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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7459659 No.7459659 [Reply] [Original]

this man is literally the reason i cook


>> No.7459665

>vitamin c
wat, holy shit I didn't kno that broco had vitamin C in it until now.
I usually associate green vag's w/ B vitamins

>> No.7459669

1/4 teaspoon of salt
sorry that was a full fucking jar of it.

>> No.7459675

2 tbl sppons oil

the eyeballing is wayy off on this guy haha

that's like half a bottle of oil

he's funny though.

>> No.7459683

It's weird how there's two Yans who can cook.

>> No.7459692


>> No.7459696

How has no tumblr fag gotten triggered by this guy yet? He throws in a shit load of racist jokes against white people haha.

>> No.7459703

This one in particular hahahaha

>> No.7459714

Yan was a guest on Emeril Live and absolutely schooled Emeril.

>> No.7459720

>walkie talkie

he even rips on white folks right in front of them hahahaha what a beast.

>> No.7459757


>> No.7459765
File: 129 KB, 1200x1200, mao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letterman asking him about Chinese history...


>> No.7459775

You shouldn't eat Green Vag, man...

>> No.7459776

I love puns, and this crazy fucking gook can crank 'em out like a artisan

>> No.7459786

how have I not seen this good job OP watch a few of these does he only cook shit from the takeout menu?

>> No.7459788

In Asia, word play is a high art.

>> No.7459791


>> No.7459793


Didn't China try to ban puns?

>> No.7459811

>if you have more people coming for dinner
>just slice them into smaller peices

>> No.7459819

>laugh track

>> No.7459820

Only thing I don't like about this video is that he is contaminating his entire kitchen w/ raw chicken. Unless it's the chicken they use to serve raw then that aint ok

>> No.7459834

Some how it works.

>> No.7459896

Thank you for this. Too bad we can't have informative cooking shows anymore.

Also it's neat that it was filmed in Vancouver.

>> No.7459899

Check out the Wiki, there was actually a studio audience and a member of it got to eat with him during every show.

>> No.7459904

They stopped being Asian when they went red.

>> No.7459906

A lot of TV chefs used to do this. Food TV is a dead art nowadays.

>> No.7459921

just by adding corn starch your food will look shiny and nice

>> No.7459959

Anybody have a link to download his show?

>> No.7459965

>he doesn't know about jamie oliveoil
>a touch of olive oil
>pours in 2 cups worth

>> No.7459971

Wait, you can pour oil directly into boiling water?

>> No.7459989

Youre an idiot aren't you.

>> No.7460017

In 8th grade we watched a video called "You must wok before you run" and it was by this guy
From then on I knew I'd love to cook

>> No.7460155

He contaminates everything in every video hahaha; puts plate right on top of where he cut the meat, no washing lel.

>> No.7460183


If anyone likes making webems the puns are fucking unreal in this video. if you do it right you will get imgur front page easily.

>> No.7460197


please be bait

>> No.7460199

how is it bait, he clearly holds raw meat in that video and the chicken video then touches other things with his hands / puts things where the meat was. It takes microseconds for bacteria that will fuck your day up to spread to other surfaces.

the 5 second rule is not real you pleb.

>> No.7460202


I'm just saying please be bait because I hope nobody is this retarded.

>> No.7461407

How high is high? I have an electric stove, so should I I set it to the maximum heat, as if I were boiling water?

>> No.7461416

If you have an electric stove like I do, I usually set it to max for boiling water then take it down one from max when I start cooking stuff so around there should be fine

>> No.7461424

>oily mess

>> No.7461426


If you're talking about a wok, the heat level is many times hotter than your electric stove could ever hope to reach.

A normal household electric stove is usually about 6-8,000 BTU. A wok burner from a Chinese kitchen is over 100,000 BTU.

>> No.7461427

High has no meaning because of the vastly different outputs of different stoves. So you simply have to have experience with your specific stove and interpret the meaning of "high" based on the recipe and what that step is trying to accomplish. I mean right now I'm using a really shitty old electric and the highest level is barely enough to keep a large pot of water at boiling. On other similarly old electric stoves, a medium setting would put out that sort of power, and high can actually be used to sear something.

>> No.7461671

Even if the plate was the same one he used for raw beef, the heat from the food is hot enough to kill everything

>> No.7461742

Nah dude this guy saw in his 10th grade home ec class last week that bacteria is bad bad you must clean everything 10 times before using it again

>> No.7461760


Yeah, it went from cooking demos to reality tv format or being unfancy foodies.

>> No.7461770

I used to watch this guy in the morning before school, really entertaining and he really makes you want to cook

>> No.7462114


>> No.7462120

guess I'm making stir fry tomorrow

>> No.7462336

>eyeballs are off

>> No.7462431

>A wok burner from a Chinese kitchen is over 100,000 BTU.

holy fuck. accidents must be pretty much fatal then.

>> No.7462500


I didn't notice any anti-white racist jokes in there. He sure does pick on his own accent a lot. Really charismatic guy, I enjoyed watching him cook.

>> No.7462566

cook is amazing and funny things
intriguing n' fantastic sweet thigns
i love you guys m9(^o^)

>> No.7462680

This. Poltards are more easily triggered than Tumblrinas.

>> No.7462769

Nobody criticized his jokes about white people.

>> No.7462984

Can anyone tell me what cut of beef he is using? I tried a similar thing with chicken but damn that beef looks dank

>> No.7462995

frank steak

>> No.7463019

Of course you can. Test this yourself. Next time you heat up oil for deep frying, pour in a half cup of water. You can still use the oil unaffected after the water evaporates. It's a neat party trick.

>> No.7463058
File: 23 KB, 730x364, 1434481770480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this man. He is wonderful, fun, and brings me great joy. He keeps talking about a sauce he made earlier, but I cannot find the video he makes it. Please help?

>> No.7463101

corn starch and water. he adds sugar and soy sauce in it too.

>> No.7463107

Don't do this by the way.

>> No.7463132

Is this from the 80s or just a vapourwave imitation?

>> No.7463139
File: 618 KB, 400x229, 1353036511850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In another video, their mail in offer to buy a clever says the offer ends December 31st 1994.

Thank you for this thread btw OP.

>> No.7463690

and sometimes hoisin

>> No.7463719
File: 21 KB, 247x346, 51Djlfxk7UL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These aprons are awesome

>> No.7463723
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7463751

I have one of his cookbooks, some pretty great recipes in them

>> No.7463804

I remember waking up early with my friend to watch him on PBS.


>> No.7463835

this was back in the early 80's. hygiene standards weren't the same thing as they are today and cross contamination wasn't really a thing people paid much attention to (remember this was before the real salmonella scares started to hit centering chicken and eggs)

>> No.7463882


>> No.7465417

Oil into boiling water, yes. Not the other way around though.

>> No.7465707

Hey now, two Yans don't make a right.

>> No.7465733


>Utilized his accent to make a pun

This guy is just next level dad jokes

>> No.7465846

>Nobody criticized his jokes about white people.

There were no racist jokes. You are a crazy person.

>> No.7465874


>> No.7465882


reason i cook
come home from school put on the comfy
shame theres so little online of him

>> No.7466259

Oldfag here. My family used to go to Yan's restaurant in Burnaby. The menus were covered in his wok puns. I still remember, 'I'll have a scotch on the woks'. He was always there at the restaurant. He'd greet you when you came in then come and shoot the shit with you later after you were seated. He practiced karaoke in the separate dining room. One night he spent half an hour singing Nat King Cole's The More I See You over and over.

>> No.7466276

Wow this guy is old school huh...WOOOOOO

>> No.7467878

His restauraunt is still open in burnaby, i wonder if he still owns it or if its since changed hands.

>> No.7467884


>> No.7468278

>tfw no Orion gf

>> No.7468410

This guy is great; makes the exact same kind of stupid jokes my grandpa does.

>> No.7468470

letterman came off as such a jizz cock

>> No.7469564

His restaurant that I went to closed in the 90's. I don't know anything about a current one.

>> No.7469608

>there you are
>there you are
>there you are, now
>de yu ah

>> No.7469632


I think you misunderstand. The post you quoted was me, a /pol/tard.