a donair right now...

>> No.7477941

Looks good as fuck.

>> No.7478252

>Because I'm vegan and I'm not a fucking scumbag
Contradicted yourself in one sentence.

>> No.7478331

I live a very happy life knowing that I live in Halifax and have access to the best donairs in Canada and the US.

>> No.7478334

news flash you retard.
this is why people say race is a construct and they are 99% correct.

>> No.7478739
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>Donair is a Canadian version of gyros

>> No.7478754

At that price, I'd probably have trouble getting my dog to eat it.

>> No.7478755

the sauce used in donairs is distinct from doner as it's made traditionally and was created and popularized in Canada (specifically Halifax)

>> No.7478764

i actually am in victoria, so I'll definitely check out that place if I can, closest and best place that is similar is athenas where all the drunk university students go. giant souvlaki wraps in this damn good pita bread.

>> No.7478892

That's quite a coincidence. Well, I'll be staking out the place to snap photos of anyone that looks like they belong on 4chan, so look forward to it!

>> No.7479883

Fuck you, Ahmed.