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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 640x426, grandcrue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7458033 No.7458033 [Reply] [Original]

Does Wisconsin make the best cheese in the world?

Um, yeah!


>> No.7458060

It's like arguing what the best breed of dog is.

They all serve different purposes

And the best is likely a mix

>> No.7458071


Except this wasn't "best of breed", it was the top prize at the World Championship Cheese Contest. No argument, the best.

>> No.7458073 [DELETED] 

Something something WIDF something something """""""""""""""""""""""""""""apostrophes""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" blah blah muh spreadsheet

>> No.7458079

where can i get wisconsin cheese in europe?

>> No.7458087

>implying you can't objectively rate food and/or art
It's like you've never seen the Oscars...

>> No.7458093
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>> No.7458094
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>> No.7458103
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>> No.7458110

>The top prize was awarded Wednesday night to Emmi Roth
>Emmi Roth

I wonder who's behind that prize

>> No.7458121

>""""World"""" Championship held in Wisconsin
>World's best cheese is literally illegal to import to the US

>> No.7458140


Skólavörðustígur 8, 101
Reykjavík, Iceland

>> No.7458144

New Zealander is made in Wisconsin?

>> No.7458150

So the illuminati picked the winning cheese

>> No.7458163
File: 163 KB, 600x600, grandcru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wisconsin makes the world's best gruyere
>can't even call it gruyere because 'muh AOP'

Dumb bullshit.

I just enjoyed some Grand Cru original as a snack. What a nice cheese.

>> No.7458164

World's best cheese is literally made in Wisconsin.

>> No.7458166

Who organised this 'world' cheese competition?

>> No.7458183

The WIDF's paymasters
Pig disgusting
We can argue all day over whether Italy or France or Spain has better cheese, that's subjective
We can argue all day over whether Vermont or NY has better cheese. Or Oregon vs California

There is no argument for Wisconsin '''''cheese''''', because it is shit. Objectively shit, no ifs or buts.

Actually there is a but:
>b-but at least we're not the south
Yes WIDF, at least you're not the south

>> No.7458190

Kill yourself

>> No.7458192

It was the first American cheese to win the title since 1988, don't be some tinfoil retard

>> No.7458193

It makes sense for Wisconsin to produce cheese since they have a lot of woods there.

>> No.7458207

Don't you guys fuck your cows?
Do you find that it helps?

>> No.7458213

Kill yourself

>> No.7458217

This actually sounds nice. What's it pair with? Those floral notes sound intimidating.

>> No.7458285

nowhere as it would have to be sold as a perishable doorstopper.

icapitalism rules - there is no market for american cheese in europe. it can't be that good in that case. let's think about it the other way round - aha! loads of europoor cheese in deli's, supermarkets etc. all over the us. american cheese is produced by imigrants anyway (hence gruyere, brie, whatnot) but as the primary product is probably not even grass fed the resulting concentrated and fermented sweat is just another disposable product.

>> No.7458291 [DELETED] 

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little WIDF post up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The uh "epic" spreadsheet, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your organic coastie slop on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a fucking state. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic coastie NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "WIDF WIDF WIDF" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

>> No.7458304

reconsider your life choices that brought you to this point

>> No.7458315

Cheese threads used to not be this cancerous, when did that change? I think we can safely say that each and every European/nation influenced by Europe has cheese that can be either very good or very bad and there is nothing wrong with that. When did it become a contest between WI, CA, and Europe to shit post about other places cheese selections?

>> No.7458319

You probably cannot as the EU typically has high tariffs on perishable non EU goods that most US companies that are medium to small in size would rather just avoid all together.

>> No.7458320

>itt; eurocucks in full damage control mode

Feelsb good to be /ontop/

>> No.7458322

When this guy >>7458183 started screaming WIDF!!!!!!!!!!!! at everybody who likes wisconsin cheese, and then everybody else started flinging shit back.

>> No.7458329

define good/bad please

for me:
-grass fed (ideally organic) milk
-traditional tech (herbs on the outside, whatever)
-made in my area

>> No.7458335

exactly and especially: the food laws are far stricter. "that shit ain't cheese, it ain't even food! look - it glows in the dark"

>> No.7458369


Except if you had actually read the article you would learn that of the 15 judges not 1 was an American. So if we accept your ideas then we must admit that you are more knowledgeable than 15 European cheese experts. In fact your opinion is worthless.

>> No.7458374

Do cows like hanging out in the woods or something?

>> No.7458382

right - that's why there is no market for it ineuropoor. I still don't get it.

>> No.7458383

Cows actually produce the best milk if they live in the woods

>> No.7458389

never knew that. If that is true, it's pretty interesting. I wonder how deer milk is with making cheese then. But I guess cows actually make milk and deer don't except for offspring.

>> No.7458394


>> No.7458449


Europoor here. What does WIDF stand for?
Wisconsin Institutional Diabetes Foundation?
Just curious

>> No.7458466

Fucking 20 of their 52 judges are from Wisconsin


>> No.7458494

>© Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association 2016

Can't even be subtle about your desperation, can you Wisconsin?

>> No.7458509

Let's play "Find the European cheese maker"!


>yfw 95% of the entrants were American

There's a few Swiss, Dutch, Spanish and Irish cheesemakers, and I mean *a few*. The vast majority in every category are Americlap, from in or near Wisconsin.

And yet, somehow, with the entire "competition" stacked in their favour, it still took nearly 20 years for Shitconsin cheese to win. Good work retards.

>> No.7458687

When delusional Wiscontards started reposting press releases from their industry trade groups that, as far as anyone can tell, they unironically believe in

Normal Americans get that Wisconsin is good at making bland creamy bulk cheeses that are affordable for prison commissaries and public school lunches

Only in Wisconsin, where they have no frame of reference for good cheese, do they seem to think this is a kind of cheese that gets respect from people who know what good cheese is

The cheese equivalent of Kraft singles

>> No.7458703

Bad example since the Oscars have a specific taste in mind when choosing winners.
Its why some movies are referred to as Oscar bait.

>> No.7458790

Your cheese in my country is defined as sausage.
So no.

>> No.7458830


Jewish Internet Defense Force. Tin foil hats see jews hiding in the woodpile.

>> No.7458832


gg spaz

>> No.7458852

>The cheese equivalent of Kraft singles

I'm going to assume that you have a mental disease. You obviously know nothing about cheese so perhaps you are frightened of cows.

>> No.7458902

>Normal Americans get that Wisconsin is good at making bland creamy bulk cheeses that are affordable for prison commissaries and public school lunches
But that simply isnt true and if you had any sense you would know that, but given your obvious autism I wont get my hopes up for you getting it or really anything outside of your confirmation bias.

>> No.7459067

That seems reasonable to me. Everyone who doesn't eat, drink, think, look, or talk exactly like me and the people within 350 miles of my birthplace in the state of Wisconsin is clearly trolling or insane and probably wants to destroy America land of the Free.

At least we're not the South!

>> No.7459079

I'd like to believe you, but I doubt it'll be turning up at my cheese counter any time soon so I can't really try it for myself.

I'll just stick to enjoying all the different fine cheeses we make over here

>> No.7459124

It fucking makes a lot of sense that most of the judges would be from the place that makes the majority of the country's cheese. Thats where most of the industry and education is based

>> No.7459152

I suppose it takes a real expert to tell the difference between two blocks of plastic that smell and taste almost identical (to the extent that nothing tastes identical to nothing)

>> No.7459166

Are you suggesting there is not a wide variety of cheese made in Wisconsin? Surely they make the widest variety of anyone

>> No.7459170

Haw haw haaaw. It was also a Wisconsinite arranged competition held in Wisconsin by Wisconsinites. Who woulda thought?

Yankees, yankees, yankees. Trying so hard to falsify credentials for their faux-foods that have taken centuries to form as independent concepts of reputation in their native locations by holding "cheese races". You could as well have competitions over whose cheese does the 100m sprint the fastest.

>> No.7459180

>falsify credentials for their faux-foods
What are you even talking about?
You realize most of Europe's best cheesemakers emigrated to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s mostly settling in the midwest

>> No.7459186

Are you shitting me? 20 of the judges were from wisconsin alone.


>> No.7459195

Then why do we hear of their "cheeses" only when you Americans prop up fake competitions?

This is a publicity stunt, an attempt at self-fellation in lack of any partner willing to take you seriously.

>> No.7459200

I don't now what you hear of
How is the competition fake because the judges come from the area where cheese is made? Would you rather them hire judges from Africa or some other are that doesn't make much cheese?

Also, do you think the judges go into the event knowing they want to pick a cheese from some arbitrary political boundary rather than the one they like the best?

>> No.7459207

No they didn't. It was just that the early settlers' first choice of stuff to grow didn't work out so great.

You can compare it to Mexicans growing cannabis in random ditches, or Vietnamese raising tilapia in ponds of shit. Maybe not the best agricultural products humanly possible, but with the right distribution networks you can find a buyer for just about anything.

>> No.7459226

>It was just that the early settlers' first choice of stuff to grow didn't work out so great.
lol, so you are saying they tried to grow crops, which didn't work so they decided to buy a bunch of fucking cows and then make cheese? Do you think that is a plausible scenario?

Europe's best cheesemakers moved to the midwest because cows and the land to graze them on were much more plentiful, and they wouldn't have to give their best shit to some local lord

>> No.7459232

Not the guy you're replying to, but here's a crazy idea: how about some judges from places where they make cheese that is actually internationally respected. Since it's, you know, an "international" cheese competition.

Having a properly calibrated palate (not the gutter palate of Wisconsin ''''cheese'''' experts who think that the absence of mold, irregular textures, and strong smells are manufacturing defects) would also bring much needed perspective to the Wisconsin dairy industry and perhaps provide some incentive to produce world-class cheese. I'm not really sure if it's possible, but I figure if places like Virginia and Georgia can make world-class cheese, surely Wisconsin has a fighting chance. If only they would try.

But they don't even know what to aim for because they have these strongly held provincial beliefs and if you dare question them, you're attacking their identity and you're being anti-American. Because they have lapped up their own propaganda about how Wisconsin cheese is the best in the world which means, by definition, also the best in America. No matter how bizarre this idea is to outsiders, it is god-given truth in Wisconsin and you best choose your next words carefully, boy.

>> No.7459237

>lol, so you are saying they tried to grow crops, which didn't work so they decided to buy a bunch of fucking cows and then make cheese? Do you think that is a plausible scenario?
You say that like it's some crazy thing. You know the neat thing about cattle is if you take a male and a female and make them fuck, it makes more cows.

Crazy huh?

>> No.7459248

>experts who think that the absence of mold, irregular textures, and strong smells are manufacturing defects
you post this in every thread that Wisconsin cheese is mentioned and it never becomes less ridiculous of a sentiment for you to believe
You cannot just pretend that Wisconsin does not make at least a plurality of America's elite cheese and expect people to believe you. Almost all of America's most respected cheese makers are in Wisconsin, sure you could say you wish there were more Euro judges (as though the judges are so fucking awful that they are awarding based on location) but if you are going to assemble a random distribution of America's top cheese experts a plurality will certainly be from Wisconsin

>> No.7459255

>blah blah blah
Yes we know you're brainwashed and you believe in the food version of South Korean Fan Death.

You know there are places besides Europe that make good cheese. Note that Wisconsin is not one of them. I'm just saying, not everyone who disagrees with you is a communistic ISIS eurolard who wants to annihilate the American way of life.

>> No.7459260

In europe at the time it was impossible to make enough money selling cheese to own a significant number of cows. The best (well not just the best, pretty much all of them of any quality) cheesemakers worked for lords and did not own the cows or the cheese they made, so of course they flocked to America when the opportunity arose. There they could have their own cows and land and have more creative control over the cheese they made

>> No.7459263

ok non-sequitur guy, can you just leave the cheese threads for the people who actually know and eat good cheese

>> No.7459271

Don't even bother. No matter how many valid points you make, he'll just flap his arms, scream WIDF, and declare every Wisconsin citizen has hatched a conspiracy against his shitty coastie cheese.

>> No.7459273

There are literally 0 states that make even half the elite tier cheese that Wisconsin does no matter how much you wish your shitty state was part of the elite

>> No.7459277
File: 31 KB, 560x415, rs_560x415-150107143918-1024.Oregon-Trail-Game-MS-Dos.jl.010715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what WIDF actually believes
What actually happened was you were trying to get to the West Coast but you were too weak and didn't plan properly.

Luckily some local indians took pity on you and gave you the cornucopia of pleasure and pretty soon your obese great-great-great grandkids were getting drunk on Leinie's and shitposting about how great Wisconsin is.

>> No.7459283

You mean like me? I'm literally right now eating Scharfe Maxx, which is an actual good cheese. You'd probably make gagging noises and weird faces if you tasted it though. Because it doesn't taste like exactly nothing at all.

>> No.7459284

>he'll just flap his arms, scream WIDF, and declare every Wisconsin citizen has hatched a conspiracy against his shitty coastie cheese.

>> No.7459289

>he actually took those ads in the mid 2000's seriously

>> No.7459292

You've got it all wrong WIDF bro. I really do wish Wisconsin would turn its vast dairy production capacity into something actually respectable. Imagine the possibilities.

The problem is you're stuck in this weird time warp where you have ideas about food that are straight out of a nauseatingly colorized 1950s housewife magazine. So the coasts have to pick up the slack, where this country is concerned.

Luckily here on the coasts we're not afraid of foreigners or foreign things, so we can enjoy not only great coastal cheese, but also imports. But it would be great to buy more domestic. Get your shit together, WIDF.

>> No.7459296

Youngfag detected. It's the Oregon Trail, a video game about trying to get to Oregon.

What are they teaching kids in school these days anyway? How to tweet?

>> No.7459298

>arm flapping
>screaming WIDF
>jerking off to Commiefornia

>> No.7459301

>So the coasts have to pick up the slack
What, the coatsa are the ones respnsible for Kraft singles, don't try and take responsibility for Wisconsin being the only ones who were able to both maintain excellent traditional european cheese and innovate their own. Meanwhile California dairy farms are just skim milk and Kraft, and most of the states bordering the atlantic do not make a economically relevant amount of cheese good or bad

>> No.7459302

>everyone who doesn't think exactly like me is from California and is literally a member of ISIS
I haven't even set foot in the state of California since last June

I'm from the other coast, WIDF. Far from you. I can't take your freedumbs away from you or force you to eat weird icky cheese with visible mold EEEW YUCKEEEEEEE!

>> No.7459308

Well at least you're not >well at least we're not the south again

>> No.7459317

I know you always reference the south, but I have yet to figure out why

>> No.7459322

Yes, we're all impressed that you like things that look, smell, and taste like actual shit. Now would you stop ruining every cheese thread on this godforsaken board?

>> No.7459325

>icky cheese with visible mold EEEW YUCKEEEEEEE!
Where did you get this ridiculous idea that only people in your state eat good cheese? Do you seriously believe that people in the rest of the country only eat Kraft singles let alone that Wisconsin doesn't make the vast majority of america's so called 'YUCKEE' cheese

>> No.7459332

The South is also conspiring against him, since they're conservative and therefore gunloving racists! Not like the enlightened coast, no sir!

>> No.7459337

This isn't a cheese thread though. It's a Wisconsin cheese thread
It's the difference between German silver and silver. Or chinese checkers and checkers.

I love discussing cheese but those threads are rare because some inbred hick from Wisconsin usually shows up and starts yelling incoherently.

>> No.7459342

You or one of your WIDF bros always go at least we're not the south, whenever your time warp bizarro attitudes on food or alcohol are being discussed or shat on

>> No.7459350

But it's not just Wisconsin cheese threads and you know that. Every thread that's even tangentially related to cheese, you barge in with your WIDF accusations (of which the majority of /ck/ is a card-carrying member in your mind) and masturbatory fantasies about the coast.

>> No.7459364

I lol'd because this is probably true in your mind

>> No.7459388

you pretty much always just reference someone else not being the south despite the south not having been alluded to in any way

>> No.7459397

dude, you usually bring up your incredibly deluded world view completely unsolicited and always need to mention Wisconsin and how evil the people there are because muh midwest and flyover is bad and say JIDF a bunch and throw a bunch of non-sequitur straw men out often about Europe or Spotted Cow
I think you are probably just trying to make this a meme, but its pretty transparent

>> No.7459400 [DELETED] 

I saw the Oscars and that shitty Sam Smith song won.

>> No.7459407
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, 89745987458374589389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every flyover on this board, when getting their shit packed in, ALWAYS says without fail:


Like it means something.

>> No.7459410

I'm sure all the little flyovers in your head say that all the time.

>> No.7459423

I am certain you say that they say it at least twice as often as they say it

but why would you even want to defend the south? Such a strange position for you to take unless it is just utter hatred of the inland north

>> No.7459437

reconsider YOUR life choices since you're responding to copypasta newfag-kun.

>> No.7459454

Kind of like how you are saying 'at least we aren't the midwest" constantly? At least the midwesterner disdain for the south is logical and fact based, unlike any of your stances

>> No.7459459


Calm down, flyover

>> No.7459626


fucking americans and their delusions

>> No.7459634

No worse than the typical European delusions of grandeur.

>> No.7459647
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>> No.7459649

Of course, Wisconsin wins ever year of this four year tournament.

Doesn't matter because you have to go to specialty shops to get most of them. This is coming from a Wisconsinite. It's nice to have the availability, and to rub Eurofags' snootiness back in their faces, but who cares?

Love this local-only beer tho-

>> No.7459671

>At least the midwesterner disdain for the south is logical and fact based
Not on this board, buddy. The South has much better food than the Midwest.

>> No.7459676

eh, if you like collard greens and grits more than sausage, beer, and cheese maybe

>> No.7459826

Most of which is stolen from Mexico.

>> No.7460114

Wisconsin makes better cheese than Vermont, that's for sure.

>> No.7460174

Just a few of the cheese makers that the international team of judges said were not as good as Wisconsin:

Hans Spirig, Käserei Gaster-Linth AG, Schänis, SG Switzerland
Erwin Schmid, Käserei Schmid AG, Buttisholz, LU Switzerland
Bernhard Näf, Gourmino Switzerland, Guntershausen, TG Switzerland
Ruedi Studerus, DORFKÄSEREI THUNDORF, Thundorf, TG Switzerland
Markus Hengartner, Gourmino Switzerland, Illighausen, TG Switzerland
Bernhard Meier, Gourmino Switzerland, Trubschachen, BE Switzerland
Fritz Baumgartner, Gourmino SwitzerlandTrub, BE Switzerland
Kaeserei Mutten, Kaeserei MuttenSignau, Bern Switzerland
Hans Hofer, Gourmino SwitzerlandHeimenschwand, BE Switzerland
Rudolf Hofmann, KasereiNiedermuhlern, Bern Switzerland
Hansruedi Gasser, Gourmino SwitzerlandSüderen, BE Switzerland
Hans Hofer, Gourmino SwitzerlandHeimenschwand, BE Switzerland
Neuenschwander, Käserei Neuenschwander AG, Güttingen, CH Switzerland

>> No.7460583

You know there are 49 other states in the US? Chances are 49 out of 49 eat better cheese than Wisconsin. I'm pretty sure even something as simple as gruyère can't be bought in Wisconsin. Only boars head tier crap.

>> No.7460590

>Amerilard "cheese"

>> No.7460614

please list the judges - I am interested where they are from.

obviously imigration is not that bad - is it?

>> No.7460621

37 US vs. 21 international judges. "international jury"

>> No.7460694
File: 191 KB, 1280x850, 1280px-1SS5316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alabama cheese

>> No.7460710

I bet a majority of those international judges are Canadian too

>> No.7460716


judges are mainly from wisconson, no dutch people so that explains a lot

>> No.7460730

>Thierry Martin CANADA
>Born and raised in Switzerland, Thierry earned a master’s degree in cheesemaking.

>> No.7460884
File: 1.04 MB, 2410x2970, laughing man instrumental to a team that can actually win sueprb owls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally being triggered by Wisconsin Winning Awards

>> No.7460887

Damn, california cuckolds are incredibly triggered by the fact their cheese and state is shit, and has been usurped.

>> No.7460916
File: 128 KB, 728x426, 1372201346688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure even something as simple as gruyère can't be bought in Wisconsin.
Luckily you are very easy to prove wrong, probably due to your extreme autism.

>> No.7460918

>can't even sell their fake parmesan when the USA permits false labels
>must be the fault of a specific USA state!!!
Jesus H. Christmas, are mudwesterns really this defensive?

>> No.7460924

>artisan cheese
or as everyone else calls it: cheese

>> No.7460936

Cheese is the memeist of the memefoods and the terrible threads are the result of overmemeing

>> No.7460939

>WI only makes fake Parmesan cheese
>I am pretty sure something as simple as gruyère can't be bought in Wisconsin.
>gets proved wrong
>back pedals to another insult
Your style or writing and word choice is so unique one can recognize your posts. This board would be better if you stopped posting, you havent contributed anything at all save showing the rest of /ck/ your inability to look past your incredible confirmation bias. That being said I did like your autistic spread sheet, I did save it to show others how defensive and autismal the average white or half breed Californian is about their terrible insolvent state full of spics and entitled blacks.

>> No.7460951


>> No.7460959

>even Alabama can make better cheese than Wisconsin

>> No.7461019

Obviously all WIDF secret agents out to hurt my poor coastie feewings

>> No.7461028
File: 49 KB, 620x387, Glorious Leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does Wisconsin make the best cheese in the world?
Ah bless you America . . .you try so hard.

Let's face a few Facts:
1) 95% of the cheeses entered were from America
2) 37 of the 48 Judges were from America.
3) 20 of those Judges were from Wisconsin.
Seems legit!

This is nothing more than a promotional marketing exercise for the Wisconsin/American cheese industry.

Does Europe have anything to worry about when it comes to competition? . . . . Nah!

This is just typical American jingoism, for the same reason, American beers in American competitions always outstrip other beers from a round the world.

A bit like your grandiosely titled 'World Series' Baseball.???

If it makes Americans feel good for a bit, then fine. But the rest of the world isn't fooled.

Stay strong America
(because your cheeses aren't)

>> No.7461050

very good summary of this crappy thread.

>> No.7461270

>racism outside /pol/
flyover pls go

>> No.7461294

>37 of the 48 judges were from America >>7460174

>> No.7461434

disposable culture.

>> No.7461480

Stay mad, Yurop.

>> No.7462036

lol i havent seen people this pissed on this board since the midwest thread last year where someone from like nebraska said that they invented anime or something.

>> No.7462051 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 406x407, 1457104147797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a combination of salty angry yuropeon gigacuckolds, mad because their leftist overly taxed countries are being overtaken by muslims, and salty angry worst coast calicucks, mad because their leftist overtaxed cities are being overtaken by spics and niggers.

The salt and impotent cuckold rage from Whites being driven into the minority in shitty parts of the world is immense, and 4chan is one of the only outlets they have.

>> No.7462063

lol I remember that. It was like some guy from Minnesota who was arguing which hospitals were better with someone from like, Ohio I think. Then, after that went on for like an hour, the MN guy said that they gave ink or something to Japan years ago and without it they wouldn't be able to make anime or manga. Thread was fucking abysmal.

>> No.7462096
File: 203 KB, 1012x375, ss.CornCrib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every little podunk town in middle america thought up some kind of town pride thing in ye olde times. some places it's gophers, some places it's lead, some places it's corn, etc.

so if you say "lead sucks it causes brain damage" your odds of triggering a flyover are pretty slim

but in the case of one state, that thing is their shit-tier cheese and it only takes two or three locals to whip into a frenzy of hysterical defense mode

the collective denial and butthurt are enough to drive a thread to bump limit

>> No.7462118
File: 96 KB, 728x392, 1453080504862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best cheese in the world

bitch please. i'm french.

>> No.7462136

Very underrated post

>> No.7462212

Don't even bother. Either it is paid shills or a severe degree of autism but this Wisconsin freak has been keeping this up for god knows how long.

>> No.7462251

Sure. Yellow, orange, white, and off-white. All the kinds of cheese! With convenient color coding to remind you of what they're ostensibly an inexpensive substitute for.

>> No.7462461
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>Wisconsin cheese board holds cheese contest in Wisconsin, judged primarily by Wisconsin based cheese professionals.
Wow, great job Wisconsin, I'm sure it was an uphill battle.

>> No.7463217

Wisconsin has shit woods compared to those woods in Switzerland. That's why.

>> No.7463324

No it's France.

>> No.7463387
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I've had wisconsin cheese and you are retarded. though I wont doubt the huge fucking bias of hosting a cheese competition in a place it's illegal to serve raw milk cheeses.

>> No.7463749
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>In 2010, a raw-milk cheese from Uplands Cheese Co. in Dodgeville captured the Best of Show award at the annual American Cheese Society Conference, one of the most prestigious competitions in North America.

Who is retarded?

>> No.7463773

lol, what does that even mean?

>> No.7463816


There's a difference between what can be served at a competition versus what is served/sold to the general public from a restaurant or retail store.

>> No.7463827
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>Americans create a ranking / a competition
>"Oh wow, who would have thought? The American judges chose American things!"

Literally in every branch, be it food, culture, education etc.

>> No.7463862


Are you trying to imply that other countries are different? Ask the French who the best chefs are and they pick all French chefs. Big surprise.

>> No.7463864

Except the French actually have valid reasons for believing they are the best chefs

American "chefs" only know how to blast food with salt, hot sauce, and "secret ingredients" like coca cola and other forms of high fructose corn syrup

>> No.7463868

Wait, do you really believe that or are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.7463873
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Sure go ahead and list your "American" chefs who don't do that

Oh wait, they're using French techniques and traditions. Oops! America ruined culture again! Better ban honest labelling on your food, or consumers might figure out the problem!

>> No.7463879
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You're hilarious.

>> No.7463884
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Typical Eurofag Cheese "Fans", beaten once again by the Americans.

>> No.7464084
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You do not know what the fuck of which you speak.

>> No.7464123

Raw cheese is legal for sale in consumption in WI, it was a very big issue a few years ago, it just cannot be sold outside of the state. If you are going to hate something at least have a modicum of knowledge about it otherwise you just look like a retarded autistic shitposter who makes long spreadsheets detailing for the world to see how autistic you truly are.

>> No.7464178

kill yourself

>> No.7464206
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>> No.7464421

>that guy with the folder of Europe vs USA reaction images that proves he doesn't give a shit

>> No.7464482

Searched a few categories, couldn't find any French cheesemaker.
Foreign cheesemakers (Swiss, Austrians, Germans) seem to be overrepresented at the top of rankings.

>> No.7465480

>Americans don't know what Europe is
Geography is hard

>> No.7465512

Oh yeah I forgot the grand importance of being able to point something out on a fucking map

This is why you're European, and we're American.

>> No.7465518
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>> No.7465561
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>> No.7465592

Based, never been happier to be overruled. that makes the ass pained faggots even more wrong and me only slightly so.

Jesus christ the euro hate for WI is hard. I've been there, it's not fly over land. theres a burgeoning city with plenty of delicious food, the tourist traps are actually alot more decent than some of the local places (would you like your sausage grilled or just grabbed from a hot water bath? if the latter try a local shit hole, but pretentious cheese and sausage shoppe will grill the shit out of them for you)

Theres legitimately great restaurants there, and things for people to go and see and do that aren't just bullshit invented to please nobodies. fuck an hour and a half drive gets you to a famous architect's personal home, Lloyd write. Theres a great lake right there, and it's safe enough to walk the streets at pitched night without getting mugged. Just because it's nearby chicago doesn't make it a literal impact crater mutants fester around.

>> No.7465607
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>there are legitimately great restaurants there
Like what? The Wooden Nickel? Mongo's Mongolian B-B-Q?

At least they're not the South.

>> No.7465617

almost anything german, but judging by your picture, you'd be satisfied sitting in a card board box pretending you are better than everyone while your humongous mongoloid attends to your food and shit box, because you are litterally a cat.

>> No.7465621

There is literally nothing wrong with being a cat.

>> No.7465738



off the top of my head. lots of good mexican here as well

>> No.7465861

Not to mention the idea that because a beer or a cheese wins an award one time from one contest that means that it's the best cheese/beer/etc of ALL TIME FOREVER when a lot of the time, these awards are won on novelty.

>> No.7465864

Why are you so butthurt that you come from a shitty underpopulated state in the ass end of nowhere who's claim to fame is mass producing crappy versions of English cheeses?

>> No.7465970

>Mongo's Mongolian B-B-Q


>> No.7466032

Actually the claim to fame for WI is the huge amount of scientific knowledge that comes out of the biotechnology sector of Madison.

On a side note it also is one of the few cities of its size to get multiple strikes in the event of a nuclear war due to its germ warfare labs.

>> No.7466059

>>implying I live there
why are there so many normal human beings flailing wildly at anything even mildly different from them because of the sole reason that they might be wrong that they aren't 100% superior and above some other group that matters just as little as them?

>> No.7466064
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>who's claim to fame is mass producing crappy versions of English cheeses

Don't forget literally paying for heavy manufacturing to leave the state.