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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7450682 No.7450682 [Reply] [Original]

Post your midnight snacks and (don't) judge.

Two slices of sourdough, avocado and anchovy, basil and tomato, fresh cracked black pepper.

>> No.7450684
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Put it together and cut it in half.

>technically more of a 3am snack

>> No.7450686

Eating in the middle of the night is no bueno. Heartburn central. And you shoulda had some sardines around for that

>> No.7450691

I usually find myself sneaking some food into my bed for a quick late night snack.

And then my girlfriend rips the sheets off from over me and catches me with a bucket of crab legs and a gallon of molten butter in the sack.

Since then, she put a lock on the crustacean chest in my closet where I keep my spare leggers

>> No.7450818
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>he doesn't take his midnight snack with a pepto bismopolitan

>> No.7450828
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>pepto bismopolitan

>> No.7450912

Teaspoon of peanut butter. Smooth

>> No.7450916

>technically more of a 3am snack
can i borrow your recipe and eat it at other times than 3am, too?

>> No.7450954


Only really works between 1:45 and 4:30 in the morning, but feel free to do what you want with it.

>> No.7450969

ok thanks for your advice!
I'll try my best.

>> No.7450970

If you eat it any other time, you will explode. Do not try it.

>> No.7450977

That's what I told ur mum!

>> No.7450979

oh :(
good to know

>> No.7452114
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I suppose I walked into that one.

>> No.7452262

I regularly get up in the middle of the night and eat an entire block of cheese. I don't remember until I notice it missing the next day then only vaguely remember the act. Am I sleepwalking? I don't want to eat in the middle of the night and don't really ever remember doing it.

>> No.7452268
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>> No.7452299

just screaming

>> No.7452711


After my 5th grade teacher gave us some statistic about how often you eat cockroaches in your sleep after they crawl into your mouth and eat your toothpaste I've stopped brushing before bed.

Fuck those spiders, though.

>> No.7452910

same actually. if i wake up and im hungry, i spoon a little natural pb then go back to bed. I've noticed the more pb i eat in the middle of the night, the more vivid i dream

>> No.7452917

That's not unheard of. Go to a sleep clinic.

>> No.7452926

yeah you're sleepwalking

at least cheese is the best food you could be eating in your sleep, for your teeth at least. they say if you can't brush your teeth before bed you should eat some cheese

>> No.7452944


>they say if you can't brush your teeth before bed you should eat some cheese

They who?

>> No.7452961


basically the pH of the cheese neutralizes the acids that would damage your teeth if you didn't brush and just went straight to bed

>> No.7452971


I love it.

>> No.7453003

I figured it was sleepwalking, I used to sleepwalk alot and do weird shit like put my laptop in the refrigerator.

>> No.7453017


Do you actually get dressed before leaving the bedroom? Or do your family/roommates wake up to find you standing butt naked in front of the open refrigerator in the middle of the night?

>> No.7453026

>Post your midnight snacks and (don't) judge.
Ice cold watermelon is the best, as well as sweet tea.

S'mores poptarts, slightly overtoasted til the icing gets caramelized. Big glass of cold milk.

I might make a little half sandwich, if I have some egg salad or pimento cheese, I'll fold it into some rye.

Sometimes I just make a cup of mexican hot chocolate. Snap off a bar of Luker Morena, nuked in a mug of whole milk 1 minute. Stir. Nuke another 30 seconds. Stir til dissolved and frothy on top. I might add some espresso powder if I'm feeling like waking up!

>> No.7453029

maybe he doesn't sleep naked, anon

>> No.7453033

maybe he lives alone

>> No.7453034



>> No.7453041

I live alone. I've done all kinds of /ck/ related sleepwalking. One morning I woke up and discovered I dumped an entire bag of tortilla chips under my bathroom sink. I've put cheese in my junk drawer, all kinds of stuff. As far as I know I've never left my apartment.

>> No.7453053

you only swallow cockroaches in your sleep if you have cockroaches in your house.

>> No.7453072


>as far as I know I've never left my apartment

That's actually really scary.

I occasionally wake up in the morning with dirty dishes next to my bed, but that's the result of me getting black-out drunk in the middle of the night and getting up to make food. Meaning I know what I'm doing while I'm doing it, I just don't remember doing it the next morning, and need to look in the refrigerator to figure out what, and how much, I ate.

>> No.7453074

You should go to a doctor and get a sleep study, anon. It can be really dangerous.

>> No.7453077


A Costco brand chocolate with chocolate chips muffin. Microwave it for 20 seconds and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. HEAVEN.

>> No.7453089

4am here. I've eaten a cold hot doge out of the packet

>> No.7453181


>cold hot doge out of the packet

It's probably been well over a decade since I've hit that low; I'll probably do now next time I buy a pack of wieners, which I had been craving already.

>> No.7453190

Hear this. Two nights ago I had a cold hot doge dipped in mayo each bite I took.

>> No.7453194


Fuck you, anon.

Now you've reminded me that I need to buy more mayo, and I'll probably end up doing exactly that with it.

>> No.7453205

Make sure to buy value brand hot doges (one kilo for 1.79 on discount) and mayo (1.29 for a 700ml jar) and you'll be set

>> No.7453224

Other than cheese eating I don't think I've been sleepwalking lately.

>> No.7453255

I usually eat a few bowls of cereal.

>> No.7453335


Do you think that if you locked your cheese up in a mini fridge with a combination lock you'd be able to open it while sleepwalking?

>> No.7453351

i usually do this with soft pretzels, it's delicious

>> No.7453361

I'm not sure. Maybe not, as far as I know I've never done any complex tasks while sleepwalking. I used to mostly get up and put random things where they don't belong, like laptop in fridge. I'd find stuff out of place the next day. One time I sleep texted something that didn't make real sense to someone, a couple of times I've woken myself up getting dressed in my sleep. This was all awhile back, now all I guess I do is every now and then I'll wake up the next day and not have any cheese or I'll see packaging in the trash. Then I vaguely remember eating it but it's not like I was hungry and made a conscious decision to get up and eat cheese, I just sort of recall doing it, like how when you remember part of a dream but is hazy.

>> No.7453870

me too

>> No.7454783


Everything other than putting your laptop in the fridge makes some degree of sense.

At least you don't try actually cooking anything.

>> No.7455101

Who here eats midnight snacks and is not considered clinically overweight?

Serious question

>> No.7455108

I would have to have aching hunger pains to get out of bed to eat. Which I have in the past and it was usually a triangle of pita bread and hummus.

>> No.7455109
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>> No.7455114

One time ate an entire two tier cake by myself during a sleep eating episode. Another time I made biscuit pizzas, burned myself, didn't treat it until I woke up 8 hours later. Was all blistery and oozy...sleep eating sucks. It's like a craving decides to cook for you and any self-control you have is gone because, technically, you're asleep, and you won't find out about the damage done until you wake up the next day. It's amazing I haven't cut myself yet.

If you mean midnight snack, it depends on what is at hand. I tend to go for hot food, usually soup, pasta, or rice with meat. Sandwiches are rare, and usually involve peanut butter. Sometimes cereal.

>> No.7455517

Always something sweet, brownies, chocolate, pound cake

>> No.7455869

put an alarm under a cheese block, one that activates when the weight is lifted off of it, see what happens

>> No.7455874
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>> No.7455909
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>> No.7456703


Isn't that how people spontaneously combust though?

>> No.7456843

Yep, but make that a tablespoon, a big heaping tablespoon.

>> No.7458169

>8.99 at an italian "ristorante"

>> No.7458181

That's a myth.

>> No.7458284
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>> No.7458299

Your 5th grade teacher was a stupid bitch.

>> No.7458342

peanut butter banana sandwich is my go-to midnight snack

>> No.7458874


I went to a pretty good private school for a few years, and am positive the teacher wasn't pulling shit out of her ass.

It was also in Hawaii, so even the kids of celebrities I was in class with had cockroaches, geckos, and centipedes in their homes.

>> No.7458929

mine a cup of water thank fuck.

>> No.7458936

this plus honey

>> No.7460235

Anon, it's okay to admit you're a gullible fool.