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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 667x500, fat-guy-eating-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7441753 No.7441753 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ck/. I'm done with the relationship I'm in. I found out that my girlfriend has been unfaithful to me in the past few weeks, but we just started a lease in our apartment that won't end for another 10 months, so I don't want to break up with her just yet because she pays half of the rent.

I cook for us every night, except weekends. What are some covert ways I can get her nice and fat in the next 10 months before breaking up with her?

>inb4 fried butter

It can't be obvious

>> No.7441770


>> No.7441771

What kind of food do you normally make OP?

>> No.7441773

A 12 gauge should do the trick. I bet it would get her nice and obese.

>> No.7441778

Steak, pasta fazool, pork tinga, shepherds pie, fried rice, pulled pork, hamburgers, salads, and more, I don't really have a menu, just whatever I feel like that night.

>> No.7441850

How much of a dumbass is she? Because you could totally do a bunch of ungodly unhealthy deep fried Japanese/Chinese/Asian food and tell her that, "No it's different because it's Asian! They're all skinny over there and they eat this stuff all the time!"

>> No.7441861

jesus, this whole thread is so sad. no wonder she cheated on you.

>> No.7441866

I never said I was without fault, but I do also like petty revenge. Deal with it

>> No.7441868

this seems like a lot of work
and its not like she won't notice either
why don't you just fuck her best friend/sister/mom/grandma like any one else would?

>> No.7441900

>why don't you just fuck her best friend/sister/mom/grandma
I've thought about it, and it doesn't seem like a very good revenge to me. Here's why. Consider that she has already cheated on me, this tells me two things:
>She doesn't love me
>She doesn't respect me

If I cheated on her as revenge, it wouldn't have much impact because as I stated above, she doesn't love me.

Further, this type of revenge only serves to justify the woman in these cases. It's a backwards form of logic, but she will use my cheating to justify her own, even though the events didn't happen in that order. In this way, she would be able to rid herself of the guilt, leaving no lasting impression.

>> No.7441906

You should look at the kind of ingredients you're using and switch to and or add more fattening ones. It doesn't have to be alot, but over time those calories will add up.

>> No.7441926
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fair enough.
still seems like a lot of work
not to mention almost a year of your life wasted

anyways, just stop using vegetable oil. or oil of any kind really. butter is now your healthy fat, use at least clarified where you have to. bacon fat, lard, chicken fat, duck fat. go crazy man, all that shit is good. your food will only taste better
also, lots of pasta. cheesy pasta. practice your ravioli skills. lasagna is your friend.
most importantly, bake more.
start making fresh bread, banana bread, cookies
buy a cookie jar and make sure its always full. get crazy with it, start making ice cream and shit.
and probably most importantly, turn that bitch into a straight alcoholic. if she likes beer, find one she loves and keep it around all the time. ive found girls actually really like stouts and porters. and with all the chocolate milk stout vanilla porter nonsense going on it shouldn't be to hard. if she's not into beer, mixed drinks. up the sugar hard. hard alcohol is tricky because there is such a thing as losing weight on the vodka diet but if you get her drinking mai tais and shit you'll be good.

good luck anon, honestly this plan is the best thing to ever happen to your culinary skills if you do it right. have fun with it man.

start with pic related to put you on the right track

>> No.7441934

Try to add oil and butter in a bigger dosage. Start slowly at first just to make her used to the change of taste in your fooda, adding few teaspoon of oil or a tiny chunk of butter in every meal. Every single meal. Then when she's already used to that fatty taste here comes the real deal. You can add a whole butter pack in your sauce without her noticing it. Also, you should keep the fat from steaks and meat and use it as base for some kind of gravy or sauce, maybe to use it on salads. Same goes for the fat coming out while cooking steaks. Save it and use it along the other kinds of lards. You can even add crunched chips to your fried rice to add that extra calories. Think about it. Every single thing is useful if you're trying to get some fat. Expecially cheese. Put it everywhere along with tons of butter.

>> No.7441942
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>mfw op gets fat right there with her and they fall in love all over again

>> No.7441964
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Powders or pills for gaining weight in smoothies or other things that will mask the taste.

The chocolate or granola bars that help you gain weight chopped and put in trail or granola mixes for "healthy snacking"

>> No.7441966
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this, fat is nice and calorie-dense but remember fatty/buttery foods have a tendency to make her feel fuller quicker, for longer, so you might be able to get her to eat more with carb-heavy foods
also what foods are her vices? chocolate, chips, pop? have that shit lying around everywhere ready to eat
keep her up late at night watching movies or whatever so she'll start sleeping late and snacking late into the night
encourage always doing activities that are sedentary like watching tv

>> No.7441996

>be cucked
>be passive aggressive about it
>go through life trying to still feel like a man
Legit plan, OP.

>> No.7442018

literal cuck

>> No.7442022

>Hey, /ck/. I'm done with the relationship I'm in. I found out that my girlfriend has been unfaithful to me in the past few weeks, but we just started a lease in our apartment that won't end for another 10 months, so I don't want to break up with her just yet because she pays half of the rent.


>> No.7442037
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You should ask /fit/ for assistance in this. They've done this kind of thing before.

Here are some ideas:

>pasta + butter, typical fat/carb combo that stacks on the pounds
>mass gainer shakes with peanut butter (trick her by drinking regular protein shakes yourself)
>tell her you like her curves and make her feel comfortable
>let her "discover" BBW porn on your computer
>peanut butter + bananas + granola + whole milk shakes

Mass gainer shakes are by far the easiest since you can trick her into thinking they're healthy, so press that advantage. What you really want is to get equal parts fat and carb in each shake since the insulin spikes will cause her to store all that dietary fat. If she feels self-conscious, sign her up for Zumba classes since they don't actually do jack shit, then treat her to Starbucks afterward for exercising like a good girl.

Good luck, bro. You're doing the right thing.

>> No.7442042

>They've done this kind of thing before.
No they haven't. Not only can none of them cook, so would never be in a situation where they were responsible for the cooking, but most of them have never even been with a girl.

>> No.7442048

>girl cucks you
>decide that instead of confronting her you will allow her to continue cucking you just so you can get her fat and not pay rent

also im not suprised /fit/ has already had a thread about petty revenge and getting cucked

>> No.7442068

Your gf cheated on you. Bad
She pays the rent and you want to get back at her by cooking her food? Hahaha. I'm not sure if if is autism, idiocy, or just millennial logic...

>> No.7442085

>implying infidelity is ever acceptable

Fuck off cuck

>> No.7442267

Extra oil in everything! Try to fit at least 3 tbsp in every meal somehow.

>> No.7442350

Guilt her into letting you have sex with her butt hole. Then buy regular soda and only make pasta and potato based meals. Buy junk food (stuff she likes) open the bags, but don't eat any. Buy alcohol and encourage her to have a drink. Stuff like beer and cider, mix drinks etc.

>> No.7442541
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"No, it's actually Splenda, so it's OK"

>> No.7442548
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>blaming the victim because he's male


>> No.7442587

store dietary fats, you are literally wrong

>> No.7442599

Just cook rich, made from scratch meals every night. Like marsala, corn bread, and others that involve several sticks of butter or heavy cream. Stick with the savory, but very rich savory dishes.

Also, buy a bucket of lard and start using that in leiu of veggie oil in EVERYTHING.

>> No.7442733

I dunno, I'm a naturally skinny girl who is also /fit. My body just sort of knows when it's full. If I'm eating McDonald's every day, or if I'm eating plain chicken and rice, I stay the same weight.

Yes, you can add more butter, but then you feel fuller sooner, so you end up with the same number of calories. If she goes to the gym and lifts, she'll build muscle that burns calories anyway. Even if she does cardio, that keeps her thin

>> No.7442744

>look at me everyone IM A GIRL

>> No.7442751 [DELETED] 

I hope you get sexually assaulted by someone you trust. This would be justice for your whoring and your attempt to use your sinful body for illicit gain.

>> No.7442759
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Godspeed OP. Don't forget to keep seemingly healthy yet carb heavy snacks like granola, granola bars, trail mix, and other quick things. Just because its not a meal time doesn't mean she can't be eating.

>> No.7442760

OP make sure you keep your condoms safe and rubber up. Looks to me like you have a woman to have sex with not care about her and she pays rent and probably cleans. I was also in a situation exactly the same. I just fucked her whenever I wanted however I wanted and slowly stopped caring less about her. I even cooked whatever dinner, breakfast and lunches I wanted. Oddly enough she stopped cheating and fell in love with me when I stopped putting her in front of my life. When our 6 month lease was done I left leaving a note and a copy of the texts and pictures and an engagement ring box with a gold plated copper ring with a aquamarine in it to fuck with her. Last I heard she was severely depressed and dropped out of uni.

She loved my chicken shrimp stir fry.

>> No.7442796

processed sugar and

this guy knows what's up.

we kinda need to know her snacking tendencies tho to know for real

>> No.7442825
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Do this OP. Worked for Hal, it could work for you.

>> No.7442908
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This. Do it OP

>> No.7442973


what does one do with all these implications?

i would suggest growing a goddamn pair and having a discussion and perhaps separating with the agreement that you'll ride out the rest of the lease as somewhat reluctant roommates, and then maybe getting your shit together and trying your best to move on.

but hey, yeah, just... remain with somebody that clearly doesn't want you and that you resent and try to... make them fat. whatever "works".

>> No.7443211

I dont resent them, we're only in our 20s and our relationship only lasted for about a year, no hard feelings. We're still friends. I just want her super fat

>> No.7443245
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Option number two is better

>> No.7443307

the real question is why are you using my picture; exact dimensions. fuck off skew.

>> No.7443320

You're the fat black man? Tits or gtfo

>> No.7443360

Holy shit I'm not surprised that you're a cuck if you're going to be passive-aggressive about this instead of directly confronting her.

>> No.7443369

I don't give a shit, fuck off, cunt

>> No.7443375

Ahahaha the cuck got butthurt for being called out ahaha

>> No.7443386

you'd think there would be a list of the most calorie dense ingredients per unit of weight

then you use the ones that are easiest to mask

>> No.7443388

I just don't care. You lookin for sum fuk, girl?

>> No.7443405


coconut oil has a very neutral taste, i cant taste it on popcorn

If you mortar and pestle macadamia nuts you could make some high calorie dust

>> No.7443417

Says the cuck spending more effort being passive aggressive instead of just confronting her ahaha

>> No.7443420

oh, and heavy cream would be less detectable than butter, should hide nicely in some sauces. Might curdle with acidic food, dont know dick about chemistry

If she drinks milk, you could make it +-15% cream in the jug and not cause suspicion

whole milk is like 3-4% by comparison. It will make you a cow

>> No.7443421

typical skew, fuck off alex.

>> No.7443429

Ahaha seriously are you in heat?

>> No.7443433


>> No.7443437

Not that anon, I don't know how you can infer that that poster wants to be dicked by their statements. Could you point it out please? You could also try refuting their statement instead of attacking their character.

>> No.7443445

So you are developing your latent feeder fetish? As well as revenge?

>> No.7443449

Just refuse sex with her. Shoot that bitch down every single time. It will fuck with her head. She will already think she is fat, ruin her self esteem, she will self medicate with food, become a lard.

>> No.7443457

Since when is asking if someone wants sex an attack on character?

>> No.7443467

Not that anon, but are you moist?

>> No.7443513

I was just gonna post this...inject celery with bacon fat

>> No.7443518

This is good

>> No.7443526

Add pure gluton too her meals, cook pounds of bacon then grind it up in a food processor and put it in all her meals, add tons of white sugor and kayro syrup to all her meals, add heavy cream to all her dairy products

>> No.7443528


>> No.7443739

women are all whores

>> No.7443750

Remember to bring home slimmer ladies while you do this

Bread and pasta are great, anything high carb is going to be unfilling and easy to eat while being fattening. The high GI does it.

>> No.7443753

Break up with her an get a responsible room mate.

>> No.7443762

Making her feel like fat trash and undesirable as she's becoming fat is a great revenge idea, I wish that would work for my situation. Infidelity makes the victim feel unloved, insecure and undesirable, so it's a taste of their own medicine.

This is a good idea too - even better, secretly find a roommate to replace her, kick her out to the kerb the day before they move in and then let new roommate in. Then you don't have to worry about rent.

>> No.7443915

There is stuff that makes you hungry idk how its called in english but a quick google research should help then just mix it into the food also turning her alcoholic was also a pretty dope idea

>> No.7443938


>has to live almost a year with his cheating slut gf
>no matter how fat she gets, the whore will still get dick
>thinks he's getting revenge

What a fucking cuck, lol

>> No.7443942
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Honestly this is the best. Women are men but with more hormones. We think more and they infer heavily. The correct words will maker her


Like no other. It will fuck with her for life. Plus infidelity will be forever eradicated so you saved the poor cuck that comes affer you.

>> No.7443943

Really i mean for any request simply say "no thanks, I'm good." Don't give her an explanation. Just say you're not in the mood. Do what they do.

>> No.7443953


>has to live almost a year with his cheating slut gf
>no matter how fat she gets, the whore will still get dick
>thinks he's getting revenge

What a fucking cuck, lol

>> No.7444011


Found the Wannabe-Alpha ITGs.

>> No.7444029


>> No.7444045


>> No.7444233


>has to live almost a year with his cheating slut gf
>no matter how fat she gets, the whore will still get dick
>thinks he's getting revenge

What a fucking cuck, lol

>> No.7444247


/ck/ isn't your hugbox, you passive-aggresive autistic cuck. gb2/tumblr/ if you need validation.

>> No.7444262

OP, you should personally archive this thread and read it 5+ times a day, everyday, until it sinks in. You are heading down the wrong path and its little shit like this that you willl be looking back at, regretting, way into old age.

You say you are in your 20's, as if that means you have unlimited time. You don't. By 30, you should be making bank, have school over and done with, own a house, and be well underway with the kid thing, if you're into that, otherwise you will be doing so with some other cuck's fuckin kids, a loose wife, and waking up regularly in the middle of the night, looking for you mind, wondering where it all went wrong.

Pissing away one year already, and willing to commit to another year because 50% of the rent, all while focusing on some selfish disrespectful scheme that will likely fail. Just buy your way out, pay the rent yourself, find a girl that's not a slut, and keep on rollin. She can pick up the "half my rent" if you're so worried about that, maybe even toss in a pair of balls to sweeten the deal.

>> No.7444286


OP is beyond help. There's a difference between getting cucked and being a cuck. OP is a cuck. He has a cucks mentality. Friendly internet advice won't fix that. If anything, it only makes it worse by making him think he has a hugbox he can retreat to whenever he's too much of a cuck to stand up to someone that wronged him.

>> No.7444314
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>being so mad that you reply repeatedly because no one wants to listen to you, most of the time to yourself
>desperately trying to get the last word by responding to everyone with "cuck"
>actually thinking this enraged woman behavior is what makes you a man

>> No.7444316

Well meme'd, you should write soap operas for old people.

>> No.7444335

Add sugar to everything you cook for her. The increased sugar in her diet will cause her to get sugar cravings and then she'll do the rest herself.

>> No.7444341

What an absolute, colossal, meme-spouting, retarded spunk trumpet you are!

>> No.7444347



>> No.7444353


>> No.7444480


It's cute you think I'm the only person calling OP a cuck.

>> No.7444509


The only person who needed to get revenge was your woman. She needed to get back at you for satisfying her. This could all have been avoided if you were capable of giving a woman what she needs. Don't get angry at her just because you're a minute man with a micropeen. Be thankful all she did was find a bigger dick instead of leaving you for a better man.

>> No.7444519


My apologies OP, I meant to say she needed revenge on you for NOT satisfying her. I apologize for any confusion my last post may have caused.

>> No.7444556

I never realised so many /b/tards cooked.

>> No.7444583

No need for correction/retraction. Your self-entitled cuntspeak came across with a fluidity and clarity only a butthurt female could achieve.

End of the day, she's still a whore. And what's all this "giving her what she needs" nonsense? OP should now be a grateful cuck? Always better to get dumped than cheated on, especially if drives a cuck to waste so much time/effort.

>> No.7444650


What she needed was a dick larger than micropeen size, and a man who isn't a two pump chump. OP was depriving her of good sex, so she took revenge. OP deserved to get cucked.

>> No.7444653

The number of butthurt women here is outstanding. Are you all emotionally wrecked whores or is it just one noisy bitch?

>> No.7444675


The number of assblasted white knights here is outstanding. Are you all emotionally wrecked faggits or is it just one noisy cuck?

>> No.7444691


There's a lot of sadistic fucks here. Trying to make OP feel worse about something that's obviously eating away at him to begin with.

Kicking a man while he's down. Salting the wounds. I thought /ck/ was better than that.


>> No.7444700
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You like that word don't you, anon?

>> No.7444713

Look at all these angry old women justifying the cheating of one of their own.

OP dont get down on yourself that your woman cheated on you, women are emotionally stunted children in the bodies of adults so expecting them to understand things like honor or loyalty is just stupid on your part. Women are moldable like clay and you obviously failed, next time hit and choke her while savagely fucking her and you will be good. Dont forget to call her a dumb whore while doing so or she will likely never understand her place, as a fuck toy not as an equal.

>> No.7444729


You're saying OP is a failure for not training her correctly, right?

>> No.7444737

Yes and I am also saying that women are children who cannot be expected to truly understand love or higher things like loyalty. They are both at fault, the women for being a typical example of her sex and the OP for not being a man and dominated that dumb slut.

>> No.7444748

ITT: /ck/ gives relationship advice.
You dense fuck.

>> No.7444749


So if OP were a real man, she wouldn't have strayed?

>> No.7444768

Define a real man, a real man to me means a man who is willing to be in charge and dominate their weak and infantile minded woman. I dont believe men and women are equal, they both have their rolls but they are not equal in any way.

>> No.7444792

I am pretty sure intensines have similiar rate of lenght for men and women
But it's actually suprisingly hard to find something that's equal for both of them

>> No.7444806

Buy regular and diet 2L soda, pour out the diet and replace it with regular soda. She will drink it thinking its diet. She will gain at least ten pounds and probably grow addicted to soda.

I don't condone this but gl OP

>> No.7444837

It's easy to add more butter to her dish than your own if you're doing the cooking. Just add it separately. I did this : )
Ex was a huge dick to me every day and made me feel like shit. I cooked for her almost every night. I got smart. She just got a gym membership and was probably trying to make herself look good for other guys. Oh no bitch. No. Potatoes of any style can be super loaded with butter. Bitch loved shrimp, rice, noodles and other stuffs that I piled butter onto her portion for too. She sure did love butter. She just had no idea how much she loved it. Only that my cooking was great! :D oh yes. Tell your parents and friends about it too. I liked watching her gym membership plan fail while she had no idea. Just add more butter to hers. She isn't looking ; )

>> No.7444853

you mean she won't just go cheat on him some more? that's likely why she did it the first place

>> No.7444881

I am a woman. I am serious it will fuck with her. It will hit her hard in the feels. Op wins if he shoots her sex down all year.

>> No.7444888

Even better if he gets a side bitch and treats her like gold.

>> No.7444898

the guys are right have you even talked to her about this shit. put her dumb ass on blast.

>> No.7444915

>self proclaimed men deal with relationship problems in the same exact way a woman would

top laff. how the tables have turned. now we got sissyboi effeminate new males staying in the kitchen like a good housewife and tainting food like a passive aggressive girly girl.

>> No.7444919

Lol someone's mad. It's a cooking board. Of course people here like to cook

>> No.7444965

It felt good. I have no regrets : )

>> No.7445148


Ok. So by your own definition, OP isn't a real man and his woman cheating on him is his fault. But you're mad at people telling the OP he's not a real man, and that it's his fault.

>> No.7445167

No, it is both of their faults you cretin, the woman for being a woman and the OP for not realizing that women are idiot children and expecting this to have occurred.

>> No.7445701

I eat just like that sans the chips. Lost 40 lbs. Perhaps you should rethink your approach

>> No.7445729


>> No.7445748

Passive-aggressive effeminate cucks

>> No.7445758

Stupid butthurt cuck

>> No.7445762


>> No.7445768

Yeah no shit, retard.
A real man confronts his problems instead of being a passive-aggressive little bitch.

>> No.7445778
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>being a literal cu/ck/ for 10 months
get out both from the relationship and 4chan

>> No.7445793


Hory shiet, there, can we end this now?
I logged on here to be a creepy weirdo, not debate feminism.

gtfo tumblr

>> No.7445921

>implying that I would pay for rent wholesale

>> No.7445928
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>guy gets cucked and wants to let his girl keep cucking him so he isnt put out into the street

>gets mad when people call him out

>acts like hes in the right

you should honestly kill yourself

>> No.7445968

Carbs, beer, fruit juice, sugar, energy drinks.
Encourage her to drink beer after a carb-heavy dinner.
Rice, tortilla wraps and bread are better than potatoes products for this.

Fruity cocktails with sugar syrup.

Icecream with some bogus "healthy" stuff sprinkled on top, like blueberries.

"Healthy" burritos you buy from a fast food place and sprinkle with arugula.

Buy a box of organic granola or granola bars, empty the box, and replace it with shittier equivalents. Maybe melt some low-end milk chocolate onto the shitty snackbars.

Establish a "movie night" where you stuff her with shitty salted snacks. Make sure to have lots of cold beer on hand for when the saltiness gets too much for her. 2 hour movies at minimum, make sure she skips dinner.

Pizza takeout as a "treat" every week.

Make sure she drinks shitty, low-end orange juice every morning for breakfast. Use a fancy carton and cut it with low end orange flavoured sugar water.

If she has a bicycle, sabotage it and make sure she drives or gets public transport instead.

>> No.7445981

Also, I don't think the people telling you to use butter and animal fat are on the right track. This is the kind of fat we're best adapted to digesting.

Shitty vegetable oil is the way to go.

But you're at risk of getting caught in the crossfire here, OP. The weight gain powder might be safer, since you can avoid it easily.

>> No.7446001

don't do this
I tried it once and my wife's son caught me in the act

>> No.7446016

>my wife's son

lmao cuck!

>> No.7446021


I'm not advocating feminism. I just think OP cuckboy is an effete, limp dicked, pussy. I'd be on OPs side if I were a feminist.

>> No.7446322

>let her "discover" BBW porn on your computer

You dolt, she clearly isn't interested in pleasing him anymore since she's fucking other dudes. If she finds fatty porn on his computer it will probably just driver her away even more because her boyfriend that she already disrespects just got even more pathetic.

>> No.7446352

butter is pretty good, just cook everything in it, it will be tasty. a lot of fine cuisine restaurants just rely on it. also maybe sugary drinks?

>> No.7447872

Butter does NOT make you fat. I'm 110 lbs and I cook everything homemade for husband and I, I probably use 8 sticks of butter a week between all meals and desserts. I also had a baby in August 2014. I'm skinny as fuck. I eat only organic scratch foods

Corn syrup, refined oils, processed anything Will get her fat. And beer. Women blow up from beer. And gluten. Pasta and white breads.

>> No.7447916

>wow everyone look at me I'm FEMALE I have A UTERUS

>> No.7447932

Everything can make you fat, you silly cunt!

>Corn syrup, refined oils, processed anything Will get her fat. And beer.
>Women blow up from beer. And gluten. Pasta and white breads.

Do you even know the word metabolism? Do you even know what 'processed' means?

>> No.7449158

revenge is for children

>> No.7449214

says the cuck