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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7464175 No.7464175 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have trouble eating around strangers? I'm finding out I have a problem with this, I'm probably autistic or something. The other day a couple of my moms friends came over who I've never met and I still haven't made dinner. They visit in the kitchen area. Instead of going in there to fix something to eat at 6:30 when I was hungry I waited for them to leave and didn't have anything to eat until 10:00. Same thing last night. My moms friend from out of town is staying the weekend and is hogging up the kitchen baking cookies. I don't even know her and don't want to know her or work around her so I waited until after midnight to make supper, I was so hungry. Today they are still in there and I don't want them bothering me when I make lunch, I'm seriously considering eating inside of a fast food place just so I can eat in peace.

>> No.7464179


>> No.7464205

eating around strangers, no

eating around people who aren't eating, kinda.

>> No.7464241

Maybe if you learn some manners you wouldn't be ashamed of eating in public you fucking pleb

>> No.7464256

It isn't about manners. Also I think it's more what >>7464205 said, I don't want to cook or eat around strangers who aren't also eating. If we were all in a restaurant ordering food I'd be OK, but I don't want to fix something to eat when my moms friends are in there chatting, and I thought about quickly grabbing something to take to my room but decided that was embarrassing. In that situation I've discovered I'll literally go hungry indefinitely until the strange guests leave the kitchen area.

>> No.7464260

Don't eat in the kitchen. Carry the food out of the kitchen.

>> No.7464266
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Geez man I knew a feel like that when I was younger. From like 10-16 I couldn't go out to eat without getting nauseous and throwing up, which I only actually did the first time, after which I stopped going out to eat. At the time I didn't realize it was anxiety and I was so confused and scared to tell anybody. So every time my family went to a restaurant (My dad was some sort of VP of Ryans Steakhouse at the time so they went out to eat a LOT) I would have to fight to stay home.

Eventually it went away, 24 now with some anxiety but it's almost always claustrophobia triggered, like if I'm in a row of seats in a presentation and can't get up or sitting in the window seat of an airplane, so it's fairly easy to manage.

Sounds like you are just an autistic faggot though.

>> No.7464297

Theres nowhere else to go. The kitchen and dining room are the same room, and the living room is right there, it's all open and small. My only other options are to eat in the yard like a animal or sneak it back to eat in my room like an /r9k/. Some say it's OK and I've done it before but I try to avoid having a full meal in the bedroom.

>> No.7464568

Well, like anon said before, i dont like eating around people who aren't, many times my family or my fathers friends came to visit at like 17, 18 pm (at that time i always get a bit hungry so i eat something like a sandwich or whatever i find so i could wait till dinner that was at 22 pm) and i would just not eat anything until they leave, i dont want them to see me making a sandwich or food just for myself, but sometimes i asked if they wanted something to eat so they would say "no thanks" and then i could proceed and grab something to eat.

>> No.7464572

You don't need a full meal. Just a little something to tide yourself over.

>> No.7464586

How old are you?

>> No.7464784

I try to keep snack reserves in my room for when that happens. My sister's friends used to always come over and spend the night and I didn't want the to see me getting food, or heaven forbid make a meal when they were in there. Sometimes if they were baking or cooking though they'd call me in to have some, it wasn't awkward then though because they were also eating.

>> No.7465237

OMG. Anon, seek medical help. But seriously. Next time when guests arrive, put on decent clothes, wash your crusty face and meet them in the living room. Say this while looking in their eyes and faking a smile:
>"Hello, I'm <insert name>. Welcome and nice to meet you."

Give a moderate handshake while maintaining eye contact. They will usually then introduce themselves and ask you inane things. Answer a few questions and then excuse yourself by saying things such as:
>"You will have to excuse me, Mr/Mrs <insert name>. I was in the middle of doing something. See you later."

Smile and wave and then go back to your room. Now it is no longer awkward for you and them if you bump into them later in the house. When you are going to cook something and the guests are around, say:
>"I hope you don't mind me cooking <insert dish> in the kitchen. Would you like some?"

Practice in front of the mirror a few times. With practice, no one will know that you are actually a skin walker. Good luck.

>> No.7466056
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Just read the first sentence and dude, fuck eating around people who aren't eating with me
>drives me up the walls bro
and vice versa
/I get thermonuclear in a motherfucker
Or when I'm finished cooking and someone thinks they can get a bite of what I'm having.
That bitch who nabs the largest slice of pizza at first opening, the dips (untrained double dippers and backwashers), and leaving me corner pieces and reject selections.
When someone else does the dishes and leaves water stains on the fucking silverware and crusted food on the pans.
Having to dynamite my way into 'clean' dish mountain just to get a 'clean' utensil or bowl.
Not enough room left in the fridge because of beer or expired snack food.
A crumb and dust dirty kitchen floor. Blackfoot Native American rage
Material, inedible garbage in the fucking sink.
Using the kitchen or dining table as a fucking workbench.
Having to take out the trash when more than three quarters isn't of your own making. (same with dishes)
Uncleaned spills and messes.
On your phone whilst eating with me.
Poor lighting.
Insects and rodents.
Lack of functioning, essential cooking appliances to boxable fast food and beverage processors.
Being asked to go to the store to buy food because other person doesn't, or simply can't/won't, cook.
Bouquet of silverware soaking in dirty water for more than a day.
Using the same plates and silverware that were once used to serve a pet.

>> No.7466103

god your autistic

>> No.7466680

I don't care to eat around others either. For me eating is almost ritualistic, like taking a dump. It just feels right when I'm all alone doing it

That isn't to say I can't eat around others, if I have to I will....but I will severely enjoy it much less and will typically just rush through it to get it over with, feeling that I can't truly enjoy it

>> No.7466848

That makes no sense. You may not feel comfortable eating around them, but you can still cook in their presence and take it to your room. If you cant work around them you're just socially awkward. It's annoying but definitely do-able, and beats starving.