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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 740 KB, 853x437, raspberrythumbprints.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7449152 No.7449152 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having a baby shower this weekend! And for my favors, I want to fill decorated 8 oz mason jars with mini cookies, raspberry thumbprint and mini cranberry white chocolate cookies. As for this thumbprint recipe I found on youtube, she uses powdered sugar. What kind of taste/texture would that result in? For all you middle aged women, any ideas of what to put in the jar besides cookies? Might be hard for me to bake almost 200 cookies.


>> No.7449157

>mason jars

You might feel more at home on a vote based content aggregator than on this site.

>> No.7449165

Don't use youtube recipes.
Find something vetted and tested from someone who would hear some shit if the recipe was shit, such as marthastewart, or epicurious.
As far as 200 cookies goes...you should use some air pillow insulated cookie sheets, and cool them completely. Just keep going until it's all done.

>> No.7449171

No, m8. Too much work for having unprotected sex.

Measure out the dry ingredients, put it in jars (layer it), attach a recipe card, make it fancy, and wala.

>> No.7449183

I'm not a redditor and never have been, but in my eyes, /ck/ has been taken over long ago. It's a nice place to not be my usual abrasive self. Wtf is wrong with mason jars anyway?

Okay, good point. I'm just that type of autist that needs to find a recipe of exactly what I want rather than the raspberry-lemon or raspberry-almond cookies, even though I'm sure it's as easy as leaving that ingredient out. It just bothers me ya know.

>> No.7449188

Can you not be a shady bitch and offer help? Thanks.

>> No.7449190
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1423485181433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyways, still wondering why she used powdered sugar. Would it give it the texture of those Lofthouse cookies from Walmart?

>> No.7449202

Can you not do a test batch, find out, and report?

>> No.7449207

You know how powdered sugar melts when it touches your tongue? That effect carries over a little when you bake with it. The cookies will be very tender.

>> No.7449230

I could, but not tonight.

Yeah, that's kind of what it looked like when she took a bite into it. That might not hold well in jars.

>> No.7449233

what about chocolate-dipped macaroons?

>> No.7449243

This weekend? Close to St. Patricks, could do something close to easter. You have a nice idea really. Go for it.

If you want to do non-sweet, I love southern cheese crakers, with a pecan half on top of each slice. They're awesome for do ahead and large quantity, because you can roll the dough and park in the fridge. Slice as you go. Sometimes you see them as "straws" like breadsticks, but I like the cookie crunch of a biscuit cookie. I don't use paprika but cayenne, and I use the sharpest NY cheddar.

>> No.7449276
File: 5 KB, 160x160, popcornboxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like coconut macaroons or those little cakes? I'm prob not pro enough to make those.

Seems like a great snack to go with the popcorn thing I'm doing. "About to Pop" is the theme of that whole popcorn thing :)

>> No.7449291


>get pregnant
>get fat
>feed female friends 200 cookies to feel less fat

female logic...

>> No.7449295

>"About to Pop" is the theme of that whole popcorn thing :)
Post your tits already

>> No.7449299

Hand out mason jars full of cookie crisp.

>> No.7449344
File: 80 KB, 640x427, Coconut-Macaroons-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coconut ones, they're pretty easy. If you're going for a popcorn theme, you could make popcorn balls


>> No.7449348
File: 631 KB, 489x532, 1451700370299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baby showers are about making the mom not feel fat

>> No.7449522
File: 626 KB, 1275x4010, thumbprint cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powdered sugar instead of granulated I sugar with make the short bread cookie more crispy on the outside and more crumbly/tender inside.

Pic only slightly related. Thumprint cookies are easy to batch cook..

>> No.7449528

Seconding these... also bonus of being gluten and dairy free if you have those concerns at the party. Want my recipe for them?

>> No.7449531

Absolutely perfect, thank you! :D

>> No.7449541
File: 715 KB, 1200x4181, coconut-macaroons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. Bonus macaroons recipe.

>> No.7449546

How much did that make?

I'll take it for my personal - desu, I'm black and black people have this thing against coconut. Well, against eating it anyway. I don't know why. I like coconut personally.

>> No.7449549

Depends on the size you make them, but one batch makes about 3 dozens?

>> No.7449554

Oh that's pretty good.

>> No.7449559


almost everything women do is about making themselves not feel fat, but it hardly ever involves losing weight

>> No.7449677

You could use mini or regular marshmallows to fill out the jars a bit. They will also help stop the cookies from going stale by absorbing extra moisture.