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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7434169 No.7434169 [Reply] [Original]

>it's more expensive to eat healthy than unhealthy

When will this meme ever die? It is literally killing people.

>> No.7434176

Buy some vegetables at your local farmers market you dumb nigger, i spend less than 20 dollars per week, often stretching into the next week on food, mostly vegetables and meat when on sale

>> No.7434184

a-level reading comprehension you got there pham

>> No.7434191
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let me just go and kill myself now

>> No.7434198

FWIW my "local farmers market" is twice the price of buying shit vegetables at the local big chain grocery.

Quality is much better, but that fucking price man.

>> No.7434204

stop buying food at fast food places you dumb nigger. food is that way because logistics; veggies dont travel as well or are manufactured as nicely as homogenized meat and grains

>> No.7434234


That's like 25 cents worth of salad if you buy it at the store

>> No.7434236

I think you might be onto something anon!

>> No.7434256

when people are willing to admit that the reason they don't eat healthful foods is because they prefer the taste of unhealthful foods... not because it's cheaper (you can get a tub of oats with 30 servings and 18 eggs for as much as a single combo meal from most fast food places).

that is when shit will start to change.

>> No.7434259

I'm poor as fuck and rode my bike over 450 miles last week on just bananas, dried apricots, oats, beans, and rice. Get on my level or just keep playing video games and watching anime all day while eating processed comfort food. Don't be mad though, I'm actually a cool guy once you get to know me.

>> No.7434265


>literally all carbs
>dried apricots wtf
>get on my level


>> No.7434298

I live in rural Michigan and during the their respective seasons all vegetables grown here are cheap and easily stolen from fields. You can also buy cows and have them processed for substantially lower costs than buying in store.

In towns where produce isnt in season or locally grown its harder to spend money on them.

The problem goes both ways and it has a lot to do with where you are. I dont think anyone will disagree that it is fucked up that a two liter of soda costs one dollar and a package of mushrooms costs up to three for its smallest iteration.

>> No.7434314

Fast food is ok if you dont over do it

Buyimg salads should be a last resort...like youre vegan and jad literally no time for preperation

Buy fast food to indulge, like someone else said its way cheaper if you just made a salad at home....

>> No.7434319

FUCK OFF VEGAN CYCLIST. Durianrider scum.

>> No.7434333

Where I work those bottles of soda are 1.99, we also have a water bottles from damaged 24 packs that we sell for .50-90 cents apiece

>> No.7434335 [DELETED] 
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they sell salad in mcdonalds
is salad fast food?

>> No.7434336

>Not playing videogames, watching anime and cycling at the same time

Hah, I bet you shit like mountain dew aswell you faggot.

>> No.7434356


you can still eat more healthily than a fast food diet without eating many fruits and vegetables. like i said, oats and eggs. you've also got beans, peanuts, canned tuna and sardines, olive oil, on-sale meat, and multivitamins (not optimal, but definitely beneficial if you can't get enough micros from veggies and fruits).

also, ALDI.

>> No.7434409
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>going to a fast food joint for healthy food

>> No.7434440



>> No.7434474

>going any place except fast food joint for any food

I take it you are not currently living in the US of A?

>> No.7434477

Burgers aren't that bad for you, stop blaming the burg and get off your fat ass. Go for a jog once in a while pork buns. Fatty sausage gut.

>> No.7434483
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>buy a big bag of rice, beans, and oats for cheap
>food for hella days
>wahhhhh the only cheap food is the fast food place loaded with sodium and fat

If people would only just do a little bit of research and cooking...

>> No.7434515

In what world is bottled water more expensive than bottled soda, and small salads go for 5 dollars?

>> No.7434520


bottled water tends to be just about as expensive as bottled soda, depending on brand

not sure about salad size in OP's pic but fast food salads are pretty pricey, usually due to the chicken and stuff

>> No.7434585

Where do these people live where there isn't a tap or bubbler on every street?

>> No.7434650

a what now?

>> No.7434664


It's because they have a huge confirmation bias towards it being difficult/expensive to eat healthy.
They want it to be that way because then they'll feel less responsible for their actions ("I'm poor so of course I'm fat since all the unhealthy food is cheap and the expensive food is healthy"), so they deliberately go out of their way in denial and pick unfair or plain wrong comparisons.

It's a defense mechanism to avoid the guilt and shame of being fat. Really not much different than "muh genetics" or fat pride.

>> No.7434667

I take it you're from reddit who eats """"""""""healthy""""""""" prepared meals from trader joes?

>> No.7434851

I'd say the reason I eat out, when I eat out, it's because I just got off from a long shift at work and don't feel like cooking but instead getting that instant gratification for slightly more than just making my own shit.

>> No.7434880

When people say this it usually is true. Not in the raw expense of just the food, but the overall cost of the food.

A common day scenario for millions of Americans is having to eat lunch in a 30 minute window then going back to work. At this point, if the person does not have a home routine or spouse or nutritional coach that helps him pack his lunch and shit the rather cost efficient option is to eat something you can buy from the stores around you. There is a VERY distinct lack of healthy eateries in the entire country because they are profit driven companies. Healthy food is not appealing or addictive to the lowest common denominator, so it is not something they are interested in making.

>> No.7434894

where do you live? im from NZ and farmers markets are definitely cheaper if you know how to haggle and buy seasonally.

>> No.7434895
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Only thing I eat out is dat pussy, naw'm sane?

>> No.7434905

It's at least a little more expensive to eat healthy.
It's not difficult though, most people just don't make an effort to understand cooking from scratch.
I keep a supply of cheap essentials like garlic, onion, jalapeno that make it easy to flavor and cook good food.

>> No.7435008

Water fountain.

>> No.7435013

Lunch is for leftovers. If not how hard is it to pack something like instant oat meal and a banana.
Or soup in a thermos
Or cereal and milk in a thermos.
Or some god damn nuts to munch on.

>> No.7435024

Nigger I have one day off a week and still have time to prep all my meals for work. Anyone over the age of 19 should be able to do the same.

>> No.7435038


Yeah but you're still a cyclist and I hope you kill yourself, unless you're one of those off-road cyclists, then you're cool.

>> No.7435047

>eating out

>> No.7435064


y pup sad

>> No.7435081

It isn't why, it's an example of how.

>> No.7435084

People are increasingly afraid of confronting their problems. That's why political correctness and SJW bs is becoming so popular. It's easier make excuses.

>> No.7435091

What's wrong with eating the burger with the bottle of water?

The burger has more protein and will be more filling than that stupid ass salad that, face it, most people would drown in an oil-based dressing anyway.
You guys think fatties don't enjoy salads? They fucking love them, doused in a hearty dressing with all sorts of vegetables and extra shit. Getting plenty of fiber, but hardly any protein to feel full. Which is why they don't understand why they're starving by dinnertime and overeat.

>> No.7435094


Well, the problem with the bottle of water is that it costs $2 for somethign that's worth less than a penny. Drink tap water. Bottled water has roughly a 4000% markup.

>>more protein
Unless you're an althlete you probably don't need more protein


>>drown in oil-based dressing
That's a problem alright. Throw that shit out.

Are people too stupid to count calories or limit themselves to reasonable serving sizes?

>> No.7435104

>the water costs $2
And? If the person was originally going to shell for the salad they're still saving money by taking the burger and getting the water.
>only athletes need protein
>filling is irrelevant
>overeating has to do with stupidity
People know exactly how much food they shove in their pieholes, they chose to ignore sense because their brains are telling them that they're hungry even if they aren't. Because getting protein and feeling full isn't irrelevant.

You sound like a fattie mcfat.

>> No.7435117

I'm in Detroit and a pound of red bell peppers cost me 49 cents a pound. At the grocery store it's 5 for 5 on sale

>> No.7435121

>>$2 water
You don't see that as a crazy ripoff?

I never said only athletes need it. I said that only athletes need to worry about maximizing their daily consumption.

>>You sound like a fattie mcfat.

How so? I'm the one telling you to eat small meals regardless of whether or not they are filling. I also agreed with you that drenching salad in fatty dressing is a bad idea, and suggested the idea of eating reasonable portions.

>> feeling full isn't irrelevant.
Sure it is. You should base your diet based on reasonable portion sizes and proper nutrition, not what satiates you.

>>because their brains are telling them that they're hungry even if they aren't

That's exactly why "filling" is irrelevant. Rely on sense, not hunger to determine what to eat.

>> No.7435124
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>Drink tap water
>imbibing the fluoridated jew

>> No.7435126

fast food is literally more healthy than eating "healthy"

>> No.7435135

>nothing but carbs

Go ahead and kill yourself vegan piece of shit.

>> No.7435137

>oy vey, what ein health hazard, we can't have zis in public places, think of all ze filthy je- I mean germz
- some guy in the German administration

Germany now has more obese people than the USA although only a fraction of super mega obese people...

>> No.7435144

I'm sorry you live in a place that adds fluoride to water

>> No.7435161


Isn't adding fluoride a perfectly reasonable method of killing bacteria in tap water and making it safe to drink?

I think I missed out on this conspiracy, redpill me

>> No.7435174

/pol/ would have you believe that fluoride was first added to the water supply by the Nazis to pacify its own people and/or the Jews in the ghettos and/or concentration camps. This is, needless to say, bollocks.

It does discolour your teeth though, so it's clearly part of a plot by Big Whitening.

>> No.7435179

stupid people do stupid things, like eat junk food thinking it's cheap when it's actually a lot more expensive.
you could make like 1kg of bolognese (with like 600g of minced meat)+ 1kg whole grain pasta + 2l milk for the price of a bigmac meal

>> No.7435183

Aldis vegetables are extremely fucking cheap. Not sure what the catch is though

>> No.7435187

When? probably never.
1) Fat people are stupid - so the can't see the inherent stupidity of comparing something you eat for calories (burger) with something that nobody eats for calories, but for nutrition (salad). You woul dbe better off comparing a burger to something you eat calories (beans, potatoes, pasta, whatever). Obviously those things are both less expensive and more nutritious.

Not to mention the fact that a diet coke costs the same as a regular coke.

2) Fat people make excuses - Even if they knew this shit, they wouldn't make the proper comparison.

3) Fat people are addicted to terrible shit - This is the only area where I have some sympathy. In some ways, it is too late for them. They will cry and have pseudo withdrawals if they aren't eating the least healthy shit imaginable.

Ultimately, it's easy enough to lie about everything, and fat people have no incentive not to lie (apart from their health, but they clearly don't care about that)

>> No.7435188

ITT: Ameritards.

>> No.7435189

The catch is that you have to mingle with the kind of people who shop at Aldi.

>> No.7435196

Nigger why would you need a spouse or nutritional coach in order to prepare food beforehand

>> No.7435220

if pickled vegetables were more popular, they would probably be cheaper since they last longer. fresh vegetables, especially something that's probably wet like lettuce won't last very long compared to bread with preservatives and frozen beef.

i don't really get the water thing though. somebody said water might not sell as often so they have to charge more for the shelf space, but most places that sell bottled water also have water fountains or tap water for free.

>> No.7435229

>being an amerifat

>> No.7435239

>Fast food is ok if you dont over do it

Fast food is never okay.

>> No.7435247

Eating healthy from the grocery store is WAY cheaper than eating unhealthy food, particularly if you're a vegetarian who eats eggs.

It is true though that shitty unhealthy food is pretty cheap because of all the government subsidies that we give those industries, which is pretty fucking annoying. My tax money literally going to Large McFatass for him to buy 3 hamburgers for lunch, then my money going to him so he can sit on welfare and say he's too tired to work for some mysterious reason, and then my money going to him all over again when he needs quintuple bypass surgery to unclog his body of lard.

>> No.7435254
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>eurotrash being this delusional about their country
Try looking up stats about obesity in your country.

>> No.7435275

But how do you make it taste good?

>> No.7435286

go away durianrider

>> No.7435367


You need to add something for flavor. A smoked ham hock, turkey leg, or ham bone added to the water while cooking would be great. You could also use stock instead of water to cook the beans. Don't forget to season it.

>> No.7435388

>Isn't adding fluoride a perfectly reasonable method of killing bacteria in tap water and making it safe to drink?

Flouride has nothing to do with killing bacteria. That's the job of Chlorine. Flouride is added because it strengthens tooth enamel and reduces tooth decay.

>> No.7435425

fluoride calcifies your pineal gland which means you can't be a wizard or something

>> No.7435432

>lunch is for leftovers

>> No.7435448
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What a fantastic contribution to the thread. Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.7435484
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>> No.7435738

>food everywhere else costs the same as where I live
when will this meme ever die

>> No.7435747


It's no meme bro, you're just not looking hard enough.

>> No.7435754

I have Walmart, Aldis, and Giant Eagle. Some people don't even have that much.

>> No.7435790

It's not even that, it's the same idea as buying a car from a dealer vs a private owner. A dealer will charge more for the same car than an owner will(barring special cases where the owner is a dipshit) because they have more overhead they need to cover.

>> No.7435830

>450 miles

>> No.7435835

>fast food salad
Salad is far cheaper then meat and cheese at the grocery store. Maybe if you weren't such a lazy fatass you'd know this.

>> No.7435836


that looks delicious, recipe?

>> No.7435842

sicc classism

shut up

>> No.7435848

Looks like it's literally just pinhead oatmeal garnished (kek) with 4 blueberries.

Secret to oatmeal is physical common sense, like adjusting water to change the consistency, how early to add salt for grittiness, maybe butter and/or milk for creaminess, any seeds/nut/fruit/spice/sweetener. Mark Bittman of the NYT even came up with a simple savoury version, iirc green onions and soy sauce.

>> No.7435852

How was that 'classism'?

>> No.7435863

*5 blueberries

>> No.7435865

do you really expect everyone to be able to afford marked up Healthful foods

i also can't see why anyone with that as an option would make the conscious decision to purchase mcdonalds regularly

>> No.7435868


Cook steel-cut oats according to package directions. Put blueberries on top.

>> No.7435882

What makes you think oats or eggs are "marked up" items?

What makes you think all humans are rational, moderate creatures that wouldn't prefer the addictive, instant food and cognitive dissonance to the healthful foods?

>> No.7435898

i was not saying hamplanets with no self control don't exist, rather that because it is less costly, very poor people are more likely to eat there?

>> No.7435900


He's not talking about oats and eggs. He's talking about pre-prepared foods that are marketed as being healthy.

>> No.7435917

I thought it was some more complexity than simply doing it according to the box, might try it with a bit of molasses to make taste more sweet

>> No.7435920
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Americans incapable of 4th grade-level reading.
How embarassing.
And what's more tragic is that you could probably fix both the educational and health crisis by just buying 1 less air-carrier or 20 fighter jets or something.

>> No.7436029

>It's because they have a huge confirmation bias towards it being difficult/expensive to eat healthy.

It is expensive to eat healthy.

The activists who promote healthy eating always try to fudge this by comparing healthy home cooked food with fast food. But really they should be comparing healthy home cooked food to unhealthy home cooked food.

A frozen pizza is cheaper than a home made salad. Cookies are cheaper than fruit.

>> No.7436066

The long term cost (diabetes/obesity/high blood pressure) of eating slightly less expensive shit food is going to cost more in the long term.

>> No.7436070

The salad is basically covered in 999999999999kcal dressing, that's why it is so expensive.

>> No.7436100

don't be such an obtuse whole foods faggot

poor people may afford material goods but they'll never be able to put it towards longterm wealth or assets.

its only so much that they'll be able to feel somewhat comfortable, not that it guarantees happiness, stability or financial security. they will always be poor

>> No.7436104

lol I bet you ride a banana bike.

>> No.7436107

Yeah but if they bought fewer aircraft carriers and fighter jets they wouldn't be able to cause as many education and health crises in other countries.

>> No.7436111

You could just buy vegetables at your local Wal-Mart for cheaper you know. The whole 'organic foods' meme needs to die too.

>> No.7436148


>> No.7436196

True"|if it hat tyres and its MUD its coolXD" nigger detected

fuck of baby boomer

>> No.7436204


how does freelee's clitdick taste like?

>> No.7436210

Don't get all mad at me because I don't know what it's like to be poor

>> No.7436297
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This desu, make the fucking burger at home. It's way less bad for you.

Here have some OC
Made a stew that lasted me a week for 15 bucks

>> No.7436308

I can think of 3 fruits and 3 vegetables that can be bought for 79 cents/lb

Both single serving cookies and bags of cookies cost more than $1

>> No.7436315


no dumbass, i'm talking about oats and eggs. and beans and canned tuna and peanuts and marked-down meat.

>> No.7436326

That's gotta be bs
In Northern New York I can get 7 bananas for 2 dollars and change but i can't find any cookies for cheaper

>> No.7436331


oil, salt, bouilion, pepper, and a variety of seasonings and spices (especally the store brand) are extremely affordable.

>> No.7436335



why do you guys assume that you either have to eat fruits and vegetables CONSTANTLY... or eat unhealthily?

there are healthful foods outside of produce. produce sits on the expensive side of healthy, and while it's going to be your optimal source of micronutrients, you can still take a multivitamin if you can't afford fruits and veg.

>> No.7436342

multivitamins dont do anything

>> No.7436346


your body absorvs nutrients from food better than it does from vitamins, yes. but they're not useless (that's why they contain 100+% of your DV of nutrients... you probably won't retain everything), and they're better than nothing.

>> No.7436800

Farmer's Market's are hipster fuckfests, expensive as all fuck.
coming from nzer