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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7436512 No.7436512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No one can recover from this.

>> No.7436522

Pretty sure the average trump supporter likes well done steak with ketchup and a 2L diet faygo to wash it down

Honestly are you a woman or something? There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

>> No.7436535

>retarded attention whore millionaire with no taste runs for president to gain more attention
>retarded attention whore with no taste has no taste

Not /ck/.

>> No.7436537


>> No.7436541

whatever you say shylock

>> No.7436542

>There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

Get the fuck out of /ck/.

>> No.7436544
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>There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

>> No.7436565

I mean people will cling to whatever to hate trump but you realize you're on /ck/ right

>> No.7436579

He sat in a booth with his family? How non-progressive.

>> No.7436583


>> No.7436585

>you realize you're on /ck/ right
meaning what, I'm just as much of a loser as everyone on this board except you? I mean you can pretty much say the same thing of every board, I'm literally the only person here who has ever
>had sex
>had a job
>gotten out of my parents' basement
>done anything involving the slightest amount of skill, ambition, or intelligence

basically, everyone on 4chan labors under the misapprehension that everyone else except them is a complete fuckup and that they, in comparison, are some kind of demi-god who can bestow his unique wisdom and helpful pro-tips upon the grateful masses

>> No.7436586

>There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

There is also literally nothing wrong with eating shit.

>> No.7436598

The general opinion is that your taste is shit if you like your steak well done m8 what are you on about

>> No.7436600

If I never had to hear about Donald goddamn Trump again it'd be too soon.

>> No.7436619

oh I see what's going on. you are (in the conventional non-memester sense of the word) autistic, and therefore cannot pick up on facetiousness, even when it's obvious to everyone else.

so yes, anon. well done steak bad, unitasker bad, muh maillards, white wine cold, red wine warm^H^H^H^^HCELLAR TEMPERATURE YOU HEATHEN

did I miss any memes? like, "I only enjoy bitter things now that I have a grown up palate"?

>> No.7436622

I can't believe trump would get his rib eye well done. What a loser. So sad.

>> No.7436629


>> No.7436635

He's almost 70 years old. It's not surprising that someone of his age would order well-done meat.

>> No.7436655

>basically, everyone on 4chan labors under the misapprehension that everyone else except them is a complete fuckup and that they, in comparison, are some kind of demi-god who can bestow his unique wisdom and helpful pro-tips upon the grateful masses

The truth has been spoken

>> No.7436659

vintage meme you got there bucko

>> No.7436661
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older people need to eat well done meat to avoid any chance of bacteria in the meat

>> No.7436671

What the fuck are you blabbering on about? You just have shit taste when it comes to steaks. But now that you've posted this crap, you're also probably an insecure faggot.

>> No.7436678

I like well done and I really don't care what /ck/ thinks.

>> No.7436680

>basically, everyone on 4chan labors under the misapprehension that everyone else except them is a complete fuckup and that they, in comparison, are some kind of demi-god who can bestow his unique wisdom and helpful pro-tips upon the grateful masses

But in reality are very average people or people that are such fuck ups they pretend to be average people as pretending to be more would be much too stressful.

>> No.7436718

Someone likes to escalate shit up to 11 for no goddamn reason.
Calm your tits.

>> No.7436727

Well, it's more that he grew up in a time where the "If you don't overcook meat, you'll die" meme was rife.

>> No.7436732

but why? it's obviously got the autism patient sputtering with rage and it's kind of fun to watch
do you find small changes in your routine deeply troubling? do you have trouble looking people in the eye when you speak with them? I'm not actually psychic, it's just a really good guess.

>> No.7436744


thats a clever phrase, is it yours?

>> No.7436753
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>There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

>> No.7436968
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Jesus christ...

>> No.7436976

There's literally nothing wrong with a well-done stea-

>Sat in corner booth



>> No.7436997

>caring how others eat their food
>having autism
pick 2

>> No.7436999


>> No.7437000

If you must talk Trump and food:

>> No.7437020

you shouldnt post when you're drunk, anonymous.

>> No.7437125

I have trouble believing a review from such a clearly politically charged article

>> No.7437140

I have trouble believing such a clearly charged political figure knows dick about food, or even gives a shit about it. His take is clearly focus on what the punters will like and ignore all else, which has been his business and political strategy as well.

>> No.7437153

I'm just curious what a food review has to do with statues getting demolished, illegal mexican workers, and alleged ties to the mob?

I've never read something from that website before, and I'm certainly never going to read again. Its like a fucking salon article

>> No.7437160

>undercooking your food

>> No.7437167

Food is part of culture, you idiot. You are what you eat, and as far as what a restaurant offers it is nothing more than the total of the experience it provides.

>> No.7437179
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>> No.7437196

Authoritarian perspective, which is the unifying factor among Trump supporters.

>> No.7437200

>projecting, a common symptom of supporting Sanders
remember kids, never let your friends vote democrat

>> No.7437204

>Everyone is so mad, look at how mad I made them. I'll write a 200 word rebuttal about how mad you are for calling out my shit taste.

>Everyone is now autistic but me meme XD

m8 someone has cracked under all the banter.

>> No.7437207

If your friends are rich.

>> No.7437209

or if you believe in hard work instead of handouts

>> No.7437217
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Maximum Faggotry for liking steak cooked above medium.

>> No.7437237

which still has nothing to do with the mexicans used to construct the building

>> No.7437256

Ha ha. Smart work is the key. Hard work getting anyone anywhere went down the toilet with the death of Keynesian economics. Stop kidding yourself.

>> No.7437272

Just like Trump never took handouts.

>> No.7437286

loans and hand outs are different

>> No.7437307

>Anyone who slightly disagrees with my aggressively shitkicker conservative values is a Jewish shill

Nice may may. Into the /pol/ trash bin you go.

>> No.7437312

>Hard work

lol k fuckboy

>> No.7437313
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>There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

>> No.7437342
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>well done steak

>> No.7437996

Who gives a shit?
I don't give a flying fuck how other people like their steak.
They paid for it they can eat it however they enjoy.
Doesn't affect me in anyway.
This shit has become an out of control meme on this board.

>> No.7438209
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Welcome newfriend

>> No.7438231

>He says bumping an 8 hour old post from page fucketyboo

>> No.7438241

A presidential candidate can't afford to get sick OP. We had a lot of dealings with African governments, and the politicians would all have their steak well done.

>> No.7438509


>libtards are so desperate to hate trump they are literally using ad-homenim personal attacks and childish name-calling

just move to canada and suck each other off already

>> No.7438526

This is one of the most cringeworthy threads I've ever seen on /ck/, and it's not because of op.

>> No.7438532
File: 2.98 MB, 300x213, mrw-i-get-home-from-grocery-shopping-and-realize-i-bought-the-light-version-of-something-instead-of-the-regular-imgur[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is literally nothing wrong with well done steak

>> No.7438539

>childish name-calling
Don't look in the mirror much, do you?

>> No.7438546

Everybody stop and realize what would happen if trump got food poisoning.

It's like bill gates picking up a quarter. Their lives are different.

>> No.7438557

actually there is nothing wrong with well done steak, only savage retards like americans eat raw meat

>> No.7438580
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>> No.7438593


what does me looking in the mirror have anything to do with you making poor political choices?

oh you're trying to do one of those libfag techniques of insulting people to get your way I understand