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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 500x375, fund it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7443363 No.7443363 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fundraiser food always so shitty and expensive?

>boyscouts selling shitty overpriced popcorn
>girlscouts sellings shitty overpriced cookies
>little baseball teams selling shitty overpriced chocolate bars and almonds

And these leeches have the nerve to ring my doorbell 20 minutes after I get home from work to stutter and mutter about muh field trip and muh new dugout right when I'm trying to take a shit and get undressed. Sometimes I buy their bullshit but goddamn it sucks and its expensive.

>> No.7443373

because the whole point of a fundraiser is to fund something.

you are paying for the chocolate AND the "feeling" of helping out a cause.

i have a feeling your fat ass gulped the whole candy bar down and you wasted like 4 bucks on it lol

>> No.7443374
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>> No.7443387

Those fundraiser bars are the finest chocolate bars and they are the perfect shape to make you want to eat them

Flat chocolate bars or turd shaped ones are awful

>> No.7443397

Idk, fundraiser chocolate bars are pretty good

>> No.7443404

I bought a world's finest bar for some high schoolers, I thought it was alright.

>> No.7443407

Because the more they make the more goes to the actual fundraiser. Economics 101 nigga, do you know it?

>> No.7443524

Those are pretty good desu

>> No.7443594

How come they never have really good chocolates like Royce or Valrhona?

>> No.7443605

You talkin shit about my W.F. Crisp bruh?

>> No.7443612

i always disliked that it wasnt homemade, if it was i best more people would buy it

>> No.7443652

>was in band
>annual fundraiser shows up
>say ill particpate
>don't really
>stash the whole fucking box of hersheys mix under my bed
>mom caught on
>gives me like 50 bucks for compensation
>I never turn that in either.. in fact I dont know where that money even went
>took me like 4 years to go through all that chocolate

I didn't even feel bad.. I kinda felt like a dick the first week but got over it.

>> No.7443687

Don't they charge you...

>> No.7443693

Yeah, but lying on the internet is cool

>> No.7444298
File: 58 KB, 500x278, gummo-candy-salesmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you dunce... Other charities just ask you to hand over some cash, and you get nothing. With this, you get candy bar (the ones with the liquid caramel filling are not too bad).

Best thing is, the kids are learning good old Capitalism where you exchange value for value, vs. shitty socialism where you stand around with your hand out like a street beggar, making money off guilt/pity emotions.

Pic related. Movie called "Gummo". You should watch it. You will meet you identical twin in the bathtub/spaghetti scene. And yes, that IS bacon taped to the wall.

>> No.7444311

I wish these faggot organizations would sell something healthy instead of pure sugar and crap

>> No.7445805


>fundraiser food
>shitty and expensive

i think you answered your own question op

>> No.7445902

>not having a doorbell camera so you can see who rings and pretend you are not at home

>> No.7445912


>not not having a doorbell camera so you have an excuse to open the door naked

>> No.7445944 [DELETED] 

I don't think they want to do it, OP.

>stutter and mutter

That was me and every kid I talked to forced to hock that bullshit in the US.

It's not even restricted to private clubs like the scouts. I had it plenty in public school, too.

And there are only three things I remember from any of those campaigns:

A) I want to sell the most because of the prizes you get if you do

B) Your parent(s) won't let you go to random houses alone because you are easy prey

C) You just want to eat all the candy anyway and if you do get it to sell you'll eat at least some of it

Any kid I knew successful at that game their parent(s) brought their product/magazine to work with them

I think they're expensive because you're being guilted into buying them and shitty because that's the selling point

>> No.7445953

>1 dollar for a candy bar is overpriced

How much of a cuck are you?

>> No.7446013

>And these leeches have the nerve to ring my doorbell 20 minutes after I get home from work to stutter and mutter about muh field trip and muh new dugout right when I'm trying to take a shit and get undressed.
Buy a camera for your doorbell, such as Ring or Skybell. See who is knocking right on your smartphone.

For people who are selling your something, just make a donation instead, because that is alllllll that you are doing. Yes, it's overpriced, they are actually fundraising. If you don't like cookies or popcorn or chocolate, just make a donation instead, or park that stuff in your freeze or pantry for the next time a guest comes over, and then serve it or send it home with them. It's also good to share at the office.

>> No.7446098

we have to teach the kids entrepreneurship from a young age
you don't want the commies to win, do you?

>> No.7446133

I'd rather donate them money and have them leave me alone. I support Sanders.

>> No.7446166

Buy a "No solicitors sign"
BAM, done, no more charities/Jahova's witnesses/door to door steak salesmen.

>> No.7446207


I got no beef with the boy scouts or baseball teams - not that I buy their shit or am even often asked anyway.

But fuck the girl scouts. That shit is a Bernie Madoff pyramid scam. Last I heard, the individual clubs make like .40 cent a box for their own chapters. The rest goes to pay administrative salaries and expenses at the higher levels where those "wyman" cunts are making their hundred thousand dollar plus salaries.

In recent years, the indvidual clubs are required to buy their cookies in advance, forcing them to front the money and ensuring that they sell their cookies to make a return. Oh and there is no buy back program meaning that you're stuck with 87 boxes thin mints if you can't sell them.

>As of 2007, sales were estimated at about 200 million boxes per year.[1]

That's an old number that I'm sure is up. And yet what do the girl scouts do? They are not nearly as active as the boy scouts and they don't do shit in the community.

>> No.7446223

You could just buy any of the numerous girl scout cookie copies available from pretty much any name and store brand these days.

>> No.7447273

I fucking love those chocolate bars, and Girl Scout cookies are delicious + to a good cause.

>> No.7447323

There are jerky fundraisers.

>> No.7447327

jesus they're just kids tryna go on a field trip take it easy.

>> No.7447493

Is that for people with Parkinson's?

>> No.7447498

>they try to peek in window
>room is flashing a bunch of lights
>they know you're home and watching cartoons

>> No.7448575
File: 39 KB, 316x343, 1443481196016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7448696

i bought godiva and helen grace chocolate from some fundraiser

>> No.7448710

>$1 a bar

World's Finest is also really good.

>> No.7448713

Why are you such a shit-cunt?

>> No.7449382

capitalism is for cucks

>> No.7449435

We once had a fundraiser at our school.
But it was 9 different kinds of Mars chocolate packs (milky way, snickers, m&m's, &c.)

Long story short, I shared my box with my friends and never paid the school. I wasnt a delinquint or anything but for some reason being an inconsiderate kid I never thought anything of it and strangely nothing came of it.

>> No.7449446

WF is worth every penny anon. The scouts are ridic, but dem samoas yum

>> No.7449454

>Why is fundraiser food always so shitty and expensive?
Massed produced product and the actual organizations actually use it to RAISE FUNDS, hence the price.

What a concept? Amirite? Are your retarded by chance?

>> No.7449509

B-but I used to like girl scout cookies.

>> No.7449532

> why do the people who want money get the cheapest materials possible, and then overcharge for them?

>> No.7449590
File: 43 KB, 576x720, Комиксы-apple-mac-песочница-109436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend was in band
>betamax faggot, probably lurking /r9k/ now
>bully him on the bus so he'll give me one of his chocolates

>> No.7449984
File: 223 KB, 1600x1200, P1000254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I used to work for World's Finest back when the Blackhawks won in 2010 and they made that yuge chocolate bar. Good times. The chocolate covered almonds are much better than the fundraising bars imo.

>> No.7451468

whats the dankest girl scout cookie senpai?

>> No.7451474

peach mounds


>> No.7451484



>> No.7451982
File: 24 KB, 200x195, 1419313765526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had this shit way back in my middle school, I never went door to door. It made no sense for me to walk door to door to sell this shit when my family had already been charged for it, so we just kept it for ourselves.

>those kids that tried their god damn hardest to sell upwards of 20 boxes
>those kids whose parents just unloaded boxes at their jobs instead

>> No.7451986


The fund raisers in my area sell these credit card things that give you pretty decent discounts at local area businesses and chains alike.

That or like, boxes of oranges which can be pretty OK.

>> No.7452008

Those kids whose parents unloaded the boxes at their jobs are my niggas. Nothing salvages a shitty morning at work than going to get coffee and finding that there's free candy in the break room too.

>> No.7452012

I kinda like them, they're only a dollar

>> No.7452792

All the spook kids in my neighborhood take turns going door to door asking for donations for phoney newspaper subscriptions? Something about a scholarship. One comes to the door, the other three stand back 15' and giggle thinking you're gonna get hustled.

>> No.7452796

Fuck yes, man. They are fucking based. I'll buy girl scout cookies every fucking time I'm offered.

>> No.7453461

The religious wanderers argued that telling you about Jesus isn't soliciting, so you need a sign that tells them to go jerk off somewhere else, too.

>> No.7453498


>> No.7453505

I love the girlscout cookies called samoas. I refuse to call them carmel delights. The cheap ones from walmart are just as good though.

>> No.7453817

I'd watch that if the kid wasn't so fucking ugly