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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7467930 No.7467930 [Reply] [Original]

What foods do you refuse to eat and why is that?

I eat everything but anchovies since they taste and feel like what I imagine a cat's hairball would. This is kind of strange because I love sardines. I had low quality ones on a pizza maybe I'll give them a second shot.

>> No.7467952

Is pic related? I love Egg's Benedict

>> No.7467953

Most seafood, something about the taste/smell/texture just doesn't work for me. I'll occasionally eat some fresh crab or lobster or some salmon or tuna but even with those I still just don't care for them most of the time.

Also most offal/organ meats unless they're chopped/minced up and mixed in with something else like pate or giblet gravy or stuffing at thanksgiving. Just trying to eat things like heart or liver or brain, it tastes like chewing on a mouthful of congealed blood to me and makes me want to vomit.

That's pretty much it though, except maybe really super stinky cheeses like limburger that smell like rotting garbage.

>> No.7467957
File: 424 KB, 1800x1200, 1457288761130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely pic unrelated. If I could at that every day for breakfast I would.

>> No.7467966

I could do that too, but I want to live past age 25

>> No.7467968

what about bleu cheese? that shit is godly.

>> No.7469007


I can't do seafood either. Only if it doesn't have that fishy taste.

Blue cheese is pig disgusting.

>> No.7469460

I'm only really picky with condiments. I can't stomach mustard, ketchup, or barbeque sauce for whatever reason, I just can't do it

>> No.7469487

Dunno if I'd refuse to eat them but I definitely don't look forward to eating lamb or shellfish

>> No.7469605

Looks delicious.
Did you make your own hollandaise?

>> No.7469607

Notice the filename.

>> No.7469609

>bleu cheese
Is your spell checker broken or are you just a retard?

>> No.7469612


>> No.7469619

The filename of the image in the OP.

>> No.7469621

It's not OPs pic.
The /out/ dude with the sandwich eating dog posted it in the breakfast thread.

>> No.7469622

Then why did you ask if he made his own hollandaise? Or are you some different retard who can't follow other conversations properly?

>> No.7469627

Leafy greens, fucking terrable

>> No.7469629

is french m8

I've realised that eating a big piece of fish is just something I can't do unless its battered or something.

I spent 2 months in Japan though and ate a lot of seafood because of the way it was presented mainly in things that I can just eat a mouthful of at a time.

I just can't cut through a big filet like i would with a steak though.

>> No.7469633

>blue cheese is French.

>> No.7469648
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to eat chicken products because the industry grinds up the male chickens live

>> No.7469653

Fuck the cows, pigs, fish, goat, lamb, sheep, arthropods, clams, oysters, and chicken though


>> No.7469655
File: 35 KB, 572x322, srf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they actually are discussing a state law (Lower Saxony/Germany here) to ban that.

>> No.7469675

>bleu cheese isnt french

>> No.7469678

I don't eat many sharp cheeses. They smell like shit and nutsacks

>> No.7469685

In French it would be fromage bleu.
However it originated in England and the correct term for these cheeses is Blue.
This is basic stuff you really should know before posting on a food and cooking board.

>> No.7469694

>words can never change their meanings or acquire new ones
>borrowing words and/or phrases from other languages to enrich our own isn't the status quo

>> No.7469747

You're a fucking retard.
English: blue cheese
French: fromage bleu

Anything inbetween is Franglais and makes you look like an imbecile

>> No.7469750

Anything with runny egg whites. Runny yolk is fine but just thinking about runny whites makes me gag.

>> No.7469830

>bleu cheese isn't a perfectly acceptable neologism which refers to cheese which is partially or wholly blue and from france

>> No.7469832


Sort of like writing the word "inbetween" and not ending your sentence with a period, right?

>> No.7469846

I hope you never use the word "chef"

>> No.7469847

>Creme cheese

>> No.7469853
File: 21 KB, 220x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bleu cheese

>> No.7469854

>chocolate fondant

>> No.7469855

>why is that
Why is what?

>> No.7469856

>black forest gateau

>> No.7469858

I'm going to start reporting you for being an avatar faggot.

>> No.7469866

Good luck, you flyover pleb.

>> No.7469868

>chicken a la creme
>beef bourgignon

>> No.7469872


Assuming there exist foods you refuse to eat, what is the reasoning as to why you refuse to eat them.

>> No.7469875

Holy fuck, you're bragging about being from the ghetto? LMAO!!!

>> No.7469881

>royale with cheese

>> No.7469897

Not him but what the fuck are you on about you fucking weirdo?

>> No.7469899

Because they don't like the taste and/or texture perhaps?

>> No.7469900

Foods I refuse to eat:

Anything from a fast food or pizza chain because experience has taught me it will suck after the first bite and I'll feel shitty after eating it.

Kale salad, because while cooked kale is delicious raw kale does not work.

HFCS, not because I think it's bad, but it only seems to be an ingredient in shitty food.

Anything with artificial flavors, because that is an indicator it's gonna taste like crap.

Commodity grade chicken because it doesn't taste good.

>> No.7469904

I'm actually ok with blue cheeses, it's just the really soft/runny stinky cheeses that I don't care much for.

>> No.7469906

Chicken feet, any form of eyeball, fish heads, smelly andouillette, balut, surströmming... all have a combination of smell, appearance and texture that simply offend me to the point of frightening me away. There are also some aspics that fit the category, but those are primarily the over-elaborate monstrosities we see in food gore threads. Normal head cheese on rye bread is just fine.

>> No.7469913

Getting this thread back on topic....

I don't like pineapple, unless it's on pizza. I really dislike broccoli because the texture of the head is fucking strange (still eat it though). I hate corned beef, absorutery disgustingu. Celery feels like I'm eating hay. I also don't usually like onions raw, except red ones.

There's a handful of foods I used to not like so much but that was more due to parents over cooking them or otherwise not cooking them properly. Thankfully that didn't happen with too many foods, as my parents were both overall decent cooks.

>> No.7469914


Sure that could be a reason, but what's the point of discussing it in general terms? The idea is that OP wants people to list the foods they won't eat and then explain why for each food.

this guy gets it.

>> No.7469920 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 610x748, 1423905282567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the texture of the head is fucking strange

>> No.7469926

Ah, that reminds me - to add to >>7469906, I avoid by rule any and all food products that contain HFCS or any form of corn starch, unless it explicitly belongs to the recipe. That garbage ruins not only food and health, but politics too. Goddamn subsidies voters.

Likewise, bulk lager beer that lists barley starch as an ingredient. Accept only proper malted barley.

>> No.7469930
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Spam and nacho cheese because they are the blight of my childhood.

>> No.7469936

>what's the point of discussing it in general terms?

Because that is literally what it is going to come down to in every case.
There are three reasons someone doesn't like a given food - 1) they don't like the taste 2) they don't like the texture 3) it triggers uncomfortable memories of the time their creepy uncle made them suck him off in the car park at Burger King.

>> No.7469941


Sure, but which of those three options is it for any one food in general?

If anon says he won't eat chicken feet is that because anon doesn't like the appearance? or is it the texture? or maybe he's OK with both of those but finds them messy to eat and therefore not worth the effort (too much mess for too little food)?

Generalization is meaningless here.

>> No.7469952

my nigga

>> No.7470452


>> No.7470479

Beef, for the most part. Not a morals thing, I have synesthesia and beef tastes like the color gray. Gray isn't a good sensation for food.

>> No.7470515
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x1836, 20160314_143416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate corned beef, absorutery disgustingu
>I'm literally reading that eating corned beef

Whats not to like about salt and dead cow? Fucking delicious.

>> No.7470532

Clean your fingernails you grotty bastard.

>> No.7470560

I do wut I want.

>> No.7470567

I can't eat sauerkraut

I love lots of other fermented/vinegary things

but I can't do that shit

no clue why

>> No.7470571

what about that gook shit kimchi or w/e thats pretty much the same thing?

>> No.7470580


Kimchi is tolerable because I like the other spices/flavors that go into it but I won't go out of my way to eat/make it unless I'm being taken out to or going out to a KBBQ place with friends.

>> No.7470586

Yeah I can't eat organ meat too, makes me gag. Ate and cooked some of my blood once and it's fucking haute cuisine compared to organ meat.

>> No.7470592
File: 104 KB, 350x350, 020500-sel-white-anchovies-in-oil9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to look for white anchovy

The red bony ones have been salt cured for shelf stability.

>> No.7470600

I'll do that then, like I said I think I just had shit quality ones before, but was pretty repulsed.

Do you eat them right out of the can or with mustard on bread like sardines?

>> No.7470614

Either works

>> No.7470633
File: 26 KB, 535x380, rolleye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefagging this hard