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7445599 No.7445599 [Reply] [Original]

I know nothing about whisky but I wanna give a bottle as a gift to some people i know. Does age matter? I've seen some really old bottles (like 25 years) that were around $100, should i go for something like that or is it a rip off? Any recommendations useful. Thanks!

>> No.7445660

Yes, it does matter. It really depends on the tastes of the person you're buying for, though. If they've only had Jack Daniel's and Jameson, the $100 bottle is going to be a ripoff. Or if they're a person who only drinks scotch and you buy them an expensive bourbon, that's going to be a waste.

When I was a kid, there was a guy in the community who helped me a lot on a boy scout project I was working on. My mom heard he liked whisky, so she bought me a bottle to give to him as thanks. I gave it to him and he told me thank you but didn't seem particularly enthused. I know why, now. It was a bottle of Johnnie Walker red. Moral of the story is don't buy them a bottle unless you know their taste and have someone you trust advise you on your purchase.

>> No.7445678

>trusting your mom to buy liquor

>> No.7445802

Well i know they drink makers mark daily but they also had like an almost finished bottle of glenlivet in the booze cabinet

>> No.7445894

>Any recommendations useful.

You might want to take a look at Japanese whisk(e)ys. I feel like there are a lot of people out there who still aren't familiar but there is some good stuff coming from them. Suntory (Hakushu, Hibiki, and Yamazaki) is the most readily available brand but there are other good ones, it all depends on how big and well stock your local liquor stores are.

>> No.7445903

Get him old crow reserve, by far the best bourbon. Make SURE its reserve, don't cheap out

>> No.7445916

>Well i know they drink makers mark daily but they also had like an almost finished bottle of glenlivet in the booze cabinet
Daily? Be careful about just supporting a bad habit. Just get more maker's mark.

>> No.7445939


whiskey is like women

if it's under 10 years old it probably tastes like piss

>> No.7445941

This, if they like bourbon then get them a nice bottle of bourbon. I'm a personal fan of Knob Creek and Four Roses Single Barrel but there's a lot of choices out there.

>> No.7446589

Everyone knows about Japameme whiskey brah

>> No.7446592

Jeesus thats gross

>> No.7446608

>I know nothing about whisky but I wanna give a bottle as a gift to some people i know.

Give them Fireball. They'll understand.

>> No.7446657

I think that depends on the drinker, there are people who drink just one kind of booze and stick with it and there's adventurous people who like new things.

One day I'm sipping good old cheap Evan Williams and the next I'm sipping on a fancy scotch. Variety is the spice of life etc.

>> No.7447166

Give them Kraken, best whiskey Ive ever had

>> No.7447198

Get the makers 46. It's fancy™

>> No.7447258

need more context/info, OP

how much you looking to spend? this a fancy gift or people looking to get fucked up?

>> No.7449088
File: 205 KB, 1067x1600, Bookers-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they like bourbon, just buy a $50 750ml bottle of Booker's. pic related

its uncut bourbon, tasty, & usually above 120 proof, but it depends on whats in the particular barrel that bottle came from..

makes a great gift. and it usually can be found with its wooden box.

>> No.7449412

Do you mean the spiced rum? I haven't heard of a whisky called Kraken

>> No.7449844

What kind of whiskey do they like?

For bourbon, bookers, blantons, and eagle rare are all good gift whiskerys. Bookers comes with the nice wooden box, blantons has the distinctive grenade shape with the horse topper, and eagle rare has nice packaging and a very good flavor profile for bourbon beginners.