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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 946 KB, 2560x1600, Beer-Slide-Background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7456502 No.7456502 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on beer. Why do people keep pretending they love it when it tastes gross?

>> No.7456509

Developing an affinity to acquired tastes. Bitter is not a taste you intrinsically like. Also culinary stokholm syndrome, as well as booze gets you high.

>> No.7456515

It tastes "gross" to you because there is only one thing in the world that tastes like beer, and that's beer.

It can be an acquired taste. But, once acquired you'll be amazed at the different variants available to you. Drink enough and you'll find one that suits your palate.

>> No.7456525



The only people who dislike beer are underage plebs and manchildren who have to mix every type of booze with fucking soda and mikes hard lemonade.

>> No.7456529

It's an acquired taste.

Not in a pretentious way, but in that you literally need to develop a bit of a palatte to appreciate it. Like coffee or wine, but a bit easier to approach, and with more room for complexity.

First it just tastes like dirt and funk, especially if you try a strong IPA or Stout inmediately. The more you try the more your tongue adapts. You start noticing the key ingredients.

The malt: is it roasted and chocolatey, or carmelly and smooth.

The hops: is it bright and floral, or resinous and bitter?

The yeast: is it tangy and fruity, or I is mellow and rounded?

>> No.7456542


>why do people keep pretending they love it when it tastes gross

Don't worry, OP, everybody other than you is just pretending to like it in order to fit in.

>> No.7456545

Dumb /pol/lack.

>> No.7458398

there's a hell of a lot of types of beer
I for example have never found a beer that wasn't made with wheat that I liked
wheat beer, aka weissbier/witbier, is pretty good tho if ya ask me

so try different kinds of beer
maybe you just don't like any, but that would be unlikely imo

>> No.7458414
File: 166 KB, 500x281, 1424126192051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people like what I don't like
>merely pretending
End thyself

>> No.7458417


>> No.7458736

You need to develop your taste buds.

Beer is an acquired taste, but make sure you're not drinking cheap beer. There's nothing worse than cheap, light beer.

>> No.7458746

Go back to bed, Randall

>> No.7458757


>nothing worse than cheap, light beer

>implying rape isn't the worst thing imaginable

I'm gonna need you to delete that comment before I can browse this page again. Not feeling safe.

>> No.7458759
File: 219 KB, 702x596, aussie shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.7458763 [DELETED] 

>why do people like things I don't like?


This is the least funny joke I've seen on /fit/ all day. Congratulations.

>> No.7458795

Piss off

>> No.7458802

>redpill me on chicken tendies. Why do people keep pretending they love it when it tastes gross?

>> No.7458822

Piss off.

>> No.7458823

Uhh.. what about HOMOPHOBIA??

>> No.7458829

Piff off

>> No.7458854

My budget restricts me to dirt cheap canadian beers (old milwaukee, cariboo, etc) and its gotten to the point where I prefer those over premium, actually quality brews. its embarassing

>> No.7458868

Is... is this satire? I can't tell.

>> No.7458968

How about malt liquor? Better price to alcohol ratio than normal beer.

>> No.7459994

Confirmed for never doing a hard days work in your life.

>Opening the fridge to a nice coldie after a 10 hour shift

>> No.7459996

This. There's a reason black people love the stuff.

>> No.7460012

Beer drinkers are literally memes

>> No.7460014

why do people keep saying this
wheres it from

>> No.7460021

of course it's "satire" you big dumb asperger monster

>> No.7460338

following anons argument i would rather conclude that the only people who like beer are those who spend a sufficient time consuming it without enjoying its taste. which is probably because of peer pressure as teenager or, probably more uncommon, they decided that there had to be a hidden pleasure in drinking it after discovering the real beer culture.

i enjoy tea and whisky, but only fery view beers and coffees. imo correctly brewed tea has almost no bitter taste, in scotch it only occurs as a nice aftertaste like chocolate but in beer and coffee its often the significant part of the taste which is not really worth it for me.

>> No.7460346

theres a satisfaction to beer. you wouldn't say milk tastes 'nice' (it doesn't really taste of anything), but its satisfying as fuck

if beer was nice in the traditional sense, you wouldn't be able to drink it for hours on end (imagine trying to drink nine or ten pints of coca-cola or orange juice)

>> No.7460354

It lacks the cloying nature of sugary drinks that most people in the west are used to. As such it requires some getting used to as it represents a different array of flavors than what many are used to.

>> No.7460362


>the cloying nature of sugary drinks that most people in the west are used to

Um, beer is from, and most popular in, "the West".

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.7460382

If it didn't have alcohol noone would drink beer

>> No.7460383

u missed the point m8

>> No.7460387

today they wouldn't, but beer was brewed throughout history as much as a safe alternative to drinking untreated water as much as for the alcohol so it would still have existed

>> No.7460388


The fact that some people actually think this baffles me.

>> No.7460391


I'd probably drink more of it actually.

>> No.7460728

Most popular, but not from. Good job missing the point, though, you low IQ Vegan ape.

>> No.7461302

Why should i thoigh. there is no reason to drink beer and there are many reasons to not drink beer.

>> No.7461307
File: 44 KB, 490x490, 12004959_10153671233558343_895451435318088766_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking for taste

>> No.7461311

Then don't drink beer . . What exactly are you wanting to be convinced of ?

>> No.7461315

>Like coffee or wine, but a bit easier to approach
I hate beer, but found coffee easier to get into, probably because you can cut coffee with cream and sugar and then tone it down to black, but you can't do that with beer or wine.

>> No.7461325

It's a reference to the movie "The Matrix", where the main character can take the blue pill and return to his normal life or take the red pill and experience the truth.

>> No.7461463

It's from /pol/

Congratulations on being old enough to legally drink. You'll either grow out of this phase or become an alcoholic.

>> No.7461481

>It's from /pol/

Lol, guess where /Pol/ got it from? Yeah, that's right. The Matrix.

>> No.7461486

No shit that's where they got it from; /pol/ just took it and corrupted it like everything else they encounter.

>> No.7461510

>the only people who like beer are those who spend a sufficient time consuming it without enjoying its taste
Not entirely true. I tasted a sip of beer on a few occasions, never liked it, so I didn't drink it for over a decade. Tried again last year, and I liked it. Now I can really enjoy a single glass of beer every now and then.

>> No.7461551

in countries like the UK and Australia, they start you young on marmite/vegemite so that you appreciate the taste of beer more when you're older